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Messages - Alice Clearman

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Boo hoo!! No one is responding to me. I think I just wasn't there long enough... not that that's bad!!

I worked in Running Springs under Dr. Soltani in around '97 or '98 - I think he had some movement of therapists in the '90s. My married name is Alice Fusco.

I am hoping to find out how some of the kids I knew are doing. Anyone? You can send me a private message, if you wish. Also, there are therapists and maybe some staff (?) here? I didn't know many of the staff members, so any staff here might not remember me - and v.v.

I would like to hear from anyone who knew me - curious, I guess. CEDU was the only place I ever worked at that was anything like - well, like CEDU. It was something different, that's for sure!

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Moving on
« on: August 07, 2005, 07:27:00 PM »
Well, send me a message if you wish!

On 2005-08-07 10:45:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I know I know you...I was there then too."

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Moving on
« on: August 06, 2005, 05:41:00 PM »
Hello - I worked for Dr. Soltani there in '97(?) Anyone here who knows me?

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Moving on
« on: August 02, 2005, 01:38:00 AM »
Some time in there - yes, I did go to UCR. Got my bachelor's there and then drove to San Diego for the Ph.D. 100 miles from home!! I was a Ph.D. candidate when I worked there. Let's see... um '97?  '98? Can't quite remember - too lazy to look it up! Some time in there. I think I left in late winter or early spring of... '98? Februarly, as I recall.

Send me a message!!


On 2005-08-01 22:13:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Were you there between 1994 and 1998. Were you a Ph.d. candidate at UCR? If you were I believe I know you."

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Moving on
« on: August 01, 2005, 03:06:00 PM »
Hello, I heard CEDU closed. I was one of the therapists working in Running Springs some years back. I don't remember how long I was there - I was not a CEDU employee. I was there when stuff was happening - people were being pulled and I think there was a series of therapists - a few. Don't know how many. I didn't keep contact with anyone there.

I do remember one of the therapists was Bruce Fountain (sp?).

I recently met a woman who had worked for CEDU and told me it closed - she said she was a new employee and they were given a day notice - or less. Something like that. I'm long gone from CEDU and I'll admit that I had some issues with some of the things they were doing there. Those Propheets sounded terrible. This person said they were different when she was there. I never went to one - I don't think any of the therapists did. Maybe I'm wrong. It certainly would be inappropriate to participate in it.

Someone told me that the therapists became CEDU employees - I sat next to him on a plane. I don't remember his name, but he worked at RMA. I was nice to him. Hey, I'm up to a challenge! Anyway, is this true? Did they become employees? Were they employees in Running Springs?

Do any of you know me? Probably not... I wasn't there much - maybe 2 or 3 days a week. And I think I maybe worked for a year? Less? Can't remember. I was a student while I was there. I never did become CEDU-ized.

I would like to hear from any of the students who might have known me. Former Cedu Therapist told me that some of you here may have known me... I'd love to hear from you if you do!

I see a lot of pain in these threads. I hate to see it - and I'm not too surprised. I also see some great humor and clever sarcasm. Good for you! The best revenge is living well!


Open Free for All / Sex with Ghosts
« on: April 13, 2004, 10:43:00 AM »
No, but I would LOVE to find him - he has to be a relative. My cousin did our genealogy and found that all Clearmans are related. It's a very unusual name. If anyone can find him for me I would love it!

On 2004-04-13 00:53:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Are you related to Jack Clearman who is a former BCA therapist?"

Open Free for All / Sex with Ghosts
« on: April 10, 2004, 02:27:00 AM »
This presentation is a classic, text book, Hypnagogic and/or Hypnopompic dream state. They are states of consciousness that occur when the brain's timing in stages of sleep is a bit off.

In this state of consciousness, the person feels a presence, including physical sensations. Typically, it is interpreted as ominous, but sometimes the "presence" is welcomed. Orgasms do occur during sleep for many persons. The belief that the presence is a ghost, deamon, or space alien is cultural.

Alice Clearman, Ph.D.

On 2004-03-12 15:34:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I am a 40 year old woman who has on numerous occasions had sex with ghosts.  This is not a joke!

