
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => Elan School => Topic started by: Anonymous on June 26, 2002, 08:56:00 PM

Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Anonymous on June 26, 2002, 08:56:00 PM
Just wanted to say I hope all those worms eat Joe up and shit him out.

"They put you in a big black box, they cover you up with dirt and rocks.The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out......"

The death of Joe Ricci, "Justice has been served"
Who's next of the list of punishment for death? Hopefully Marty.
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Publisher on June 30, 2002, 08:21:00 PM
From what I understand he was cremated...

Maybe he's compost...ask Sharon Terry...
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Anonymous on July 01, 2002, 09:24:00 AM
i hope he wasn't cremeted, I wanted to find his grave and take a shit on it, and wipe my dirty ass stools all over his tomb stone.
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Anonymous on July 02, 2002, 11:50:00 PM
Even with the death of Joe Ricci which seems to satisfy you in a very odd way, your still a sick, demented asshole.

Whats your excuse now?
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Anonymous on July 02, 2002, 11:54:00 PM
Funny you use the word compost Dan...did you fertilize the school garden today?
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Anonymous on July 03, 2002, 12:53:00 PM
So if Dan didn't attend Elan then why is he posting here all this nonsense about the program?
Who the hell is this Dan character anyways?
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Anonymous on July 03, 2002, 02:32:00 PM
Hes still mad at Joe Ricci for firing his wife more than ten years ago, oh, and pissing away a so called 50 thousand dollars and 2 1/2 years to produce a retaliatory book about the man.

Somehow Dan thinks his wifes book had a bearing on the finding of guilt dished out to Michael Skakel too...the man is dilerious and ill.
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Anonymous on July 04, 2002, 08:58:00 AM
so Dan basically is just a gardener?
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Anonymous on July 04, 2002, 01:13:00 PM
I don't know about "Just a Gardener". There is no shame in being a Gardener. It is a worthy profession that someone could be proud of being a part of and doing for a living. From what we have seen it does appear that Dan is a Gardener. I would assume is he a very good one and that he is, and should be proud of being one. The problem seems to be that he keeps claiming to be something else and living somewhere other than where he works as a Gardener.
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Antigen on July 05, 2002, 05:47:00 PM
On 2002-07-05 01:16:00, Eliscu2 wrote:
Dan or "Publisher" was kicked off of the survivour site and Kens site long ago. He worked for Joe Ricci. His wife wrote a book,
Duck in a Raincoat, but it talked mostly about Joe. IN FACT "Publisher" never gave a rats ass about the abuse of the Children at Elan and still does not. Lately he has invaded every message board for his own greed simply to promote the sales of his wifes book, which by the way barely mentions the abuse of thousands of teenagers over the years at Elan. It is really quite annoying!!

Eliscu2, I think Dan's about more than selling his book. He gives away the first chapters and then only sells the rest for around $14, forChrist's sake! I think he just sort of accidentally discovered this total sychopath and feels compelled to let the world know about what a sick, sick SOB he was. I have a copy of Duck laying around somewhere. Never did have time to sit down and read through it. But, now that you mention it, I think I will.
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Anonymous on July 06, 2002, 04:30:00 PM
Accidently discovered is one thing...spending 15 years after the fact obsessing on the guy is another...
Dan claims "Duck" offers revalations to the Skakel trial and some clear insight on Elan,
"Duck" is far from relevant to the Skakel/Moxley story, and less than accurate with its tiny portion devoted to Elan.

A window of opportunity is Dans only reason for being around the Elan topic..hell, theres 2500 kids out there somewhere who went to Elan, and might want to know what 2 or 3 LOSERS who contributed to the book might have to say about it...sell sell sell..

