
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones => Topic started by: Anonymous on October 23, 2004, 05:16:00 PM

Title: RMA 99-01
Post by: Anonymous on October 23, 2004, 05:16:00 PM
Anyone go to RMA during this time frame?
Title: RMA 99-01
Post by: Anonymous on January 08, 2005, 12:38:00 PM
i did. who are you? this is alicia.
Title: RMA 99-01
Post by: Anonymous on January 09, 2005, 03:06:00 AM
Alicia who? I didn't post this but I went to the RMA school during this time period as well.
Title: RMA 99-01
Post by: Anonymous on January 09, 2005, 10:05:00 AM
Alicia |
Title: RMA 99-01
Post by: betzalmo on January 09, 2005, 02:00:00 PM
a[ This Message was edited by: betzalmo on 2005-01-09 18:26 ]
Title: RMA 99-01
Post by: Anonymous on January 09, 2005, 02:17:00 PM
i fucking hate it. yes i understand that it got me out of the terrible life style i was living, but that was purely due to physically removing me from the environment. i could have gone to a regular boarding school, or something of the sort.

since i have left there i have suffered greatly. i never had any of the problems i have now. i left and went straight to university in oregon. things were fine for a while, aside from being completely socially damaged, and void of any basic education. when i went on summer break, i could not deal with the lack of structure that university/rma afforded me. i turned into a huge coke head, and barley made it back to school in the fall. i was back to the way i was before i was sent away three years prior, only worse and with a whole new set of issues. i developed a severe anxiety disorder, hyperventilating daily, not being able to leave the house, shaking when placed in a confrontational environment, spending weeks at a time in a state of severe depression. i have seen many doctors, neurologist, natural-paths, and have tried everything from medication, to acupuncture and eye movement desensitization ( i am canadian, so our health care is paid for. if i was american, i would have spent way over $100 000 on treatment). the next 2 years in oregon were terrible. i nearly failed out of school, was hospitalized twice for suicide attempts, and was in a complete state of panic. EVERY SINGLE professional that i saw did not say that i was sick because of what happened before rma. they examined a time line, and always said i was experiencing post traumatic stress syndrome from 2 years of constant abuse, fear, and being someone that i am not.

i am fine now. i am finishing my degree in art history in vancouver, own my own home, and have a great job working in film. i don't, however, talk to my parents. i just can't get past what went on, and i wish that i could. i also still take medication, and battle with anxiety everyday.

i get nightmares about rma all the time, and i don't think they will ever go away. it was truly the darkest time in my life, and something i wish i had never had to survive.

Title: RMA 99-01
Post by: betzalmo on January 09, 2005, 03:01:00 PM
a[ This Message was edited by: betzalmo on 2005-01-09 18:25 ][ This Message was edited by: betzalmo on 2005-01-09 18:25 ]
Title: RMA 99-01
Post by: Anonymous on January 09, 2005, 03:05:00 PM
i mainly study modern art, specifically russian constructivism. i have a minor in eastern european studies, so i was naturally drawn to the politcally driven art form.

i am starting to get into contemporary canadian art, a very overlooked thing. but that is just cause i live here!  :smile:
Title: RMA 99-01
Post by: Anonymous on January 09, 2005, 03:58:00 PM
Hey Alicia, I went to school with you. I'm sorry you went through all those rough times after RMA. I understand though. Everything was a rude awakening after leaving that place.
Molly M.
Title: RMA 99-01
Post by: Anonymous on January 09, 2005, 03:59:00 PM
hey molly! dan and i tried to get ahold of you when i lived in oregon, but we couldn't.

how are you?

i hope all is well!
Title: RMA 99-01
Post by: Anonymous on January 09, 2005, 04:07:00 PM
Yea, I heard you went to Reed College but apparently that was just another dumbass RMA rumor. I saw Dan once a long time ago.
Everythings going I went through similar experiences (like you). Life's okay now.
I'm Glad things are going better for you.
Title: RMA 99-01
Post by: Anonymous on January 09, 2005, 04:08:00 PM
You should email me sometime,
[email protected]
Title: RMA 99-01
Post by: Anonymous on January 09, 2005, 04:12:00 PM
no, nathan went to reed. i went to linfield college in mcminnville. stupid rma recommended it, because it was isolated and sheltered. my parents wouldn't let me leave unless i went there, so i did. anything was better than that place, and i was not going to go to milestones and get a crappy education. i moved to portland after a few months and just commuted. that was much better.

i am glad everything is going better for you now. do you keep in touch with anyone? i really don't. what are you up to?
Title: RMA 99-01
Post by: Anonymous on January 09, 2005, 04:13:00 PM
i put you on my AIM.
Title: RMA 99-01
Post by: Anonymous on July 25, 2006, 11:21:50 PM
hey alicia.. this is adam steffler. maybe you dont remember me so well, but you used to sit on my booth with me sometimes before i went to ASCENT. AIM me @ AvianPattern . wow. random
Title: RMA 99-01
Post by: Anonymous on July 26, 2006, 12:34:43 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
hey alicia.. this is adam steffler. maybe you dont remember me so well, but you used to sit on my booth with me sometimes before i went to ASCENT. AIM me @ AvianPattern . wow. random

dude... how the hell is that random in any way shape or form?
you googled RMA or CEDU.. you found a forum where people from there would post.. most likely she did the same.. its by pure calculated choice that you both posted here.  its the FARTHEST thing from random.
.. probably just thought it was a cute little thing to say at the end to distance himself just enough so that he didnt seem  desperate. ... like wow... how ironic! i found another RMA grad on an RMA alumni site! whaaaat are the chances????

Title: ALicia |
Post by: The Canadian Sasha on August 01, 2006, 07:38:41 PM
Hey Alicia.. I am from vancouve,r and I went to Day camp with you as a kid, at a certain family club. My name is Sasha and I have a twin.. remember?
ANyways, I went through that system aswell, and still have post raumatic stress from it. Anyways, I studied Art history for a while, and am now in Film school, and working on sets. WE have alot incommon, and I would love to be able to contact you is you like. I still live in Van, and my e-mail is [email protected].

Take Care

Title: RMA 99-01
Post by: Anonymous on August 21, 2006, 03:24:57 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""

dude... how the hell is that random in any way shape or form?
you googled RMA or CEDU.. you found a forum where people from there would post.. most likely she did the same.. its by pure calculated choice that you both posted here.  its the FARTHEST thing from random.
.. probably just thought it was a cute little thing to say at the end to distance himself just enough so that he didnt seem  desperate. ... like wow... how ironic! i found another RMA grad on an RMA alumni site! whaaaat are the chances????


dude, youre an asshole. I understand that a good part of your time must be spent trying to poke holes in people's online writings, but it just sounds like you are havin a bad day. I didnt google RMA or CEDU. try googling CEDU. do you see this site? try next page... no? oh, try 10 pages in. Still hasnt shown up yet? oh. Probably cause you spew hate that doesnt make sense... the kind of kid who still lives CEDU.

Point is, you sound like you are just an asshole

and for the record....I actually came across this site from CAFETY i believe. (
Quote from: ""Guest""