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Messages - schacherer

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Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / TO JOYCE HARRIS....READ THIS
« on: March 07, 2005, 05:12:00 PM »
just to clear everthing up about me Leah, first of all i never sent mark adn cheryl a bill for anything, i could because a lot of my stuff is still there but no i didnt. Also yes it is a bad place but i knew that i couldnt do anything about getting the girls out of the program, so i took them back, and i know from experience that the longer you are gone (run aways) from the whitmore the more anger builds up, it had only been a few hours and i didnt think  that would be in that much trouble. And if the whitmore isnt a bad place then answer me this, WHY DID TWO GIRLS RUN AWAY? not to mention one had already been there 1 1/2 years and the other over 8 months.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / HORSE AT WHITMORE
« on: March 07, 2005, 05:05:00 PM »
maybe the horsemanship teachers didnt know because one of them is only 17!!!! and none of them are trained nor have gone to school for veternary medicine

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / HORSE AT WHITMORE
« on: March 07, 2005, 05:04:00 PM »
well while i was at the whitmore casies horse was always sick, she bought the horse from trinity, maybe trinity sold casie the horse because she did not want to deal with all of the vet bills? also the horse never had the vet come out and look at it, the horse had been sick since last winter and never one vet came out to look at her while i was there. Cheyl just had trinity "jr. horse whisperer" look at it and diagnos its problems.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / Whitmore Academy in Utah?
« on: February 04, 2005, 04:08:00 PM »
I've decided not to post anything else on this forum, Im done with it. I have a great life drug free a loving and caring boyfriend. All of these kids threatening me doesn't scare me I just don't care to hear from them anymore. If anyone wants to talk to me in an adult, grown up, mature manner you can e-mail me or send a private message. So goodbye to everyone. I hope you all get the answers you are looking for and also I believe Cheryl and Mark will get their Karma sooner or later, we all just have to live our own lives and forget about the trash. Just take it out and leave it behind.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / i was at the whitmore
« on: February 04, 2005, 04:07:00 PM »
I've decided not to post anything else on this forum, Im done with it. I have a great life drug free a loving and caring boyfriend. All of these kids threatening me doesn't scare me I just don't care to hear from them anymore. If anyone wants to talk to me in an adult, grown up, mature manner you can e-mail me or send a private message. So goodbye to everyone. I hope you all get the answers you are looking for and also I believe Cheryl and Mark will get their Karma sooner or later, we all just have to live our own lives and forget about the trash. Just take it out and leave it behind.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / Miricle Workers
« on: February 04, 2005, 03:53:00 PM »
On 2005-02-03 15:51:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I have experienced such change and beauty in this home. Sunshine fills my heart when i wake up in the morning and see the family that i have so gratefully become a part of. You have to be here to have the full understanding. I wanted to let the whole world know how important Cheryl and Mark and all the kids are to me, They are more than my family, more than my life, they are my everything and with all of my heart and soul and being, i love them. This is a statement that i will never betray, i will never turn my back on them, or put thier lives in jeopardy like leah and erica and some others have done, to ruin such a happy home and family, what a crime! They will surely end up in hell, to cause someone else pain because of selfish reasons, is the biggest sin in my eyes, someone so perfectly trying and loving in everything they do, like Cheryl. She doesn't deserve what you people are trying to do to her, she has a life and kids and grandkids to focus on, this kind of thing just causes drama in her life and pain that she dosn't need. Cheryl is the most forgiving loving caring human being i have ever met in my life and her happiness means the world to me. the world will never understand the gratitude i have inside of me for cheryl and the kids. It is too great to be described in words. It's hurts so bad everytime i think about the pain that you guys put cheryl and mark through because if you only understood and had a heart and if you only knew what they have gone through in thier  lives, you would think twice before saying what you say, They are not perfect and none of us are, but cheryl has taught me that i can make mistakes and she will always love me for me, no matter what, no judgements. Yes she believes in god, but never has she pushed the religion thing on us, its our choice to go  to church and their is no punishment if you dont go. We all go because we respect cheryl and mark and thier family, they gave up so much for us, we have to give a little back, this family is my reason for everything, the reason im living, the reason im drug free, the reason i am more aware, the reason i have a brain. The reason i know what love really is. When the sad day comes that i have to part with this family, i hope i can leave knowing that the world understands what really goes down. And it's all good baby, all good.