14 bucks is $13.50 too much..I found a copy in a yard sale, asked the owner where it came from...said she was following the Skakel case quite closely but the book was a disapointment..I mentioned I went to "Elan" she asked "whats Elan" HAAA!
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Anonymous on November 26, 2002, 04:01:00 AM
You know what asshole??  That is someones family member you want to shit on....SO watch it!!
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Anonymous on November 26, 2002, 08:06:00 AM
Yes and your point is?Joe deserves fecal matter on his grave,he treated people like shit and god punished him.What I would really like to see is someone push that dirty Indian heven Marty Kruglik in the grave with him.That mother fucker deserves to die.
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Anonymous on November 26, 2002, 11:06:00 AM
What is a "heven"? Do you mean "Heathen"? Some education may help you.
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Antigen on November 27, 2002, 02:18:00 PM
I understand that a growing number of people have taken to marking the anniversary of Harry Anslinger's birth by pouring the finest whiskey upon his grave only after first running it through their own bodies to assure quality and purity.

I wonder if such a tradition might grow up around the grave of Joe Ricci?
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Anonymous on November 27, 2002, 02:57:00 PM
I will honor him with chocolate pudding while visiting his grave.But I insist on running it threw my body first so I too can filter out any impurities.once I have filtered out the impurities I will pull down my pants and spread my ass cheeks and feed it to Joe.
Hopefully he will have some sort of flowering type of vegetation growing around his tombstone with lots of pretty leaves to use as toilet paper.On second thought maybe I'll just bring a roll of tp.I know Joe willl just love my runny wet stools all over his grave!
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Anonymous on November 30, 2002, 02:51:00 AM
hopefully, gottliebs next :evil:  :evil:
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Anonymous on November 30, 2002, 07:31:00 AM
I got plenty of loose stools for Gottlieb's grave too for when his time comes.
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: nick on November 30, 2002, 11:41:00 AM
:wstupid: you people are not only uneducated,but you are also sick individuals who should have been tossed in the ring a few times to beat the punk out of were so abused,awe poor soul,what happened you got yelled at for being a PUNK!
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Anonymous on November 30, 2002, 02:15:00 PM
A sick individual is a grown man yelling at a buch of defenseless teens.
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Anonymous on August 17, 2003, 10:48:00 AM
There is rumor that Marty kruglik goes to Joe Ricci's grave site and masterbates all over it.It is a Russian mongoloid Indian tradition to pay respect to the dead that way.
You are a sick man Marty Kruglik, very fuckin sick.....
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Anonymous on August 17, 2003, 12:24:00 PM
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Anonymous on August 17, 2003, 05:42:00 PM
On 2002-11-30 08:41:00, nick wrote:

" :wstupid: you people are not only uneducated,but you are also sick individuals who should have been tossed in the ring a few times to beat the punk out of were so abused,awe poor soul,what happened you got yelled at for being a PUNK!"

Fuck you Nick you little ass kising Joe Ricci lover.If we hate Joe Ricci and Jeff Gottlieb we will damn well let it be known.If there is one thing I cant stand is some ass kisser coming to this message board and sticking up for these assholes.

To the person that wrote Marty masterbates on Joe's grave, "LMMFAO" that is funny.Where is Joe buried anyways, anyone know? I want to desicrate his grave with my shit also.I'll use Joe's grave site as my personal toilet.
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Anonymous on August 17, 2003, 05:56:00 PM
Joe's first wife divorced him because he was fucking Claire Woodman in the staff tralior.Claire was also underage at the time.
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Anonymous on August 17, 2003, 06:52:00 PM
Joe fucked Claire Woodman????ewwwwwwwwwwww, why wonder Joe died, probably died of AIDS.
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Anonymous on August 17, 2003, 06:56:00 PM
I'm sure it crossed Claire's mind many of times about digging Joe up and performing necrophilia on him.What do you think Claire?Dig Joe up and fuck him?You would enjoy that you filthy whore.

Claire you can dig him up and share Joe's corpse with Marty, you guys can have a 2 some with him.
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Mr_Brinker on August 17, 2003, 08:52:00 PM
Well now, Claire did indeed have sexual realations with Joesph Ricci and his wife did divorce him because of it.After the divorce I took the liberty in dating Joe's exwife Cheryl Benton and we had wonderful time.Cherly understood my beliefs in sexual preferences and we had a wonderful 2 years together.

Joe's second wife Sharon Terry was a bit on the nasty side towards me and didnt like the fact of me dating Cheryl Benton.I never understood any of this until years later when it all came out in the wash.

Cherly and Sharon were lovers when Cheryl was still married to Joe.Joe found out and got upset therfore started a realtionship with Claire Woodman.They had an affair together for sometime and didnt do a very good job in concelling it.