They always occur early in the morning, sometimes with my husband is sleeping beside me but usually I'm alone.  I am aware of being somewhere between asleep and awake.  (Though they have also visited me on occasion in my dreams.) I know where I am, what day it is, and that I am in a state of conciousness that will certainly mean a visit.  They alway enter through a door, and they always announce their presence in some fashion.

The ghost that visits me now lets me know he's here by rotating my limbs and sometimes my whole body around the bed.  Then he touches me and makes love to me in one form or another.  Sometimes there are more that one.  Sometimes they are gentle and sweet and other times they get a little rough.  I almost alway have an orgasm, but if they do something that scares me, they leave right away.

For awhile I was being visited by a ghost who would announce his presence by sliding his hand around the bed.  I could hear it and feel the pressure on the mattress.  Then I would be aware of an intense heat going up my legs to my abdomen.  The orgasm would be so intense and so complete, I would still be pulsating as I come to fully awake.  One time I opened my eyes when I felt the heat going up my legs, and I saw a black fog hovering in the middle of my bedroom.  This scared the hell out of me.  It disturbed me, so I got on the internet and read about Incubus.  I told my husband about it and we researched it together.  He is very supporting though admitted that he was not happy about sharing me with Incubus or anyone else.  I decided to take a stand the next time this partucular ghost visited me.  It was a bit of a struggle (he was a powerful force.)  Then a couple nights later, he came to me in my dream and we had a battle of sorts.  I recall looking at him determined not to let him scare me and a forceful wind was blowing through the room.  However, I have not been visited by that ghost again.  It gave me a sense of control.

The ghosts that visits me now is not as powerful.  I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.  I have to say I miss the intensity of this ghost.

I know many people will read this with disbelief, but I hope some people will recognize my story for what it is.  Or maybe someone has some insight as to what this means."

Open Free for All / stupid stepdad. help
« on: April 10, 2004, 02:12:00 AM »
I'm so sorry to read your story! You don't say anythng about your mom. Is she supportive of you? Evidently not.

Ginger very wise. I've read many of her posts. Heed her advice and get on with your life. Are you almost 18? If not, you will be!

Your life is yours. If you let an asshole get you upset, you are actually handing control of your emotional life to him. Does that make sense? I know it's hard, but your life is YOUR life. You get out there and do well in school and find something you love and do it like hell. Be kind, work hard, and do the right thing.

As Ginger said, the people who know you will know what is a lie about you and what is true. Hold your life, your intelligence, your talents as the best thing you have!

Also, expect him to be a complete jerk. If you expect him to be horrible, you'll never be surprised! Don't tell yourself that he shouldn't treat you that way, etc. Tell yourself, "well, there he goes again, being himself."

I wonder if a part of what you're dealing with is the fact that your mom chose him and it may feel like abandonment for her to stay with him. If he's abusive - if he beat you up - it's her job to kick his sorry ass out and protect you. If she's not, then that may cause you to feel like she chose him over you.

I hope you'll just develop all the great things about you and let go of hoping something will change. The only thing you have control over - the only thing you can change - is you. Your beliefs and feelings. Your actions. If you believe he should not treat you that way, you'll be upset. I'm repeating myself!

Just work at developing yourself, appreciate the good things about you, and don't get pregnant!  :scared:

You can make your life a wonderful thing. The best revenge is doing well.

Good luck to you, Dear!

On 2004-04-09 13:38:00, socialdeviant wrote:

"My stepdad is a complete asshole, who lied his way for my to get shoved into Northwest Behavioral Center, then kicked me out, and now i am living with my sister (that part is cool). but he told my exboyfriend that i said he raped me, told my mom i was a slut, and told my brothers and sisters all of the above and more. now my brothers and sisters did not believe most of the bs, but the fact is, my stepdad still said it. he is such a hypocritical fuck, and sooo full of shit. he has ruined so much in my life, and now i am expected to just be ok with that now that i am out of 'treatment' :mad: to top it all of the bastard beat the shit out of me before sending me to treatment, spread rumors about me through a very small town, made my depression into a show (said i cut myself for attention, even though i hid it for 4 years), and told me i was nothing and no one would ever love me, which is fine, because apparently i am not able to love anyone myself. how the fuck am i supposed to deal with him and my family, who comes to his defense in his presence, but talks crap behind his back, and am i the only one with the balls to stand up to him? yes, and that has put me on the with my family. help. sorry so long...

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