
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore => Topic started by: Anonymous on April 02, 2005, 01:33:00 PM

Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on April 02, 2005, 01:33:00 PM
Can't wait to see how the suit SLAPPED against a teenage former student plays out.  Suds suing a former student for what?? room and board of a horse, after the Suds used this horse in their so-called EQUINE HORSE PROGRAM?
Guess we will get to see what the legal system in that little part of the world is really all about, RIGHT?

After the Suds' history with HORSES, the guilty verdict up in Canada for animal abuse--you'd think the last thing the Suds would want to do would be enter a court room and chat about HORSES.
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on April 02, 2005, 11:02:00 PM
Need to find out from Mr. Fox at SPCA exactly how Casie's horse died Oct 2004. The judge in this suit SLAPPED against teenager by Mark Sudweeks might be interested in that one,don't you think? Curious how horses just aren't healthy around the Suds, isn't it?
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on April 04, 2005, 12:01:00 AM
Should hear this soon.  Good luck Leah!
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on April 04, 2005, 03:23:00 PM
AFter the Suds treatment of horses and dogs up in Canada--WHY would they want to go to court about anything connected to horses?
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Gmom on April 04, 2005, 04:04:00 PM
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Joyce Harris on April 04, 2005, 04:11:00 PM
[ This Message was edited by: Joyce Harris on 2006-03-31 19:43 ]
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on April 05, 2005, 08:36:00 PM
Anybody hear from Mr. Fox at the SPCA about how that horse at Whitmore died in October 2004, was it?
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on April 05, 2005, 09:34:00 PM
Seems a lot of animals die around the Suds, horses, dogs.  The don't get fed in Canada, get sick, get hit by cars. No vet called, call the horse whisper trainee.
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Joyce Harris on April 06, 2005, 10:23:00 AM
Had not heard about "dog hit by car no vet called."  When, where did this happen?"
That, too is terrible.

What happens when kids get sick at Whitmore?
HOW SICK do kids have to get to go for a doctor's appointment?
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on April 06, 2005, 05:20:00 PM
Joyce i have something to say about the treatment of their animals there. I stayed there for so and so long of a time and i honestly think the care and protection of the animals there was a little strange and neglecting: From the horses to the dogs and "stray" neghborhood kittens that some of the girls there would claim as theirs, but never really was theirs.

the dogs were always roaming off and about through out the neighborhood. That wasn't as big as a problem as it seems, but Mark got a ticket from the police because some of the neighbors called and complained about the dogs running around, and still let them out.

Also,  it was either teddy or truffles that literally had their entire bottom neck slit open from their leash or collar cutting into their neck. Either it was too tight, or someone had not leashed them up properly which defianately did not suprise me around there. Nothing was ever done about that incident and i believe as a person myself being so close to animals, that that dog was risking serious, SERIOUS infection!!!

While i was staying there Torey told me that a year or so before i got there one of those two dogs, i forget which one, got hit by a car and was near death. It was never taken to the vet, she told me, but she did help the dog to recovery. Atleast some one had the heart too do such a thing.

It just goes to show again that money always comes first there. From not letting a kid go to the doctor because they feel ill, too a dogs or HORSES who are ill, or who are seriously injured.
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on April 06, 2005, 07:57:00 PM
About the treatment of their animals- Wow -I can't believe I'm hearing this stuff again.  Sounds so familiar.  On one of my visits- the animal control came out and was complaining about the amount of dogs that were. They were also upset because the dogs were allowed to roam around.

My kid had 3 dogs while there- 1 supposedly stolen, one died because while they were on one of their trips, the caretaker did not loosen his collar and he choked to death, the last one just died?  Another kid also had a dog that was stolen?  

The bird they had died because it was left on the back porch and no one cared for it. But I'm sure they have a legitimate excuse for this one too.
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Couture on April 06, 2005, 09:44:00 PM
You know the story Cheryl and mark told our group about how the horses disappeared from them in CA?  They said that there were men who shot them, and stole them.  British Colombia, for some reason or another, would not do anything to help the Sudweeks.  Every time Sheryl would talk about it, she would start to cry, as would most of the group.  she was so convincing.
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: mom2three on April 06, 2005, 11:07:00 PM
oh and how to explain the court documents? I am not suprised this is what bull story they came up with, but it still makes me shake my head. Always an excuse, always a lie to cover the truth. These are people "treating" kids with behavioral issues is it? I see some behavioral issues all right!
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on April 06, 2005, 11:20:00 PM
People who mistreat their animals will usually mistreat their children. Their's or someone elses.

