
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => The Troubled Teen Industry => Topic started by: Devlin on February 10, 2005, 08:55:00 PM

Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: Devlin on February 10, 2005, 08:55:00 PM (

Man locked girl in kennel  
Updated: 02/10/2005 03:50:11 PM
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                       Eric Bare  
ST. PAUL  - A man who allegedly put a 13-year-old girl in a dog kennel for days at a time, hit her, read her diary, and strip searched her, was charged this week with unreasonable restraint of a child.

Eric Bare, 42, of St. Paul, admitted to child protection workers that he did lock the teenager in the kennel on two different occasions, once for three consecutive days, and once for seven consecutive days. Bare said that he "fixed up the kennel nice" and that it was "a suitable temporary living arrangement."

Bare is not the girl's father, but she called him dad, according to charges. The girl's mother, Deborah Lee Cameron, was also charged. Cameron and Bare have lived together for 10 years. The alleged incidents occurred in an apartment on the 600 block of Snelling Ave. in St. Paul.

The case began in January when police were called to the residence on a report of a girl screaming. When police arrived, the girl's mother told police she wanted her daughter taken out of the home because of behavior problems.

The girl told police that Bare locked her in a dog kennel, and police made arrangements for her to be taken out of the home.

A few days later, she told child protection workers that Bare only let her out of the kennel to attend school and do chores. She told the workers that it was cold but not freezing in the kennel, because she had a blanket. She also said that her mother knew she was in the kennel and brought her food and talked to her.

The girl also alleged that Bare stripped her naked and made her "squat to see if anything came out."

Bare told the workers he did strip her naked and make her squat because he was looking for contraband. He thought she had stolen a key and was trying to escape the kennel. Bare also said that the kennel was assembled over a drain in case the girl had to urinate.
Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: chi3 on February 10, 2005, 10:31:00 PM
This is just sick. I think putting an animal in a kennel in inclimate weather is terrible. These people should put subjected to the same treatment. WWASPS gets away with it for one simple reason....MONEY!
Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: Nihilanthic on February 11, 2005, 01:34:00 AM
Welcome to the child abuse hate club, Chi3.  :wave:

All I ask is equal freedom.  When it is denied, as it always is, I take it anyhow.
--H.L. Mencken

Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: Anonymous on February 11, 2005, 02:06:00 AM

Hi! I guess that you could say I've always been a member, just didn't know about this board.
Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: Perrigaud on February 11, 2005, 05:03:00 AM
Money? Yep and the testimonials that say that we (graduates) were helped. CCM wasn't horrible. It was tough at times. But that tough was the emotional struggle I had with my issues. I'm sure this will set some people off. Be my guest.
Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: tlcrescue on February 11, 2005, 10:12:00 AM
exactly!  You know if I had done what TLC did to my son, I would be in jail! Yet, we PAY them to treat our children like this and there are no legal ramifications!  Please!
Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: Anonymous on February 11, 2005, 11:43:00 AM
Devlin,                            You must learn to take what you read about certain programs with a grain of salt. You must subscribe to the National Enquirer or some similiar tabloid.Do you really think these places would be able to get away with such abuse for so long? Highly unlikly to say the least. You come here for help from such people as this ginger person and Sara , you will only be in more need of help.
Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: Anonymous on February 11, 2005, 12:00:00 PM
Since when did Ginger or anyone for that matter claim to "help" anyone?  You're really going to need to come up with some better material than that if you're going to try and keep pace with the rest of the trolls. :lol:
Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: Anonymous on February 11, 2005, 12:13:00 PM
If Ginger and her brethren do not claim to help , what exactly is their claim to fame? Why was this board created? What is its purpose?
Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: Anonymous on February 11, 2005, 12:16:00 PM
No "claim to fame".  Just a message board for people to spout off, find some old friends and shoot the shit.  Why on earth would you be looking for "help" from strangers on a message board?