Joe and Claire had sex many of times in the staff trailor and pople knew about it.One day Cheryl got word of it and set up a hidden camera to document it.Sure enough Cheryl caught all the effidence on tape and filed for divorce.cheryl also tried to have charges brought up on Joe for sodomy.The tape clearly showed Joe sodomizing Claire when she was 17.It was later argued and thrown out in court and Joe walked free.
Claire was six months shy of her 18th birthday and due to her past "being a hooker" the courts found nothing wrong with it.

Cherly and Sharon had a huge falling out months after the divorce and later on Joe strted seeing Sharon on a regular basis.They were soon married and life went on.Sharon knew of Joe's past sexual realtions with Claire and was very cautious about hiring Claire to work at elan years later.Joe made it known that he no longer had desires for Claire and Sharon trusted him.

Joe was smart in this decision because he new Claire was HIV positive years later and made it clear to Claire before hiring her that their relationship is strictly professional.

But it wasnt long after Claire came back to Elan did she continue having sex in that infamous trailor.Claire's boyfriends came to see her when she worked over night and you can use your imagination as to what went on in that trailor.
Someone posted something about those being "Johns" refering to customers I take it.They were not, Claire had multiple men at her disposal and required alot of sex.Keep in mind Claire has been having sex since the age of 13 and turned tricks on the streets.She was indeed a whore and it showed.

Anyways. Joe found out about what was going on in that trailor and was very disappointed.Many of the staff were using that trailor as a brothel. Linda Roy,Marty Kruglik, Claire Woodman, and even Marc Rosenberg who use to shoot up in there.Don't think any woman in their right mind would have sex with Rosenberg.
So Joe thought it was best to get rid of the trailor and did so back in the late 80's.

Joe made it very clear that no sex will be happening during work time nor on the campus any longer.So the sex stopped and life went on.Though there was an incident of Marty doing something with another male resident in elan one,I beleive the students name was Peter.Marty has issues and Joe knows it and seem to over look it.
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Anonymous on August 17, 2003, 09:03:00 PM
Mr Brinker,
I was curious about something,I read in a post that you wrote that you implied that you had sexual realtions with a student named Michael Lewandowski.How can you sit here and point out all the bad things that these staff members done and inturn be sexually active with a student?Don't you think that would make you a hipocrit?
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Mr_Brinker on August 17, 2003, 09:18:00 PM
I am not a hipocrit and did not engage in any sexual activites on the school's campus with Michael Lewandowski.Michael and I got together after he left elan and dated briefly.Both Michael and I may have sparked up a fire between us when he was a student at Elan but I can assure you nothing ever went further and no laws or rules were broken.

When he came to live with us" me and my wife" he was very well mannered and also rekindled both mine and my wife's sex life.Michael and I had a 3 some with my wife on many occasions and had sex with each other under my wife's knowledge and presence.Some of the best sex I ever had occured when Michael Lewandowski made love to me.

I am grateful for it and respect him alot.My wife and I are curently trying to rekindle our relationship with him so that once again we can all be together.
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: SyN on August 18, 2003, 12:08:00 AM
thats some funny shit there. but you got brinkers speech all wrong,the man was a historian who talked like he was a knight in 16th century europe. and was one of the best teachers of history anyone would luv to learn from him. talk about a bunch of idiots ya'll take the prize. did u forget your meds again? though i do think you are one disturbed person w/ several fukd up personalitys. have fun in your little world.
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Anonymous on August 18, 2003, 09:21:00 AM
That is some funny shit here.Joe Ricci fucking Claire.Now that I remember it I think I did hear at one time Claire was dating Joe, but this was way before my time.
I tell you something, Joe Ricci was suppose to be this really rich man.How come he never wore nice clothes?How come he wore a cheao ass gold chain around his neck?How come he drove a Buick?

