
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore => Topic started by: Anonymous on May 18, 2005, 10:39:00 PM

Title: Cheryl's Gearing Up For Big BOO-HOO CRY WEEKEND!! Bring on
Post by: Anonymous on May 18, 2005, 10:39:00 PM
Cheryl should be in rare form for her up coming "Parents Weekend/Alumni Home Coming / Graduation" Event on Memorial Day Weekend.

Gathering up the former students---buying lots of plane tickets, huh?

Lots of crying stories to tell and re-tell!!!

Horse-killing Canadians!
Horse-killing mean old Mexicans!
Lying about abuse students!
Sudweeks-hating Nephi Policemen!
Mean old Attorney Generals Office!
Hateful, ungrateful parents
BOO-HOO-CRY-CRY---- bring on the tears Cheryl!!!

Better teach Markie Boy how to cry a bit.

Might get some contributions for the legal fund!
Title: Cheryl's Gearing Up For Big BOO-HOO CRY WEEKEND!! Bring on
Post by: Anonymous on May 19, 2005, 09:34:00 AM
How about she cries some valid tears for the kids she abused? Or the kids who got cheated out of a year of therapy and education?
Let her cry about something that matters,for once! Too sick to even recognize what matters!
She and Mark could cry a river of tears and it wouldn't make anything better for the kids whose trust they violated.
Title: Cheryl's Gearing Up For Big BOO-HOO CRY WEEKEND!! Bring on
Post by: Anonymous on May 20, 2005, 01:55:00 AM
Cheryl loves to tell these sad, lying TALES along with how much she loves children. Wish these parents could just see her in one of her cussing, raving, spiting, hitting, screaming fits....see the REAL CHERYL. Then these parents would be BOO HOOING.
Title: Cheryl's Gearing Up For Big BOO-HOO CRY WEEKEND!! Bring on
Post by: Anonymous on May 20, 2005, 09:56:00 AM
Gotta feel sorry for the parents of these "GRADUATES of Whitmore" in a way. They will go through the "graudation," watch their kid receive the more-than-likely forged transcript of classes the kid never took...and possibly in a few weeks or months when the kid's mind begins to clear these same PROUD parents will hear the words: "Mom, Dad--I need to talk and tell you WHAT REALLY WENT ON AT WHITMORE....."