
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools (WWASPS) => Topic started by: alternativa on May 04, 2005, 12:40:00 AM

Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: alternativa on May 04, 2005, 12:40:00 AM
My son's friend was sent off to Carolina Spring about 6 months ago (or we think that's where she went). I was told Chi3 pulled her daughter out. If anyone has any information on Carolina Springs, please let me know. It has an awful reputation and I am really worried about Kelly. Her brother died of a heroin overdose and her parents are tripped out and bought into the whole--it's the only way to save her life thing.
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on May 04, 2005, 04:48:00 AM ... ticle.html (
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on May 04, 2005, 05:06:00 AM ... rolina.htm (
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on May 05, 2005, 12:45:00 AM
Thank you for the articles. I'm going to give these to her parents. If anyone else has details about Carolina Springs or has been there, please let me know. Thanks again.
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on May 05, 2005, 04:40:00 AM
See also: ... chool.html ( ... prings.htm (
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: tinasm on May 12, 2005, 11:33:00 AM
Hi. I just found this website and I am willing to offer my experience and hope with you.  My daughter has been at Carolina Springs Academy for 14 months.  We are picking her up this weekend.  She seems have a different perspective but we really don't know yet. I am really not 'for' or 'against'-I do have certain things I am not too thrilled about, but I have to admit my daughter seems to have changed for the better. Please feel free to contact me at [email protected]
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on May 12, 2005, 12:07:00 PM
14 months? Yeah... I bet she's changed.
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Nihilanthic on May 17, 2005, 07:34:00 AM
Given the fact that its well known if you dont act perfect you can be sent back to the program, how much do you bet she'd desperately not want to go back?

Furthermore, if you spend 14 months away from your parents, you will grow up in those 14 months, so you will seem different to them.

I think the real 'test' is if she'll still be okay 3-5 years down the road, and/or if she acts differently as soon as she turns 18 and is out of your control.

We discover in the gospels a groundwork of vulgar ignorance, of things impossible, of superstition, fanaticism and fabrication.
--Thomas Jefferson, U.S. President, author, scientist, architect, educator, and diplomat

Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: ButterflyEP on June 10, 2005, 09:24:00 AM
well i am home from carolina springs academy and its been a month i am doing really well i am not too sure what meant when you said i'll bet she changed but graduation never gave anyone a gaurentee to do well i have seen 4 people come back to the program after program completion and getting pulled never said you will always do bad... i have changed the way i think about things and decided i wanted a change on the inside and i wanted it for me so it happened i graduted all seminars but pc 2 and 3 and keys... thats a good accomplishment... so i'm asking you to not judge on what you hear from other people until to the person first cause i was not ready to some home a day earlier then i did... and i am finally happy with my family... if you or anyone has questions contact me at [email protected]
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on June 10, 2005, 10:16:00 AM
On 2005-06-10 06:24:00, ButterflyEP wrote:

"well i am home from carolina springs academy and its been a month i am doing really well i am not too sure what meant when you said i'll bet she changed but graduation never gave anyone a gaurentee to do well i have seen 4 people come back to the program after program completion and getting pulled never said you will always do bad... i have changed the way i think about things and decided i wanted a change on the inside and i wanted it for me so it happened i graduted all seminars but pc 2 and 3 and keys... thats a good accomplishment... so i'm asking you to not judge on what you hear from other people until to the person first cause i was not ready to some home a day earlier then i did... and i am finally happy with my family... if you or anyone has questions contact me at [email protected]"

 :roll: The usual WWASPie bullshit. "Graduation is not a guarantee" (just in case the child is not brainwashed enough), "I was not ready to come home a day earlier than I did" (why, of course, according to WWASP, you deserved every single thing that went on in there), "I'm finally happy" (not thinking independently seems to have that effect on people, which is sad). The only mantra you're missing to complete the series is the "the program saved my life" line.

WWASP tortures, brainwashes and sometimes kills its victims. The above post is a good example. The program is not "helping" anyone. It has no therapeutic value and it is not geared to help kids work out their issues. It is, however, geared towards pressuring them to give in to the system and to submit to be re-wired through Lifespring seminars.
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: ButterflyEP on June 10, 2005, 05:28:00 PM
I understand that this was your experience OF csa... but i ask you to realize that at the age of fourteen i already had lost my virginity and at that point i was not protected so i could have gotten pregnant now tell me how ALIVE i would have been if i gave birth at age 15 or even an abortion... granted i was lucky enough that my mom took me away before i was able to get pregnant or contract an STD... i had also started drinking which could have killed me too... so yes CSA saved my life... no I DO NOT like csa.. it was the people that changed my life no i do not agree with telling teens they have made a mistake by giving them corrections... but i cannot tell you that the way you think is wrong because i do not know your story but you dont know what it is like to live in a dorm for 15 months and only see the ones you love 1 time and you havent gone through the experiences i have so i dont see how you can say that it does not work if you yourself have not experienced it...
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on June 10, 2005, 05:50:00 PM
at the age of fourteen i already had lost my virginity and at that point i was not protected so i could have gotten pregnant now tell me how ALIVE i would have been if i gave birth at age 15 or even an abortion... granted i was lucky enough that my mom took me away before i was able to get pregnant or contract an STD... i had also started drinking which could have killed me too... so yes CSA saved my life...

So, you had sex at 14, and drank? A lot of teens are doing much worse at that age, it's the age you are entering high school.

Why the over dramatic, 'csa saved my life'? I don't really understand. I notice a lot of graduates credit the program with saving their life, yet every teen I've ever met at some point puts themselves in a 'potentially' life or death situation, it's not unique.

Sure, WWASP convinces you what you have done is so dangerous its amazing you are still alive, but honestly, in the real world this isn't the case.

