
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => Straight, Inc. and Derivatives => Topic started by: Dr Fucktard on March 01, 2004, 11:31:00 PM

Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 01, 2004, 11:31:00 PM
It seems that there's some anonymous coward who persists in attempting to "dog" my prospective employee, Therion. Could be that this little pecker does this because he's jealous of the on-board romance between him and that druggie jaded girl Kaydee. This seems to make sense. I think that this pathetic loser better cut the shit before he finds himself in WAYYY over his head. Consider this fair warning, anon.  :skull:
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Anonymous on March 01, 2004, 11:47:00 PM
Just exactly what do you have planned you pathetic moron ?  You need to get help and get it fast. You have ruined this message board and you are a total embarrasment to all survivors.  :rofl:
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 01, 2004, 11:49:00 PM
I'm glad I've ruined it for you, whoever you are. PUSSY.
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 01, 2004, 11:52:00 PM
Youy must think that you're pretty hot shit to speak for all of your survivors. Who are you? Some sort of imagined spokesman? Go wallow in your own shit, you cum-drinking little bitch. I'll carve your fucking eyes out!!!

[ This Message was edited by: Dr Fucktard on 2004-03-01 20:53 ]
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 01, 2004, 11:55:00 PM
C'mon, you turd..say something else..pussy.. :roll:
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 01, 2004, 11:55:00 PM
Oh, what a little fucking coward...wanna bow out now, pussy?  :lol:
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 01, 2004, 11:56:00 PM
I'm waiting...tic..toc..pussssssyyyyyy!!!!!  :rofl:
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 01, 2004, 11:57:00 PM
C'mon...let's hear how I've "ruined the boards," bitch!!!  :cry2:
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 01, 2004, 11:57:00 PM
I'll keep posting until you do, pussy... :razz:
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 01, 2004, 11:58:00 PM
C'mon bitch...put 'em up!!!!
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 01, 2004, 11:58:00 PM
What a fucking coward!!!!   :scared:
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 02, 2004, 12:00:00 AM
Hey, many pages am I gonna have to type before you stand up and fight like a man?
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Penis Birders Anonymous on March 02, 2004, 12:01:00 AM
About your posting history:


Trolling on fornits got you down?  You should really chill out and have a fuckin' penis bird!  I know I could go for one right about now!

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Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 02, 2004, 12:03:00 AM
Well, I guess that settles that. Anon is too much of a chickenshit little cumstain to even dare to fuck with the king of all FuckWits, Dr. Fucktard. Anything you say from now on is nul and void anon.  :skull:
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 02, 2004, 12:05:00 AM
Just when I thought I had the last word. So that was you then, eh, Penis Birder? If so, I'm sorry to hear that..
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 02, 2004, 12:07:00 AM
And actually, that history isn't accurate. I posted more than that.
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Penis Birders Anonymous on March 02, 2004, 12:11:00 AM

Yes, you're right about having more posts than my history (I couldn't keep up, what with the macaw claws in my cock and all...), but you are wrong about me being the anon poster.  I just stumbled across this jive.  I actually would never bag on Therion because he is kinda cool.

Who wants a penis bird?   :wave:
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 02, 2004, 12:14:00 AM
Good. Glad to hear it. Anon, you suck ass.
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 02, 2004, 12:22:00 AM
Just exactly what do you have planned you pathetic moron
Notice how pussy-boy couldn't even come up with an original thought? He had to mimic me. Look at my opening post.

You need to get help and get it fast
Gee, where have I heard THIS fucking line of CRAP before?

You have ruined this message board and you are a total embarrasment to all survivors

I live as long as you give me life...
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Euronymous_ on March 02, 2004, 01:37:00 AM
Fret not children of Therion..alas he is gone..

But I saw him...sitting aloft a great Mountain in Israel

The Master Therion is well in retreat and Masturbating with the War Goddess..

He gave me these words to bring to the children of Fornits..he carved them upon my chest with a great rusted syrings..At Which time he vomited upon a rock ....when the bile cleared I saw a blazing Image of The Bee Gees....

