
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones => Topic started by: dniceo7 on May 13, 2005, 04:47:00 PM

Title: Campuses
Post by: dniceo7 on May 13, 2005, 04:47:00 PM
Anyone know what they did with the cedu campuses? Did they just sell them off to a new or different emotional growth company, or tear them down or something?
Title: Campuses
Post by: Anonymous on May 13, 2005, 04:51:00 PM
They are in bankruptcy limbo.  Locked up with security.  They may be individually sold and may regroup and start up again, but these things take forever.
Title: Campuses
Post by: Anonymous on May 13, 2005, 08:47:00 PM
If you go to the Strugglingteens site they keep posting what's going on with the sale of the CEDU properties.  

One article out of a rural Idaho paper quoted the bankrupty trustee George-somebody to say that offers are "pouring in" and that the most interest is in the Idaho properties.

This article also said that the most serious prospective buyers say they are going to hire back the old CEDU staff which they regard as "facilty" and return to the way CEDU was pre-Brown management.

At Strugglingteens there's a bunch of newspaper articles about the CEDU school in Vermont, St. George I think, and the bankruptcy court has cleared the parents there to go ahead and buy it even before the whole thing is settled in court.
Even the governer of Vermont is in on the act according to one article posted at that site

Also, going bankrupt has made the 24-parent suit against CEDU evaporate because there was no verdict yet and so their possible damages were unsecured---it sucks to be them: completely out of luck

Word is that the neo-CEDU parent contract is going to spell everything out so that chances of future lawsuits on the grounds of not knowing about the program are decreased: parents will know what they're getting and have no one to blame if they get it
Title: Campuses
Post by: Oppositional Defiance on May 13, 2005, 11:39:00 PM
The governer of vermont? You wouldn't mean Howard Dean, do you?
Title: Campuses
Post by: Anonymous on May 14, 2005, 10:32:00 AM
He stepped out of that road when he entered the Presidential race.  Now it's some guy named Jim Douglas I think, it's in one of the stories posted at Struggingteens about the King Geoirge School
Title: Campuses
Post by: wiseup on May 14, 2005, 05:19:00 PM
"CEDU had operated Ascent, Northwest Academy, Boulder Creek Academy in Boundary County, Milestones in Coeur d'Alene and had a small office in Sandpoint. It closed Rocky Mountain Academy in mid-February, saying it could no longer attract quality staff and therefore could not attract students."

this is what has in an article.   the brown schools was a racket and a fraud perpetuated on all.  many who ran it are out on golf courses and only care about their own narcissism.  since when did the brown schools have quality staff?  they hired folks they could manipulate and control all of the time.  staff were forced to do whatever the control types wanted.   as for attracting students, most of them were sent there by courts or "parents" and they had no problem lying to and coercing students and parents before so how did the racket suddenly get caught and have to "shut down due to declinging enrollment"   the cascade charlatan allgood does that whenever he gets caught and he is now trying to unload his scam to naive followers who do not realize that allgood has been caught over and over.
Title: Campuses
Post by: Anonymous on May 14, 2005, 06:01:00 PM
Not sure I get your point---do you have reason to think that the CEDU schools are not going to be bought and reopened as the newpaper articles at Strugglingteens say?
Title: Campuses
Post by: Anonymous on May 16, 2005, 06:26:00 PM
I have no clue if the schools are going to be re-opened.   But if I was an immoral investor, the properties along with the "trained" staff, and the county and state probably willing to make tax consessions, the option would look appealing.