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Messages - Jupiter Survivor

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The Seed Discussion Forum / 76-77 Seed Grads
« on: June 01, 2006, 07:46:00 AM »
I really don't remember having any SEED sanctioned fun, but I was a girl.  I used to be jealous because it seemed always guys being able to get out of rap sessions to do maintenance, watching the gate and doing that ridiculous cracked marble floor in his office (anyone remember when they got all that broken marble).  I think it can be attributed to Art's attitude on women.  

The only thing I remember was working the intake desk a few times and being a runner for the phone.  I do remember thinking, that as boring as it was, (we weren't allowed to even talk to each other when we were doing those tasks), it was a whole lot better that being in group.

I do remember one Saturday we skipped the SEED and spent the day out in the woods by the Corbit area.  Said we had car trouble, my brother, Greg G.(from Jupiter)   A guy
that lived they and myself.  I was called into Libby's office and blasted, but at least I didn't get stood up in group like the guys did. I remember listening to everyone tell the guys off and about ready to have a heart attack, thinking I was next.

The Seed Discussion Forum / non rational drug using kids.
« on: May 06, 2006, 08:49:00 AM »
So far I have been lucky.  My oldest is 23, she went through the "being legal" at 21 and for about 2 months would go out with friends a couple of times a week.  Alcohol doesn't really suit her and I after a few times of getting really sick throwing up she realized that watching people getting drunk was a lot more fun.  

I have 5 kids, (23,16,15,13 & 10)  and can't complain.  My 15 yr old last summer was talked into trying to huff freeon.  He is a very bright kids, so after my initial shock and "what the hell were you thinking," we made him do a few hours of a google search on the effects.  That and a kid he knew who did it (who passed out on a red ant pile) was enough for him to realize that wasn't the type of high he was looking for.

My kids are different from me, (of course I never even did drugs until after I went to the Seed) we have a pretty good family and they are suprisingly open with my husband and I.   They have 2 uncles (one on my side and one on their biological moms side) that are living examples of why they shouldn't do drugs, and I think that helps.

For those who don't know me, my bother is also a Seed graduate and thinks it was a great place, and his life is a 30 year testament of heavy drug use, homelessness and jail.

I think the biggest risk is that there life is so bad that they are looking for a way out verses experimenting.

The Seed Discussion Forum / More Trivia
« on: January 16, 2006, 07:12:00 PM »
Do you know when Straight opened in St Pete?  
I remember at the Ft Lauderdale Seed they were going to do some type of a news letter and the group was asked to come up with names.  Not know anything about Straight, I sent in the title Straight form the Seed, I (being young) thought it was a great name and could never figure out why the staff just glared at me (in group of course).

The Seed Discussion Forum / Physical Contact
« on: December 18, 2005, 07:55:00 AM »
Sorry, I am technically challenged.

The Seed Discussion Forum / Physical Contact
« on: December 17, 2005, 06:09:00 PM »
"The whole "condom in the back of Arts car" event just seemed to twist the knife"

Ok, What did I miss?

You know....if the Seed was in Utah, who knows how many "wives" the old bastard would have.

The Seed Discussion Forum / Good Friends/Reunions Only
« on: December 10, 2005, 07:52:00 AM »
"Any group, culture or organization that discourages dissent or disagreement tends to go bad at some point, however good the original intent was."

Exactly......History has shown this over and over again.  If you throw a frog into a pot of boiling water, he will try and get out, BUT if you put him in and slowly heat the water, he will stay until dead.  Are we not so different?  To be thrown in an obvious cult and see all that is wrong from the start, we run like hell, our vision is clear.  If not we  stay until it very slowly shows it's ugly head, we tend to justify the shortcomings, little by little, until we can no longer be objective or see clearly.

I personally think the word cult fits, it denied freedom of independent thought.  There was NO agreeing to disagree that I EVER witnessed there.  I know somewhere on the boards it was mentioned that they didn't like the word cult because it had racist connotations. Yes it does, it has very  much in common with racism....fear and ignorance.

The Seed Discussion Forum / The Psychology of then and now...
« on: December 06, 2005, 11:46:00 AM »
I guess there would be no conclusive answer to any study, I mean unless you send the same person in (have to use a time machine) with the same circumstances, no way to know for sure.  We are all so different, biologically, physically, emotionally and then you add in all the environmental factors, I don't know how you soul sort it out.  Then you would have to factor in the staff at the treatment, did they treat everyone the same, where they more willing to help hardcore addicts than those who were experimenting?

It's not like a double blind study where you can give someone a placebo and then take a few blood tests or answer a few questions.  Even the research on say Bipolar, is not conclusive.  Each person is different and most with that particular disease have overlapping symptoms of other mental health issues. It would be damn near impossible, anyone answering a study would be bias based on what their "perceived" was.  What if they were deluded and thought they were ok but still trying to please the staff?

I think the problems lies in perception.  You can have 100 people witness and event and literally get 100 different versions of the same event, and NO ONE is really wrong.  

Have you ever seen the study, I can't remember when it happened but was in a psy textbook I had, where a child was, at birth deprived of all human affection, they were fed, diapered, etc, but no playing, cuddling of human touch.  There was another one in which a dog was put in a caged area.  Every time he tried to step out of certain boundaries he was shocked.  He literally curled up in a ball and gave up.  