Does anyone else notice all posts from program graduates have to include the fact WWASP saved their life? I just think that is strange.
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on June 10, 2005, 06:03:00 PM
but i ask you to realize that at the age of fourteen i already had lost my virginity and at that point i was not protected so i could have gotten pregnant now tell me how ALIVE i would have been if i gave birth at age 15 or even an abortion... granted i was lucky enough that my mom took me away before i was able to get pregnant or contract an STD... i had also started drinking which could have killed me too... so yes CSA saved my life

I'm going to say something a bit radical here:

What you did is not that bad. It sounds like an extremely typical teenage behaviour. Let me even go further with this: you weren't knocking on death's door.

Sure, you could have contracted an STD. Or you could have falled off the guy's bed and hit your head real bad. Or you could have been run over by a car on your way back home.
This list could go on and on. The fact is, the world is not a bubble, and there are dangers out there.

And here's something even more extreme: even if you were to continue this behavior for another year or two, most chances are, that you would have matured and moved on, like 99.9% of all the other "troubled" teens.

You were not about to die. You were not as wild and dangerous as WWASP wants you to believe. You are not as terrible and horrible and messed up as WWASP wants you to believe. And you did not deserve what they did to you in ther.e

... no I DO NOT like csa.. it was the people that changed my life no i do not agree with telling teens they have made a mistake by giving them corrections... but i cannot tell you that the way you think is wrong because i do not know your story but you dont know what it is like to live in a dorm for 15 months and only see the ones you love 1 time and you havent gone through the experiences i have so i dont see how you can say that it does not work if you yourself have not experienced it..."

I'm sorry you had to go through that. No one deserves to be locked up for 15 months and only be allowed to see their family once. Even convicted murderers get weekly visits.
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: ButterflyEP on June 11, 2005, 12:21:00 PM
I am not a graduate of any program... it took me 15 months to muake it to the 3rd level... but when i read your replies i find myself wondering what has happened to you that was so horrible that CSA is like a death sentence to you... no i was not knocking on deaths door but my fear is of turning out like my father... the drunk that often times fogets when hes supposed to come visit me... and with drinking at that age that is where i was heading... no CSA did NOT save my life it was my mother for taking the chance of having me hate her forever and interveining into my life realizing that i could not stop on my own... my mom was one of that 99.9% of those people that matured and moved on... but it took her 10 years and i am much happier waking up not worried whether or not i was going to live to see the next day... i have found more know i have come to the point where i will LITERALLY never step foot into the state of south carolina again... i think that i just needed someone to interupt me and my "patterns" for me to look at what i was doing and what i was putting on the line... i have wanted to be in the Air force for as long as i can remember but with my fear of south carolina that doesnt seem possible now... so i am angry because i am giving up my dream but i do not regret it because... (you said i did not deserve to be treated like that) they treated me with respect and love i was only upset when i didnt get my way... yeah there was that one bad apple that no one liked but she was taken care of...the students there help me see that i am so much better then someones doormat... I was taught that i am just as beautiful as a butterfly... so my point is we have our different opinions and you know why i have mine but why do you have can email me if you want... [email protected]... i am not defending the school but it worked for me... i know its not for everyone...
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on June 11, 2005, 01:55:00 PM
I am not a graduate of any program... it took me 15 months to muake it to the 3rd level... but when i read your replies i find myself wondering what has happened to you that was so horrible that CSA is like a death sentence to you... no i was not knocking on deaths door but my fear is of turning out like my father... the drunk that often times fogets when hes supposed to come visit me... and with drinking at that age that is where i was heading...

Not necessarily. Occasional/social drinking, even during the teen years, does not mean you're going to become an alcoholic. Most people drink when they are young-- and most of them don't become dependent on alcohol.

no CSA did NOT save my life it was my mother for taking the chance of having me hate her forever and interveining into my life realizing that i could not stop on my own...

That's the same as saying that the program saved you... you are saying that your stay in the program, initiated by your mother, saved you. Why are you so convinced you were going to die? Why are you convinced you would not have become one of those 99.9% who grow up and move on? You weren't given the chance to move on... you were locked up. It's impossible to know what would have happened had you been allowed to stay in the real world and learn from your mistakes and choices.

my mom was one of that 99.9% of those people that matured and moved on... but it took her 10 years and i am much happier waking up not worried whether or not i was going to live to see the next day...

Again-- why are you convinced you were on the verge of dying? You said you were having sex and drinking alcohol. These behaviors are NOT life threatening (unless you are drinking enough to cause alcohol poisoning, which takes a very large amount of alcohol and which is very unlikely). You were NOT at a risk of dying, despite what you've been told.

i have found more confidence... you know i have come to the point where i will LITERALLY never step foot into the state of south carolina again...

If you have found so much confidence in yourself, why is iot that you won't go to SC ever again? CSA is highly abusive, like all other WWASP programs. That I know. But if you truly do believe that you were treated with notihng but respect and love (as you stated below), then what are you afraid of?

i think that i just needed someone to interupt me and my "patterns" for me to look at what i was doing and what i was putting on the line...

That sounds like program language to me. Especially the "interrupting the patterns" line.

i have wanted to be in the Air force for as long as i can remember but with my fear of south carolina that doesnt seem possible now... so i am angry because i am giving up my dream

Why would you have to give up your dreams? You're not at CSA anymore-- you don't have to give up anything you don't want to give up. The Air Force trains most of its people in TX, by the way.

but i do not regret it because... (you said i did not deserve to be treated like that) they treated me with respect and love i was only upset when i didnt get my way...

