
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => Straight, Inc. and Derivatives => Topic started by: Anonymous on February 25, 2005, 02:55:00 AM

Title: Let this Straight support know what you think
Post by: Anonymous on February 25, 2005, 02:55:00 AM (

consultant psychologist for Straight and proud of it!

email ( ) and Tough Love (Phyllis York, founder of Tough Love, Insight on the News, Feb 6, 1995 ) and the public at large.  Straight gained national notoriety well before your involvement in 1988 and was featured on 60 minutes in 1984 when reporter Ed Bradley interviewed 6 girls who were tortured there. We were starved, beaten, kept awake for days, and some even raped. In fact, the Montel Williams show aired a segment on 1/18/05 where they interviewed Samantha Monroe ( ... 5%20hi.wmv ( ).  Samantha was one of many young women raped by male staff at Straight Incorporated. Her story also appeared on fox news ( ( ) She was raped, impregnated, and forced to have an abortion at straight without her parents knowledge or consent. She was 12 when she entered Straight.  This should come as no big surprise, given the fact that the counselors, most of which did not even have a high school degree, had complete milieu control over the clients with the only qualification of being a former drug addict and graduate of the program. It doesn?t take a PhD to understand that?s a recipe for disaster.  The survivors of Straight are very thankful to the psychologist who worked so hard to close the program down and protect us, psychologists like Dr. Margaret Thayer Singer ( ( and others who have spoken at the survivors conferences.
As an educated psychologist, you are familiar with laws such as having to notify authorities in the case of rapes, child molestation by family members, etc. but Straight Inc. refused to follow such protocols. The peer staff and the executive staff did not have the education that you do, and needed your rubberstamp to label these children as "addicts" and to approve of their "treatment". Speaking of treatment, try doing a google internet search for "spit therapy", you will not find it in any educational materials, but anybody who has been at any Straight in America, knows exactly what it is and only Straight and Straight spin-offs show up in the internet search.
So what is the point of this email?  I have two challenges for you Dr. Silverman. First, find one single human being that was a client at Straight that is glad they were put there. People were "glad" they were put there while they were indoctrinated, but that wears off after a year or so after leaving the program. You would be hard pressed to find anybody out of the roughly 50,000 people who went through those doors that would be appreciative. Is this the kind of legacy you want as a counselor? Second, take off that part of your history from your website and résumé, its a slap in the face to all of us that were tortured there, we were intimidated, humiliated, beaten, starved, kept awake, and some even raped.  All of us were tortured in one way or another. You?re involvement with Straight, is something to be ashamed of; it?s nothing to be proud of. I shouldn't  need to remind you of why Straight you worked at was closed down.
For more information of the crimes of Straight, please visit (

Title: Let this Straight support know what you think
Post by: ` on April 13, 2005, 02:21:00 AM (

it's still there, but that is his C.V., a record of the facts. i kind of think it should stay. i say it makes him look like an asshole.
Title: Let this Straight support know what you think
Post by: Gah on April 13, 2005, 02:37:00 AM
[ This Message was edited by: Ex5k on 2005-06-14 14:45 ]
Title: Let this Straight support know what you think
Post by: RTP2003 on April 13, 2005, 05:16:00 PM
I emailed him and got the following reply:

"I resigned from Straight for a variety of reasons, most importantly that they used lies to intervene and refused to give pririty to psychological treatment when it needed to be a priority.During my brief tenure there I did what I could to change their methods of working with parents and children but resigned in frustration."
Title: Let this Straight support know what you think
Post by: Anonymous on April 13, 2005, 05:33:00 PM
Dr, Silverman if I am not mistaken you are obligated by law to report abuse. Did you? I bet not, you just left huh.. sorry that doesnt excuse you but nice try.