
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => The Seed Discussion Forum => Topic started by: Filobeddoe on August 06, 2004, 11:45:00 PM

Title: How long were you in for??
Post by: Filobeddoe on August 06, 2004, 11:45:00 PM
I just found this forum.... WOW!! It sure does bring back alot (at least "some" memories)

I went to the St Pete SEED in '76 and then to Davie a few months later.

I was IN for 12 months. I can remember alot of my peers getting OUT in 6 mos or so, but I guess staff didn't think I was ready.

Overall, I am glad that I went to the program & was able to incorporate some of the positive aspects into my life. While lurking on the board I noticed alot of negative feelings about the SEED & can understand where people are coming from.... BUT for me, it was what I needed as a screwed up 16yo.

I look forward to reading more posts & will try to chime in if I can remember anything  :smile: After all, it's been over 30 yrs ago
Title: How long were you in for??
Post by: Anonymous on August 07, 2004, 12:13:00 AM
I was in for 8 months. Got me a high school diploma, with a sixth grade New York education and learned lots. Was so real to me I just wishd some outsiders coud have watched a reality show undercover. I was in St. Pete Seed in 1974. That was then. Now I just sort of edited a lot of it for instance I don't think women are chicks and guys are men. Still trying t clean up my potty mouth from that place though. Yeah, this website is kewl. :grin:
Title: How long were you in for??
Post by: GregFL on August 07, 2004, 09:34:00 PM
thanks to both of you for your kind words. Your contributions here are solicited and needed.

I was in for 6 months, btw, in St Pete Morgan Yacht building...
Title: How long were you in for??
Post by: Filobeddoe on August 08, 2004, 12:02:00 AM
Hello Greg,
Thanks for the welcome... alot of my memories & feelings have been suppressed for awhile re: The Seed & are now gushing out:)

I was in the St Pete warehouse bldg. Is that the same bldg you refer to as the Morgan Yacht Bldg? I don't remember what it was previously used for?

It was very large & had a couple side doors which were always guarded to prevent people "bolting out" & was used for all meetings & open meetings.

It was the last bldg in St Pete before closing down & moving all of us to Ft Lauderdale (Davie) in '75 or '76?

my name is Greg too...
Title: How long were you in for??
Post by: Anonymous on August 08, 2004, 07:09:00 PM
hey Greg.   It was the only building ever in St Pete, originally donated by Mr. Morgan and later purchased by the Seed, and then sold when the seed moved out.

By the time they transfered you, I wouldnt even talk about the place, having graduated in early 74, however, you may know my stepbrother Colin....
Title: How long were you in for??
Post by: Filobeddoe on August 08, 2004, 09:23:00 PM
Hello Greg,
Thanks for the answer about the bldg. It was big enough to be a yacht warehouse.
I don't recall meeting your stepbrother. But I may have seen you if you were one of those guys who drove my saying "The Seed Sucks"  :grin:
According to the daily diary (moral inventories?) that I kept... I was inducted on 7/27/75 & moved to Davie on 10/12/75 (my 76th day).