You said you were kept there fro 15 months, and only allowed to see your family once. There's nothing respectful or loving about keeping a child away from her family for so long. I know that children are not allowed to make phone calls till they reach level 3-- there's nothing loving or respectful about that either.
I don't blame anyone who gets upset under these conditions. You had every right to be upset. Seeing you family regularly is a fundamental right of children in treatment facilities. Your rights were being violated. You have every right to be upset about that.

yeah there was that one bad apple that no one liked but she was taken care of...the students there help me see that i am so much better then someones doormat... I was taught that i am just as beautiful as a butterfly...

I'm happy for you, then. But it is the way in which you were taught all this that I question. The methods used by the program-- prolonged separation from family, solitary confinement, seminars patterened after Lifespring seminars (Lifespring is a cult, by the way, and David Gilcrease, the man who designed the seminars for WWASP, used to be a Lifespring trainer), etc. Not to mention the rampant physical and emotional abuse of children in these facilities.

All these methods and practices are wrong, and should not be allowed.

so my point is we have our different opinions and you know why i have mine but why do you have can email me if you want... [email protected]... i am not defending the school but it worked for me... i know its not for everyone..."

I have developed my opinions about the program offered by WWASP after about two years of research. I've read personal testimonies of children from all of WWASP's facilities-- graduates and non-graduates, kids who believe they benefitted from the program and kids who said they were abused. I read statements from parents. I've researched the origins of the program-- how it came to be, who shaped and designed it. I've researched the people who lead WWASP, and their histories.

All my research led my to the conclusion that WWASP operates a highly abusive program based on cultic principles, and uses coercive persuasion to convince children and parents that they have benefitted and that their problems have been solved. it is my conclusion that WWASP is a highly abusive, dangerous program, which should be outlawed.

I'm glad you're not taking this as a personal attack, by the way-- many children who believe the program helped them become so identified with the program, they perceive any attack on it as an attack on them. And I'm glad you're doing wlel, and that you're happy. That's the most important thing.
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: ButterflyEP on June 11, 2005, 02:17:00 PM
I understand that you have researched many things but during my 15 months i never saw a staff member physically abuse a student in any way... i just get frustrated thinking that if you continue to say all this with out making a suprise visit to this place and then try to understand why the rules that were placed there are there... you could possibly put innocent people... people that love me and i love out of a job and end with a bad reputation... i ask you to realize that a lot of students come out of there bitter because they refused and were not given any special priveledges that were earned with the levels they did not want... i have seen a few students come in and not want to leave because it was like a safe haven to them because their parents were abusive to them... im asking you to go to CSA and when you talk to the female staff you tell them your opinions trust me they will be open to it and they will help you in any way shape or form... most of the students are honest, you will get those few that will either tell you its the best place ever of its the worst place dont just judge by what you hear go see for yourself... (csa taught me to be understanding and to not let other people get under my skin and to not take things personally even if thats how it was meant :smile: so look at that too) thanks for being honest with me... im still open for an email too!!!
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on June 11, 2005, 02:40:00 PM
On 2005-06-11 11:17:00, ButterflyEP wrote:

"I understand that you have researched many things but during my 15 months i never saw a staff member physically abuse a student in any way... i just get frustrated thinking that if you continue to say all this with out making a suprise visit to this place and then try to understand why the rules that were placed there are there... you could possibly put innocent people... people that love me and i love out of a job and end with a bad reputation... i ask you to realize that a lot of students come out of there bitter because they refused and were not given any special priveledges that were earned with the levels they did not want... i have seen a few students come in and not want to leave because it was like a safe haven to them because their parents were abusive to them... im asking you to go to CSA and when you talk to the female staff you tell them your opinions trust me they will be open to it and they will help you in any way shape or form... most of the students are honest, you will get those few that will either tell you its the best place ever of its the worst place dont just judge by what you hear go see for yourself... (csa taught me to be understanding and to not let other people get under my skin and to not take things personally even if thats how it was meant :smile: so look at that too) thanks for being honest with me... im still open for an email too!!!"

I would very much like to put the staff of CSA out of work. As well as the staff of TB, SCL, CCM, AIR, and all the other "schools".

I have a copy of the parents' manual, and I have read statesments made by former "students", so I  understand what "privileges" go along with each level. And I understand why the rules are as they are in the program. The rule forbidding lower level students from speaking with any other lower level student, for example, is to prevent the child from creating any kind of support network from themselve,s to prevent them from making friends, to make them feel lonely and isolated. The rule that states that Level 1 students must ask permission to speak, cross a threshold, or stand up, is designed to break the child's spirit and force dependence on the staff and the program.

I won't be making a visit to CSA anytime soon-- first, because I don't live in the US at the moment, and second, because I don't believe the staff will be honest with me. WWASP is *never* honest with anyone from the outside. They put on their best show, choose some upper level students to tell you how wonderful the program is, and hope you'll buy into it.

As for children who consider CSA a safe haven because their families were abusive... God help these children. A family that managed to be more abusive than a WWASP facility must have been hell.
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on June 11, 2005, 04:41:00 PM
On 2005-06-11 11:40:00, Anonymous wrote:

As for children who consider CSA a safe haven because their families were abusive... God help these children. A family that managed to be more abusive than a WWASP facility must have been hell. "

I would like to be a fly on the wall at the parent/child seminars:

"This is what you have to do if you want to come home."

