
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => Straight, Inc. and Derivatives => Topic started by: thepatriot on April 16, 2004, 02:32:00 PM

Title: I am Outing Morbid_Opiate
Post by: thepatriot on April 16, 2004, 02:32:00 PM
I am Outing Morbid_Opiate

That?s right Morbid Opiate is me The Patriot. Some may ask why I chose to do this? Or why I chose to out myself. Well I have only been around this board probably for less than two months; I have sat back and read several posts, mostly from Alex and Therion.

I guess my biggest problem with these two is the whole Morli bashing thing. I just don?t get it; you two called her every name in the book, some of which would make a sailor blush with shame. And then Alex with the whole Yenta thing?.ok, is she Jewish? And if so where does that even come into play unless you are anti-Semitic and if that?s the case post on a hate site not here please. As hateful as you post to women it wouldn?t surprise me. You both say you don?t have issues with women, but man look back at some of your posts, maybe you were joking, but let me pose this question? Would you tolerate someone talking to your mother, sister or daughter like that? You would only do that to my daughter once, I guaran fucking tee THAT!

Actually some of the Fucktard post at times were humorous, I know I tended to get out of hand with the whole Alex?s doo posts but just giving you a dose of what irritated everyone about you. I have gotten several PM?s IM?s etc and a whole lot of people here were really enjoying it, and they enjoyed it even more when you chose not to speak.

I guess all I am saying is if you are going to rip someone and take it to the point of name calling and threats you should have a tough enough skin to reap what you sew. As far as the Clockwork Orange thing, I watched it for the first time this week
I still think the movie is GAY?lol just my opinion, and signing your posts with the title I guess is something I just don?t get either, oh well.

I do not hate or dis like you guys hell I don?t even know you, I just think that the whole bashing thing and the extent to which you went to do it were unjustified and unfair to Morli like her or not. Why am I outing myself, hell why not I prefer to post about politics as some of you know or about what can be done to get our message heard. We share a bond here all of us, lets use it to our advantage. Nothing wrong with some fun I must admit I had a little fun with it. Lets just keep in perspective who we are and what we were subjected to that even brought us to this board in the first place. And Alex as far as the Doo goes you could use a little off the top Dude?
Title: I am Outing Morbid_Opiate
Post by: ehm on April 16, 2004, 02:45:00 PM

How sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thanks Patriot, I want you as my older brother now! Come pick me up and give me a ride on the sweet machine of yours. We live right next door to eachother you know.

Title: I am Outing Morbid_Opiate
Post by: kaydeejaded on April 16, 2004, 02:50:00 PM
hahah oh my! Thats awesome!  I am impressed.

Good-bye morbid opiate!

It takes a real man to admit when he has another personality...huh? Well you know what I am saying.


And I will admit that I am really Alex.

just kidding hehehe :wink:

It only takes a little prescience to understand that we're all fair game for the deeds we condone.


Title: I am Outing Morbid_Opiate
Post by: ehm on April 16, 2004, 02:55:00 PM
What about the Sandman? I got accused of being him too. Well whoever he was, thanks for coming to my rescue!  :wave:  :wink:
Title: I am Outing Morbid_Opiate
Post by: thepatriot on April 16, 2004, 02:56:00 PM
Oh yeah that was me too  :wave:
Title: I am Outing Morbid_Opiate
Post by: ehm on April 16, 2004, 02:57:00 PM
hahaha... AWESOME.  :razz:
Title: I am Outing Morbid_Opiate
Post by: Cayo Hueso on April 16, 2004, 03:01:00 PM
Chivalry is not dead!  Awwwwww isn't it sweet????   ::kiss:: Now everyone kiss and make up.

Never let your sense of
    morals get in the way of
    doing what's right
--Isaac Asimov

Title: I am Outing Morbid_Opiate
Post by: ehm on April 16, 2004, 03:08:00 PM
Let's stay together!

On 2004-04-16 12:01:00, cayohueso wrote:

"Chivalry is not dead!  Awwwwww isn't it sweet????   ::kiss:: Now everyone kiss and make up.

Never let your sense of
    morals get in the way of
    doing what's right
--Isaac Asimov


Title: I am Outing Morbid_Opiate
Post by: Anonymous on April 16, 2004, 03:57:00 PM
Man I am going to miss Morbid that was some funny ass shit.
Title: I am Outing Morbid_Opiate
Post by: Anonymous on April 16, 2004, 04:02:00 PM
On 2004-04-16 12:57:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Man I am going to miss Morbid that was some funny ass shit."

