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Messages - Ottawa 6

Pages: [1] 2
CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / 3 word story
« on: November 05, 2004, 02:32:00 PM »
while SHE drinks

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / 3 word story
« on: October 27, 2004, 03:44:00 PM »

Well, the whole ottawa5 issue has been dead for a month. You haven't been paying attention if you're seeing references to her. If you paid attention when she was posting, you would have seen how offensive and insulting she was. She wrote long, long diatribes and really revealed herself to be mentally unstable. However, we didn't have compassion for her OBVIOUS mental illness. She was supercilious, insulting, superior, and had no respect at all for the pain posted here. Over time, posters became increasingly enraged at her. She threatened posters with legal action and spent hours and hours pouring over and analyzing writing styles, trying to figure out who people were. I actually got a personal message from her stating that she knew who I was and was going to report me to CEDU's attorneys for libel. It was hilarious - I don't even KNOW the person she thought I was!

I created this member name and posed as her son. She kept telling us how perfect he was, but could not produce him here. Her daughter, Ottawa 2, appeared on these posts, as well. I don't fight with kids, so I left her alone. However, her appearance could be interpreted as her putting herself out as fair game. The way I saw it, the daugher was unable to see her mother's personality disorder, so she was wrapped up in it. She defended her mother.

I think the thing that angered people the most was that ottawa5 posted deceptively. She said that her motivation was to learn what worked and what didn't - she stated that she was opening her own therapeutic boarding school. It quickly became evident that her motivation was, in reality, a sick drive to inflict wounds on injured people. I know about these injuries because I worked there.

Besides creating Ottawa 6, I also created Ottawa 5. I did this to jump in there and help defend people against that sick woman - ottawa5. I do what I can. The "fuck you" posts are old and in direct response to her long diatribes in which she clearly baited and taunted people. You have to have been there to see it.

These boards have all kinds of posts - some are serious discussion and some are not. However, be aware that those angry posts against that bitch were all elicited from her. She was heartless.


P.S. - Regarding the name of this thread, you should never put an apostrophe in a simple plural word - it should simply be "posts" with no apostrophe. Ah, CEDU education...

On 2004-10-22 17:27:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I have absouletly no problems with people sharung there expirences. I just keep on hearing more "fuck you ottowa" than acctual stories. :flame: "
[ This Message was edited by: Ottawa 6 on 2004-10-23 15:58 ]

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / OTTAWA MIRACLE NETWORK
« on: October 08, 2004, 02:07:00 AM »
Tink, the whole thing is a joke, responding to Ottawa 5 and ottawa 2 claiming that CEDU is perfect and saved the son/brother, etc. We all grew sick and tired of the O's posts. O5 was superior, supercilious, arrogant, and insulting to all of us. I'm amazed that everyone doesn't understand that I'm making fun of them! Maybe you all haven't seen the O posts. They are infuriating.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / OTTAWA MIRACLE NETWORK
« on: October 07, 2004, 06:24:00 PM »
Ummm... this is a joke, buddy. A joke.

On 2004-10-07 12:32:00, Anonymous wrote:

"haha OTTAWA!!!!!!! u have some serious problems isn't it sad that u had to leave a message anonymous haha to try to promote u're self! I think that u are not wanted in this forum u should leave. And take ure miracle network with u. I am gonna join soon so don't worry i wont be anonymous for long. Till then....stop trying to brainwash people to follow u're sick twisted ways. "

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Ottawa 5 Propheet music
« on: September 30, 2004, 03:01:00 PM »
We need music that is just right for The Ottawa. Ann Murray is good. Any other suggestions for worshiping The Ottawa?

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / OTTAWA MIRACLE NETWORK
« on: September 30, 2004, 02:52:00 PM »
Everyone, we are calling for all of you fine Ottawa worshipers to contribute for our new OTTAWA MIRACLE NETWORK! Our goal is to televise around the clock, all over the globe. Billions of souls can be saved from their own thoughts and ideas! Think of the good you can do! How many innocent souls can you spare? How many can you save from the perils of LOGICAL THOUGHT? Save them! Save them NOW! Save them from the EVILS of CRITICAL THINKING!

Save them NOW - pledge TODAY! Call in right now to pledge your support for this important work that we do! Call (666) 666-6666

Do it NOW!

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / O2 and O5
« on: September 30, 2004, 02:42:00 PM »
Pixie, we will set up a prayer chain to pray for the MIRACLE of your OTTAWA SALVATION! Your soul is in danger, oh Pixie! You are in grave danger of being NORMAL! No, you must resist! You must fight those urges to question anything! Only The Ottawa has the answers for you! Pray for forgiveness, or I shall have to ask her to post a corrective missive for YOU!

