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Messages - Brown

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Are you so caught up with yourself that you can't even listen to another person's point of view?  You know what scares me, is that there are people out there as ignorant as you.  If you don't want to read what I write thats great, don't read it.  If telling me to go away and to come back in ten years makes you feel better.  Go ahead.  It doesn't really bother me.

Your right I did graduate in 14 months.  And I am proud of that.  They in no way had me "shakin' in my boots."  I chose to stay after I turned 18 because I wanted to.  I knew that by staying I would be better off.  Say whatever you want.  You call it a "psudo-cult?"  Thats cool, call it whatever you want.  It worked for me.  And it worked for a lot of the other kids that were there the same time I was.  

Keep posting under Anonymous.  It is really easy to criticise other people that way isn't it?  At least I lend a little credibility to what I am saying.  Anyone that want's to get in touch with me has an email address to contact me.  You?  All you do is come on here to do is to criticise others.  You don't actually add ANY inteligent thoughts.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Why WWASP is so dangerous!!
« on: April 30, 2005, 12:21:00 AM »
How can you say that they are not safe for any children?  I to Spring Creek.  And I know that I was safe there.  The whole time I was there, I can honestly say that there was no abuse to me or anyone that I knew.  

While I will not argue, 10 to 15 years ago these places were not safe.  I wasn't there.  I don't honestly know.  But if my expierence at Spring Creek was anything like the expierences at any of the other Schools, they are safe.

I was suffering from depression when I went into the program.  And while it is not ok that suicide attempts and even kids actually commiting suicide take place.  Those were the same kids, that were trying to kill themselves outside of these facilities.  Teenage suicide is a huge problem today.  Instead of arguing the merits of these schools, maybe more people should be focusing on a better way to help these kids.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Cross Creek Manor - Report of abuse
« on: April 30, 2005, 12:14:00 AM »
Cherish Wisdom, you said that a lot of pain, suffering and even death could be avoided if these psychological evals were done before parents just "rushed in".  

I was one of those kids that was just "rushed in", and let me tell you.  If my mom had in any way hinted that i was going to be sent away, I would have bolted.  Most of the cases where it is neccesary for kids to goto these places, if the kid knew he would just run away.  That solves nothing.  

I am not opposed to the psychological evaluations, because i believe that there would still be a lot of kids out there that would still need to goto these places.  Getting the tests done at home doesn't solve the problem though.  It just gives the kid a chance to run.  And I believe that we all would agree that any kid out on his own is not a good thing.

I went to Spring Creek and graduated.  There is no beatings, or not letting kids eat.  That is kids that left that are just bitter.  Those kids just want attention and they get it only by telling those horrible stories.  

I have read alot about these stories.  I am not going to disagree that some of the stories are really bad.  But in NO way did any of that stuff happen while I was there.

I went to Spring Creek, and I graduated.  Why it was no walk in the park.  In no way did they ever once try to convince me that my parents didn't care.  They did quite the opposite.  When I went in, me and my mom had a really bad relationship.  Now it is completely different.  

Why is it that you will believe all of the negative stuff you read on the internet about these places, but won't even listen to anyone that says anything positive about them?  I bet you are the same people that tell your kids not to believe everything you read or see on tv.

The Troubled Teen Industry / ANOTHER WWASPS FATALITY?
« on: October 15, 2004, 10:38:00 AM »
Your right, the word is contract.  But what the "Contract" says is not controlled by the program.  My contract, the program was mad that I made it the way I did.  You are right, they recommend that when students go home, that they should put restrictions on themselves.  The point of the contract is so that the parents know what to expect of the kid when he or she comes home.  The only people that have any say in what goes into the contract is the student and the parents.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Timid wwasp employee speaks out
« on: October 12, 2004, 06:40:00 PM »
No I have not called the BOE, but I do take your word for it.  I don't know anything about the academic side of these programs.  I do know that Spring Creek is an accredited high school, I also know the so is the New York School.  Other than that I don't know about the academics of the schools.

I don't know what the Voy is.  If you could tell me, I would be glad to go their and talk with her.

The Troubled Teen Industry / hello, my name is alicia
« on: October 12, 2004, 06:36:00 PM »
How long have you been out?  Because you and alot of the other people on this site have said something that I can see.  That is that I only recently graduate.  Your right, I could have a different oppinion in a couple years.  