Show me anywhere here that Ginger claims to be anyone's counselor.
Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: BuzzKill on February 11, 2005, 12:22:00 PM
WWASP has done this and they did get away with it - so far.
The place was closed down but no one did any jail time. Yet.

Anon - About Ginger: if she has done nothing else, she has helped get me thinking. I am sometimes irritated and aggravated - but I'm thinking. Often times, when I'm done thinking, I'm thinking she has got a point.
Other times, I'm thinking she must be stoned.

We are none of us able to do it all. Most of us do what we can. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. If we could just accept this fact and work together, we could get a lot more done.
Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: tlcrescue on February 11, 2005, 12:24:00 PM
On 2005-02-11 08:43:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Devlin,                            You must learn to take what you read about certain programs with a grain of salt. You must subscribe to the National Enquirer or some similiar tabloid.Do you really think these places would be able to get away with such abuse for so long? Highly unlikly to say the least. You come here for help from such people as this ginger person and Sara , you will only be in more need of help."

this is how they get away with it (and this was confirmed by an agency that investigates these schools).  When the schools are not licensed or regulated by the state, it limits what options they have in conducting their investigations.  They cannot make surprise visits to the schools.  All visits have to be announced and "pre approved".  They cannot interview the children without the schools permission.  Because all visits by the investigating authorities are "pre-arranged" the schools are always in tip top shape and the majority of the kids that have been abused are not present during these visits.  They are removed from the campus, usually under the ruse of a "field trip".  The others that remained and were not subjected to extreme abuse/neglect as the ones on the "field trip" are often scared to talk for fear that they will become one of the poor victims.

This is NOT my opinion, this is what the social services department has told me.  Unfortunately, it is very hard to document.  But, eventually the light will shine and they will be caught, but because the law is more on their side, it takes time.
Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: Anonymous on February 11, 2005, 12:24:00 PM
So i must have been mistaken by thinking I have read threads of so and and so from so and so ity isin so and so situation and posters such as ginger giving anti program rhetoric. Avoid the programs at all cost they say. The programs are all evil. they claim to know what they are talking about, but are ever able to call a situation right down the middle.
Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: Anonymous on February 11, 2005, 12:26:00 PM
On 2005-02-11 09:24:00, Anonymous wrote:

"So i must have been mistaken by thinking I have read threads of so and and so from so and so ity isin so and so situation and posters such as ginger giving anti program rhetoric. Avoid the programs at all cost they say. The programs are all evil. they claim to know what they are talking about, but are ever able to call a situation right down the middle."

What??  I can't even decipher that.
Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: Anonymous on February 11, 2005, 12:30:00 PM
Let me ask you a questioN. iF I have no choice but to send my daughter to a program, what program would any of you find acceptable? Anyone?
Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: Anonymous on February 11, 2005, 12:32:00 PM
What situation would you find yourself in that you had NO choice????  You ALWAYS have a choice!!!
Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: Nihilanthic on February 11, 2005, 05:03:00 PM
Perrigaud, tough for you and your issues is one thing, but 1. "tough" isnt a quality or a necessity or a good thing, 2. "tough" can mean broken for most people if taken too far, and 3. CCM only worked because you were away from your parents, locked in, and actually had a therapist.

Most kids have no therapist, and do not get anything therpeutic out of being locked up, away from their parents. Did it work for you? Sure. For everyone? No. Most? I'd think not.

The seminars didnt screw you up, brainwash or break you. You didnt take it too seriously. Thats great! Do most do so even if told not to? Yes. Is that good? No.

Yes, it worked for you, and it wasnt as bad as others... but thats hardly something that should be used to sell a program. Most of it came from inside you anyway.

A lot in the whole methodology of the programs and the seminars has to be changed. It might very well not be "program"-ish anymore if it doesnt involve kidnapping and captivity, but hey, fuck the programs! Its about the kids that need help getting help, and those that dont not being there in the first place.