"Well, actually, I would prefer to stay here."
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: ButterflyEP on June 12, 2005, 09:24:00 PM
with lower level not being able to talk to each other without and level 3 or up listening is so that those students WILL NOT make plans to run away and i hated it when girls thought that they could get away from there because we went on lock down... which is to prevent other kids from running while we wait for the other ones to get away... asking to sit and stand is due to the fact that we have to realize that things are not got to be just handed to us we actually have to earn it and i did earn it because that rule is only in place for the level ones and two again for the running away... and in my opinion you continue to make assumption and not knowing the truth with out having an openmind about things... i also invited a few friends from CSA to come to this site and chat with you that way you have more then just one opinion .... they are very eager to be apart of our chats because they too do not understand where you have gotten this idea of abuse in the school and most of the time the staff members are very honest if you call ask for mrs. teresa or Mrs. Lynn they are the ones that will be most honest and i dont think its fair for you to put such hatred toward people that you have absolutely no proof to have done anything...
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on June 13, 2005, 02:14:00 AM
On 2005-06-12 18:24:00, ButterflyEP wrote:

"with lower level not being able to talk to each other without and level 3 or up listening is so that those students WILL NOT make plans to run away and i hated it when girls thought that they could get away from there because we went on lock down...

Teens socialize. That's normal and healthy. Not allowing them even to have a simple conversation with each other (and we're not talking about a 10-minute restiction-- this is a permanent rule, it's like that all the time) is cruel, and it serves to do nothing but increase the child's feelings of loneliness and prevent them from developing a support network within the facility.

asking to sit and stand is due to the fact that we have to realize that things are not got to be just handed to us we actually have to earn it and i did earn it because that rule is only in place for the level ones and two again for the running away...

Having to ask whether you can sit, stand, or talk, is a permanent rule-- it's not a temporary restriction. "Learn that things were not handed to us"? Do you realize how insane that is? the right of being able to stand up, sit, or speak without asking for permission beforehand has nothing to do with things being "handed to you". Freedom of movement is a RIGHT, not a privilege to be earned. This rule has ZERO therapeutic value, and it serves only to drive home the point that the staff is in control, that you are so powerless and helpless and dependent on them that you will even have to ask them permission for the most basic actions (e.i., sitting, standing, moving).

No child should be subjected to this.

and in my opinion you continue to make assumption and not knowing the truth with out having an openmind about things... i also invited a few friends from CSA to come to this site and chat with you that way you have more then just one opinion ....

Please, don't make assumptions about me. I am very openminded. As I said, during my research of WWASP, I got feedback from both sides of the aisle. The "WWASP is a helpful, life saving program" side seemed to have absolutely nothing to back up their claims. Not only that, but I also found out why they seem to think that their lives were saved. Lifespring seminars, intense psychological pressure, and Synanon-style groups were used in the coercive persuasion process to convince them the program is beneficial.

they are very eager to be apart of our chats because they too do not understand where you have gotten this idea of abuse in the school and most of the time the staff members are very honest if you call ask for mrs. teresa or Mrs. Lynn they are the ones that will be most honest and i dont think its fair for you to put such hatred toward people that you have absolutely no proof to have done anything..."

The program itself is abusive. The physical abuse that's prevalent in WWASP programs is a tool to break the kid down (remember the screams coming from the OP building?), and get them to succumb to the program.

This is what a CSA survivor has to say about his experience (copied from the NYRA forum):

"I ended up spending a total of 20 months in WWASP Programs. 14 months in Carolina Springs Academy, and another 6 months in Dundee Ranch in Costa Rica. During this time, I had the chance to meet teenagers from other programs, and hear accounts from places such as Tranquility Bay, High Impact, and Casa by the Sea. I was 15 when I first woke up in the middle of the night to be escorted to Carolina Springs. It was a retired cop that told me I was going with him whether he like it or not, and I was going to a "boarding school". I remember being thrown on the bed and handcuffed behind my back when I told the man to leave my room. I was put in a van and driven there, handcuffed the entire way. This was not a boarding school. First thing I saw when I got out of the vehicle was a kid named "Sam" who was being carried sideways (like a suitcase) out to "Observational Placement". They took my shoe strings immediately, because I could run, or kill myself, according to them. Soon after, I was issued a standard green uniform, (sweat pants and tshirt). My shoes were taken away completely and I was given sandals because it was harder to run away with them. I can recall so many instances of people trying to kill themselves there that it was unbelievable. We received "corrections" if during our "reading time" we were caught looking away from the page of our book, even for a glance. It was considered "off task". At no point in time during the day were you allowed to speak, unless given permission by a staff, after raising your hand. If you saw something funny, god forbid you laugh. That was considered "breaking silence". You had to watch these corny emotional growth videos that were so corny/boring it was ridiculous, and if you looked away from the screen, you received a correction for being "off task". New rules were made up every day it seemed. You had to line up and march everywhere you went, and if you didn't look directly at the back of the persons head in front of you, you were "off task". If you received a category 2 violation (such as speaking without permission, or laughing out loud, etc....) you went to worksheets, where you had to write a 3,000 word essay in 2 1/2 hours for every category 2 violation and higher. If you didn't finish in 2 1/2 hours, your work ripped up and you started over. Voicing opinions was "highly encouraged" in our once a day group sessions, according to the familiy representatives. Of course, that's only if your opinion was something they liked. If they didn't, you could very easily be sent to observation placement. It was like "Do what we want, when we want, think how we want, and we're not going to take your shit, child". The program also claimed to be non-religious, but that was bullshit. I saw people not make levels for no apparent reason, except the fact that they weren't Christian. So not only do you have to think the way they want socially, but also religiously. Otherwise, they can't do direct harm to you (for not being Christian), but they can make you stay there until they can influence you. Religious fanaticism ran deep in the program, almost every single staff member they hired were religious extremists. I couldn't believe this. When you talked back to a staff member, you were beaten. They called it restraining, but I vividly remember coming out of observational placement after having joints twisted, knees stuck into my back, and rug burns all over my face from them thrusting my face into the carpet. It was supposed to get better after you made a higher level, but that's when it got worse. They use the fact that you want to leave and can't afford not to against you. They make it near impossible for you to accomplish this the higher up you get, and put on so much stress you want to kill yourself more at level 5 than you did at level 1. The program uses a unique scare tactic to force the children into policing each other up. If you see someone doing something, and you don't tell on them immediately, you end up with their same punishment when they are caught. You're taught that since you smoked a cigarette, you were on your way to dying. Also, weird ass rules, like you couldn't get caught looking at a girl, or it was a category two violation. Just weird shit. It was complete brain washing. Then there were seminars. You were treated like dogs. Yelled at if the "facilitator" of the seminar didn't think you were "being real". Carolina Springs was pure hell. I left there at level 5 to transfer to Dundee Ranch. That was one of the best times of my life. Probably because if you were above level four they didn't watch you, and the staff were new, and weren't brainwashed yet. Not to mention I was 17 and having a secret affair with one of the costan rican staff members, that was pretty cool. But most of the staff soon got fired because they voiced their opinions that some of the programs ideologies were bullshit. They fired my girlfriend because she told the girls that she felt there was nothing wrong with having sex as long as it was a monogonous relationship, and it didn't necessarily have to be marriage. I thought the whole ideology of the program was fascist. Anyways, now I'm rambling. I have a lot more horror stories, etc.... but too much to recall at one point without rambling."

