
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => Straight, Inc. and Derivatives => Topic started by: Anonymous on May 14, 2005, 12:44:00 AM

Title: Semblers Donations To Cheney
Post by: Anonymous on May 14, 2005, 12:44:00 AM
WASHINGTON - A $14,000 shotgun, a $2,700 mountain bike and five fishing rods were among $26,346 in gifts President Bush accepted last year, according to his financial disclosure form released Friday which also listed millions of dollars the president has invested in U.S. Treasury notes and certificates of deposit.

The annual disclosures required by law offered a glimpse into the president and Vice President Dick Cheney's wealth ? and what they gave each other for Christmas last year.

As might be appropriate for a second-in-command, Cheney spent more ? $170 more ? than Bush did on him. Cheney gave Bush a $595 clock that the president keeps on his desk in the Oval Office. Bush gave Cheney a $425 globe on a wooden stand.

But because federal ethics law allows them to list the values of their assets in wide ranges, rather than precise numbers, it is difficult to discern whether the two are wealthier than they were a year ago.

The disclosure, for instance, said Bush's 1,583-acre ranch was worth between $1 million and $5 million. The president reported having at least $4.95 million in Treasury notes, $750,000 in certificates of deposits and $217,000 in checking and money market accounts. Bush owns the mineral rights valued at up to $15,000 on property in Reeves County, Texas. He also owns a tree farm, which is not expected to have commercial sales until 2007, which currently has a value of just under $600,000.

Bush received the shotgun from Roy E. Weatherby Jr., head of a family-owned firearms firm based in Atascadero, Calif.

There is no limit on the size of gifts a president can receive from a U.S. citizen, but federal law requires him to declare them if they are valued at $285 or more, White House deputy press secretary Dana Perino said. Multiple gifts from the same donor must be listed if their cumulative total exceeds the $285 limit. Gifts from foreign officials must be turned over to the U.S. archives on behalf of the American people.

The bike, helmets, gloves and other biking equipment was a gift from John Burke, president of Trek Bicycle Corp. in Waterloo, Wis. Former Commerce Secretary Donald Evans gave the president a fishing rod, shirt, three caps, a book, a sweater and fishing bait.

Bush received gold cufflinks worth $650 from classical pianist Van Cliburn of Fort Worth, Texas; a $400 cowboy hat from Mickey Foster of Austin, Texas; and two chairs from the 1949 Texas State House chamber valued at $500 from Texas state Reps. Tony Goolsby, a Republican, and Pete Laney, a Democrat who used to be speaker.

Mrs. Bush accepted $400 in salad plates from Tricia Lott, wife of Sen. Trent Lott (news, bio, voting record), R-Miss., and a $1,300 gold bracelet from the first couple's friends, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bernstein of Riverdale, N.Y.

Cheney's disclosure showed he received 10 gifts. They included a $1,600 painting of a house on the Delaware River; a $400 hand-tooled fly tying set in a carved wooden box; a dozen bottles of wine valued at $699; and a $120 pen and a $350 silver apple from Mel Sembler, the U.S. ambassador to Italy.

From the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation, Cheney received a $350 hatchet ? with a pewter blade and carved wooden handle ? commemorating the Lewis and Clark Expedition.
Title: Semblers Donations To Cheney
Post by: Anonymous on May 16, 2005, 07:56:00 PM
and all of that gibber jabber proves what...You know how to cut and paste?
Title: Semblers Donations To Cheney
Post by: Antigen on May 16, 2005, 10:16:00 PM
On 2005-05-16 16:56:00, Anonymous wrote:

"and all of that gibber jabber proves what...You know how to cut and paste?"

Sure, and to read and to comprehend. And it also proves that Smell Sembler is still kissing some highly placed asses within the Büsh regime.

Here's an interesting question. Do you think the similarities between interrogation methods used by MI at Gitmo and Abu Graib and those employed in Synanon based programs are totally coincidental?

What's the commonality among the subjects? What could be the objective?

Save our planet; it's the only one with chocolate!