Really sick people. IMO

I hope the council does'nt let them have a new permit tommorrow.

If they do they will be liable. They've been warned.
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on April 07, 2005, 08:47:00 PM
Remember, those being "warned" also live in the fine state of UTAH. Seems these kinds of things just don't matter so much up there.
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Antigen on April 08, 2005, 01:15:00 PM
Wow, I have to say it again. I'm glad you guys decided to come back around and talk w/ us.

This is the kind of thing I think parents and others need to know in order to properly assess what's going on here.

On 2005-04-06 18:44:00, Couture wrote:

"You know the story Cheryl and mark told our group about how the horses disappeared from them in CA?  They said that there were men who shot them, and stole them.  British Colombia, for some reason or another, would not do anything to help the Sudweeks.  Every time Sheryl would talk about it, she would start to cry, as would most of the group.  she was so convincing.  "

Now this I tend to believe and I'll tell you why. It just seems very consistent with my experience w/ a similar high demand group years ago.

Here's one little example (of many I could recount) When public school teachers in the Ft. Lauderdale area started talking to the press about The Seed and it's creepy effects on some of their students, Art Barker went into group and found a couple of good Seedlings who had attended those schools. He stoked them up to divulge that those particular teachers were dealing drugs in school and had these kids (who's every need and desire depended entirely on his whim) make reports to the police. Next, Art's in the headlines truthfully saying that his critics are under investigation for dealing drugs to their students.

Of course, the investigations turned up nada, the police never requested an indictment and the whole thing went quietly away. But, by the time that happened, the impression in the minds of the public had already been set that anyone who criticized The Seed was suspect.

Outsiders knew it was bullshit, but that didn't matter. Art wasn't playing to skeptical outsiders. He was playing to his followers. And they bought it, hook-line and sinker just like every other bullshit story he came up with or they were cut off from the group and attacked as infidels.

Sound familiar to anyone around here?

The introduction of a Creator has done our independence no good.
--Gore Vidal, author

Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on April 08, 2005, 01:22:00 PM
So: the "followers" can read the transcript of the trial, and logically KNOW what really happened up there in Canada to those horses and dogs. KNOW Mark Sudweeks was found guilty of animal abuse/neglect, whatever....."
BUT: after hearing the tearful, fanciful Sudweek TALE over and over, the "followers" just choose to believe the TALE over the facts?
It just works that way?
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Antigen on April 08, 2005, 06:21:00 PM
I can't address what any of the Whitmore kids and parents think or how they come to think that way. But, assuming that I'm onto something at least a little bit significant in my assessment of Whitmore as the 2000's answer to the `70's Seed, here's my take.

They're not thinking about it because they can't afford to think about it. To go against the Suds means to lose the line in on all that higher enlightenment and inclusion in that elite group; salvation, in other words. In the midst of all the confusion, the story changes. Except that, evidently, this kid remembers just how the story was way back when. And, if this kid is truthful (not suggesting otherwise, just trying to speak precisely) then other ppl who were there at the time are in a bind. They have to either not think about it or lie for the greater good. At that point it becomes a matter of making the lies about what happened the horses look insignificant in comparison to whatever good they believe the Suds are doing. And we should all forgive them.

But don't act all surprised. The entire nation has just done about the same thing WRT the WMD in Iraq scandal. The rest of the world is saying about America pretty much what you're saying about the Suds' devotees. How in the world can you suck that up and still go on following orders? Easy. Because when you stop to think about the reality of the situation and what we'd all have to do to address it, it looks like Armagedon from here. Fantasy and diversion is just so much more comfortable.

The spirit of this country is totally adverse to a large military force.
--Thomas Jefferson

Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Couture on April 08, 2005, 06:50:00 PM
I am sorry.... 70s??  Seed?  I am not following.

