
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones => Topic started by: CEDU IS A CULT on August 12, 2004, 06:08:00 PM

Title: So this is what it's come to
Post by: CEDU IS A CULT on August 12, 2004, 06:08:00 PM
Enough with the fighting.

Let's get back to the subject.

Fuck Cedu and everything it represents in all ideologies, religions, and politics.

One thing we must define:

What is a Cult?

Do you know?

Can anyone know what a Cult is defined by and state honestly that CEDU is not a cult or in the very least cultish?

Can anyone here not admit they heard multiple stories of bestiality, hardcore pornography, and much more from the mouths of both students and staff at CEDU?

Can anyone here not admit they were forced to work well over 8 hours a day without pay under the most terrible work conditions?

Can anyone here not admit that their every move at CEDU was censored and scrutinized?

Can anyone here not admit that as in El Salvador, christianity was not allowed to be practiced (sunday mass every week) because by its very nature (at least in the beginning) it is rebellious and revolutionary?  (No I'm not christian, I'm jewish)

By the way, it is a law that if a child asks to go to sunday church, he must be allowed to do so.

Can anyone here not admit that this was all part of a Cult-like brainwashing used to exploit and abuse the downtrodden for one principle motivation which is the main principle motivation in all businesses?

And that these secrets must be kept secret at all costs to prevent negative publicity which would destroy the business?

And that to insure these secrets don't come out, they instill a fear in every student by exploiting and announcing in front of all their peers under an environment of sleep/food deprevation all of their worst disclosures that lest they speak out, someone out there knows something about them that they don't want anyone to know?

Its all a part of the CULT system.

I challenge anyone to deny that there is something awfully cultish about CEDU school.  Hmm... I'm suspicious.

Don't believe the lie.

They can NOT harm you and this is why I post my true name.  I am not scared of no person, no idea, no religion, no psychology, no rules - nothing as long as I believe I am ethically in the right.

Let's get back on track.  Who cares what people say or think who are still brainwashed by the system.  Let's destroy the system or at least harm it in every way possible.
Title: So this is what it's come to
Post by: oh shizzle son on August 12, 2004, 09:55:00 PM (

This should give direct info if anyone is unaware of Cult qualifications and specifications..

Its funny that CEDU rings a bell for everything presented here....

Title: So this is what it's come to
Post by: Anonymous on August 17, 2004, 08:04:00 PM
were you at cedu  i was and it sound like you were there as what you said was exactly what they did especially if they thought you might leave they would try to blackmail and coerce you