Fresh beauty opens one's eyes wherever it is really seen, but the very abundance and completeness of the common beauty that besets our steps prevents its being absorbed and appreciated. It is a good thing, therefore, to make short excursions now and then to the bottom of the sea among dulse and coral, or up among the clouds on mountain-tops, or in balloons, or even to creep like worms into dark holes and caverns underground, not only to learn something of what is going on in those out-of-the-way places, but to see better what the sun sees on our return to common everyday beauty.
-- John Muir

Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: Antigen on February 11, 2005, 09:27:00 PM
On 2005-02-11 09:30:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Let me ask you a questioN. iF I have no choice but to send my daughter to a program, what program would any of you find acceptable? Anyone?  "

Depends on your definition of the word "program". And what makes a good program of any sort depends on what the kid wants and needs. They have to want it or you're either wasting your money or kidding yourself that these strangers have some sort of magic to make the kid change their mind w/o breaking their will.

But there are plenty of really good trade schools, liberal arts schools, volunteer efforts, sport/hobby type camps and other sorts of programs that can 1) keep a kid safe, 2) give them a break from whatever they're into and time to think 3) failing that, at least give them an enjoyable time and maybe some useful knowledge, skill and experiences.

Power concedes nothing without a demand. The limit of oppression is determined by the extent of the endurance of the oppressed.
--Frederick Douglas

Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: Nihilanthic on February 11, 2005, 09:39:00 PM
The "programs" are diametrically opposed to that, Antigen...

They keep them there against their will, and dont let them have any sort of pleasure or enjoyment that isnt directly tied to giving in to the program and the dogma that goes with it.

If they want a program, its not program-ey enough unless the kid suffers. People seem to balk at the idea of pleasant experiences being good for a kid.

[Religion is] the daughter of hope and fear, explaining to ignorance the nature of the unknowable.
--Ambrose Bierce

Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: Perrigaud on February 12, 2005, 05:24:00 AM
  Yet again you refuse to believe that the program actually can be fun. I'll say it and run you into a tizzy. The program was fun at times. There were times that were hard but what did you think would happen when you work on issues? Tough? Life is tough. Get over it. And I said it wasn't horrible. I didn't say it wasn't as bad as people make it sound like. Please. Here's some more for your thoughts. I'm not the only one that feels the way I do.
[ This Message was edited by: Perrigaud on 2005-02-12 02:27 ]
Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: Helena Handbasket on February 12, 2005, 09:21:00 AM
On 2005-02-11 08:43:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Devlin,                            You must learn to take what you read about certain programs with a grain of salt. You must subscribe to the National Enquirer or some similiar tabloid.Do you really think these places would be able to get away with such abuse for so long? Highly unlikly to say the least. You come here for help from such people as this ginger person and Sara , you will only be in more need of help."

Or maybe Dev was watching the local channel 5 news - which you would know if you read before you spouted off.

Someone else already said it - this is an open forum: for people to spout off, discuss, debate, and maybe offer friendly advice.  Take it or leave it - it's a free country, pal.
Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: Anonymous on February 12, 2005, 11:44:00 AM
Tell Sara The sky is purple. Wait 5 minutes and then read her post:                             I went to the Dollar Store to pick up some replacement batteries for my refurbed WebTV and while waiting online I decided to buy The National Enquirer at wholesale price. I learned from reading that magazine that the sky is purple. I can not believe that all this time the evil  parents of the world have kept this knowledge to themselves.
Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: Helena Handbasket on February 12, 2005, 12:47:00 PM
On 2005-02-12 08:44:00, Anonymous wrote:

" Tell Sara The sky is purple. Wait 5 minutes and then read her post:                             I went to the Dollar Store to pick up some replacement batteries for my refurbed WebTV and while waiting online I decided to buy The National Enquirer at wholesale price. I learned from reading that magazine that the sky is purple. I can not believe that all this time the evil  parents of the world have kept this knowledge to themselves. "