I am not sure what it is that makes some of us fight and some give up.  I complied for many years before I was able to fight.  I had some real depression bottled up inside, I believe to be environmental since I never took any meds.  I went to a therapist in my 30's, and after spending a month or so answering questions and talking about my life, she said basically said anyone who went through what I did would be crazy if they didn't think they were   Gotta love her technical terms!  All in all,  I can to terms with not being able to change the past or the people in it.  I could either turned into a hateful mean person, or be positive and draw some type of good from it.  Do not get me wrong, I would give anything NOT to have to have gone through what I did, but since that can't be changed I will not let it rule my life or let the hate fester inside of me.

Although I can vent some anger here on this board, it is not a reflection of my life.  It is merely my frustration of those in power taking advantage of someone weaker.  Holding accountable those who should have known better and looked the other way.

The Seed Discussion Forum / The Psychology of then and now...
« on: December 06, 2005, 07:21:00 AM »
Not sure if the DSM is the place to look. We could all find ourselves in there if you look hard   I think a few classes in Sociology would be more appropriate.  Sociology shows how society (or our world however large or small that may be) effects us and vise versa.  The study of people and our/their effects on them IMHO deals more with Seed issues.  Being deprived of love and affection until we comply,

I know that when I went into the Seed, I hadn't used drugs, had a very low self esteem (like most teenagers), had a family from hell, and suffered abused.  Give that history, the Seed was the very worst place for me to be.  Could I have had it better not going?  Who knows?  
Auschwitz verses Dachau...the better of two evils.  Although there comes a time where one takes control of his life, he cannot deny the effect his past has had on him.  As much as I have moved on in my life, I would be lying to say I am over it completely. That anger that I still carry, helps me try and help others that are backed into corners and given no options. It gives me an edge on what I do, so one good thing came of it. As a matter of fact, this week about 20 kids now have a better option of an education because of it.  I am no more a meek and compliant person,  I am very vocal, very passionate about kids and am not intimidated by those in power.  I don't think I would have turned out this way WITHOUT being so abused.

I think I would have done better not missing my ENTIRE freshman year of high school (that one thing had a profound effect on my education), been told that I was lucky to have the family I did (since I was such a worthless piece of shit and all),been basically forced to confess to things I never did and be to think on my own (you know like staff thought) to gain some type of acceptance in a place I could not escape.  


The Seed Discussion Forum / Seed Dream
« on: November 29, 2005, 06:17:00 AM »
I used to have them.  They were all basically the same,  I got to tell THEM they were full of shit and their heads were out of wack!

The Seed Discussion Forum / Out of Wak and others
« on: November 22, 2005, 12:34:00 PM »
" I live in the present and not the past or the future."

Actually we all "live" in the present, at this point and time technology can't transport us backward or forward.

To live only in the present, IMHO is like living in denial.  History repeats itself, time and time again, we need to learn from our past, to cope with the present, in order to change the future, that makes a complete person.
To forget the past and not worry about the future is just going to leave you with a lot of therapy bills and sooner or later, you will be in another cult that promises you "peace and tranquility".

The Seed Discussion Forum / Out of Wak and others
« on: November 22, 2005, 07:31:00 AM »
I was not referring to the death camps and gas chambers.  I was referring to the Nazi's experiments, in which they did experiments (bizarre experiments) to prisoners.  Death I feel would have been a better option, a relief from the constant torture.  I don't know about anyone else, but I was suicidal a few times during my SEED stay. I wanted death, a relief and in my mind an answer.

I have been abused, physically and emotionally, and all I can say is, bruises heal.
I realize this may be different for others.

When you were young as I was, to have all of the staff, oldcomers, parents ,etc constantly telling you what a worthless piece  of crap you are (people who have no clue about who you really are), you start telling it to yourself.  You no longer need anyone to do it for you.  Add to that the fact that I never got it, never really could make myself think like them.  If I tried it was a lie, therefore reinforcing the fact I was seriously screwed up.  Pretty screwed up considering we  suppose to think for ourselves.

I still say I was one of Art's sacrificial lamb.  His knowledge on psychology was like Freud on crack.......  

The Nazi's wanted complete control, absolute obedience and unchallenged loyalty ..... anyone else see a connection to the SEED?

Can you imagine what would have happened IF he was able to succeed?  Make the world one big happy (S&M) family?

The Seed Discussion Forum / Out of Wak and others
« on: November 21, 2005, 12:56:00 PM »
Full of shit - this I remember the most.

Sexy Sadie - heaven forbid anyone was a actual  sexual being

Waste of time - not worthy of their precious time since so many others are really trying

Selfish - only thinking about myself - like there was anyone else thinking about me

Head out of Wack - when you don't conform to what they think is appropriate

Playing games - anything you said (or thought -they could read your mind) that questioned any of their authority or rules

Thinking back on it all, the year I spent there, I was put down, berated and humiliated more than my entire life put together.......Felt more like being in one of Hitler's experimental camps.

Amazing what mind control can do.  I suppose the could tell a blind kid his head was out of wack....geeezzz

Makes one wonder if they were a little afraid of a REAL doctor........

I guess that sounds a little strange.  I just remembered that when I told Ginger I had a bad headache and the sun was hurting my eyes ( I was in tears pain and we were sitting out in the back of the building in the heat), told me I was "full of shit and acting like a baby".
I didn't go to a dr until I was 19, because I thought it wasn't that bad and didn't want to be told I was weak.

Has anyone else had staff tell you something like that?

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