I have no problem with different points of views.  If I did, I would just post on the BBS.  I wouldn't have tried to find these sites.  Why did I find it?  Because I just wanted people to be able to here what I have to say.  When I read through alot of the posts when I first found these sites, I realized there was like no one that even mentions that things might be different than what the web gives these places.  

I said this on  another post on another thread, but I cannot say what happened years ago.  All I can say(which Deborah has pointed out) is what I myself expierenced or what I myself talked to others about.  So I can only say that in the time I was at Spring Creek there was no abuse.  And that from the graduates I have talked to, there was no abuse at their facilities either.

I do respect your view.  I have said all along that I don't agree with all of what the program says.  I too, know that there is some things that could be changed for the better.  And for the life of me, I don't understand why they don't let investigators come in.  It really doesn't make sense to me.(And please don't tell me it is because of the abuse).  I admit that there might have been abuse years back.  I don't know, i had no association back then.  But unfortunatly for these places because of their past they now have a reputation.  I think that there does need to be some modifications made.  But I just don't know that they need to be made on a very wide scale.

The Troubled Teen Industry / ANOTHER WWASPS FATALITY?
« on: October 12, 2004, 06:18:00 PM »
No, I didn't mention anything about trust.  I said that at PC3 the parents and kids sit down and together talk about what their schedule is going to be.  When you come from living in a facility where your time is very closely monitored, then to go home, it was confronting to at least have an idea of what I was going to do.  If the graduate doesn't want to have a schedule they don't have to.

The Troubled Teen Industry / CASA CLOSING
« on: October 12, 2004, 06:15:00 PM »
You can think whatever the hell you want.  I am not a "spammer", but I am not going to waste my time convincing you other wise.  

You first asked why have I done research on Stockholms syndrome.  I am in college, and I am psych major.  That is why.  That is also how I know all about the Bobo experiment.  

You also asked why we would talk to other kids from other facilities about abuse.  While in the program we here all sorts of rumors from other facilities.  So when we got to get together with these other facilities we would ask.  You know what we found.  The same rumors that we had heard that were happening at other facilities those other facilities heard they were happening at even another facility.

The Troubled Teen Industry / ANOTHER WWASPS FATALITY?
« on: October 12, 2004, 05:51:00 PM »
Why do kids need a schedule for when they get home?  When us kids were home originally we had no schedule, and we had no restrictions.  What is wrong with having a little structure.  It kept me out of trouble.  

If you had a kid that came home would you let him just do whatever he wanted to do?  That would just lead him to going over to the same friends that he had before he went to the program.

The Troubled Teen Industry / ANOTHER WWASPS FATALITY?
« on: October 12, 2004, 01:01:00 PM »
Anonymous, you were close, but a little off.

PC3 is when the parents and the child are reunited at the very end of the program.  It is the program graduation.  And during the seminar entire seminar there is almost no intervention from the staff at all.  They just guide the parents and kids as to what to talk about.  The things that the kids and parents talk about is things like what is going to be the kids schedule when the kids go home.

The Troubled Teen Industry / CASA CLOSING
« on: October 12, 2004, 12:56:00 PM »
Your right I do have no right to "blast" other people.  But at least listen to this.  The thing that I have always said about the programs is this.  No kid is going to stay in an abusive situation.  If there was all this abuse going on at Casa, how is it all of the 18 year olds there chose to stay.  They would leave wouldn't they.  And if your son was being abused by his dad, he would (under no circumstance) choose to live in the abusive enviroment, instead of with you.  

I am incredibly sorry that you were beaten by him.  And I do honestly believe that you were.  I do believe that because of that you have a lot of emotion around your ex-husband.  That turned into anger, and now because of that you might be "exaggereting" what your ex is really doing.  If I am wrong, I am wrong.  But if your son choose to live with him, don't take that out on him, by tearing apart the family even more.  

If you ever do have absolute proof that your son is being abused, jump on it.  But make sure you have absolute proof.  And get your ex locked up, because no kid should ever be abused, EVER.

The Troubled Teen Industry / No need for programs??
« on: October 12, 2004, 12:47:00 PM »
I agree with you.  Most do.  But how long would you wait?  Could you just sit their and watch your son or daughter throw away their entire life?  It may take to long for them to realize their "mistakes", and by that point they might have already dropped out of school and have nothing for their life.  Could you wait that long?  I don't believe that you or any other decent human could wait like that just hopeing that things get better.  

I also don't think that every kid in the world needs to goto a program.  I do believe that there are a large number of kids that do.  And if they are given the chance to graduate, I think that it will become clear that they needed some sort of intervention.

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