Until the return of Master Therion, He commands
thee to sing Staurday Night which time Mel Gibon and all Christians shall be abjucated before the triumvirate

Listen to the ground:
there is movement all around.
There is something goin' down
and I can feel it.

On the waves of the air,
there is dancin' out there.
If it's somethin' we can share,
we can steal it.

And that sweet city woman,
She moves through the light,
Controlling my mind and my soul.
When you reach out for me
Yeah, and the feelin' is bright,

Then I get night fever, night fever.
We know how to do it.
Gimme that night fever, night fever.
We know how to show it.

Here I am,
Prayin' for this moment to last,
Livin' on the music so fine,
Borne on the wind,
Makin' it mine.

Night fever, night fever.
We know how to do it.
Gimme that night fever, night fever.
We know how to show it.

In the heat of our love,
Don't need no help for us to make it.
Gimme just enough to take us to the mornin'.
I got fire in my mind.
I got higher in my walkin'.
And I'm glowin' in the dark;
I give you warnin'.

And that sweet city woman,
She moves through the light,
Controlling my mind and my soul.
When you reach out for me
Yeah, and the feelin' is bright,

Then I get night fever, night fever.
We know how to do it.
Gimme that night fever, night fever.
We know how to show it.

Here I am,
Prayin' for this moment to last,
Livin' on the music so fine,
Borne on the wind,
Makin' it mine.

Night fever, night fever.
We know how to do it.
Gimme that night fever, night fever.
We know how to show it.

I pray to dying cover me in snow.
Im dying, I hope you're dying too

[ This Message was edited by: Euronymous_ on 2004-03-01 22:37 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Euronymous_ on 2004-03-01 22:39 ]
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Euronymous_ on March 02, 2004, 01:46:00 AM
For it is election day in the land of Bee Gee..

And the Master retreats to lick his wounds and mend his broken heart...

Alas the war goddess has not left him ..

Therion is assembling an army...

The Penis Birder and The Dr must work together ....

Like A Mighty Morphine Needle Ranger they combine their will..and burn the fires until the Day of the BeeGeemetaton....

The Mark Of Therion is upon thee...
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Euronymous_ on March 02, 2004, 02:02:00 AM
On 2004-03-01 20:31:00, Dr Fucktard wrote:

"It seems that there's some anonymous coward who persists in attempting to "dog" my prospective employee, Therion. Could be that this little pecker does this because he's jealous of the on-board romance between him and that druggie jaded girl Kaydee. This seems to make sense. I think that this pathetic loser better cut the shit before he finds himself in WAYYY over his head. Consider this fair warning, anon.  :skull: "

Dont believe everything you read, my friend
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Therion on March 02, 2004, 07:37:00 AM

I'm numb and unfeeling
So I just burn and stare at the ceiling
I'm here, but so far away
I see your mouth movin' but can't hear what you say
And I don't think I give a fuck anyway

[ This Message was edited by: Therion on 2004-03-02 05:09 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Therion on 2004-03-02 05:13 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Therion on 2004-03-02 05:15 ]
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: ehm on March 02, 2004, 09:54:00 AM
And it makes it alot worse when your own "friends" and "loved ones" dont give a shit..
I cant even get a returned e mail or answered phone from most of them

Perhaps that's because you are making WAY too big of a dramatic deal out of all of this, and have little respect for privacy. I'm sure you scared Kady away with your flailing neediness, and unchecked anger issues. She has a child you know! You aren't exactly Daddy material at the moment, and have some growing up to do. Take rejection quietly and respectfully, please!
Im sure someday when Im fucking dead they will all weep and talk about how close we were and how they loved me oh so much

What a selfish and pitiful thing to say. Stop feeling so sorry for yourself, and grow up a little! While you are at it, please refrain from spamming up the board with all of your alias names. Pick a name.