The evidence are everywhere. All you have to do is open your eyes, and look.
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: leleNtom on June 13, 2005, 12:43:00 PM
Whoever wrote this is article or whatever... dude you have NOOOOOOOOOOO idea what in the hell your talking about. Spend some time in that school and you'll know why we talk  so highly. of course kids are gonna say they hated it... they didnt get to see their friends or parents. duh!!! but did you ever think that instead of sitting around doing crack and what ever else some of the kids were doing before they entered csa, that these teens actually want to make something of there lives unlike some people who sit around making false accusations about things they dont even know about. I WOULD KNOW since I graduated from there and can tell you first handedly what went on, from a HONEST standpoint.
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: leleNtom on June 13, 2005, 12:46:00 PM
How old are you?? and why do you care so much about placing these things on the internet.... which by the way parents of struggling teens do see these, and that prevents them from trying to assist their kids in finding a suitable school to put them in so they dont do any harm to themselves or other.
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: leleNtom on June 13, 2005, 01:04:00 PM
what a load os crap.... i just graduated and i dont understand why you people make such retarted  false accusations agains a school you have never been to. no one died at my school, was beaten, or threatened. i was there 31 months because of my own choices not the schools and im one of the most honest, realest, not brainwashed kids i know, and i'd be the first to tell you the honest truth about it
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on June 13, 2005, 01:47:00 PM
On 2005-06-13 10:04:00, luvlife128 wrote:

"i was there 31 months because of my own choices not the schools and im one of the most honest, realest, not brainwashed kids i know, and i'd be the first to tell you the honest truth about it"

this has to be one of the funniest statements made in a long time. welcome back to reality graduate. take some time to soak it all in, 31 months is a LONG time...  :wstupid:
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on June 13, 2005, 01:49:00 PM ... ticle.html ( ... rolina.htm ( ... chool.html ( ... prings.htm (
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on June 13, 2005, 02:46:00 PM
On 2005-06-13 10:04:00, luvlife128 wrote:

"what a load os crap.... i just graduated and i dont understand why you people make such retarted  false accusations agains a school you have never been to. no one died at my school, was beaten, or threatened. i was there 31 months because of my own choices not the schools and im one of the most honest, realest, not brainwashed kids i know, and i'd be the first to tell you the honest truth about it"

What a load of bullshit. You are totally, completely, brainwashed. You defend the WWASP cult as if it's your family or something.

CSA is just as abusive as all the other gulags. Parents beware.
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on June 13, 2005, 03:02:00 PM
I do intend to soak up reality... and no im not brainwashed...i never said i enjoyed my stay at csa. i just said it helped my realize what stupid stuff i was doing. if thats brainwashed,,, then i dont know what you would consider todays generation of kids
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on June 13, 2005, 03:52:00 PM
this has to be one of the funniest statements made in a long time. welcome back to reality graduate. take some time to soak it all in, 31 months is a LONG time...  :wstupid: "

 hell yeah its along time.... reality is people know the truth of these school if the've been in there. im not fitting to spend good time " soaking in reality" tryin to defend something I know and you all know isnt ever going to be solved.. so you peoples can think what you want... I on the other hand am going to be  out having fun with my life and not reading messages and writing them to try to get people to listen to a topic that aint even worth developing in the start. why i checked this out and posted some. a friend of mine asked me to... so i did, but its waiste of time. dont bother responding back to this i wont be reading it so you;d be writing for nothing. later
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on June 13, 2005, 04:17:00 PM
Hey, this is Anon's friend. She emailed me and told me to come here.. . CSA sucks..
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on June 13, 2005, 04:53:00 PM
I will totally defend luvlife 128, i was there with her and i graduated in 24 months. No one died, or was abused, or beaten, or brainwashed. I was taught how to live my life without being a retarded and unsuccessful LOSER. Whoever u are you are the one full of bullshit, and luvlife 128 is one of the realest people that i know. You need to grow up and get past ur illusions that people will listen to ur lies. I dont like that place, but I love the people there and it saved my life.
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on June 13, 2005, 04:55:00 PM
and by the way its not a cult, its a specialty boarding school where you have to earn things instead of them being given to u on a silver platter
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on June 13, 2005, 05:05:00 PM
thanks you for emailing me too guys. CSA is good. The teachers there bake us cookies and shove them up our ass. Take my word for it, send your kids there. Its great. I spent my teenager life there, and when i get out I dont want to do anything but go online and talk about how great the program is! the program is great. Life is great. you are all losers!! Anyone not supporting the program is a liar and a loser. You should all be sent there for even qustioning me. I love CSA. Plus.. I work there and dont want rumors threatening my job. I like to go online and create fake personalities to try and discredit honest child abuse victims... oops did I just type that.?  :idea:
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on June 13, 2005, 05:06:00 PM
im one of the most honest, realest, not brainwashed kids i know


