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Messages - van_islander_hedican

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CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / 21 in prison
« on: January 05, 2005, 06:15:00 PM »
Ive been to prison aswell and I would way rather be in prison than be in a CEDU school. Theres no comparison whatsoever. In prison your just serving time, waiting to get the fuck out of there, Cedus kind of the same except instead of just being able to do your time and mind your own buisness, you have to be subject to a bunch of hill billie phycos trying to brain fuck you all day long. Its a fucking money scam, thats all the CEDU system is. The get young kids in there and they keep them in the program for as long as possible, the whole time milking more and more cash out of the parents. Its simple to see, The staff dont give 2 fucks about anyone in the program, and managment is the exact same way, its just a buisness, and CEDUs buisness is to trap kids in there program for as long as possible milk as much cash from the parents as possible, all the while keeping the cycle alive.

Someone from the states needs to drop a fucking huge bomb on B.C.A, R.M.A and Ascent, then maybe CEDU will get a little news coverage and people will begin to realize how fucked up CEDU really is.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Ascent
« on: September 17, 2004, 04:31:00 AM »
I will never forget boston chris. I was there in 96.

If I ever see him,,id kill em.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / RECENT CEDU STUDENT
« on: September 16, 2004, 03:02:00 PM »
Dont go back no matter what.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / BCA peoples
« on: September 15, 2004, 03:05:00 PM »
HAHAHA ya fuckin faggot, your a joke. First of all,, alot of people who attended CEDU have very rewarding lives and great jobs. If you think CEDU was benificial in anyway your an idiot,,you say just move on and forget abou it?? thats all fine if thats what you want to do, but obviously theres alot of people harbouring anger towards this company for a reason. If someone fucks with me I remember it, CEDU fucked with alot of people and alot of people are still angry. Apparantely you dont mind being pushed around and mind fucked,,move on and forget about it thats all good, but just remember your one of those little bitches that would rather forget about something than address it. I dont wallow in sorrow about CEDU,, I just feel bad for the kids having to go through what I went through,I dont think its right.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / BCA peoples
« on: September 15, 2004, 02:50:00 PM »
The cops are probobaly on the take. Im sure they know all about B.C.A and the supposed fucked up kids that go there. CEDU probobaly told the cops "this is program to help troubled kids" the cops probobaly dont give a fuck what goes on there. I find it hard to belive that they know nothing about B.C.A thats bullshit.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / BCA peoples
« on: September 15, 2004, 02:46:00 PM »
Its simple,,,, Pull your child from B.C.A this afternoon, dont wait another day. CEDU is not a good place to send your child for anything. You dont understand how important it is to remove yor daughter from that pyscological damaging program,, who knows whats happening to your daughter. You wont know until the programs over beacuse the staff screen all the mail. Your daughters telling the truth,, shes probobaly barely making it through the days in there. The staff screen letters beacuse if they didnt alot of children would convience there parents to remove them from the program,,that means less cash for CEDU. So do the right thing and save your daughter from becoming brainwashed. My parents pulled me half way through the program and its the best thing theyve ever done. CEDU is very EVIL.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / At brainwashing camp.....
« on: September 14, 2004, 03:49:00 PM »
Please tell me more about the changes, I was there in 96-97. When I left CEDU I wanted to sue them for years, eventualy I just forgot about it until one day I stumbled across this website. It sparked memories that I would rather not give any attention to, althogh I still find myself intrigued as to whether or not there is still really really weird fucked up shit going on there. I feel bad for ya, its sucks you were there so recently.

Add my name to the list, Justin Hedican. I split after the brothers phrophet, Best desicison I ever made. I went home on a home visit and It didnt take long to convince my parents that CEDU was seriously a fucked up place. During the 16 1/2 months I attended the CEDU schools I saw alot of people get shipped of to pine crest alot of others were pulled from the system. (lucky for them). This was from 96-97.


I just have a question for you. Alot of people in this website think your a fucking idiot, I havent been posting here for long but, I was wondering,,,,if you think CEDU is or was such a helpful place, why dont you leave Fornits and go start you own Pro-CEDU site?

I dont understand why you think you deserved to be phycologicaly abused?. CEDUs fucked, Its almost imposible to explain to someone who hasnt gone through it what its really like. Its a fucked up cult. I understand the embarasment part of things, that school was fucking humiliating and I wish to this day I could break some legs of X staffers. What it comes down to is, all of us went through something really fucked up, Myself I knew all along it was wrong and twisted, but it still had a huge effect on me.

Fuck I feel bad for ya. I cant belive CEDU is still teaching the same shit as they were in the 90s its hard to belive that theres kids sitting in that shit hole right now, going through the same shit I went through in the mid 90s. CEDUs time is commin

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / FORMER CEDU STAFF
« on: September 13, 2004, 02:02:00 AM »

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / A Complete Moron!
« on: September 11, 2004, 04:03:00 AM »
Id like to smash that nose of John Aarons back the other way. It looks like someones already given it a good smashin,, lucky bastard.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / A Complete Moron!
« on: September 11, 2004, 04:00:00 AM »
HAHAHA, Holy fuck. Look at that little rat faced bitch. I remeber him.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / cedu lawsuit
« on: September 09, 2004, 07:43:00 PM »

My name is Justin Hedican, I live on Vancouver Island B.C Canada. I attended CEDU in 95-97. Ive been trying to find  A lawyer to represent me in order to sue CEDU for 2 years now. In 2002 I mailed Mr. Reid, Thousands of pages of documents photgraphs and statments. In return Mr.Reid was supposed to start a law suit against CEDU for me.What happend was the exact opposite. I never heard back from Mr.Reid. He stopped returning phone calls and my documents suspiciously dissapered.Mr. Reid became impossible to contact.I just joined this site today, and I find it very shocking to see that Mr.Reid has now brought a class action law suit against CEDU, I find it even more suprising that I was never contacted about this case.Due to my previous determintation to bring suit against CEDU. I would give my full support in aiding a class action suit against CEDU. Not only have I been subject to abuse by CEDU staff including a broken arm and nemorous other injuries, but many others have to. I think its time for more people to step forward and aid us in sueing CEDU. I have documents and staments and would love to be a part of this class action law suit.

Write me an Email @ [email protected]

Dont let me forget Clark from Ascent 95-97. He was the ugly hillbilly cocksucker with the hairlip that liked to restrain helpless little kids for no reason. Clark also loved to rap kids up in burridos at Ascent and torture clausterphobic defenceless teenagers.  little does clark know, That shits gonna come back and bite em in the ass someday.

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