Maybe he was too afraid to have nice things in fear of being mugged?I heard the reason Joe got so rich was because he sued alot of corruption that went on in Maine.Ever see that old volkswagon up by elan 5? Story has it that Joe drove it there and was living ibn it and shooting herione alll the time.He and this other director Ralph who passed away were the orginal founders of elan.Ralph was in daytop which was a similar program to elan.
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Anonymous on August 19, 2003, 05:51:00 AM
Yeah Joe also made lots of money gambling.Joe owned scarbourgh downs race track, one time he and Clare had sex in a horse stall.I was in re-entry and worked there part time doing odd jobs.One of my duties that night was helping out cleaning and feeding the horses.Anyway there was this section of stalls that was all cleaned and the lights were off in that section.
I was just finishing off grooming a horse and was outting him ino a clean stall. I noticed I oserved noises of a woman moaning 6 stalls down so I walked down ther quietly and chechek the stalls.To my disbeleive I stubbled acroos Joe Ricci fucking Clare Woodamn in the ass, they didnt see me and I queitly walked away.I told everyone what had happen back at elan and we all had a huge laugh.
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Anonymous on August 19, 2003, 08:56:00 PM
I thought I heard once that Joe sucked off one of his horses cocks over at Scarbourgh Downs?
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Publisher on August 20, 2003, 08:07:00 PM
Well-well-well......continuing the disinformation campaign, eh?    :-)
Old Danny boy here...thought I'd get in this time..been watching a very long time...

You see-alot of Elan Apologits like to post on my behalf with lies, distortions, slander and a host of other vile things that speaks for itself...thats why I dont take many of the "anti-bostdorf" faction seriously because it is way too obvious their motives...

If you want the real story...then email me at (

I assure you--any of the libelous and slanderous postings allowed here and other sites wont get past Jackie...

I have and still will give everything for exposing Elan and Ricci--and any other abusive treatment center anywhere in the has nothing to do with book has always been about exosing the truth..

You know why Elan never challenged the book? Because it is 100% true...and if they did sue...we would unleash the hundreds of taped interviews and evidence gatrhered...THATS what they fear...

Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Anonymous on August 20, 2003, 10:14:00 PM
Then lets hit it Dan show me the money!
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Anonymous on August 21, 2003, 03:21:00 PM
Did the new chapter come out yet?
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Publisher on August 21, 2003, 04:23:00 PM

It has been 12 years since we first published and a tremendous amount of new material has to be sifted through by Maura Curley.  This is not to mention the Skakel trial and Ricci's/Elan's conduct in this matter..

We will try and get a revised edition out soon. But we are currently dealing with the whole issue of abusive treatment centers worldwide, and the movement to shut them all conjunction with movement to file class action suit against Elan for reparations.

I cant go into details here for obvious do you think that some of the people who post here might be pro-elan forces???   NAAGH... :wave:

Anyway...with a current 2003 mother having yanked her son out of Elan a few months ago....we'll see where this all goes...

By the way Antigen...I like you too...


ps Antigen ...The book was always free of charge to Elan Survivors who identified themselves..I never would charge the $14.00 to get remaining chapters... :tup:
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Anonymous on August 23, 2003, 05:31:00 PM
There is a new book about Joe soon to hit the shelves, it is called " Corpse in a raincoat".It will profile the after life of Joe and his tormented soul buring in Hell.
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Publisher on August 26, 2003, 08:16:00 PM
Yeah--and its being written by Dr. Davidson .  Joe's a contributing editor. :skull:
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Anonymous on August 26, 2003, 08:29:00 PM
Obviously we dont want to go to jakie's site, the action is here.Obvious you find this site interesting because you are always poping your head up here from time to time.
I dont think no one wants your free seven chapters of your book, I know I dont.

What I find really funny is how you and Jakie keep coming here and attempt to get us to go to her site.Fornits is the best Elan site at there and no one can top it.

So keep your boring conversations at time to close the doors to your limited viewers.Bottom line "We are not interested in going there."
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Publisher on August 26, 2003, 09:20:00 PM
No problem "antigen"

You deal with the corpse of Ricci...I'll deal with the truth about him.