This board used to be a place to get support, and share stories as survivors. People who used to post here regularly, never post anymore because of all this STUPID crap. It's been progressively getting worse, and worse. This is my opinion however,  I just don't see any good coming out of it. To the contrary, I do understand people go through different coping phases after finding all this information. Some never grow out of it perhaps.

I'm sorry Therion, but someone needs to tell you. Have some respect for her privacy. You don't even know her. No matter how many hours you've spent talking, she's still a stranger until you MEET her. Take a step back, breathe... The world is not ending.

And last of all - Dr. Fucktard, you just aren't funny, or clever, dude. At all. Give it a rest.  

Resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die
-- Malachy McCourt

Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Carmel on March 02, 2004, 10:38:00 AM
Im with Morli on this...all this hateful back and forth garbage is just a waste.  I am not anonymous, and I am not afraid of speaking my mind on a MESSAGE BOARD without wondering if I am going to get killed or beaten up or stalked or my family put in the gutter by someone fussing over what I say.  Heaven forbid I shouldnt want to hear about cocksucking and cum drenching and pussy faggot bitch hating.  Ill even send out my phone number and SS# so you guys can get your vigilante justice crap on.

To be honest Moril....I think these people are here to plant seeds of hatred and discord in order to discredit the board.  The sudden turn of atmosphere on here is suspiciously in sync with all of what Ginger is going through with the posting and so forth.

I have been posting here for going on three years, and its never been this bad.  Even people who are always up for a good debate are just leaving this place the hell alone.

Just a tip everyone...this board is free for all to express....but please stop acting as if it were reality.  If you want to go kill someone because they dont agree with your excessive hatemongering on a damned message board....maybe you need to seek some help.  Go play Laser Tag or Paintball and get it out physically.  Its only laughable to threaten someone because of a post.

Oh, and by the way Dr. arent exactly "out in the open" yourself.  Last time I checked "Dr. Fucktard" isnt the most defining of names.  

No one will even hold a conversation with you or Therion because the moment someone doesnt agree, you all throw ranting fits about hating and killing and cocksucking.  Its not even worth open debate, because you responses are so volitile that it is useless.  My 1 year old hits the floor and screams when he doesnt like what I say....and its almost the same shit with you guys.  

Like..."oh you dont like what I think?  Well, I HATE YOU HATE HATE HATE AND YOU ALL ARE GOING TO DIE ......" how can you argue with that? Or even respond at all?

No one is saying you arent entitled...but just dont expect people to fall desperately in love with your personality if at any moment tit turns to hateful moaning and stomping.  I am sorry, but you arent omnipotent in your ideas or opinions...none of us are.
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Anonymous on March 02, 2004, 11:00:00 AM
On 2004-03-02 04:37:00, Therion wrote:

"First of all Kaydee wants nothing to do with me.
She had a revelation and saw me for the Unloveable drug addict piece of shit...that everyone else sees..

She will not even speak to me anymore so drop the Kaydee/Therion love posts..

Second she is not a Druggie..She does not use drugs..nor did she ever have a drug /Alcohol problem.

Go ahead me fag...err whatever the fuck you are always saying about me..Laugh at me because I got dumped...I dont give a shit anymore..My lifes already ruined and your meager heckling wont make any diffrence either way..

I just matter who you are..or what you have done...
I hope you never have to feel or go through all the shit I am...

And it makes it alot worse when your own "friends" and "loved ones" dont give a shit..
I cant even get a returned e mail or answered phone from most of them
Im sure someday when Im fucking dead they will all weep and talk about how close we were and how they loved me oh so much

Thanks world!!!!

Oh, and good morning, have a great day today!


I'm numb and unfeeling

So I just burn and stare at the ceiling

I'm here, but so far away

I see your mouth movin' but can't hear what you say

And I don't think I give a fuck anyway

[ This Message was edited by: Therion on 2004-03-02 05:09 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Therion on 2004-03-02 05:13 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Therion on 2004-03-02 05:15 ]"
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 02, 2004, 11:34:00 AM
Dr. Fucktard, you just aren't funny, or clever, dude. At all. Give it a rest.