Actually, the sky is sometimes purple at sunset. :grin:
Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: Anonymous on February 12, 2005, 01:14:00 PM
Sara,                                                             If you only listened in those Special Education Classes, There would be a brighter outlook for you. You are sadly reduced to typing false scholastic statements along with your fabricated propaganda. Tell me this Sara. What if any program did you attend/ graduate. Did you have your child Ecorted to a program but then got him out because he /she crid it did not resemble the Holiday Inn enough for him /her?
Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: Helena Handbasket on February 12, 2005, 02:32:00 PM
On 2005-02-12 10:14:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Sara,                                                             If you only listened in those Special Education Classes, There would be a brighter outlook for you. You are sadly reduced to typing false scholastic statements along with your fabricated propaganda. Tell me this Sara. What if any program did you attend/ graduate. Did you have your child Ecorted to a program but then got him out because he /she crid it did not resemble the Holiday Inn enough for him /her?                                                 "

Do me a favor - do us all a favor... talk to me when you can form a coherent thought.
Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: Anonymous on February 12, 2005, 03:08:00 PM
I guess some questions are too tough for Young Sara. I say young because I saw 1984 in your file.Many would say she is young, do not give up on her. But many would also have to agree that many, many, just never grow out of their ways. So DARN SAD!
Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: Helena Handbasket on February 12, 2005, 03:29:00 PM
On 2005-02-12 12:08:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I guess some questions are too tough for Young Sara. I say young because I saw 1984 in your file.Many would say she is young, do not give up on her. But many would also have to agree that many, many, just never grow out of their ways. So DARN SAD! "

Actually, some trolls are just too easy!!  Ya bore me!  Now piss off! :rofl:
Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: Perrigaud on February 12, 2005, 07:34:00 PM
Im only 21. And? Age aint shit. It's about experience.
Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: spots on February 12, 2005, 09:34:00 PM
On 2005-02-12 16:34:00, Perrigaud wrote:

"Im only 21. And? Age aint shit. It's about experience. "

Really?  It has been 3 years or more since you left CCM?  Curious...why are you on this forum?  I wonder why a reasonably well-adjusted young woman (quite a ways from being a teenager, really) quite vehemently defends a lifestyle that even she admits is "not for everyone", although WWASPS makes no such distinction.  

I am quite sure you have no financial interest to be served by defending WWASPS program.  Knowing how WWASPS keeps everyone from contacting one another after graduation (except fawning parents), I am surprised that you continue your strong defense of an experience so many years ago.  

My child was in Casa for nearly one year.  It has been nearly 2 years since she was first sent away.  She now has grown to have a good life, and strongly prefers to leave WWASPS in her past.  My involvement in trying to halt the possibility of such places to send recalcitrant teenagers is not shared by her.  I wonder what motivates you to support the program so much, when you fully admit that your benefit had a lot to do with time, your maturing, and your own strong attitude.  Why would you want the experience for the majority of not-as-strong children who are locked up there?
Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: Perrigaud on February 15, 2005, 01:49:00 AM
Well Spots. My reasoning is that I am for and against the program. I consider myself lucky to have been able to go to CCM. I hated CBS. I believe people should see both sides of the scale. Unlike your daughter, I remember and acknowledge everything that has happened in my life be it positive or negative. Anyhow, my main motive is to keep people informed of all aspects of the program. Yes my will helped. However, the program had to do with some of the thinking I do today. I do credit them for the aiding in my self reformation.
Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: Nihilanthic on February 15, 2005, 02:05:00 AM
Personally, I'd rather you and everyone else wasn't influenced in their thinking from a program... nor would I want anyone else influenced by a program. Or religion or cults... nothing but their own mind's cognitive acceptance or rejection of something they learned.

LGAT's tend to push things upon you, or at least thats what the psychologists say :razz:

Thats not to say you're not a perfectly fine woman now, Perrigaud. I just dont like thinking that unqualified people running large group awareness trianing seminars that a LOT of medical professionals have labeled as pathological and generally denounced since they were known to exist could be allowed to impact you and any child, part, tom, dick, or harry that happened by and went into one unknowingly.