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / O2 and O5
« on: September 30, 2004, 02:35:00 PM »
You are wise, my son. Hail, submit to the will of the almighty Ottawa or her WRATH will fall on YOU! She will SMITE YOU with her MIGHTY POSTS - her 6,666 word posts that she miraculously manifests on this board while spending no time at all on them! Her wonderous ability to compare writing styles, analyze posts, and pick apart every damn, fucking word you write, going into LENGTHY monologues explaining to us why it is that she is NOT mentally ill and that all of you - you lowly kids who were at CEDU - all of you don't have a CLUE about how you feel. She will instruct you on how to THINK. She will correct your sick and twisted ideas.

Although the GREAT and MIGHTY OTTTAWA 5 is able to post thousands of words and analyze your posts in great detail, she does not spending any time at it. Only the GREAT and MIGHTY OTTTAWA 5 can, while hardly even turning her computer on, labor at trying to figure out who you are and who you are connected to. Ah, it is only She who has these wonderous powers! Behold The Ottawa - miraculous no-time-blizzard poster!

Empty your mind of your own thoughts... ohhhmmmm... ohhhhmmmm.... ohhhmmmm. Your thoughts, feelings, and ideas are BAD. You will be BANNED from them! You are in your HEAD! Only O5's thoughts will be yours. Only O5's thoughts have merit. Your thoughts are shit. Your thoughts are dirt. Your thoughts are worthless and not worth the electric impulses on the Fornits hard drive. Get out of your head and think only the thoughts of The Ottawa!

I have erected a moose icon on my Ottawa altar so that I may worthy to worship her.  :nworthy: [ This Message was edited by: Ottawa 6 on 2004-09-30 11:39 ]

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / O2 and O5
« on: September 30, 2004, 01:59:00 AM »
Pixie, you must submit to the will of the great and mighty Ottawa. The Ottawa is the soul of perfection. The Ottawa is perfect in herself, and has perfect children. Hail, Ottawa! Oh, mighty Ottawa, grace us with your kind and generous words. The Ottawa is queen, goddess, personification of perfection itself. Indeed, The Ottawa is better than perfection! I must go light candles and incense now...

On 2004-09-29 19:44:00, **PIXIE DUST** wrote:

"OH GOD!  NOT ANOTHER OTTAWA!  these people just don't quit do they?  and anywho, if you, your mom and your sister are the definition of perfect, i am VERY scared for this world, and your kids, if you can manage to have any.    [ This Message was edited by: **PIXIE DUST** on 2004-09-29 19:45 ][ This Message was edited by: **PIXIE DUST** on 2004-09-29 20:04 ]"

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / O2 and O5
« on: September 29, 2004, 02:46:00 PM »
You're fucking brilliant, man!

On 2004-09-29 11:43:00, SON OF SERBIA wrote:

"I can't resist any longer......Or deny the truth...I'm sorry guys, I can't deny it any longer... I am forced to submit to the "Superior & Perfect" Wisdom of Ottawa 5....Only O5 can save me "from destroying myself."

I am her servant.....

Hail! Hail Ottawa 5! :nworthy:

Supreme Mistress of Moose Cock! Hail!  :nworthy: "

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Ottawa 5 Propheet music
« on: September 29, 2004, 02:40:00 PM »
Ya gotta love it.

On 2004-09-29 11:35:00, SON OF SERBIA wrote:

"Ottawa 5 is Canadian, So How About:

ANNE MURRY'S  "Greatest Hits"

Just play the whole album!"

Shame on all of you! You should ALL be put on BANS! Look at blownaway... he's suicidal! He should be BANNED from computers! BANNED from writing! BANNED from reading! BANNED from funerals! BANNED from breathing! BANNED from ANYTHING that gives him ANY kind of happiness! My mother, the perfect and beautiful Ottawa 5 banned me from expressing any of my own thoughts and ideas and it was a GREAT idea! She's done the same with my kid sister, and you see the TERRIFIC results! That girl isn't in her head AT ALL! She's in our sainted mother's head! No thoughts of our own - too dangerous!

Hail Ottawa... Praise all-knowing, all-powerful Ottawa... oohhhhmmmmm...

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / O2 and O5
« on: September 29, 2004, 02:12:00 PM »
Thanks, guys. I just couldn't help myself!

On 2004-09-29 08:32:00, SON OF SERBIA wrote:

"  :silly: like your sister Ottawa 2?  :wave:

.[ This Message was edited by: SON OF SERBIA on 2004-09-29 08:35 ]"

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Ottawa 5 Propheet music
« on: September 29, 2004, 02:12:00 PM »
This is Ottawa 5's perfect son. I need help in recommending the perfect music for The Ottawa 5 Propheet. Please help! I am so dazzled by her flawless and superior intellect, that I am unable to even think clearly. My Ottawa 5 alter in my apartment is ablaze with Ottawa candles. They are distracting me. Hail, oh Ottawa...

So... music?

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