
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => Straight, Inc. and Derivatives => Topic started by: Anonymous on October 14, 2002, 11:38:00 PM

Title: **********Jeff Z**********
Post by: Anonymous on October 14, 2002, 11:38:00 PM
i got a nice sharp razer for ya  did you grow atleast an inch yet i will think of more dont worry  oh shit i shouldnt have said that

[ This Message was edited by: Webmistress on 2002-10-15 19:40 ]
Title: **********Jeff Z**********
Post by: jeffz*cc*l* on October 15, 2002, 07:38:00 PM
You know, its really funny how brazen people can be when they think that they are anonymous.  Well, after some investigation, thinking and remembering, I now know who you are.  You were a one of the many behavior problems who wanted to have a drug problem.  

In fact you were a newcomer at my house.  You did some rotten things to my parents when I copped out.  You were a real coward then, as you are now.  You didn't do drugs, and you never had a past to change from.

You were an immature, spoiled little brat who is now an older,immature, spolied big brat.  I don't even acknoledge such idiotic and senseless remarks from someone as pitiful as you.

You had no past, but you graduated way after I left and was enjouying life.  Why?  Because you and your sister were trapped in the program by your brainwashed parents.  In fact, you lost over 5 years of your life because of a drug problem (actually a behavior problem) that you never had.  If I were you I would be pretty bitter myself.

Do us all a favor and stop taking your bitterness out on people who understand your insanity and pain.  Rather, direct it at where it belongs.  The program that you defend stole your existence for many years and controlled your mind.  If you have anger (which you sure do), then at least get mad at those who wronged you.  Not those who were wronged with you.  Thats pretty useless.

If you continue your little games on this board, I promise that I will reveal your identity publicly and you will not be very happy.  Please go back to your life, wherever, whatever or however it is and leave us all here to do whatever that it is that we do.

Yours truly,

Title: **********Jeff Z**********
Post by: jeffz*cc*l* on October 15, 2002, 08:34:00 PM
I will amend my last post.  You did not come in with a behavior problem, but a drug problem.  I stand correctly.

In all sincerity, I feel bad for you.  You got a much lousier deal than I did.  Here's why:

1. You went into treatment when you were 14 or 15 years old.  You didn't leave (as a graduate) until around 10 years later.

2.  Most of your time in KIDS was on 1st phase (years and years).  Once you graduated you still went back in group.

3.  You were treated very poorly almopst the entire time you were in KIDS.

4.  Your parents supported the program instead of helping you when you left.

As much I like to be a wiseguy and bust chops, you did get a bad deal.  I understand your bitterness and anger, but try to realize that we aren't here to mess with you.  We all got a bad deal!  We are all pissed off.  Rather than blame each other, we are trying to support each other.  

The only reason that I never contacted you is that I didn't know where you were when you left.

I would like to offer a truce on name calling, chop busting and ball-breaking.  I hope that you accept.  In confidence I will not reveal your identity.  Thanks,

Title: **********Jeff Z**********
Post by: Anonymous on October 15, 2002, 08:45:00 PM
truce accepted
Title: **********Jeff Z**********
Post by: jeffz*cc*l* on October 15, 2002, 09:04:00 PM
If you want to e-mail me, feel free at [email protected]

Best Regards
Title: **********Jeff Z**********
Post by: Dave L 4/85-9/86 on October 25, 2002, 06:23:00 AM
Hey-I don't think I want to get on Jeff's bad side.

Hey Jeff-you emailed me but you never told me who you were.  The name is familiar but I can't place you.  Your like an enigma, wrapped in a mystery, dipped in nacho cheese.
Title: **********Jeff Z**********
Post by: Anonymous on October 25, 2002, 05:10:00 PM
Just a funny comment--In KIDS of El Paso staff and former nj KIDS used to talk about accents and the difference in the Jersey/Texas lingo such as calling a sack a bag (or vice versa, I don't recall which), putting stuff away-when we say put it "up" and calling a coke a "pop" (we generically call all soft drinks "cokes" in Texas for some reason or another).   Often folks like Rich Ne*r, Joe McGre*vy, Eric Daws*n, and Drew Gig*nti would also say things in true Jersey accent such as "stop busting my chops" that left us dumb Texans baffled as to what the hell they were talking about.  It was just funny to hear Jeff say something regarding the "chop busting" a phrase I haven't heard since the program in reference to Jersey folks heard here on the jersey board.  I had to say something--have a good weekend, yous'guyz.
Title: **********Jeff Z**********
Post by: jeffz*cc*l* on December 05, 2002, 04:58:00 PM
:smile: Dave,
 I know that you said in your e-mail that you didn't remeber me.  To unwrap the enigma in your mind, I was a kid from RiverVale who went to school with Tom P*tt*r at Barnstable.  I went in in 2/86 and was 15, skinny and always got the crap kicked out of me for being rebellious.  I spent a whole lot of time on the floor, but then again, who didn't.

I was in trouble with the FBI for computer hacking (actually a laundry list of allegations) and at the time I was known as a computer geek.

As for you, you came from Livingston, your dad was a doctor, you were 18? if I remeber right.  You were rebellious several (ok,many) times and used to make me crack up in my blue seat.  Unless I am mistaken, you were a drummer with a very similar taste in music to mine (it was fun to sit next to you and rock out - oops.. I feel guilty for being weak).  You tried to sign out several times, once on an open meeting night.

Maybee I am wrong, but let me know if I am even close...

Title: **********Jeff Z**********
Post by: Dave L 4/85-9/86 on December 05, 2002, 05:33:00 PM
Hey Jeff.
Pretty good memory.  I still can't remember you but that's probably only because I keep picturing someone elses face when I think of your name.  I don't think I can forget anyone from there anyway.  Do you have a picture to email me? That will surely solve the mystery.
Anyway, you sound like someone I'd like to hang out with.
You might be wrong about me on one point.  I don't ever remember trying to sign out.  You see, I didn't want to tip my hand and let them know that I didn't want to be there.  My plan was to sit tight for a year and a half-then all of a sudden-BAM- I was going to bolt.  They never knew what hit them.  Worked like a charm.
Title: **********Jeff Z**********
Post by: jeffz*cc*l* on December 05, 2002, 06:12:00 PM
The sign out part I goofed on.  Actually, you may have been taken out after an open meeting and got the shit beat out you in an intake room for entertaining me with heavy metal beats and licks from some good songs.  Sorry about that.

Send me an e-mail and we'll talk.  I do a lot of work in Livingston.  It would be fun to get together.  Please don't forget to read my post if you happen to like Neil Peart as I do...

[email protected]
Title: **********Jeff Z**********
Post by: Dave L 4/85-9/86 on December 08, 2002, 07:06:00 PM
I might remember you now.  Was I ever at your house?  Did you get in trouble for talking to me about my computer that I looked at when I went home on 2nd phase?  You asked me what program I was using?

I do like Neal Peart- but I don't get the reference.  I didn't check the front page of the message board, yet though.

I don't live in Livingston anymore.  I live in Queens now.  What do you do in Livingston?