Inga, if the Whitmore is you r reason for everything then why do you continue to mess around with boys? Some of the facts I know about just happened within the last four weeks. Is the Whitmore also your reason for doing those things? Why do you do some things and not others? Everyone has their own views on things and their own thoughts, those can not be right nor wrong. Also, you can't what did or didn't go on when I was in the Whitmore because YOU weren't there. So please like you have said before, don't comment or talk about things you didn't see.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / Whitmore Academy in Utah?
« on: February 04, 2005, 01:49:00 PM »
On 2005-02-04 10:19:00, Cayo Hueso wrote:


On 2005-02-03 22:06:00, Anonymous wrote:

"WOW! What got Cheryl going tonight?  Bet those poor kids won't get a wink of sleep tonight. Sure glad my child is home, safe, asleep and well-fed, and not subjected to her ranting and raving all night while she plays therapist and torments kids who are at her mercy. I hate to even think about who she will go after. Who she will decide is the "scum of the earth" tonight.  Sure hope she doesn't decide to tell a group of those kids to "hey, get him out of here."  Everyone knows what that means.  WOW!"

Smacks of what we went through in Straight right down to the core.  Miller Newton "Get this girl the fuck outta my group" to some poor girl that dared to offend him in some way.  Having "group ON someone"???  Someone please explain this to me.  As Antigen said, sounds a lot like the 'come down' raps we used to have, no EXACTLY like them.  

Cheryl!!!  Please explain the therapeutic value in degrading and humiliating these kids!!!  And please explain why you leave THEM to defend YOU!!  Shouldn't it be the other way around????

Every sensible man, every honorable man, must hold the Christian sect in horror.
--Francois Marie Arouet "Voltaire", French author and playwright


Having "group on you" means everyone sits down in a room and Cheryl brings up what you did wrong, whatever it may be, and I mean anything. After you give a tiny explination she makes you give details of everything. Then all the kids "express themselves" to you, and its supposed to help you and the other kids. When group is on you, you can't really defend yourself because you have all the kids yelling in your face, calling you names, telling you how stupid you are. Also if Cheryl is really heated about what you did wrong, she is the one "expressing herself" to you. And for me once it was more than just her talking.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / Whitmore Academy in Utah?
« on: February 04, 2005, 01:08:00 PM »
I know Im just talking and Cheryl is probably right there, but Im okay with that because maybe by me talking something will happen maybe someone is thinking of sending their child here and if they read this it will help them to choose. Im just trying to help innocent kids out.
And I do believe that Hannah wrote that but Im also sure that Cheryl read it before it was posted on the forum to make sure it is okay. And I also ahve another question. Cheryl, if you are reading this which you and I both know that you are, why don't you stand up, be a woman, and defend yourself instead of hiding behind these kids? Isn't that what a "mother" would do. She would protect her kids, what you are doing is wrong. So please why don't you do us all a favor and "get a clue."