All religions have been made by men.
--Napoleon Bonaparte, French emperor

Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: Perrigaud on February 15, 2005, 05:53:00 AM
Once you think about it everything can be labeled as an influence. Television, music, magazines, you name it are very influential. To me that's the scarier part. The fact that there are so many messages sent to us on an everyday basis. Not everyone goes to a program but everyone is exposed to music, tv, other people, magazines, ads etc.
Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: Anonymous on February 15, 2005, 10:59:00 AM
On 2005-02-15 02:53:00, Perrigaud wrote:

"Once you think about it everything can be labeled as an influence. Television, music, magazines, you name it are very influential. To me that's the scarier part. The fact that there are so many messages sent to us on an everyday basis. Not everyone goes to a program but everyone is exposed to music, tv, other people, magazines, ads etc. "

You are not being exposed to music, TV, etc. while under extreme stress and while being held in an environment that is specifically designed to drive you into a frenzy and break you down. You are not forced to accept whatever the TV/music people are selling at the threat of losing your family or being beaten/sent to solitary confinement (unlike at WWASPS concentration camps, where such practices are extremely common).

You are also not forced to listen to whatever's on the TV or whatever they're playing on the radio. If you don't like what's on right now, you can simply shut down the machine. This is not an option for children incarcerated in WWASPS' gulags. They don't have ANY choice about the messages they are receiving, or the way they are treated.
Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: Nihilanthic on February 15, 2005, 06:03:00 PM
I think anon said it pretty well. Passive propaganda or persuasion differs from active propaganda and persuasion in a controlled environment, especially one geared to behavior modification.

While some weaklings might buy a product for sex appeal or simply because the competetors dont advertise or have the brand name image it has, it doesnt actively try to change your views on reality or put you in a situation where you have to accept what you were told. Also, with products for sale commercially I can research them ahead of time.

In a program I have to do what they say period.

Immortality: A toy which people cry for, And on their knees apply for, Dispute, contend and lie for, And if allowed Would be right proud Eternally to die for.
--Ambrose Bierce

Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: Perrigaud on February 16, 2005, 03:55:00 AM
When it comes to everyday media and not having to listen to it; yes and no. You can change the program. However, when it's all around you it's hard for a lot of people to resist it. Niles a few weaklings? No a lot. Majority. People are exposed to norms. Look at our celebrities. Most of them are rail thin (women) or really muscular. A lot of teenage girls think that they have to live up to that body image. In the end all of the preassures to be the norm end up harming girls and boys. Even the people who are in the anti-norm groups feel a pressure to uphold their certain rebel image. A few weaklings? If that were the case the kids these days wouldn't be part of the prozak nation.
As for the program? They may control what you watch, say, do but internally it's your choice if you want to internalize what is being said, taught, and such. The kids have a choice of what they will take in. The ways they are treated? Please it's not a concentration camp as you so judgementally put it. If you want to delve into that then I'll embelish. When watching the interviews of the people that were victims to the real concentration camps you find that they answer the same in one form or another. They say that they survived because of their will and their choice to not succomb to all that was going on. True freedom comes within. No one can take your dreams or thoughts away from you. Those people didn't listen to all the "gulag" they were told. Yes they had to put up with a certain way of life full of limits. But the survivors never gave up. Their families were killed around them, freinds murdered, famished, and yet they refused to believe in what the SS were saying.
Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: Anonymous on February 16, 2005, 10:45:00 AM
Humans are a lot like wolves.  Alpha wolves think for themselves because they have the responsibility to take care of the pack.  Alphas who can't take a pack tend to be loners.  Beta wolves follow the lead of the alphas and go along with the pack.

When a pack loses one of its two alpha wolves, another wolf becomes an alpha personality.  The process typically cannot be reversed.  That wolf has an alpha personality for the rest of its life.

I think the Milgram experiments showed about 5% of humans would tell an experimenter that was telling them they "must" give another person a lethal electric shock to go to hell.  The other 95% complied.

5% of humans are alphas.  Some humans with beta personalities will become alpha if placed in a group situation under stress with only other betas.

Once you have an alpha personality, you stay that way.

That's why in armies throughout history, when there's a mutiny, the officers kill only the ringleaders.  Kill the new alphas and all the betas fall back in line under the old alphas.

My Point:  No matter what situation humans are in, 95% act like sheep.  But brainwashing *does* make it worse in forcing those "sheep" into a particular mold.  Think of it as land area being range of opinion:  sheep out of a brainwashing situation are a flock spread out on a big hillside; sheep in a brainwashing situation are a flock crammed together in a very small pen--frequently one where they're on a path to their own destruction.

Any human, alpha or beta, can have their spirit crushed and broken--anyone can be broken, eventually, if you have total control over them and don't care how much damage you do.

So the betas get jammed into a dysfunctional mode and broken, and the alphas get broken, too if the facility has enough time.

Whereas in a normal society the alphas are thinking for themselves and the betas, while they are following the alphas, are spread out across a range of opinions and thoughts instead of crammed all together into one traumatic and dysfunctional mold.

Sure, somebody's probably going to bring it up that humans aren't wolves---but socially we're a whole heck of a lot like them.

Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: Anonymous on February 16, 2005, 11:16:00 AM
On 2005-02-16 00:55:00, Perrigaud wrote:

"When it comes to everyday media and not having to listen to it; yes and no. You can change the program. However, when it's all around you it's hard for a lot of people to resist it. Niles a few weaklings? No a lot. Majority. People are exposed to norms. Look at our celebrities. Most of them are rail thin (women) or really muscular. A lot of teenage girls think that they have to live up to that body image. In the end all of the preassures to be the norm end up harming girls and boys. Even the people who are in the anti-norm groups feel a pressure to uphold their certain rebel image. A few weaklings? If that were the case the kids these days wouldn't be part of the prozak nation.

As for the program? They may control what you watch, say, do but internally it's your choice if you want to internalize what is being said, taught, and such. The kids have a choice of what they will take in. The ways they are treated? Please it's not a concentration camp as you so judgementally put it. If you want to delve into that then I'll embelish. When watching the interviews of the people that were victims to the real concentration camps you find that they answer the same in one form or another. They say that they survived because of their will and their choice to not succomb to all that was going on. True freedom comes within. No one can take your dreams or thoughts away from you. Those people didn't listen to all the "gulag" they were told. Yes they had to put up with a certain way of life full of limits. But the survivors never gave up. Their families were killed around them, freinds murdered, famished, and yet they refused to believe in what the SS were saying. "

This applies to WWASP survivors as well. Their minds and psyche were under constant attack. They saw their friends humiliated and abused. Their families are often instructor to disown them if they dare resisting the program. These people who manage to resist WWASP, hang on to their own perception of reality, and not let the program take their minds and sanity away from them.

I know what you're going to say here: that I'm insulting the victims of Nazi concentration camps. Well, I don't think I do-- there are many, many parallels between Nazi concentration camps and WWASP concentration camps, only that WWASP attacks the mind and the Nazi attacked the body. Physical murder vs. psychological murder.

I would also like to point out that WWASP's program was invented and developed by the Koreans, who used it on American POW's and dissidents, in order to brainwash them into believing their government's Communist ideology. I believe The Program is still widely used in Korean gulags.
Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: Nihilanthic on February 16, 2005, 01:17:00 PM
"As for the program? They may control what you watch, say, do but internally it's your choice if you want to internalize what is being said, taught, and such. The kids have a choice of what they will take in."

" When watching the interviews of the people that were victims to the real concentration camps you find that they answer the same in one form or another. They say that they survived because of their will and their choice to not succomb to all that was going on. True freedom comes within. No one can take your dreams or thoughts away from you. Those people didn't listen to all the "gulag" they were told. Yes they had to put up with a certain way of life full of limits. But the survivors never gave up. Their families were killed around them, freinds murdered, famished, and yet they refused to believe in what the SS were saying."

That seems to indicate a problem with the programs, and that its the job of a child in it to fight a program for the inside out to not get overly influenced by it... doesnt it? Seems kind of ridiculous to me.

If the program is going to do somthing then it should first do no harm... or resort to methods that are going to influence and manipulate people. You can argue all day long its a individuals fault for giving in but people are not omnipotent and anyone can be broken. Also, quite simply, they shouldn't BE in a situation where they'd have to start fighting mind control while being in a controlled, captive situation, ANYWAY. We train our Adult, special forces soldiers to fight it, and a lot of them cant handle it. Why is it that now kids are RESPONSIBLE to do it in some treatment program?

All religions have been made by men.
--Napoleon Bonaparte, French emperor

Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: Perrigaud on February 17, 2005, 05:25:00 AM
Missed the point again. Nothing in life will pertain to 100% of the people. If WWASP did becom what you think would be good than there would be another group claiming negative thoughts towards it. Now a lot of what the program is about is what helped me. There were some things I didn't agree with but for the most part it helped. That's why I was saying that people can choose to either listen or not. The human mind is an amazing thing. Now, the reason with the concentration camps was to prove that even in the most extreme situations the human minds can prevail. WWASP is NOT a concentration camp. And yes I still stand by people make choices. No one is omnipotent. However, don't make the programs out to sound like they are worse than the Nazi camps. They aren't.
Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: Anonymous on February 17, 2005, 07:12:00 AM
On 2005-02-17 02:25:00, Perrigaud wrote:

"Missed the point again. Nothing in life will pertain to 100% of the people. If WWASP did becom what you think would be good than there would be another group claiming negative thoughts towards it.

What WWASP does to the children in its care is considered child abuse by normal standard used by normal, sane people. That's the whole point.

Now a lot of what the program is about is what helped me. There were some things I didn't agree with but for the most part it helped. That's why I was saying that people can choose to either listen or not. The human mind is an amazing thing.

Yeah, it is. It's amazing, how within such a short period of time, American soldiers were made to believe and stand by Korea's Communist ideology, how parents-- previously ordinary, logical people-- become submissive and accepting of anything and everything that's fed to them, completely convinced that everything the program does is wonderful. And it's amazing, the way children are made-- by means of stress-inducing and coercion-- believe their lives were saved by The Program.

Now, the reason with the concentration camps was to prove that even in the most extreme situations the human minds can prevail.

No, the reason the Nazis built the concentration camps was to murder people, to kill off an entire race. You make it sound like it was some psychological experiment.

WWASP is NOT a concentration camp. And yes I still stand by people make choices. No one is omnipotent. However, don't make the programs out to sound like they are worse than the Nazi camps. They aren't.

Okay, forget Nazi concentration camps. Let's go for something closer. How about Korean concentration camps? The Koreans invented the program for use in their own gulags. It's been copied and expanded by various American cults, such as LifeSpring. WWASP is a development of LifeSpring. WWASP is a destructive cult.