Lovely way to describe yourself.
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on June 13, 2005, 05:08:00 PM
On 2005-06-13 13:53:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I will totally defend luvlife 128, i was there with her and i graduated in 24 months. No one died, or was abused, or beaten, or brainwashed. I was taught how to live my life without being a retarded and unsuccessful LOSER. Whoever u are you are the one full of bullshit, and luvlife 128 is one of the realest people that i know. You need to grow up and get past ur illusions that people will listen to ur lies. I dont like that place, but I love the people there and it saved my life.

sportsluvr61690" ... ticle.html ( ... rolina.htm ( ... chool.html ( ... prings.htm (
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on June 13, 2005, 07:19:00 PM
bro.... i can tell you that im not an employee from csa... the staff there wouldnt be waisting the time of day on you... why is it so important for you guys to spread this messages? have any of you been to the school? let alone graduated? stayed there for  while? DOUBT IT. So whats your point... really? whats you point. I sure as hell dont see one.
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on June 13, 2005, 07:50:00 PM
On 2005-06-13 16:19:00, Anonymous wrote:

"bro.... i can tell you that im not an employee from csa... the staff there wouldnt be waisting the time of day on you... why is it so important for you guys to spread this messages? have any of you been to the school? let alone graduated? stayed there for  while? DOUBT IT. So whats your point... really? whats you point. I sure as hell dont see one. "

:rofl: Sure. You say it's ridiculous to think CSA staff would waste their time? Isn't it even more ridiculous that a kid stuck there for years against there will would be on here promoting the program?  :rofl: YES I HAVE BEEN THERE AND SO HAVE A LOT OF OTHER PEOPLE. Shut the fuck up as if you are the only person who can speak to this school. You are not.  :wave:
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on June 13, 2005, 08:01:00 PM
The "St. Patrick's Day Parade" was not the first visit by state officials to Abbeville County and would not be the last. Opened in the fall of 1998, Carolina Springs was pressed into service to accept a large number of children from Morava Academy in Brno, Czech Republic when Czech State Police arrested two Americans and two Czech employees for Child Torture and Violation of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child.

In response to the arrests, WWASP rallied parents and accused the Czech authorities of "reverting to their communist past", with majority owner Ralph Atkin noting that dealing with the Czech's was "like dealing with the KGB." WWASP closed the school and transferred children to other of its facilities, a large number of them to Carolina Springs.

CSA received its first cease and desist order from the Department of Social Services on October 30, 1998 and the program has been in turmoil since that time. While the Department of Social Services recently agreed to continue its hearing requesting an injunction, the Department of Environmental Control issued its own cease and desist as has the County of Abbeville.
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on June 14, 2005, 07:55:00 AM
On 2005-06-13 16:50:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2005-06-13 16:19:00, Anonymous wrote:

"bro.... i can tell you that im not an employee from csa... the staff there wouldnt be waisting the time of day on you... why is it so important for you guys to spread this messages? have any of you been to the school? let alone graduated? stayed there for  while? DOUBT IT. So whats your point... really? whats you point. I sure as hell dont see one. "

:rofl: Sure. You say it's ridiculous to think CSA staff would waste their time? Isn't it even more ridiculous that a kid stuck there for years against there will would be on here promoting the program?  :rofl: YES I HAVE BEEN THERE AND SO HAVE A LOT OF OTHER PEOPLE. Shut the fuck up as if you are the only person who can speak to this school. You are not.  :wave: "

REALLY? STUCK THERE. I had plenty of chances to leave. unlike your self I wanted to make something of my life instead of being a dead beat.
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on June 14, 2005, 10:15:00 AM
Ohhh... you chose to stay.. . sure...

OH NO.. please dont call me names.. it really hurts when anonymous program trolls call me names !  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

 :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:

get a life loser
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on June 14, 2005, 12:04:00 PM
On 2005-06-14 07:15:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Ohhh... you chose to stay.. . sure...

OH NO.. please dont call me names.. it really hurts when anonymous program trolls call me names !  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

 :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:

get a life loser"

i have a life...who called you names? i sure didnt.
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on June 14, 2005, 12:24:00 PM
I am curious graduate, why are you so obsessed with the program now that you are out?

Are you still under contract with your parents?

Do you have friends who are not in the program?

How old are you?
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on June 14, 2005, 12:28:00 PM
probably older than you, yes all except maybe 2 or 3 are not from the program.. and yes we still have the conract... do we follow it.. no
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on June 14, 2005, 12:35:00 PM
So, you're still under contract. And no comment on the other three questions?
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on June 14, 2005, 12:35:00 PM
I'm 25
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on June 14, 2005, 12:37:00 PM
On 2005-06-14 09:35:00, Anonymous wrote:

"So, you're still under contract. And no comment on the other three questions? "

did you not read it? two of the people i know and talk to are from the program, but thats cuz they dont really follow it. the rest are all non program
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on June 14, 2005, 12:42:00 PM
yes all except maybe 2 or 3 are not from the program

Okay, so all your friends except a few, correct?

How old are you?

How long have you been out of the program?