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / Whitmore Academy in Utah?
« on: February 03, 2005, 11:23:00 PM »
A reply to Hannah.
I know we had a long talk after the incident on the curise. But the only reason I said all of that stuff was because I thought you would tell Cheryl, yes, I did lie to you, but it was because of Cheryl. We had many long talks when you weren't around. She told me how to act towards you, the same as she tells you to act towards me now. If you don't ever want to talk to me then that's fine. The only reason I called your family was because I was worried. I care about you. You were my best friend. We confided to eachother. The only thing thats different between you and I is the fact that Cheryl got through to you and I was just strong enough to know what was right. I never believed anything Cheryl told me. I would only go along with it so that there wasn't group on me. And you know as well as I do and as well as everyone else, that I am telling the truth everything I have posted is true. I know Cheryl has put you up to this, or maybe she didn't need to because she "got you." She has sucked you into her deep hole. I just wish you could realize that what she is doing, not only to you but the rest of the kids in the program is wrong. I know when I was there the things that happened became normal, and I thought for a while that a family was like that, but now that I am out, living on my own, having my own family, it is a lot different. Yes, in a way Cheryl did help me I guess you could say. I know now what I will never do to a child, or my own family. I know that I will never degrate or put anyone down in the ways she did to me and to others as well. I have also tried to call and talk to you and Cheryl won't let me speak with you. I have been trying to talk to you ever since you ran away. And I believe that Cheryl won't let us speak because before when we were friends in the program, I never let Cheryl get through to me. When we were friends I think I kind of got you on the right page, meaning not getting sucked into her vicious way of life. And just as I said before, when you get out of the program, write again on this website and tell all of us how you feel. I really hope you get to go home and be with your family in May. I hope to hear from you then.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / Whitmore Academy in Utah?
« on: February 03, 2005, 08:34:00 PM »
And to comment on "there is group on when someone fights" how often does that occur? And Cheryl is usually the one who provokes most of the drama. I really just wish you guys could see what she does to you. Its almost like she uses your "problems" against you. She tells you to do one thing and yet when you do what you think she is asking you to do you get in trouble. I only speak the truth. I know Cheryl is making you write these things on here. And Inga, you need to get a clue. Remember what happened to you at the cabin? Do you honestly think that is how a REAL "family" would treat you? Just think a little more when you have something to say. Just think when you write, "would I actualy say this if I was standing in front of a judge?" Im sure the answer would be no. Im sorry you feel the way you do about me, I don't know what I have ever done to you, except for speak the truth so innocent kids won't go into a program with a few problems and come out with a whole new set.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / Whitmore Academy in Utah?
« on: February 03, 2005, 08:27:00 PM »
Yes, Im Leah. What do you mean by "why dont you say who you are?

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / Whitmore Academy in Utah?
« on: February 03, 2005, 08:25:00 PM »
Im really sorry you can't see through whats happening. Im not trying to hurt anyone or make anything worse for anyone, all I am trying to do is help others so that they don't have to go through the things I went through while I was there. I believe that a lot that happened was wrong. You just need to "seek to understand." Wouldn't you be more believeable without calling people names? Don't let your anger make you sound so ignorant.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / Whitmore Academy in Utah?
« on: February 01, 2005, 07:41:00 PM »
Another thing about the e-mail, Cheryl doesn't necessarily check the e-mail that got back and forth form you and your kids. When I was there she had me go through all of her e-mails. Kids talk and many of the e-mails are personal, would you want the whole "whitmore program" reading what you had to say to your kids or even to Cheryl about your kids?

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / Whitmore Academy in Utah?
« on: January 31, 2005, 07:02:00 PM »
while i was in the whitmore the state would come eevry couple of months or so to check it out and to see if the program was run the way it was supposed to be. well we were allowed to have razors, shampoo, ect, all of the bathroom and cleaning supplies you would have in a home. well when mark and cheryl knew the state was coming they would make all of us kids take everything out of our rooms, such as razors, shampoo, windex, comet, all of the knives would be taken out of the kitchen, the laundry would be locked up, the detergeant, ect, also cheryl would lock her room and also the fruit room (thats where they would keep extra food and cleaning supplies. anyway, after they would search the mansion and also the boys house we were able to get everything back. also she made us thuroughly clean the whole entire mansion. when they left we had access to everything. in cheryl and marks room cheryl had a whole closet full of pills she would ask me all of the time to go into her room and get pills for her. if i wanted to i could have taken whatever i wanted out of there. also one time cheryl had a few of the girls clean her room for her, two of the girls stole pills and took them, cheryl knew about it and the girls were punished.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / Whitmore Academy in Utah?
« on: January 31, 2005, 06:53:00 PM »
I was in the whitmore last year as to the school schedule, there wasnt any. when the kids first get there they are set up with an e-mail address and classes online. you have to wait for a password from the school site, but for some kids that would take up to 5 months. we had a time to school, usually about 2 hours a day. we were able to sit around the mansion and do school, some kids did and others didnt. nobody ever checked to see if you were actually doing school. personally, i never did one single assignment. i would just tell cheryl that i was. She pretty much just gave me my credits. I was sort of like chris. like i wrote stuff for cheryl to make to program look good. i talked to parents, told them i loved it and it was a great place to send their kids, all sorts of stuff. if you get on her good side she has you do those sorts of things. but i never once believed anything i was made to tell others, i did it because i was afraid of getting in trouble by her. i hope this helps.

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