Sadly, we're all going to miss him. :cry:  But alas, he remains in spirit.   :em:
Title: I am Outing Morbid_Opiate
Post by: Froderik on April 16, 2004, 04:11:00 PM
I guess my biggest problem with these two is the whole Morli bashing thing. I just don?t get it; you two called her every name in the book, some of which would make a sailor blush with shame. And then Alex with the whole Yenta thing?.ok, is she Jewish? And if so where does that even come into play unless you are anti-Semitic and if that?s the case post on a hate site not here please. As hateful as you post to women it wouldn?t surprise me. You both say you don?t have issues with women, but man look back at some of your posts, maybe you were joking, but let me pose this question? Would you tolerate someone talking to your mother, sister or daughter like that? You would only do that to my daughter once, I guaran fucking tee THAT!

At one point I thought that (M_O) was you, as you must recall. Yes, Morli stated a long time ago that she is Jewish. No, I'm not an anti-Semite, but a Howard Stern fan. That should explain the "yenta" thing. (he is fond of using the word) And hell no, I would not tolerate *anyone* talking to my mother, daughter or sister "like that," nor your daughter for that matter, but then I doubt that any of these people would ever provoke such insults from me. At any rate, I'll concede that Fucktard & I were over the top with it at times. I can't and won't speak for Therion on this matter.

Patriot, I don't begrudge you for the whole M_O drama at all, as I (Fucktard) did lay it on pretty thick to you after you started fucking with him (me) All is forgiven...and thanks for your compliment about (my) Dr Fucktard. Yes, the crusty old bastard did have his moments.

Clockwork Orange: The movie may be a little gay, but do yourself a favor and read the novel sometime. It's a good read.

And I'll be getting a haircut soon, when the weather breaks.  ::rocker::

Morli, sorry that I mistook you for M_O for a while, and for anything offensive that I said to you when addressing M_O.
Title: I am Outing Morbid_Opiate
Post by: thepatriot on April 16, 2004, 04:17:00 PM
Thanks Alex no hard feelings and I will pick up the novel, to wipe my ass with...(Kidding) I will give it a read. Have a good one! ::drummer::  ::drummer::  ::cheers::  ::cheers::

Hey Ginger can we get a Motorcycle guy animated gif on here??[ This Message was edited by: thepatriot on 2004-04-16 13:18 ]
Title: I am Outing Morbid_Opiate
Post by: ehm on April 16, 2004, 04:27:00 PM
Morli, sorry that I mistook you for M_O for a while, and for anything offensive that I said to you when addressing M_O.

That's it? Hmm, okay, thanks Alex.
Title: I am Outing Morbid_Opiate
Post by: Froderik on April 16, 2004, 04:30:00 PM
Sorry for posting your nudie pics too. That was a little much. After all, you only refused to remove my name. I took it too far.
Title: I am Outing Morbid_Opiate
Post by: ehm on April 16, 2004, 04:35:00 PM
Do you have to start back up? You are incorrigible.
Title: I am Outing Morbid_Opiate
Post by: Froderik on April 16, 2004, 04:37:00 PM
PS - Patriot, was that you logging in as "Morli" and as Dr. Miller Newton that one time?
Title: I am Outing Morbid_Opiate
Post by: thepatriot on April 16, 2004, 04:38:00 PM
nope not me...really
Title: I am Outing Morbid_Opiate
Post by: kaydeejaded on April 16, 2004, 05:06:00 PM
I am so glad we all love one another again

we have gone through the lord of the flies and back out again and piggy didn't have to die!  ::heart::
Title: I am Outing Morbid_Opiate
Post by: ehm on April 16, 2004, 05:21:00 PM
Patriot, who lied?
Title: I am Outing Morbid_Opiate
Post by: Dr. Miller Newton on April 16, 2004, 06:04:00 PM
Now that we're over this maybe you druggies can get on with getting Straight!  I'm sure you will all relate about this incident in the new, improved, all-ages Straight, Inc. v2.0!  Love ya![ This Message was edited by: Dr. Miller Newton on 2004-04-16 15:06 ]
Title: I am Outing Morbid_Opiate
Post by: kaydeejaded on April 16, 2004, 08:12:00 PM
oh no!!!!!

Someone is still hiding.....

Who are you Mr Newton?

Ginger? Is that you?
Title: I am Outing Morbid_Opiate
Post by: Anonymous on April 16, 2004, 11:50:00 PM
okay, since everyone else is fessing up I will too  :exclaim:  

this really is The Best Pot In The World :exclaim: :smokin: :smokin: :wave:

Title: I am Outing Morbid_Opiate
Post by: Dr. Miller Newton on April 16, 2004, 11:50:00 PM
On 2004-04-16 17:12:00, kaydeejaded wrote:

"oh no!!!!!