Why do you feel compelled to talk about the program still, after being there for so long? What is your motive?
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on June 14, 2005, 12:50:00 PM
well age doesnt matter... was it you that said you were 25? im younger than that..not too much. motive... well when one girl email me she wasl ike you have to go here and defend our school... so i did. and i read some of what some people were saying and i was like.. wait... i never saw that. thats the motive and ive been out 2 1/2 months. i know i know.. i need to adjust to reality and forget the program. one things thats starting to piss me off is all these damn people telling my ill get used to it, i'll adapt. how the hell to adapt after being there? its like ive been gone for so damn long i forgot what freaking reality is. is messed up
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on June 14, 2005, 12:56:00 PM
Yeah I understand completely.. why do you think Im on these boards at 25.. I left the program years ago. I'm still pissed, thats why.  :skull: Within a couple months of returning to 'reality' things started to suck for me, but they got better. ANyways, no matter what happens, I hope you do well and make it. about the abuse.. another person posted what her friend told her. it sounds like abuse to me. ... =10#109716 (

and yes abuse happens at wwasp facilities, it did to me and a lot of other people
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on June 14, 2005, 12:59:00 PM
im just freaked... beacues i feel like kids are gonna think im wierd or something for going there... or what not...i dont know... im glad with some things that happened in the program... like im not on drugs any more u no stuff like that but...i still hate living at home... and next chance i get im out.. you were abused?
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: OverLordd on June 16, 2005, 08:56:00 AM
 im just freaked... beacues i feel like kids are gonna think im wierd or something for going there... or what not...i dont know... im glad with some things that happened in the program... like im not on drugs any more u no stuff like that but...i still hate living at home... and next chance i get im out.. you were abused?

Of course they are going to think your wierd, you got broken by a bunch of adults. Of course he was abused, every one was abused, you were abused and you just dont see it because you, like many people, associate abuse with only the physical. But they used brain washing tech to tell what is happening to you is ok, and that they are trying to help, by forcing you away from your family, by making you scared to leave, and by holding tranquility bay over your head. Remember, they may not hit you, but they are destorying you mentally and emotionally.

I think that all right-thinking people in this country are sick and tired of being told that ordinary, decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired.  I'm certainly not!  But I'm sick and tired of being told that I am!  
-- Monty Python

Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on June 16, 2005, 10:46:00 AM
On 2005-06-16 05:56:00, OverLordd wrote:

 im just freaked... beacues i feel like kids are gonna think im wierd or something for going there... or what not...i dont know... im glad with some things that happened in the program... like im not on drugs any more u no stuff like that but...i still hate living at home... and next chance i get im out.. you were abused?

Of course they are going to think your wierd, you got broken by a bunch of adults. Of course he was abused, every one was abused, you were abused and you just dont see it because you, like many people, associate abuse with only the physical. But they used brain washing tech to tell what is happening to you is ok, and that they are trying to help, by forcing you away from your family, by making you scared to leave, and by holding tranquility bay over your head. Remember, they may not hit you, but they are destorying you mentally and emotionally.

I think that all right-thinking people in this country are sick and tired of being told that ordinary, decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired.  I'm certainly not!  But I'm sick and tired of being told that I am!  
-- Monty Python


 ok.. i hear ya... but im way smarter then you think... i like to call my self a genious lol...  i was one of the few smarter than the program to not allow them to get into my head. i didnt pay attention during grou, call out my peers, tell on any one. i was the one breaking all the rules.
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: OverLordd on June 16, 2005, 11:36:00 AM
ok.. i hear ya... but im way smarter then you think... i like to call my self a genious lol... i was one of the few smarter than the program to not allow them to get into my head. i didnt pay attention during grou, call out my peers, tell on any one. i was the one breaking all the rules.

Good wonderful... hehe, but I call my self God, that does not make it true. haha... but anyway im glad that they did not get into you head, im glad you dident call anyone out, and im glad you dident tell on any one... If there were more people like you then WWASP would be shut down in a second, it does not work without the help of the students, you have to let them get to you.

Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves

--Ronald Reagan

Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: leleNtom on June 16, 2005, 01:43:00 PM
like the program says... YOU  allow people to get to you. so I used that motto against them. thats all i did. i just used whatever they taught as a sort of reverse phsycology

The Bible is not my book nor Christianity my profession. I could never give assent to the long, complicated statements of Christian dogma.
--Abraham Lincoln, U.S. President

Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: OverLordd on June 16, 2005, 01:51:00 PM
like the program says... YOU allow people to get to you. so I used that motto against them. thats all i did. i just used whatever they taught as a sort of reverse phsycology

Your being kinda contradictory here man (or lady), you support CSA on some posts but on others you tell us how you fought them, where do you stand?

To be an atheist requires strength of mind and goodness of heart found in not one of a thousand.
--Samuel Taylor Coleridge, English poet, critic, journalist, philosopher

Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on June 16, 2005, 01:59:00 PM
i was being a smart ass against the philosphy
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: OverLordd on June 16, 2005, 02:08:00 PM
I was talking to LeleNtom, unless you are also posting on anon, please stop, im getting confused...

Never let your sense of
    morals get in the way of
    doing what's right
--Isaac Asimov

Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: leleNtom on June 16, 2005, 02:10:00 PM
it was me.. i forgot to sign in

The legislature is to society as a physician is to the patient. If a physician ignored side effects of medications like today's legislators ignore the side effects of their legislation, the physician would be accused of malpractice. I accuse today's legislators (with rare exception) of legislative malpractice. Many of the ills that are so obvious in our society are a direct result of previous legislation. Their solution? More laws!
-- John A. Bennett, DO

Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: OverLordd on June 16, 2005, 02:43:00 PM
Ok I got all confused hehe.

Immortality: A toy which people cry for, And on their knees apply for, Dispute, contend and lie for, And if allowed Would be right proud Eternally to die for.
--Ambrose Bierce

Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on June 24, 2005, 09:51:00 PM
I think it's safe to say that most people posting here believe that WWASP programs, and others, as well as their orwners, are pretty much:


And generally horrible places and people, for the most part. They take people who are vulnerable and use that to their advantage. It's just wrong.  

Having said that,

I think that rather than attacking these kids who get out and come here to talk and to get feedback, people should be kinder and give them facts i.e. stories from others, news articles, etc. Attacking them personally is wrong. Think about it.