Here's freedom to him who would read;
                                                                                             Here's freedom to him who would write;
                                                                                   None ever feared that the truth should be heard,
                                                                                                    But those who the truth would indict.
dan  :rofl:
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: SyN on August 27, 2003, 12:34:00 AM
its not lame just a little different in my oppinion. it is structured which sucks but jackie runs it, so its gonna be her way. i dont find it to boring though,seems most in there just want to see elan close. alot of old schoolers in there that had the worst of it in the 70's n 80's like alot in here. i dont really know how it was in that time except what i hear, in here n there. but it seems really fukd up man. Alot of staff doin the wrong shit, i bet cause they never adapted to reality, cause they never left the program. its really sad most staff was still there, chewing us out for being so weak, when they didnt have the balls to leave at all. Gutless wonders who have no hope. i cant wait till they r really out in reality. 60 population now, u know they are hurting. and for some of us that means open season for hunting very soon. what was that philosophy?? patience is a virtue, i beleive. which i know scares the bejesus out of all of them. when elan does close where will they go. trying to teach us about life skills, when they have non. bet they cant sleep either.
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: SyN on August 27, 2003, 12:36:00 AM
i hope they cant anyway.
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Anonymous on August 27, 2003, 08:13:00 PM
Upon my death I want to be creamted and have my ashes molded into a dildo.Then I want Marty Kruglik to shove that dildo up his asshole as far as he can and yell out my name "OH JOEEEEEEE".
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Anonymous on September 01, 2003, 12:54:00 AM
I want to desecrate Joe's tombstone with my fecal matter.Perhaps renting a back hoe to dig him up would be more rewarding, this way I could piss and shit inside of his coffin.
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Nazi on September 04, 2003, 01:52:00 PM
Even better, shit on Joes grave and use Sharrons panties to wipe my ass and stretch it over his tombstone.ha ha ha ha joe is dead ha ha ha joe is dead.You dead mother fucker!!!!!How the worms Joe?
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Nazi on September 05, 2003, 09:40:00 AM
How the worms Joe?????Just think those worms that eat Joe's corpse are gonna become so estranged that once they surface the earth they will be eating birds.
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Nazi on September 07, 2003, 08:04:00 PM
This man's corpse is contaminating the soil right now as we speak.One day all the earth worms will be corrupt thanks to Joe's rotting corpse.
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Nazi on September 13, 2003, 09:10:00 AM
I only saw Joe maybe 3 times during my stay at elan.What the fuck was this mans role in elan anyways?I saw him attend 3 GM"S thats it, he said 5 words and left.
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Anonymous on September 17, 2003, 06:25:00 AM
If Joe was cremated perhaps the best place to scatter is ashes would be a sewer treament plant.
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Nazi on September 19, 2003, 08:12:00 AM
I would like to scatter Joe Ricci's ashed in a toilet paper machine.This way the whole world can wipe their ass on Joe.
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Nazi on September 20, 2003, 09:24:00 AM
How the worms Joe???? You still have not answered my question yet.Oh thats right , you cant.You have no more mouth to talk, you have no more fingers to type.You are useless to us, then again when you were alive you were still useless.
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Nazi on September 27, 2003, 08:00:00 AM
Joe Ricci was such a dumbass.This mother fucker didn't know one god damn thing about helping troubled teens.he opened up Elan because he knew it was a great get rich scam that he could benefit from.
Well as you can see he was judged by God and now pays the ultimate price.So as Joe's soul burns in hell, may he suffer for all eternity...
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Nazi on September 29, 2003, 05:59:00 AM
When Joe opened up Elan it was actaully a front for a brothel house.The staff trailor was used for prostituion.Joe pimped Clare Woodman and use to bring in some high rollers from his race track.There was sex drugs and money and it all transpired in that staff trailor.

Joe eventially moved the location elsewhere because it was getting too hot, but the sex and drugs didnt stop at the trailor, just ask Marty,Marc,Clare,Linda and Mr.Alboro.

Eventially Joe got rid of the trailor, for decentcy thats when they moved to other parts of the campus to perform sex acts and get high.

[ This Message was edited by: nazi on 2003-09-29 03:00 ]
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Jeffery Gottdick? on October 14, 2003, 09:22:00 AM
I go to Joes grave site twice a month and masterbate all over it.And twice a year both Marty and I go there and perform anal sex on each other.
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Jeffery Gottdick? on October 14, 2003, 11:19:00 PM
If you look closely at Joe's grave stone you will find numerous amounts of cum stains all over it, that is if isnt doesnt rain for awhile.