--Andi, domestic goddess

Title: Semblers Donations To Cheney
Post by: thepatriot on May 17, 2005, 08:51:00 AM
I guess we should employ more humane torture like basket  weaving classes and curry cooking lessons.
Come on its war, where is the cry out when they are beheading innocent civilian contractors, that are trying to rebuild their sorry ass country. Sorry this has NOTHING to do with Straights or Synanon based programs. I know some of would like to believe that but I doubt the cult industry laid the ground work for interrogation methods employed by the CIA and MI.
Title: Semblers Donations To Cheney
Post by: Antigen on May 17, 2005, 11:29:00 AM
Oh, you dear, sweet, niave galoot! I mean that, really. It's sort of refreshing to get a peek into your world of stars and stripes clad super heros where everything's black and white and all.

But the reality is that our contractors are not doing so much of rebuilding infrastructure that we just paid them to demolish as building military bases and other assetts for themselves on our dime.

Smell Sembler has not lost interest in his private prison hobby. So whatever he's doing, you can be assured that it plays into those goals.

I know some of would like to believe that but I doubt the cult industry laid the ground work for interrogation methods employed by the CIA and MI.

No, buddy, it's the other way `round.

The trouble with practical jokes is that very often they get elected.

Will Rogers, American humorist, political commentator and cowboy philosopher

Title: Semblers Donations To Cheney
Post by: Anonymous on May 17, 2005, 11:43:00 AM
"Oh, you dear, sweet, niave galoot! I mean that, really. It's sort of refreshing to get a peek into your world of stars and stripes clad super heros where everything's black and white and all.

Thats good Ginger, I still love ya anyway, it has nothing to do with "My World" just ignorant statements that the Straights laid the ground work for the way the Military runs its interrogation methods, they existed long before you or I were on front row.
Title: Semblers Donations To Cheney
Post by: thepatriot on May 17, 2005, 11:49:00 AM
That was me, sorry messed up the Quote
Title: Semblers Donations To Cheney
Post by: Antigen on May 17, 2005, 01:18:00 PM
I'm well aware of the timeline. And I never said that the dingbats at Straight laid the groundwork. I don't even think it works that way at all.

I do think there's a connection (common interest, common personage, common political support, etc.) between the NIDA funding that Art got, Bobby DuPont's ongoing association w/ DFAF people and entities and their ties to the Büsh crime family going back well before the days of the Erwin Report and the name and management change from The Seed to Straight. Now, that tie to the Büsh crime family is incredibly significant! Remember that, prior to his assignment as VP then Prez, Büsh I was head of CIA. There is no such thing as former CIA, buddy. You know that. It's a lifelong gig, even if you have a change of heart at some point in the game.

I think the Program (under whatever name) was and is both research and implimentation of method by the spooks, not the other way `round.

You and I were research subjects. Is that so surprising? We know the intelligence agencies do research. We know they sometimes do research on unwitting civilians. And we know they use their research results in official operations. All of that is well documented in Congressional hearing transcripts.

What's so unbelievable about the idea that we, of all people, might have been touched by that?

Ocam's Razor, Patriot. Do you have a simpler explanation that fits all of the known facts just as well?

Give to every other human being every right that you claim for yourself - that is my doctrine.

--Thomas Paine

Ginger Warbis ~ Antigen
Drug war POW
Seed `71 - `80
Straight, Sarasota
   10/80 - 10/82
Anonymity Anonymous
return undef() if /coercion/i;

P.S. Just cuz I love ya' so much, I went ahead and fixed your typo.  

Your druggiefriend,
G. ::rainbow::
Title: Semblers Donations To Cheney
Post by: Anonymous on May 17, 2005, 01:40:00 PM

P.S. Just cuz I love ya' so much, I went ahead and fixed your typo.  

Your druggiefriend,

G. ::rainbow:: "

Awwww thanks Ginger, I just not quite convinced enough to buy into that whole conspiracy theory just yet. But wait while I don my reflective aluminum foil beanie  :lol:  :lol:  :lol: wouldn't want them there goverment type guys to hear my thoughts
Title: Semblers Donations To Cheney
Post by: thepatriot on May 17, 2005, 01:41:00 PM
Yep that was me agian sorry
Title: Semblers Donations To Cheney
Post by: Antigen on May 17, 2005, 02:04:00 PM
Serious question, man.  Do you have a simpler explanation that fits all of the known facts just as well?

Any Irishman who doubts the reality of selective enforcement ought to take just a moment to comtemplate the etymology of the term "paddy waggon".

Title: Semblers Donations To Cheney
Post by: Anonymous on May 21, 2005, 09:21:00 PM
:question:  :question:  :question:  :wave: