
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones => Topic started by: southern boy on October 26, 2004, 08:43:00 AM

Title: RMA Sauna
Post by: southern boy on October 26, 2004, 08:43:00 AM
My first day at RMA was in Febuary 1990, I was led down to the sauna by two very attractive girls in my peer group.  I was thinking, well this is going to be alright, yeah right.  We get down to the sauna and I see this guy on the dock over the pond breaking ice away, we then entered the sauna and there is a John Lennon lookalike on the massage table getting a rub down by one of the boys from my peer group.  That was the first time I met Ned Murray.  He proceeded to moan loudly as the boy rubbed his back, and asked me about being from the south. I kept thinking dad if you come back and get me I swear no more drugs, hell  I'll become a fucking straight A student.  A kid, that kept grinning like a cult member, told me that everybody jumps in the pond during a sauna in winter in friggin Northern Idaho.  After about an hour or so after my plunge my two family heirlooms finally made their way back home, that was the coldest damn water this hillbilly ever felt.  The worst part of the day was I had two and a half more years to go, i swear dad no more drugs, just get me the hell out of here. ::crybaby::  ::crybaby::  ::crybaby::  ::crybaby::  ::crybaby::
Title: RMA Sauna
Post by: Anonymous on October 26, 2004, 09:31:00 AM
I remember the sauna! It stank!
Title: RMA Sauna
Post by: mikehunt on October 26, 2004, 11:58:00 AM
they had a sauna?
Title: RMA Sauna
Post by: southern boy on October 26, 2004, 01:29:00 PM
They had a sauna to sweat.
Title: RMA Sauna
Post by: mikehunt on October 26, 2004, 11:20:00 PM
i actually read about that shit in this cult book i was reading.
did they make you go in there?
Title: RMA Sauna
Post by: Polarbear on October 27, 2004, 12:56:00 AM
There was nothing malicious like that to the Sauna.  It was just something they offered.  It was never required.  They operated it off and on year-round.  It was part of the deck and swimming platform on the lake.  I partook while I was there.  It was exhilarating!  I grew up doing that, but where I'm from never gets cold enough for that kind of ice.  Enjoy-Polarbear
Title: RMA Sauna
Post by: Anonymous on October 27, 2004, 04:55:00 AM
Randy Eide used to host a sauna on Sunday afternoons. And yeah, my dumb ass got talked into jumping through the hole in the ice over the pond too. (I only did it once) They used to have a weight set down there but it got moved into a small room by the house that I don't remember the name of anymore.

Off the subject, I heard a few things about Caroline's current life a couple years ago and it was not good at all. This was from the most reliable source too.

We must remember that the staffers we dealt with at RMA were in many cases much younger than we are now. Caroline and Randy were in their mid 20's in 1987! Its not an excuse for treating others poorly, but it shouldn't be left out of the equation.

Herman Allmaras

[email protected]
Title: RMA Sauna
Post by: southern boy on October 27, 2004, 09:00:00 AM
On 2004-10-26 20:20:00, mikehunt wrote:

"i actually read about that shit in this cult book i was reading.


did they make you go in there?

What the?  The only time they would make us go into the sauna is when it was time to worship the great Unga Bunga, then the couselors would wear the sheep skins and lead us down to the sauna. :nworthy:  :nworthy:  :silly:
Title: RMA Sauna
Post by: blownawaytheidahoway on October 27, 2004, 09:47:00 AM
All good, as they used to say at the time. The sauna and everything I associate with it (with the exception of smell) was all good.
The sunday saunas with Randy were ok, but nakedness was always encouraged when there was none of the opposite sex. Why? I really believe in this case it had more to do with spirituality. But I do not use the word encouraged lightly either.

about Caroline and Randy though: Please inform us of the misfortune that has befallen one or either.
I do not discard what was said about the ages of a lot of the counselors. But...Caroline was an abusive, favorite playing, cripplingly cruel when she wanted to be, and clearly played on the sexual issues of us teens in a sadistic manner. I think the question of her conduct has VERY little to do with age and a LOT to do with her CEDU education...wouldn't you?
Title: RMA Sauna
Post by: southern boy on October 27, 2004, 09:59:00 AM
I agree completely with what you said about Caroline, she was sadistic, with the mentality of a gang leader.  She enjoyed breaking someone down but not building them back up, she liked to leave a person in pain.
Title: RMA Sauna
Post by: Polarbear on October 27, 2004, 08:17:00 PM
I could not stand that woman.  I believe I heard they got divorced.  Caroline was definitely one of the meanest, nastiest, most unpleasant people I have ever dealt with.  People who always felt powerless are the worst ones to give power and authority to.  Enjoy-Polarbear
Title: RMA Sauna
Post by: Anonymous on October 27, 2004, 08:32:00 PM
Randy Eide is a cedu fuckwad is he still at rma ?  what is this caroline's last name? i bet she came from the cedu "family" where the ends justify the means. what is this cult book you read called ?  eide was the kind of cult type that cedu loved to use for its own agenda  which is conning narcissistic parents and parole officers into sending their abusive resentfilled insecure jealousy spewing filth to them so they can use them and indoctrinate them that all u should care about is you and do not think just feel and do whatever you feel .
Title: RMA Sauna
Post by: Anonymous on October 28, 2004, 04:53:00 AM
Caroline Wolfe and Randy Eide were indeed divorced. It happened sometime after I graduated in the summer of 1988, although I have no idea what year. My guess would be the early 90's. I recall it surprised me when I heard of the split.

I was told by an ex-RMA senior staff that Randy was driving "a truck" in Southern California, but that was a couple years ago. I have no idea if this meant a semi, tow truck, or bread van.

Caroline and Randy were both ex-CEDU students if memory serves. Randy was a thug/druggie out of Chicago and Caroline's occupation prior to CEDU was conducted strictly at night.

I had Caroline's game down after about one week.  My basic goal was to avoid her at all costs, which was relatively easy after I got out of Voyagers. I was too young to realize it at the time, but her main problem had to do with control. Caroline was a typical control freak, and to an extent so was Randy. Ultimately it was her lack of control that got her fired I was told.

A few years ago, Caroline was invited to a wedding by a former RMA student getting married. This former student informed me that when Caroline showed up for a party the night before the day of the wedding she looked really bad, but that's not the weirdest part. The next day she totally blew off the wedding cerimony even though she was in it. A total NO-SHOW. Obviously this type of behavior screams one thing, and it isn't good. By the way, Tim Brace was also present for this wedding and apparently was the same old Tim.

Please don't flame Brace, I liked the man and thought he honestly cared. As you may know he now runs a school out east called Carlbrook. Two Cascade graduates are on the board as well. I believe the web address is (

Anybody remember Nils Tonsman? The big German was the coolest dude at that place. I heard he left RMA years ago, moved to Seattle and got into computers. Apparently he got married and they had kids. I heard this from Mare before she passed away, about three years ago, maybe four.
Title: RMA Sauna
Post by: blownawaytheidahoway on October 29, 2004, 11:00:00 AM
I knew Nils Too. Randy and Caroline were still together when I graduated in 1990-91. It was over though. I think we all had an idea of that.
I want to know if she still works with youth, because she is a mean, mean, bitch. I, for one, do want to relay to her what she did to kids is wrong. Yes, she was a control freak. She loved power! And she was spiteful, vindictive, intimidating, and very often cruel and OFF BASE. I want her to know that that is NOT OK.
I was really really really terrified of her. Now, I'm really really really pissed at her.
Title: RMA Sauna
Post by: Anonymous on November 03, 2004, 05:48:00 PM
rma forces narcissists like caroline wolf to be the way they are. they are coerced by those in power namely that incompetent "loyalty is everything" dan earle. they think that as long as they can tear them down they are right. i think rma is not the place for those who cannot rebuild themselves. they used to say that those who left were not serious about the place but hey like every other sociopathic group they have to blame those they take advantage of.  you have to admit that the staff and kids in those place are extremely selfish and become more so because it is encouraged. resentment drives most of them
Title: RMA Sauna
Post by: Anonymous on November 09, 2004, 05:44:00 PM
Caroline Wolf, right?  I was there in 1984....

I was at RMA - they were a bunch of freaks - ran away to Bosie, ID- got sent to Provo Canyon School.....

Bad, bad memories....
Title: RMA Sauna
Post by: blownawaytheidahoway on November 09, 2004, 07:02:00 PM
that sounds terrible. I wound up in Boise for a little while too. Caroline is actually more than a little to blame. See the long version.
Very long version, to come out soon.
Title: RMA Sauna
Post by: Anonymous on November 10, 2004, 05:17:00 PM
when you were there they used to send cedu kids to rma  believe it or not the least abusive got sent to rma  you can name some kids
Title: RMA Sauna
Post by: Anonymous on November 10, 2004, 06:51:00 PM
The "Rap" sessions use to freak me out.  Scared me to death - Someone would say something, then the whole group would bash you.  Crazy.

Provo Canyon School was a living hell.  I was there 2 1/2 years.  I was the 19th girl there.  I will never forget.  My memories still haunt me.
Title: RMA Sauna
Post by: blownawaytheidahoway on November 11, 2004, 11:09:00 AM
When I was on Survival and RMA was considering re "enrolling" me because I kept running away, the students I was there (at SUWS) with who had run away from provo told me that the kids were threatened with CEDU/RMA and in the meanwhile us at RMA were OFTEN threatened with provo if we fucked up. I don't doubt for long that Provo was worse. I never felt like the constant face of violence was around at RMA. Below the surface yes...but not like some of the war stories I've heard (that may or may not be true) about Provo, secret harbor, and Hidden Lake.
Title: RMA Sauna
Post by: Christine on November 11, 2004, 12:12:00 PM
While I was at RMA, we were threatened with "Provo" too.  Yes, most of what you've heard about PCS is true.  

I'm 34 now and I am so pissed off that my childhood was robbed.  An unwanted child should NOT be sent to places like RMA, CEDU, PROVO, etc., etc., etc.

I did learn how to cross-country ski though...that was pretty cool.  I also have a best friend still after all these years.  She was at RMA and PCS too.

Blownawaytheidahoway -

So, you ended up in Boise too....I want the long version.  

Carolyn Wolf was such a controlling b@#@tch.
Title: RMA Sauna
Post by: blownawaytheidahoway on November 12, 2004, 08:47:00 PM
Christine, thank you for adding.
I'm sorry for us all.
Maybe I know your friend who was at RMA.
I still am out of contact with anyone who I knew.
would be a trip to "cut up" RMA with someone.
If you didn't go to RMA how do you know Caroline Wolff?

P.S. the long version is still in planning mode. but that pecharious slapper will be memorilized in my writing about RMA soon. See the string "July 11th was the day I lost my freedom" for first chapter. It involves Richard Armstrong.
Ring a dull bell? Think that could be called a knell.
Title: RMA Sauna
Post by: Christine on November 15, 2004, 12:48:00 PM
I did go to RMA - I ran away with another girl there.  We finally got picked up and stuck in juvenile hall.  From there we went straight to Provo.

I didn't last too long at RMA - I probably lasted a few months.  It was 1985 I believe.  I was young - i'm 34 now.

When I was there, Barbara Walters had her adopted daughter there - she went by Jackie Goober.  When were you there?
Title: RMA Sauna
Post by: blownawaytheidahoway on November 16, 2004, 12:41:00 PM
Christine, Jackie sounds familiar but I don't know. Logically, she couldn't have been a student when I was there...probably.

Can you tell us more about Provo?
were there raps?
is it true violence was used/encouraged in the student general population?
What did you think since you were at both RMA and Provo about the diffences similarities between them?
Does Provo still exist?
Do you know Sorenson's Ranch?
What kind of good did you experience, if any?

I'm going to post another topic specifically about raps, would you be interested in sharing what you remember from your few months there?

Good to see you here. It's all so screwed up, and hard to ariculate. Let's continue to shed light on all this.
Title: RMA Sauna
Post by: Christine on November 17, 2004, 12:21:00 PM

There were no raps at PCS.  I had a "therapist", Craig Smith, who rarely talked with me.

Yes, PCS still exists.  There is a petition you can sign to help close it down.  

To compare RMA and PCS - PCS is the worst of the two evils.  I was never physically abused at RMA - I was at PCS.  I was never drugged at RMA - I was at PCS.  You can go outside at RMA - you are doing physical labor, but at least you are outside.  You have much more freedom at RMA - PCS you are completly locked up.  To me, PCS was a nightmare that still haunts me.

I haven't heard of Sorenson's Ranch - is that another behavior modification place?

I didn't get anything good out of either place.
Title: RMA Sauna
Post by: Anonymous on November 18, 2004, 11:43:00 AM
Caroline had a lesbian affair with a bonners ferry high school gym teacher and then they brought a female student in on their sexcapades.

This is the credubility of top CEDU Staff like Caroline Wolf - Maybe they should hire people with morals and a high school education, but nobody with morals and education works there for long - If you don't "buy in" to the racketering and other corruption you are fired - case in point  - me.
Title: RMA Sauna
Post by: Anonymous on November 18, 2004, 11:48:00 AM
I saw the newspaper article about how Armstrong worked as an escort, drugged and raped a student. It is on Teen / newspaper articles / Spokesman Review / RMA
Title: RMA Sauna
Post by: Anonymous on November 18, 2004, 04:41:00 PM
was this caroline short and from chicago  and with eide , when my girlfriend was a counselor they were coerced into lying , dan earle  running the place,  cedu swine care only about screwing whoever they can to get what they want staff are coerced into the ends justify the means,  they had problems getting clearances because so many staff had abused kids and they had to keep lying to keep the racket going. most had criminal records  and they would credit the place as having turned them around and it was all a racket to con . the bad part was that the heads were worse than the felons they controlled . they had to stop checking for criminal records because so many had them and hey all they really cared about was who they could screw to get what they wanted and if you did not lie and cover up you were threatened with termination
Title: RMA Sauna
Post by: Anonymous on January 26, 2005, 04:54:00 PM
didn't team oddisy have naked boy sunnas with tim earl at night? hmmmm
Title: RMA Sauna
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2005, 02:58:00 AM
She was NOT what was needed at RMA .. sh sucked safety away like a leech .. Im a pretty damn hardened guy now, but man.. there were times where you couldnt help but feel vulnerable .. and that woman was not the right person to be there in charge.
Randy left her and she was kicked out of RMA after being caught screwing some tall skinny blonde student who all the girls talked about having a huge penis.
I guess it was let out that alot of the time she was there.. there was all sorts of crap like that happening in her house with her special clique.. which i was invited into .. and repeatedly just didn't ... got this wanna be cool no matter what vibe off of her.. everythign just felt fake around her. ...
I will admit .. i had alot of sexual pent up fantasies about dominating the living shit out of her and using her like a goddamn whore.
And I still think that would have been healthy if acted out... for her.. and for me... I know she would have loved it.
But then again she's be all over my shit like an attention leech after that so whatever...
All what I wrote was true here.. go ask others that were there.
She even walked around in barely-there lingere one time. in a rap.
I bet she is a prostitute whore now, calling herself an "escort".... or dead by another cheated on husband, boyfriend or suicide.
Very wrong person then... dunno bout now.

blown away.. any more you can add to this.. please do
Title: bumping UGLIES yo
Post by: blownawaytheidahoway on January 10, 2007, 08:47:42 AM
Title: Re: RMA Sauna
Post by: Anonymous on November 09, 2009, 09:10:47 PM
all i know is those big melons of caroline's kept the spank bank going for the whole 2 years. me and all the other 14-18 yr old homies wanted to smash that ass. it was hot that she was a former pro-ho also. i will pay $1000 for some pics of her lung warts.
Title: Re: RMA Sauna
Post by: Anonymous on November 09, 2009, 09:31:52 PM
All I remember was her and her asshole husband screaming. One hell of a pair titties tho.