The misery, the abuse, the constant psychological stress, the cruelty, the horrid physical conditions... WWASP's facilities are gulags, concentration camps for children, designed to break them down and re-wire them. And we dare calling this country the land of freedom...
Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: Perrigaud on February 17, 2005, 08:21:00 AM
  1) I wasn't saying the Nazi camps existed for psychological experiment. What I meant was the reason for me mentioning them.
2)The conditions at CCM are not bad at all. In fact they are quite nice.
3)My friends(graduates) are not under the impression that the program is the only reason they are alive. Please, it's not all or nothing for us. Amazing how much you people want to make it sound like we are cookie cut graduates. Please, we make our mistakes, we do lead normal lives. If WWASP is so destructive then why are my friends doing well as well as me? Yeah so destructive that it helped me regain myself. Notice how I didn't say it fixed me? Notice how I said helped? Welcome to reality. Damaging? Maybe. In my case not at all. The same with my friends.
Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: Anonymous on February 17, 2005, 01:35:00 PM
Perhaps you have missed the mulitude of testimonials in which the child or parent claim the kid would be deadinsaneorinjail without the program.
You just can't speak for everyone. While you may claim differently, others are most definitely under that impression, and there is simply no justification for making such a claim.
Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: Perrigaud on February 18, 2005, 03:35:00 AM
Sure. I can speak for the lot of people I know. These are both graduates and non-graduates. Oh well, I know I'll never convince anyone that thinks these places are all about abuse that they aren't. However, I will continue to give facts. My opinions are my own. Yours are yours. Again, I am aware that these places are difficult and have had some history of abuse. Do I think it happens constantly? No.
Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: chi3 on February 18, 2005, 05:19:00 AM

I agree, these programs are NOT about abuse. They are about MONEY. In my experience with these people, there are a great many of people who work at these facilities who truly do care about the children and want to help them. The "owners" of these facilities? Money, Money Money. All under the guise of helping kids. That's where I have a problem. I have never been to CCM, so I have to believe you when you say it was nice. I can, however, tell you that CSA is not a nice place. Yes, the people there by and large genuinely want to help the kids. But it is a rundown facility, very dusty and dirty, the "school" equipment and "teachers", are a joke, the library looks like a corner of someone's garage sale of leftover books no one would take for free, The food is unappetizing, fattening and definately subpar. There are no real sports, they don't even have anything to play with even if they could. They basically get zero education, the credits they receive rarely transfer to any "decent" schools, there is no real time to learn about others, or from others, because you stay on silent basically 90% of the day. The kids can't even eat lunch without having to take notes from motivational tapes played throughout their meals, then test on them afterwards. They watch the same old "kids that have done wrong" tapes day after day until they block them out and just sit there in a stupor. The group sessions are conducted by someone who has no educational background in psycology or psychiatry, and then this wise person dispenses their opinions and gives solutions. The only way to see a real psycologist is to pony up $75 an hour for your kid to see the doctor who comes in sporadically. My daughter saw the one there once and didn't get to see her again for 3 weeks. The rules change daily without warning, in an effort to continuosly keep you of guard. My daughter got sick, but wasn't allowed to see the nurse even after asking for 3 weeks, and I was not told she had any problems. Luckily, she followed the rules, so she wasn't sent to the observation placement or worksheets, but she said the entire day was spent with someone yelling negative things to the girls 24/7. I fail to see how anyone can grow and thrive under these conditions. How would they voluntarily decide to change their lives? They don't They are made to change. They work under the same principles of the military. Break 'um down, build'um back in the image you want. Unfortunately, the biggest problem is how they manipulate the parents. They do everything in their power to get the parents to the seminars asap in order to convince them that  to ignore their children's complaints about the program, food, rules, etc. That way, the program is always right, your child couldn't possibly be being sexually, physically or verbally abused, it is just them manipulating the parents. If a child does attempt to blow the whistle on the problems they see, then they lose what little privaleges they may have. It is a catch-22 situation for the kids, damned if they do, damned if they don't. And there they are, separated from all their loved ones, trapped, with no rights. If your child didn't need therapy before the program, you can bet they need it now.
Title: why can WWASP get away with this and not parents?
Post by: Perrigaud on February 18, 2005, 07:44:00 AM
Sounds like horrible conditions. I'm lucky I didn't go there. I was at Casa and that was just as bad if not worse. All behavioral and hardly emotional. I didn't do well there. I was transferred to CCM. There we had it a lot better. If anything I'd say that this is the closest facility (that I know of) that has managed to stay within reason. I'm not surprised CASA was shut down. It was horrible there. The therapists are licensed. At CASA there were no therapists. Lower level girls didn't talk a lot either. That's horrid that CSA was like that as well. TB is by far the worst. Glad I didn't go there either.