
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => The Seed Discussion Forum => Topic started by: Filobeddoe on August 11, 2004, 11:04:00 PM

Title: 46yo Seedling considered the Seed for 16yo daughter
Post by: Filobeddoe on August 11, 2004, 11:04:00 PM
A few years ago (she's 20 now), my daughter who was 16/17 going on 30 was having some of the same problems her dad had (skipping school, smoking pot & drinking, bad attitude, rebellious, etc).
I actually was considering different drug treatment programs, including the Seed. I haven't had any contact with the program since graduating in '76 & found out by a little research that they were only taking 18+ yo, so I didn't look into it any further. No other programs seemed liked the answer to our problem.

What I ended up doing was being a parent (along with my wife of 24 yrs) & made some rules, talked to her alot & told her that she was loved. I also told her (and her mother who didn't have a screwed up childhood like me) that this was a phase & that she was a great kid & a smart kid & would mature at her own pace & would later laugh at all the stupid stuff she is doing now.
She is now 20 & is still doing "some" stupid stuff but has matured alot & loves her parents who love & support her too. She is a real joy to me & I think she's gonna turn out just fine.....
Title: 46yo Seedling considered the Seed for 16yo daughter
Post by: GregFL on August 11, 2004, 11:51:00 PM
Great, and 20 years from now she won't have to search the web to make sense of her stolen teenage years and time spent in creepy cultic mind control.

Good job in coming to your senses....or I guess thank god the seed was too scared to accept juveniles anymore.

Whatever, your daughter won.
Title: 46yo Seedling considered the Seed for 16yo daughter
Post by: Anonymous on August 18, 2004, 04:46:00 AM
if you love your daughter and instill morals and standards in her, she might stray from them, but she'll always have something to come back to.
Title: 46yo Seedling considered the Seed for 16yo daughter
Post by: Anonymous on August 18, 2004, 09:48:00 AM
Or the inverse, if you apply extreme pressure and control, and upon failing at that, lock her into thought reform "rehab", you run a big risk of losing her forever.

The voodoo treatment modality popularized by the Seed just doesn't work for most people and harms far more people than it helps. Its legacy is increased drug abuse, torn families, suicides, emotional grief, and social isolation.

Oh yeah, and the occasional person that contributes being "straight" to the seed and is thankfull for being locked up in a cult as a teenager. Funny thing, you get the same reaction from all cults, from scientology to hari krisna, from synanon to the moonies, some will deny they were in a cult and will look fondly back on the days spent there.

The human mind is very interesting.