What I would like to hear, though, it from one of the current whitmore students, aka, Cheryl,  your take is on what really happened in Canada, and why you chose/choose to lie about it, time and again.  And lie to make people feel sorry for you, when it was due to your own neglect and irresponsibility that your horses were taken from you.  When are you going to start accepting responsibility for your actions?  I think it is time for the group to be called on you, Cheryl, and see how you deal with it.

Please don't have your peons post back to me.  What they say is completely insignificant to me.  If anyone has anything to say in negation, it better be Sheryl.  Otherwise, it will merely reiterate how craven she really is.
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Gmom on April 08, 2005, 08:45:00 PM
It's not just the horses in Canada or the horses in Mexico.  When they were on the cruise, a mother dog and all of her puppies were left in a pen to fend for themselves.  How do they do that locked up?  When they got back, the only dog alive was the mother.  

The last time I was there I took a starving kitten to the animal shelter.  The kitten was about 7 weeks old.  It was starving, skin and bones.  When I went to 7-11 and bought it food, it started eating so fast, the food was coming out of it's nose.  If I could have found the rest of the litter, I would have taken them, also.  At the time, I thought it was just an isolated incident, maybe a stray or neighbor cat had decided to have kittens at the mansion.   I now know it was not.  I was told dogs and cats are like mice to Mark and Cheryl.
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on April 08, 2005, 08:54:00 PM
Corture: If you have not read the transcript on the horse abuse/neglect in Canada the trial transcript is: ... dweeks.htm (

You probably will not get straight answers except from your own reading and research.
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Antigen on April 08, 2005, 09:20:00 PM
On 2005-04-08 15:50:00, Couture wrote:

"I am sorry.... 70s??  Seed?  I am not following.

Oh, sorry. The Seed was another little cult in Ft. Lauderdale. It was real big in the `70's w/ a similar schtick to what the Suds are plying now. They actually hobbled along w/ a small group and infrequent, mostly adult joiners till internal friction caused them to tear the blanket just a couple of years ago.

There's a forum on it here ( Mostly old farts like me and older. But you might want to take a look if you get curious. I'd be very interested in hearing your take on my comparison.

If Christ were here now there is one thing he would not be -- a Christian.
--Samuel Clemens "Mark Twain", American author and humorist

Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on April 18, 2005, 02:33:00 PM
Think the court hearing is today. Good Luck Leah!
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on April 18, 2005, 09:58:00 PM
Does anyone know how Leah did in court today?????
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on April 19, 2005, 09:13:00 PM
Well,the raving Cheryl hasn't posted declaring a win. That alone says a whole lot, now doesn't it?
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on April 20, 2005, 07:45:00 PM
Hey Cheryl, did you do a little scripting or voodoo on the Judge? It was a HORSE-DEAL. What happened in court? You can tell us. Come on, how did whimpy Mark do in court? Mark...Court...Horse.  Same story, second...OR is it 3rd verse???????
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on April 21, 2005, 11:37:00 AM
Hear Trinity, "Little Miss Horse-Whisperer" didn't show up at Court. Well....can't blame her. Last time she showed up at a trial about a horse; DADDY tried to blame everything on HER. Smart girl! But she sent her new hubby.....what's that about??????
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Former Whitmore Resident on April 21, 2005, 08:11:00 PM
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on April 21, 2005, 08:23:00 PM
Mark Sudweeks SLAPPED a $5,000 suit against a former student, Leah--who left her horse at Whitmore. The Sudweeks used her horse in their little "horse program" for over a year. Leah went and took possession of HER HORSE, Teza. This made the Suds all mad. So Mark SLAPPED this 18 year old girl with a suit for $5,000 for "room and board" for the horse. Think the Suds could have fed a few horses for THAT AMOUNT of money. Court was on Monday.....don't know for sure what happened.  But Markie Boy doesn't usually do TOO WELL in court when it comes to horsies now does he??????
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on April 22, 2005, 11:26:00 PM
No decision regarding Sudweeks' case against Leah yet---the Judge is out of town until next week.
BUT guess the Suds and Whitmore will have to find somewone else to try to intimidate!!! It didn't work this time. In fact, it sort of backfired BIG TIME!!!!!!
Samanatha Hayes from KSL NEWS, Salt Lake City was there, and Mark Sudweeks didn't seem too happy at all.

