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Messages - Nomad

Pages: [1]
Know what's worse than being the third party topic of a thread that you started merely to say hello?


Matt, I read your PM this evening. I'd not been back to see it since you wrote it.

The trouble you had during your time on staff and your being fired was, obviously, a lot to deal with. I wouldn't wish that set of circumstances on anyone.

I'll not defend myself to you now, nor will I ever - I have no reason to. And, I'll not easily forget that you and Ginger would call me a Nazi. I don't care what context you used *particularly* since you stated, clearly, that you know I'm Jewish. There is no greater attack on one's character than that.

And even given all that, as I said before, I wish you well and hope that you're able to come to find peace. It took me a long time to come to terms with my role there, both as a phaser and staff but I have, and I'm comfortable with it. I certainly didn't do it alone - it took working it through with people who understand because they were there so if this, for you, is somehow cathartic, then I'm glad (in some strange way) that I could be a part of your healing process.


Matt -

Let?s see if I have this right. You show up in this thread and lay out this diatribe about me being involved in your getting fired which was untrue. You accuse me of being one of Dean's henchmen - also untrue. I despised Dean throughout my phases, my tenure on staff, and long after for the way he treated people, including me. You mistake my having come to terms with my involvement in that cult and my role as staff with some sort of bragging - incorrectly. You claim that I was assigned to "watch" you - a lie. You ask me for forgiveness and, while I don't think that it means a great deal coming from me, I forgive you.

And now, finally, you call me a Nazi?

I'll not continue down this path with you. I'm past it.

Eudora -

No apology necessary, but thank you nonetheless. I haven't a clue as to who that particular Anon is, simply that they identified themselves as someone who knows me, one of my friends, and my mother's artwork. Only someone who was in Stoughton at the time I was would know that her paintings were on the walls.


Eudora -

I didn't write that which you are giving me credit as the author. If you go back and read the thread, the Anonymous author claims to know me and my mother's artwork that was on the walls. I agree with your statement, FWIW.

I didn't ask for forgiveness. Matt did. And, if by suggesting that the way I remember ancient history is somehow a smear, well, for that I have no rebuttal. I had nothing to do with (nor was I aware of why) Matt being fired. That much I DO remember.


On 2006-03-30 21:23:00, Eudora wrote:


"From all I've read today it seems like, for many folks out there, Straight was the most significant thing that has ever happened to them and they have chosen to define themselves by it. Not so much on this message chain, but there are some people out there that need to move on."

Damon, that rankles for a couple of reasons. First the insider use of the word "chose". Have you noticed over the past 20 odd years that nobody other than Straightlings goes out of their way to throw that word in there in this kind of context?

Blaming the victim?

Second, you want forgiveness? Try a sincere apology instead of insinuated smear. You'd be surprised.

A fundamentalist Christian President who claims God told him to invade Iraq ? an act that killed more than 150,000 civilians, mostly women and children ? is not that much different from a fundamentalist Islamic fanatic who claims it is the will of Allah that he send young men to America to crash airliners into office buildings and kill 3,000 plus.' target='_new'>DOUG THOMPSON


fka ~ Antigen

Drug war POW  

Straight, Sarasota

`80 - `82

return undef() if /coercion/i;[ This Message was edited by: Eudora on 2006-03-30 21:24 ]"

Matt -

you unload on me like that and, only in the end, ask me to forgive? You really don't know me, do you?

But, it's twenty-something years later and I'm learning to practice restraint. So, rather than lash out in the same harsh manner as you did toward me, I'll simply let it go. You're forgiven (as if, coming from me, that meant something).

Oh, and just in case you thought I thought differently... I *know* I was a prick. Why do you think I always on the schedule to run Friday nite review? And, yes, I mostly am still (a prick, that is) - but in spite of that there are some out there who love me. Funny how that works.

Be well, Matt. I hope you find peace.


Matt, you and I remember things very differently.

I wish you the best of luck.


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Open Meeting...
« on: March 12, 2006, 08:42:00 PM »
I don't ever recall a basket being passed in Stoughton, tho I don't recall much from Friday nights except Review.[ This Message was edited by: Nomad on 2006-03-12 17:43 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / The Straight Jacket 1985-1987
« on: March 03, 2006, 04:06:00 PM »
they can't. dogs don't have opposable thumbs.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / The Straight Jacket 1985-1987
« on: March 03, 2006, 03:40:00 PM »
[ This Message was edited by: Nomad on 2006-03-03 13:05 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Springfied VA late 85, Stoughton MA 86
« on: October 13, 2004, 04:27:00 PM »
I guess it was pretty short... 7 1/2 months door to door (11/23/85-7/18/86). Still not sure if I was just ready, TOTALLY brainwashed, or understood that I had to play the game to get to the other side. I still remember my days, vividly, as if they were branded on my brain: 34/14/28/98/64. I suspect that part of the deal was Straight was looking to populate the MA program and I was certainly headed that way when I got off 1st phase, and I yelled good.

Ira, as I recall, was diabetic and had a problem with his skin. Sorry to hear that he rotted away in VA... I can't imagine having done a day more than I did, let alone three years.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Springfied VA late 85, Stoughton MA 86
« on: October 13, 2004, 02:33:00 PM »
Marcus -

Your name doesn't shake anything loose, but your intake was only two days before mine... it took me a while before the fog cleared. I was only in VA until 2nd phase (I think) before I was brought up to Boston. Not a lot of time for me to make either friends or lasting impressions.

There were a few who I'll not forget from VA... Wes, Ira, Steve S (my first OC), some others.


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Stoughton people, where are you?
« on: August 08, 2004, 08:06:00 AM »
still here.


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / F*ck this, F*ck that... We love you
« on: August 06, 2004, 04:07:00 PM »
Admittedly, my memory of being in there is hazy, but I don't remember not being able to swear - it was about the only vice there was left! I vaguely remember hearing "Sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up" more than once.

I'll have to defer to Father A and his steel-trap memory.

oops, posted anonymously. no need for that.

My intake was November 23, 1985 in Springfield. Moved up to the Boston program in (I think) January of 86. I haven?t seen a lot of postings from people around that era - wonder who's out there...

I still have flashbacks from time to time, although they are rare now. I don't know if that's as a result of my having come to terms (best I could) with being part of Straight inasmuch as one can come to accept having been in a cult, etc. or simply because it was so long ago that time even my subconscious can't remember. But now, WAY on the other side of it, I can see how it was so easy to quit smoking cigarettes (finally) by hypnosis - gee, what a surprise that I would be susceptible to it.

Anyone out there that I shared a plastic chair with?

Damon M.

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