Joe left specific instructions in his will that Marty and I fuck and shoot our loads all over his grave Marker.
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Jeffery Gottdick? on October 16, 2003, 06:45:00 PM
One time when marty and I went to Joes grave site to pay our respect, we noticed that there was over 3 dozen used condoms all over his tombstone.We could't figure out who was there and what was being penetrated until we found Clares driver license nearby.Clare told us that she went there 2 nights before and fucked 36 men in 36 minutes.She was trying to set a record.
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Nazi on November 15, 2003, 06:39:00 PM
It has been said that Ricci had his tombstone made out of 5 kilo's of crack cocaine rock.I guess Joe wanted to be buried with his dirty habit.
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Nazi on November 18, 2003, 09:02:00 AM
Sharon Terry should be very grateful to that lowlife whore Clare Woodman, Joe pimped her out for many years and made alot of $$$ off of her.Joe had alot of money thanks to Clare.Not only to Joe run a prostition ring and pimp out Clare but he alos delat out narcotics and made lots of money from that as well.joe was fortunate enough to making all that cash and not getting caught.
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: 88 on December 11, 2003, 09:39:00 PM
When you visit Joes grave there is nothing but dead vegitation all around it.It seem's his corpse is so corrupt and evil that it contamidate's everything around it within 45 ft of his tombstone.
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Marty Douchebag Kruglik on May 17, 2004, 06:46:00 AM
On 2002-06-26 17:56:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Just wanted to say I hope all those worms eat Joe up and shit him out.

"They put you in a big black box, they cover you up with dirt and rocks.The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out......"

The death of Joe Ricci, "Justice has been served"

Who's next of the list of punishment for death? Hopefully Marty."

They say it's not polite to talk bad about the Dead, Well Joe you dug your own grave by opening up Elan school.
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Mister Pink on May 17, 2004, 03:39:00 PM
though it isn't polite to talk bad about the dead, maybe worse to inflict bad on the living though... a fitting tribute perhaps... if skakel dug up his grave and finished the job
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: xres8182 on May 17, 2004, 04:47:00 PM
That's pretty twisted,but I gots no problem wit it
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: xres8182 on May 18, 2004, 07:54:00 AM
I'm not sure venting anger and hate towards elan is such a bad idea.Screw them.Even if it's done in bad taste.I don't think it's my place to say either way.I don't think it discredits the site.I see it as a window to the world of the insanity of elan.
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Mister Pink on May 18, 2004, 12:16:00 PM
REALLY!!! if i was trying, i could've said something *way* more offensive, this -IS- a damn fine way to vent a lot of anger. (Oh yeah, what i do 'know of michael' is that he put a golf club through some girl's skull, not something i exactly would approve of for most people), but listen, i don't know about the rest of you rat bastards, but there's a lot of hate in my heart for some people, and its worse that your getting pissy because you went through it yourself! right right? right right.
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Anonymous on May 18, 2004, 12:42:00 PM
Sure I've read about tho whole Skakel trial on the net, but I'd like to hear it from some of the people that happened to be in Elan with Michael. Of course, Mr. Pink, just like most people that weren't there for Michael, has a rather superficial view on this, since the media doesn't always tell us the real story. I'm curious to know if anyone's willing to share this with us.

Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Mister Pink on May 18, 2004, 01:15:00 PM
damn kids and their loud music and boarding schools
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Mister Pink on May 18, 2004, 01:22:00 PM
anyway, i think you get my point and i get yours. i don't know though, i think skakel did it, just based on the *evidence* in the media. but if you want to, share why you think hes innocent. I'd think i could manage to hold in a secret like murder in any elan you could concieve, unless theres something their not telling us
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Mister Pink on May 18, 2004, 02:46:00 PM
i think thats how it is. I mean look, i was shotdown or cornered practically my whole stay, i mean, i was a worker for maybe a month or two, and that was my highest pos. I guess I just dealt with it. Maybe our GM's were more tame (tamer), our corner more relaxed, or ba-buh-bah: a candy-list of all the differences. yeah, elan has been getting gradually better (in a kind of 'communist-china-after-tiennamen-square' kinda way) as they lose funds, but it's still not the place to spend your formative years, whatever years you were there. WARPING MY FRAGILE LITTLE MIND....
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: xres8182 on May 18, 2004, 07:50:00 PM
I totally agree with Art.It is not very far fetched at all for someone to be coerced and intimidated into doing whatever might be on the agenda of the particular asshole in charge.
   Art I didn't know you knew Skakel.You were room mates?Do you think you could have helped him at the trial?
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Anonymous on May 18, 2004, 10:08:00 PM
ya,, the elan i knew had no  trouble at all   breaking a person and making them say or do almost anything,,thats what it was setup to do...i dunno if the guy did it or not,, but anything said in elan  should not be allowed in court,, fuk the confidentiality,, thatsa non issue as far as i see it,,but the tried and true methods of brainwashing elan practiced at that time are verifiable,,ask anyone one familiar with  the subject..if you cant understand,, be glad
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: SyN on May 19, 2004, 12:36:00 AM
how many folks copped to bullshit in their guilt letter they sent to their folks? Stuff that didnt even happen just to get them off your back.  Remember the one you had to write after being their a week or so?  I remember staff would say, "there's not enough put in more.  You know you did such n such."  just to get them to leave you alone ( me any way) i wrote a buncha bullshit.  Either that or get harped on in groups every day, jesus groups were the worst in the begining.  Till another newby came along and got the heat off you for a minute.
So i can see Mr Skakel saying whatever it took to just make them leave him alone.  I mean seriously, if they harped on me non stop for pot n other various chemicals i treated my self too imagine how bad they hounded him!!!  At the time i bet they thought it would make great publicity .  I can see the head lines now....
School for troubled teens makes killer come to terms....
Elan the miracle school for troubled teens helps teen killer cope with........
blage blage blah ... only to have it blow up in joes fat face, oh the irony..

but as my grampy said ,
"even covered up bullshit stinks."
can i get an amen people. lol
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Marty Douchebag Kruglik on May 19, 2004, 07:56:00 AM
On 2003-08-17 15:56:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I'm sure it crossed Claire's mind many of times about digging Joe up and performing necrophilia on him.What do you think Claire?Dig Joe up and fuck him?You would enjoy that you filthy whore.

Claire you can dig him up and share Joe's corpse with Marty, you guys can have a 2 some with him."

Oh man!!LOL That was harsh.
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: piano_girl on July 19, 2004, 04:00:00 PM
Im not sure if anyone around here knows or even remembers me, but i went to elan 8 from 98-2000. I was in a very strange position at elan.. you'd think being related to people who work there you might be treated differently.. and i was, but not favored. I grew up in maine just minutes from elan.. i remember being shot down once because i had put dirty socks in my bathrobe pocket in the closet after night time hygiene.. and forgot about them.. the next day i was shot down because they feared that i was trying to "run-away". i was held to a standard probably because they did not want to mess up with me..god knows if i had turned up crazy or anything:) I know Joe had many problems.. but to be honest he is just like abyone else that back-stabs lies and cheats in life.. and that is almost everyone. Joe was my quazy-grandfather.. my sister's husband was a cook there.. when i first came there i remember wallking by him and not being able to talk to him.. i also remember when my brother was sent there.. (he recently got out).. but he was sent to my house.. and at one point before i left, i had to tell him what to "do".. it was very strange.. i would not be surprised if he resented me.. Anyways.. Yes- Joe did some controversial things.. i do not know the details and i am not denying anyone of their feelings or opinions.. but i knew him as a very wise man.. I'd rather be in therapy with someone who has been there and has had life experience than some text-book college degree flake.. how can you respect that? if someone is perfect how do they know where you are ocming from? They dont. That was my two cents.. do with it what you may.. but i found alot of those things you said rather hurtful.. but as you all know it is a free world.. you dont have to like anyone..if you dont want to.- MIchelle
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2004, 05:28:00 PM
Joe abused his body and he died from it. good riddance.

Mark abuses his body and will die from it can't wait.

