
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones => Topic started by: Oppositional Defiance on June 24, 2004, 08:03:00 PM

Title: Mike Dimico
Post by: Oppositional Defiance on June 24, 2004, 08:03:00 PM
Can anybody give me information on this guy?

He traumatized me while I was at ASCENT as a 14 year old. He really, really fucked me up. I had to spend years and years trying to put myself back together. This would really give me the closure I need to know exactly what the deal was. I'm tired of all these secrets. Just tell me what his deal was, tell me anything you know about the guy, please. If you can't post to the board then email me please, at [email protected]

Title: Mike Dimico
Post by: Anonymous on June 24, 2004, 08:10:00 PM
He is now traumatizing people at Milestones with Pam Broker - He is an asshole. I hope you get him and screw him to a cross
Title: Mike Dimico
Post by: Anonymous on June 24, 2004, 08:12:00 PM
Milestones is in Coeur d'Alene Idaho - You can Call him and tell him and Pam Broker where to stick it.
Title: Mike Dimico
Post by: Anonymous on June 28, 2004, 04:25:00 PM

[email protected] (http://mailto:[email protected])

Title: Mike Dimico
Post by: Anonymous on August 18, 2004, 06:31:00 AM
Mike Demico told me my parents hate me, he told me that I my life was a joke, and i was in his world now and i was gonna have to deal with him when i was at ascent. my names josh kaufman, FUCK YOU CEDU, he made me where some stupid crossing guard outfit eatoutside and sleep outside i only got to go inside for the potty (outdoor portapotty) and to grab food. i was told he was an ex-cop... i guess thats why hes such a fuck face. mikes gonna get it one day from some little shithead that gets sent his way. i cant wait!
Title: Mike Dimico
Post by: **PIXIE DUST** on August 18, 2004, 10:20:00 AM
he is working at mile stones now, i believe that he was only there for a pay check, and to take out his agression on us (the kids).  but i believe that's how it works with EVERYONE working for CEDU.

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy

Title: Mike Dimico
Post by: Anonymous on December 01, 2004, 01:25:00 PM
anyone wnats milestone's number? that way you all can bitch out pam and mike all you want.  so here it is 208-676-8235 have fun and tell me how it goes :wave:
Title: Mike Dimico
Post by: ProgramAHolic on December 01, 2004, 01:53:00 PM
Mike is really not that bad of a guy... he comes across badly, yes, but you have to get to know him personally and allow him to get to know you before you can form any judgements about him.  That's true for anyone.
Title: Mike Dimico
Post by: Anonymous on December 06, 2004, 11:27:00 AM
ok im in milestones right now, and yea its pretty fucking gay.  i've never been in a program before and this whole no sex thing definately isn't working out for me! but as for mike d. he's a tool i will admit and an asshole and an arrogant prick.  but to be honest im just as much an asshole to him as he is to me and it really isn't that bad dealing with him.  you just gotta play his game and feed right back into his crap and he gets confused and doesn't know what to do.  he's like a lost puppy when you start making one liners at him.  the man can say anything and i just throw it back in his face and he gets lost and never has a comeback to anything and if he does its the gayest thing and he just sets himself up again to be made fun of.  so all in all yea when i first got here i fucking hated the guy but now to be honest if he wasn't there i dunno who'd i get to constantly rip on and treat like shit without any real consiquences.
Title: Mike Dimico
Post by: Anonymous on December 15, 2004, 09:20:00 PM
how can u guys not like my i mean yeah sure he has shit dick and walks and talks like a big old fuck stick but mike has been around he knows his shit he overall is a great guy and a loveable one at that. i guess you all have never given him a chance because if you get to know him he will be a good influence and friend to you as well as keep your shit in line. oh and mike if you read this the answer is no..... mike" gay porn is allowed".  :wstupid:
Title: Mike Dimico
Post by: Anonymous on December 25, 2004, 12:09:00 PM
Check this out: (
Title: Mike Dimico
Post by: dniceo7 on December 25, 2004, 11:48:00 PM
mike dimico is a fuck...he layed into me pretty hard, but come on. he's a punk. he came to boulder creek academy (where I was sent after ascent) once to apply for a position there before his transition to milestones. he was met with a wall of students with not particularly nice comments for him.

he slipped into then upper school phase manager sam zug's office for what I would assumed was his interview...what happened outside that full-wall window was the most perfect display of menacing gestures and what not that I saw at BCA...almost a mini-protest. He got up, left, and that was the last of the "mighty dimico".

So for anyone who is still feeling hurt by dimico's senseless words, know that I got the same from him at ascent as you, and so did many others. and know that it was most likely just him talkin' out of his ass, just as he is so accustomed to doing. fuck just to forget his bullshit
Title: Mike Dimico
Post by: Anonymous on January 03, 2005, 11:52:00 PM
the trick with mike demico was not to let him get to you. if you showed him that you werent scared of him he left you the fuck alone.  he started yelling at me and just hada huge screaming match, back and forth. that was the last time he yelled at me.  he knew i wouldnt crack so he didnt bother trying to fuck with my head, becuase it didnt work.