The crazy woman Cheryl, and all the Whitmore kids were not allowed to stay in the courtroom--and she was not pleased at all!
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on April 23, 2005, 04:08:00 PM
Mark Sudweeks is a liar.  Told the judge they were instrumental in helping Leah acquire a new horse -- the one she was going to use to barrel race with the rodeo team at UVSC.  Another one of their FLAT-OUT LIES.  THEY HAD NO PART IN IT -- NONE!!!  Her grandmother and aunt helped her with all of it.  Cheryl wanted Leah to keep the horse at the Whitmore after she got it, which she did for a very short while, until she found another place for him.  What liars they are.  The kids there are just learning how to be experts at deception and intimidation.  That should help them in life, that and the wonderful education they get.  Whoopee!!!!
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on April 23, 2005, 06:58:00 PM
Is there no end to Mark Sudweek's lying? Does he not get it that every lie he tells is exposed? Is he just stupid or what? Beats all I have ever heard of. To say something like that requires proof. Duh!
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on April 23, 2005, 08:05:00 PM
fuck her stupid "kids"
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on April 24, 2005, 07:33:00 PM
The kids aren't stupid, they are abused, brainwashed, deprived of education.  Cheryl's kids, they are stuck with her forever.  Too bad!!
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on April 25, 2005, 06:41:00 PM
Once they are grown her kids don't have to be stuck with her--they choose to be; and some of them choose to work at the Whitmore. So, what can you say about THAT?
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2005, 02:13:00 PM
Anon you must remember that those Whitmore kids who were dragged to the Court House by the Sudweeks had no choice but to be there. And if the Judge had allowed them to "tesitfy" rather than banning them from the court room--they would have lied as instructed by the Sudweeks. That is just how it is! Same way those kids lied to the police when questioned by the police about the abuse against Joey. The kids were told what to say beforehand--and they knew the consequencies if they did not obey what the Sudweeks told them!!!  It's really not the kids' fault.
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2005, 02:26:00 PM
What is a concern is students who are now away from the day-to-day control of Mark and Cheryl Sudweeks; but who still speak up and defend them about matters of which they have no direct proof: For instance, Whitmore Alumni defends the Sudweeks and says they didn't abuse Joey...when this student was not there, and has no way of personally knowing what happened to this young boy.

Whitmore Alumni was just confronted by another former student who says "yes I was there when Leah's horse arrived!"

Chris G. has admitted to abusive acts against students at Whitmore, but dismisses it calling the abused students "cry babies," or "pussies," and WORSE. Perhaps if he had been on the receiving end of the abuse, he'd have cried like a "pussy" too. OR, perhaps he is tough, and  could have taken it.

I'd like to see the Sudweeks defend themselves in a court of law, and not have them depend on kids to defend their cowardly acts.
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2005, 02:27:00 PM
Well, choice but to lie.........kick,punch,stomp,spit,slap///and all the other CRAP???......Well, JOEY was at the same ASYLUM......seems he had no choices either///well he ultimately (after two months) made a choice............grant you at WHITMORE ASYLUM sucks.......TORI is an example of someone accepting the unacceptable as a "NORMAL HOME"..........but not all kids lie, and bully, cheat///steel.......just to appeal to the insane few.....................GO JOEY.......INVESTIGATION from the ASYLUM as witnesses in support of the SUDS............laughable........How bout using TORI's...ya, script this....LOL......AMF
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2005, 04:13:00 PM
Does  make you wonder when "Counselor" Victoria (Tori) gave her statement to KSL News saying what goes on at Whitmore is just like what goes on in any "normal family." Makes you wonder what kind of "normal family" Mama Alana raised this girl in!!! What normal family pits one kid against another to beat one child senseless? What "Mother" spits in a child's face, or hits a child with a book, or makes a child sleep on a "shelf" for weeks?  What "Mother" withholds food as punishment? What Father thinks a child is a "sex thing?" What Father handcuffs his child? What family lives in filth, with rats eating holes in their clothes..and shitting in their food?  POOR Tori...she thinks all this is "normal?"
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2005, 10:48:00 PM
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on May 01, 2005, 11:04:00 AM
Hopefully should get the Judge's ruling on this unfair suit Mark Sudweeks SLAPPED on Leah!
Wouldn't a judgment in Leah's favor on Monday be a nice way to start off the week there in SUDS-VILLE?
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on May 02, 2005, 10:38:00 AM
Any news on the Judge's ruling?
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on May 03, 2005, 05:09:00 AM
are you serious! you cant wait. you are one sheltered shallow minded person. cant wait to see how this plays out in court. you have worn out the canadian thing. in fact you are waring out everything. i never want to become as lame as you people. get me out of here.
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on May 03, 2005, 05:55:00 AM
Good luck leah? who is sucking up to leah. maybe its leah? never know whos posting around here? well for you info. i could care less about the horse thing. i just wish youd get whats coming to you. i am not going to throw mud like your grandma has taught you. i think you know whats going to bite you in the butt sooner or later...Karma
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on May 03, 2005, 12:45:00 PM
The Canadian HORSE THING will never "wear out!"
Mark Sudweeks was found GUILTY of animal abuse and neglect...and he lost the appeals case too.