If you know, without a doubt in your mind, that kids are subjected to mind-control in most, if not all, of these facilities, then you know they are most likely suffering from the after-effects. Why would it make sense to attack them? It doesn't.

They will tell you in one breath that the program helped them and even saved their life, and in the very next breath, they will tell you that no way would they ever go back.  

But for the time being, they are still young, they are very vulnerable, they are working on picking up the pieces of their lives, they are learning how to live in a world they were separated from for so long - so being mean and making them have to come to their own defense is really a bit brutal, if you ask me.

Kids who went into the program because their lives were spiraling out of control often believe that they were "saved" by the program.

They do not understand that there are other ways they could have been "saved." They could have been saved without having to sit all day long, heads down, not looking at or talking to one another, losing contact with the outside world, including their parents for a while. They could have been saved without having to listen to hours and hours of mind-altering tapes and watching mind-altering videos. But they don't know that yet. And in other places, they could have been saved without spending months in isolation or being abused.

What they need is kindness, support, and facts. Not opinions, not rude, condescending words. Some of you can't even say you ever stepped foot in one of these programs, so really, listening to what they say might not be a bad idea.

They come out of there speaking from experience, their own experience. Who are we to tell them, right now, when they just got out, that they are full of it for saying the program helped them.

In time they will grow to understand there may have been other ways to achieve the same goal and that these programs are money-sucking and controlling. Right now they need support as they try to reintegrate into the world. Why not support them, why not try to help them get through this very tough time in their lives.

Let's find good, constructive things to say to these kids. Things that will support them, that will help them as they move through life.

For the kids:

Just remember that you are not horrible people because you messed up as teens. This too shall pass and you can regain control of your lives. I dare you to go out into the world and change the cycle. Don't fall back into the old patterns. Walk away from people who you know will only serve to bring you down. Find out what it is you really want to do in life - and then find a way to do it. Go to college, even if you don't think you can. Do it anyway. Take it one step at a time.

And be easy on yourselves. You have been away from mainstream for some time now and it is going to take some time to get used to it again. If you feel people are judging you for having been in a program then find new friends. There are so many good people out there. Get involved in positive activities, the rest will fall into place. And lean on family, most of the time they will be there for you. Aunts, uncles, grandparents. They love you and can really be a great support system, if you let them.

Do something positive. Volunteer your time. Help other kids who are slipping so that they don't end up in CSA or another program. Giving to your community is very powerful.

Good luck to all of you.
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: OverLordd on June 25, 2005, 11:06:00 PM
I think that rather than attacking these kids who get out and come here to talk and to get feedback, people should be kinder and give them facts i.e. stories from others, news articles, etc. Attacking them personally is wrong. Think about it.

I dont understand what you mean when you say talk and give feedback, we are plenty open to that, its just when we get anons posting things like. "This is all bullshit, and your all a bunch of druggies and liers." Then we get upset, espcially when some of us have not even been in the programs and are simply friends or loved ones of those that have. Talk is nice, but when they attack first, they will get their asses ripped open.

If you know, without a doubt in your mind, that kids are subjected to mind-control in most, if not all, of these facilities, then you know they are most likely suffering from the after-effects. Why would it make sense to attack them? It doesn't.

On the contrary, it does, especailly if they attack first, its called verbal self defence, and debate, granted its a low form of debate, but they start it, we finish it.

They will tell you in one breath that the program helped them and even saved their life, and in the very next breath, they will tell you that no way would they ever go back.

I dont understand your point here.

But for the time being, they are still young, they are very vulnerable, they are working on picking up the pieces of their lives, they are learning how to live in a world they were separated from for so long - so being mean and making them have to come to their own defense is really a bit brutal, if you ask me.

they come here, they read here, they understand the views and fury of the people on these forums, but they still post with the, you dont know what your talking about, kind of things. If they start it, were going to attack right back, if we dont, we come across as pretty condisending, I would rather be attacked then condisended to when I feel vulnerable.

They come out of there speaking from experience, their own experience. Who are we to tell them, right now, when they just got out, that they are full of it for saying the program helped them.

They are the people that have come out of the programs and have been out for years, they know what it did to them, and their brain washing wore off, they are the vets, so telling these kids their full of it, is quiet within their power.

Let's find good, constructive things to say to these kids. Things that will support them, that will help them as they move through life.

Now here, I dont understand what you want us to do. "Its ok that you came on here and called us liers, you dont know what your talking about but it will come back to you." Thats just rube and condicending. Or how about, "Yeah, I remember you, you were nice when you went on the ground bleeding from the older kids hitting you." I mean come on, what are we to say once they attack us?
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on August 02, 2005, 10:35:00 PM
bro.... i can tell you that im not an employee from csa... the staff there wouldnt be waisting the time of day on you... why is it so important for you guys to spread this messages? have any of you been to the school? let alone graduated? stayed there for while? DOUBT IT. So whats your point... really? whats you point. I sure as hell dont see one.

Well hey bro,,,,,,,, I used to have sex with Ms Denise....... Is that close enough to being there?
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on August 03, 2005, 04:26:00 AM
... rather than attacking these kids who get out and come here to talk and to get feedback ...

In a WWASP facility "attack" and "feedback" are the same thing.
Title: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
Post by: Anonymous on August 04, 2005, 04:02:00 AM
On 2005-06-13 13:55:00, Anonymous wrote:

"and by the way its not a cult, its a specialty boarding school where you have to earn things instead of them being given to u on a silver platter


i know it's been said before-but i'll say it again. rights such as freedom of speech, freedom of movement, etc. are not to be earned, they are yours and always will(should) be. no matter how "lazy" you get, without due process, these rights are yours. No earning required.