Someone is still hiding.....

Who are you Mr Newton?

Ginger? Is that you?

None of your damn business, Druggie!  The only thing you have to worry about is working your Program and getting Straight!  I've decided to start over all of you who participated in this ridiculous Morli/Froderick/PatrioticOpiate thread.  No, I'm not Ginger, either.  And another thing--you are all frozen on Day 0 until I get some honesty and amends from whichever one of you little druggies has been posting as me.  It was clever when the Fucktard druggies were doing it, but this has gone too far.  I will not have one of you cheesy troll wannabes going places on my good name.  I want all of you to write MIs on honesty tonight, and I want to hear about the goals you are going to accomplish regarding the outing of this imposter.  Something to think about while you are sitting in a blue chair on the front row of the Group during the next Open Meeting of the new, improved, all-ages Straight, Inc. v2.0!

Love yourselves, Druggies.
Title: I am Outing Morbid_Opiate
Post by: Anonymous on April 17, 2004, 12:09:00 AM
you're so funny, alex  :silly:

I like this character the best  :rofl:
Title: I am Outing Morbid_Opiate
Post by: Froderik on April 17, 2004, 12:20:00 AM
Thanks, but I can't take credit for this one...
Title: I am Outing Morbid_Opiate
Post by: LeighBright on April 17, 2004, 10:46:00 AM
I think Miller is funny but it's tough for me to say which is more amusing: the fact that this demon with Miller's name (SO appropriate, by the way) makes these on-target programmed comments - or the fact that a lot of you just let what he says go without comment.  :rofl:
Title: I am Outing Morbid_Opiate
Post by: Anonymous on April 17, 2004, 12:14:00 PM
I think because it's meant to be a JOKE
Title: I am Outing Morbid_Opiate
Post by: Antigen on April 17, 2004, 03:08:00 PM
Nope, not I.

The last struggles of a great superstition are very frequently the worst.
--Andrew Dickson

Title: I am Outing Morbid_Opiate
Post by: Opiod_Morphina on April 20, 2004, 06:39:00 PM
But all you did was make fun of my drug problem...
 I dont have a problem with women ..I have a problem with alot of people in general..But thats noones business, and I shouldnt have really said anything..

When I put Morli on ignore on IM and blocked her e mail addy I should have dropped it at that..

And I think its easier to really be an evil shit head on the internet...after all people are just text floating by...or so it seems..

The whole thing became redundant really, and seems silly now.
I felt the need to retaliate..I trusted someone and privately told them some things and they turned around and posted the shit in public to humiliate me..just like she did in straight...

That was my only real problem.

I am glad that my hopeless addiction can bring joy to some people sure doesnt to me...and that was the whole premise you used with MO...

Why didnt you just use your regular name to call me a dirty junky?

I mean 75 % of the people on here chimed in on the "Brads a nasty junky loser" bandwagon..

Whatever it doesnt matter in the grand scope of things...

If you guys can look at me as trash and feel better about your life then so be it
Title: I am Outing Morbid_Opiate
Post by: Opiod_Morphina on April 20, 2004, 06:47:00 PM
I have never felt such frustration
Or lack of self control
I want you to kill me
And dig me under, I wanna live no more

One who doesn't care is one who shouldn't be
I've tried to hide myself from what is wrong for me
For me

I want to taste dirty, stinging pistol
In my mouth, on my tongue
I want you to scrape me from the walls
And go crazy like you've made me

You, you are so special
You have the talent to
Make me feel like dirt
And you, you use your
Talent to dig me under
And cover me with dirt
Title: I am Outing Morbid_Opiate
Post by: Froderik on April 21, 2004, 10:08:00 AM
On 2004-04-20 15:39:00, Opiod_Morphina wrote:

 But all you did was make fun of my drug problem...

 I dont have a problem with women ..I have a problem with alot of people in general..But thats noones business, and I shouldnt have really said anything..

When I put Morli on ignore on IM and blocked her e mail addy I should have dropped it at that..

And I think its easier to really be an evil shit head on the internet...after all people are just text floating by...or so it seems..

The whole thing became redundant really, and seems silly now.

I felt the need to retaliate..I trusted someone and privately told them some things and they turned around and posted the shit in public to humiliate me..just like she did in straight...

That was my only real problem.

I am glad that my hopeless addiction can bring joy to some people sure doesnt to me...and that was the whole premise you used with MO...

Why didnt you just use your regular name to call me a dirty junky?