He started this new HORSE TRIAL!


And he will loose this one too, because he is dead wrong!!!!!!!
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Gmom on May 03, 2005, 12:55:00 PM
Wrong, Leah has no access to the Internet.  Guess again.
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on May 03, 2005, 05:55:00 PM
Anon: "get you out of here?"
You seem to enjoy posting to yourself...seems you have been up all night posting away.

Couldn't sleep again, huh Cheryl?

Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on May 03, 2005, 10:13:00 PM
Don't some druggies have like a routine of some sorts like uppers to keep you up and then downers to help you sleep? Sounds like SOMEONE needs a ROUTINE!
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on May 04, 2005, 09:25:00 PM
Judge's decision coming down!
Get ready for wild Cheryl to be on  a new rampage! GROUP GROUP GROUP
Maybe MATT the lawyer can calm her down!
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on May 04, 2005, 11:53:00 PM
AMF?.give it a rest?..obsessed with Cheryl?.must see her fail?.can?t think of anything else ?.baby kangaroo, who do you do?...feeding time at the zoo...AMF??? Give it a rest! :wave:
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on May 05, 2005, 09:47:00 AM
Give it a rest?  No one should rest until the authorities of Utah do their JOB and hold the Sudweeks accountable for every child they mistreated at Whitmore Academy; and for every parent they conned out of money.

No one should rest until the Whitmore Academy is a safe place and meets every code violation set out by the State Fire Marshal.

No one should rest until the Whitmore Academy meets every requirement and becomes the FULLY ACCREDITED school it falsely advertises it is.

No one should really rest until this abusive school is closed down!
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on May 05, 2005, 09:51:00 PM
The Sudweeks do not know or care how to treat children or animals with proper care and should never be allowed to be around either!

Hope this Judge can see that and rule in this case with good sense!

Mark Sudweeks is a cruel, idiot!
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on May 06, 2005, 01:11:00 AM
On 2005-05-05 06:47:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Give it a rest?  No one should rest until the authorities of Utah do their JOB and hold the Sudweeks accountable for every child they mistreated at Whitmore Academy; and for every parent they conned out of money.

No one should rest until the Whitmore Academy is a safe place and meets every code violation set out by the State Fire Marshal.

No one should rest until the Whitmore Academy meets every requirement and becomes the FULLY ACCREDITED school it falsely advertises it is.

No one should really rest until this abusive school is closed down! "

And no one should refer to any of these teen help programs that are under investigation by local and/or state authorities.

Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Joyce Harris on May 06, 2005, 10:13:00 AM
[ This Message was edited by: Joyce Harris on 2006-03-31 19:45 ][ This Message was edited by: Joyce Harris on 2006-03-31 19:46 ]
Title: Suds CHEAP SHOT: Lawsuit Against Student... coming up...Dare
Post by: Anonymous on May 15, 2005, 08:41:00 PM
Anyone heard how this suit came out?