
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones => Topic started by: Anonymous on April 27, 2004, 08:01:00 PM

Title: Ascent
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2004, 08:01:00 PM
did any of you go?  i was there in late 1994.  here it is almost 10 years later and i still suffer from all the shit that went on there.  does anybody remember Joe or Chris, two of the "counselors" there?  to this day, i cry when i think of the shit they put me through.  any of you there at that time?
Title: Ascent
Post by: chinsk on April 27, 2004, 08:44:00 PM
Yeah I remember them.... I think... which one was chris again?
Title: Ascent
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2004, 08:51:00 PM
he had that dog.  he was one of the shift leaders.  he put me on bans, made me sit outside for THANKSGIVING. and Joe was like this big lumberjack wannabe.  he put me on more bans, and made me sleep by myself in the other teepee the night before i was going home (parents pulled me out "early") so that i couldn't talk to anybody else and say goodbye.  he also wouldn't give me a graduation circle.  those are the minor things that happened there.  i have many more.....

did anybody else have to go through a scabies treatment when they were there?  that was one of my favorites.........
Title: Ascent
Post by: chinsk on April 27, 2004, 09:56:00 PM
Dunno bout scabbies but at BCA there was a lice breakout.  The rumor mill said one of the kitchen ladies brought it in.  But that was more of a funny situation then a bad one.  We got quarantined (like we werent up ther already) and got treatments in limited numbers.  I remember my dorm was the last one not done and they ran out of stuff and were going to wait like 2 days before treatment and keep us in the dorms.  Someone with a brain spoke up and they went out to the store and got some more and it was all settled.  We got in trouble that morning because we got creative in the dorms the previous night and made "Clean suits" with coat hangers and trashbags.  Even had helmets too.  Staff didn't appreciate us making a joke of the situation.  Hey someone has to lighten the mood.
Title: Ascent
Post by: Hell on Wheels on April 27, 2004, 10:04:00 PM
Yeah, Joe wasn't real nice, he was at BCA a long time ago. But the one thing I will say for Joe, is that I will bet he was the way he was all the time, not just to us kids. A small man trapped in a big body. Was Sean O'Connor there at ascent?? somebody pissed in his water bottle. Even had a song for it. Brian Bennett was there for that I think, at least he always talked about it in the dorms.
Title: Ascent
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2004, 10:21:00 PM
Sean was one of the "counselors"?  the one that was in the army?  there were a few that were okay to me, so i don't really remember them, just the ones who were mean  :evil:

i do remember Brian, he was a little sweetie.  i didn't get to talk to him much, since i was on bans from the all the guys most of the time i was there, but the few times i was able to, he was very nice to me.  

i don't remember the story about anybody pissing in a water bottle, but i do remember there was this guy there, that nobody liked.  i guess one night a bunch of the other guys jerked off into his water bottle and then they were like dying laughing when he drank out of it the next morning :lol:

let's see.......other counselors that i remember.  Doug, one of my course leaders.  he was a dick.  and Jill, what a bitch.  there was Bill, he was pretty nice i guess, he did have to restrain me once though because Chris made him.  also, Pat, he was a DICK.  

oh, and the thing i loved the most:  how they read our letters to our parents to make sure we didn't say anything bad about Ascent.  did they do that at the schools also?  and did you need permission to write letters to your siblings?  i had to beg to be able to write my little brother a letter.  WTF??????????
Title: Ascent
Post by: Hell on Wheels on April 27, 2004, 11:10:00 PM
Sean O'Connors turning green someone pissed in his canteen. Thats the song. Yeah, Sean was staff. I remember being told about the jerk-off incident, but I can't remember who that was. Yeah, I loved the letter reading, that was nice. Although I slipped a letter out to my sister telling her how bad it was. She gives it to my parents and they called the school and told on me. I worked a little for it. Of Course my family wonders why I never call or visit them........ Gee I wonder.
Title: Ascent
Post by: Anonymous on April 28, 2004, 02:01:00 AM
oh, and the thing i loved the most:  how they read our letters to our parents to make sure we didn't say anything bad about Ascent.  did they do that at the schools also?  and did you need permission to write letters to your siblings?  i had to beg to be able to write my little brother a letter.  WTF??????????

Yeah, all the schools did that.  They read all the outgoing mail.  The funny thing is, they didn't read  the incoming mail, so you could get unopened letters as long as the staff thought they were from approved immediate family members.
Title: Ascent
Post by: Anonymous on April 28, 2004, 10:21:00 AM
They sure read the incoming mail at NWA...that was LaTeresas doing.  You'd be suprised  at the shit they did to us at NWA.
Title: Ascent
Post by: Anonymous on April 28, 2004, 05:22:00 PM
Enough stuff to cause a riot - ya?
Title: Ascent
Post by: Anonymous on April 29, 2004, 10:35:00 AM
I wasn't there for that.  I still don't know why the riot even happened...I do know that the staff were shitheads because all of the "good" ones were fired or left because of the way things were.  Maybe that is why there was a riot?
Title: Ascent
Post by: Maximus on May 03, 2004, 05:01:00 PM
[ This Message was edited by: Maximus on 2004-05-12 17:56 ][ This Message was edited by: Maximus on 2004-05-12 17:58 ]
Title: Ascent
Post by: Anonymous on May 04, 2004, 11:43:00 AM
Well, that does make sense.  I was there before the riot and I saw the "power tripping staff" treat us like shit and their co workers, even worse.  

Everyday was the same, it made you think of ways to get back at the staff, your parents, your sucked.  There never seemed like there was a light at the "end of the tunnel".  You could only do so much when you were there...get up, P.T., breakfast, school, or work chores, sit around some more, lunch, sit around some structure.  At least on nice days we could go on walks with the nicer staff (the ones that were wanting out of there as bad as we were).  I thought NWA was a joke...I didn't learn anything when I was there except how to find ways to get around the "being in agreement" rules.
Title: Ascent
Post by: van_islander_hedican on September 17, 2004, 04:31:00 AM
I will never forget boston chris. I was there in 96.

If I ever see him,,id kill em.
Title: Ascent
Post by: Tigon on March 31, 2005, 04:14:00 AM
I went to Ascent in like 2002 and my leader was Brent, he was crazzzy, he used to work out with sawed time we accidently sawed his work out wood, man was he pissed, and he had to go out in the woods and find some was hillarious.