
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => Elan School => Topic started by: aiiro on February 20, 2005, 06:06:00 PM

Title: movie I mean it
Post by: aiiro on February 20, 2005, 06:06:00 PM
hey this is Susan from e3 i'm wondering if there's still any interest in doing a video about elan alumni? I'm taking a videography course right now (actually TAing it, but have to learn it as I go) and I want to do a project over spring break dealing with people's stories before, in, and after Elan. The interest is as much personal as professional, I went to elan 3 from 1996-1998 and never stopped to think much about the experience or kept in contact with anyone but wish I had. I'm hoping some people out there can help me remember, or give me perspectives that are different from my own, or just get on the camera and say how they're doing or whatever.I'm not soliciting a particular "type" of story from people, you can get on camera and praise elan, bash elan, or just tell me about yourself and what you ate for breakfast. If there are several people in the same area and you all want to meet up that would be great. I'm available to travel from march 18th to the 28th of 2005 thats spring break for U of I and its coming up soon. If you want to get your stories on tape please  contact me by email [email protected]. [ This Message was edited by: aiiro on 2005-02-20 15:10 ]
Title: movie I mean it
Post by: SyN on February 21, 2005, 05:36:00 PM
I am betting you could get this together Susan.  If you get serious feedback you can count me in.
pick that violin back up yet?  
you go to illini?  my whole family has gone to that school.
drop me an email if you get more feedback from others about the film.
Title: movie I mean it
Post by: sportschicelan7 on February 21, 2005, 05:58:00 PM
count me in but i was in elan 7 from 1997 to 1999 if thats ok my opinion wotn be the greatest though lol