Jeff is a drunk and smoked hard for years, He will die from it. Hi Jeff I used to sit at the bar at Amato's with you can you guess who?
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2004, 09:21:00 PM
The above is my opinion and there are no certainties!
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Anonymous on July 20, 2004, 05:52:00 AM
Well your above opinions hit the nail right on the coffin, I totally agree with you 100%.
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Anonymous on May 25, 2005, 06:25:00 PM
On 2002-06-26 17:56:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Just wanted to say I hope all those worms eat Joe up and shit him out.

"They put you in a big black box, they cover you up with dirt and rocks.The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out......"

The death of Joe Ricci, "Justice has been served"

Who's next of the list of punishment for death? Hopefully Marty."

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Anonymous on May 26, 2005, 06:31:00 AM

The top of a heap of garbage is hardly evn wirth giving one handjob to attain.
Who the hell would ever sleep with ANYONE to get that 15k a year job?
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: JR on July 10, 2005, 08:59:00 AM
This is really crazy for me reading all of your posts. I am Joe's son Jason Ricci.I grew up with this man and saw him in every imaginable state of being amazing, Bad and ugly.
I have myself also been through confrontational therapy in a long term residential treatment program in Fl called the renaissaince institute as well as a less expensive residence I did in a West Palm Beach Jail. I make no attempt to qualify with you old school Elan alumni's as I know it is completly futile and pointless as times have changed at Elan and in other treatment centers everywhere.
After spending a few hours here and reading all your posts I felt the need to add one of my own.
My Father was not as you might imagine a convential Dad. I have come to terms with all that my Brother Noah and I had to endure in growing up with him,Joe as a Dad, the media, and his employees and friends. I feel no need to brag, complain or ask for sypathy regarding these facts and I do not need to disclose them to you all in detail in an effort to win your bad life/childhood award. There was plenty of very strange,lousy,scary,and wonderful,enlighting and brilliant moments I shared with my Dad.
I love my father very much and I cherish his intellect and passion and my overall memory of him as a man was one of greatness.This was not always the case for me and I have grown to this place over many of you already know, My Father came from a very hard upbringing in New York himself and went through some experimental new programs himself there where he conceived the idea/ideas of Elan. I am not here to defend him nor implicate him in any misguided treatments to any of you, only to say I know for certain my Father wanted to do his best in life and fought for what he believed was right both at Elan, and in his other endevours.
I have gotten over a little in my time as well. At 17 years old I was homeless and a runaway, at 18 I was finding Drugs and booze for the first time, by 24 I was still homeless and a crack addict and in and out of jail and other institutions constantly. That year at 24 years old I went to the program I listed above. I will not go into leangth about the program but let me say in short I indentify and sympathize with what many of you have descibed about your time at Elan. I lasted 90 days there ran away/left A.M.A. (was a adult)and ended up doing a year in jail as a direct result from the influence the institution had on the judge, me, my family and the system in FL as well. I did my sober, have been clean off EVERYTHING for 7 years now. I live a happy life as a successful musician in Nashville TN with my BOYFRIEND (Yes I'm gay for all the homophobes and gaybashers that run rampant on this site)a lot of that was the result of me making the most out of a set of shitty circumstances,unfair and yes Barbaric treatment, and more inspite of a long list of exuses I could start my own message board with.
I really believe there should be more people on this list helping people who feel they were abused at Elan stop abusing themselves and others now, and move on with their lives!

Stop all the homophobic,racial and other hateful slurs! This only makes you look less intelligent,seperates you from your point, and helps you to more closely resemble your antagonists you despise so much.

Thank you all for listening. I will be back here and will be happy to answer any questions any of you might like to know about me or Joe Ricci my Father. Oh and yes he was cremated

 Jason Ricci (
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: Pete on July 11, 2005, 10:30:00 AM
Jason, thanks for stopping by and thanks for your honesty.  It takes a lot of integrity to post something like that.  I think some people on here (Marty) are getting what they deserve, but I sympathize a lot with you.

I've heard good things about your musician skills.[ This Message was edited by: Pete on 2005-07-11 07:32 ]
Title: The Corpse of Joe Ricci
Post by: The Elan Reporter on July 11, 2005, 11:52:00 PM
[ This Message was edited by: The Elan Reporter on 2005-10-26 06:43 ]