I mean 75 % of the people on here chimed in on the "Brads a nasty junky loser" bandwagon..

Whatever it doesnt matter in the grand scope of things...

If you guys can look at me as trash and feel better about your life then so be it

Well, now...seems like some kind of response is in order...
Title: I am Outing Morbid_Opiate
Post by: Anonymous on April 21, 2004, 11:25:00 AM
"I am glad that my hopeless addiction can bring joy to some people sure doesnt to me...and that was the whole premise you used with MO..."

Mid Life Crisis Poster

I have a question for you,

Who is served by all of what you say?  Why are you doing this?  

If you don?t like your life and you don?t like the drugs you use then why don?t you change?  You can do it.  Why don?t you focus your energy on what you want instead of on other people?  

Let me put it another way, if your successful it makes no difference to me, just like if you?re a failure.  Sorry to say, I?m active in my own life.  I?m busy trying to take care of me.  So why don?t you get active taking care of yourself.  It?s obvious that you?re unhappy, so why not come up with a new game plan?  What do you want to do with the rest of your life?  You really can change.  

What is your dream?  What do you want for yourself?

Good luck buddy,

You deserve to feel better, life is short,

Get on with it?????.LIFE :tup:
Title: I am Outing Morbid_Opiate
Post by: kpickle39 on April 21, 2004, 01:27:00 PM
I'm pulling for you man!  You survived straight and have made it this far in your life.  You can do what ever you want.  I have never had a drug problem per say, definately not w/the "Horse".  Keep you chin hard at life and man, I know you will get to where you want. Shit, look at me...I was about the biggest fucking loser piece of shit (still am sometimes)and I have been able to pull myself up by the bootstraps.  Again, I'm pulling for you.  And, I wasn't one of the 75%.  Never would I wish hardship on anyone ('cept maybe Mel and Miller Satan Newton)... but that is something I need to deal with. Email me if you like, best of luck.  (Oh yeah, and since the fornits site is a little bit easier to read and is less hostile now, I'll be back posting.)

Your friend,


Straight Survivor '78 - '80

[email protected][ This Message was edited by: kpickle39 on 2004-04-21 10:28 ][ This Message was edited by: kpickle39 on 2004-04-21 10:38 ]
Title: I am Outing Morbid_Opiate
Post by: Triumvirate on April 21, 2004, 06:15:00 PM
Welp something really really really fucked happened to me this week and I no longer have time for hostilities.

 What happened to me made me realize that everything thats happened in the last 30 years means nothing at all, and I am glad to be alive.

I cannot believe I was actually getting upset over total strangers over the internet!
How fucking sad is that? I mean really...

I have sat in my house for 2 years talking to almost noone...and then started trying to have wierd "computer friends"

Why, would I avoid real life people yet reach out to internet friends?

Well Im talking myself into circles here..

But the whole ordeal is silly and I hope you all have a great life.

Theres still people that I want nothing to do with....but I will never wish tragedy on people again.

Forgive me for not sharing what happened but I have learned to keep things vague on here..everything you say can and will be used against you...
Title: I am Outing Morbid_Opiate
Post by: Triumvirate on April 21, 2004, 06:23:00 PM
Almost forgot my point.

Thanks Leigh for your kind words.

And Patriot....Dont bother to answer why you made fun of my Depression/Drug Problem.

I already know.

Funny how sometimes the solution to a problem is worse than the problem.

But I thought you would have learned that from straight.

Yes that shit hurt my feelings, then I realized you are a stranger and your opinion doesnt matter. In fact really you share the same ignorant view on depression and addiction as a 75 year old republican.

But its moot I agree to disagree with you and l;eave it at that.
From this point on I refuse to argue with anyone on here. Any stupid comments will be met with silence.
Title: I am Outing Morbid_Opiate
Post by: Anonymous on April 21, 2004, 06:45:00 PM
congrats :roll:
Title: I am Outing Morbid_Opiate
Post by: Triumvirate on April 21, 2004, 06:59:00 PM
Thanks  :grin:
Title: I am Outing Morbid_Opiate
Post by: LeighBright on April 22, 2004, 03:29:00 PM
You are stronger than you think.

You are tougher than you even realize.

And you can overcome more than you ever imagined.

Title: I am Outing Morbid_Opiate
Post by: Anonymous on May 31, 2007, 03:09:27 PM
BUMP!!!! Some old funny shit
Title: Re: I am Outing Morbid_Opiate
Post by: Anonymous on May 20, 2009, 04:01:41 AM
*BUMP*......Some funny shit!!! Been a long time since I have been around Hey all!