"Tis a pity, young Morli, but I daresay that you stand alone in your estimation of my humorousness. Perhaps a couple of sac-less anons share your opinion, but shit on them, I say. Fuck their insignificant asses to hell. However, I have a little more respect for you than I do them since you have an identity.

Another thing, if you really want a "troll" to disappear, it is wise to ignore them. It was quite foolish of you to address me, since I wasn't planning on posting to this thread. But now I will, if for no other reason but to irritate *you* further...

Ah, and learn, right? Better luck next time.

~ The Clever and Outrageously Funny ~
Dr. Fucktard, P.H.D.
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 02, 2004, 11:37:00 AM
To be honest Moril....I think these people are here to plant seeds of hatred and discord in order to discredit the board. The sudden turn of atmosphere on here is suspiciously in sync with all of what Ginger is going through with the posting and so forth.

You take things WAAAAYYY too seriously, Carmel. The trouble with people here is that they speculate and read into things too much for their own good. This is a perfect example.  :roll:

Lighten up. I'm just having a little fun.  :lol:
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Therion on March 02, 2004, 11:39:00 AM
Thats cool Morli. Im glad you were finally honest with me..

Just remember I didnt want to even give my # to you...but you insisted you reached out to me..

Thats cool go have your happy life..

Im unstable and going thru alot of shit..

/golf clap cant believe you noticed

I was actually alot better off menatlly before fornits..

Ill leave this place to you guys Im not interested in rehashing old stuff..

Good luck guys and ...I hope you all get rich and happy and all that.
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 02, 2004, 11:43:00 AM
No one will even hold a conversation with you or Therion because the moment someone doesnt agree, you all throw ranting fits about hating and killing and cocksucking. Its not even worth open debate, because you responses are so volitile that it is useless. My 1 year old hits the floor and screams when he doesnt like what I say....and its almost the same shit with you guys.

Like..."oh you dont like what I think? Well, I HATE YOU HATE HATE HATE AND YOU ALL ARE GOING TO DIE ......" how can you argue with that? Or even respond at all?

No one is saying you arent entitled...but just dont expect people to fall desperately in love with your personality if at any moment tit turns to hateful moaning and stomping. I am sorry, but you arent omnipotent in your ideas or opinions...none of us are.

You're way off the mark, not to mention quite condescending. I wonder if you've actually read any of these threads. I keep a civil tongue in my head most of the time, unless provoked. See, I'm doing it now.  :em:

The more you complain, the more I fuck with you. That is the nature of a "troll."

Love ya, Carmel..Love ya Dr. Penis Birder, love ya Therion, love ya groooooopp!
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Therion on March 02, 2004, 12:10:00 PM
On 2004-03-02 06:54:00, starfish wrote:

And it makes it alot worse when your own "friends" and "loved ones" dont give a shit..

I cant even get a returned e mail or answered phone from most of them

Perhaps that's because you are making WAY too big of a dramatic deal out of all of this, and have little respect for privacy. I'm sure you scared Kady away with your flailing neediness, and unchecked anger issues. She has a child you know! You aren't exactly Daddy material at the moment, and have some growing up to do. Take rejection quietly and respectfully, please!


Im sure someday when Im fucking dead they will all weep and talk about how close we were and how they loved me oh so much

What a selfish and pitiful thing to say. Stop feeling so sorry for yourself, and grow up a little! While you are at it, please refrain from spamming up the board with all of your alias names. Pick a name.

This board used to be a place to get support, and share stories as survivors. People who used to post here regularly, never post anymore because of all this STUPID crap. It's been progressively getting worse, and worse. This is my opinion however,  I just don't see any good coming out of it. To the contrary, I do understand people go through different coping phases after finding all this information. Some never grow out of it perhaps.

I'm sorry Therion, but someone needs to tell you. Have some respect for Kady's privacy. You don't even know her. No matter how many hours you've spent talking, she's still a stranger until you MEET her. Take a step back, breathe... The world is not ending.

And last of all - Dr. Fucktard, you just aren't funny, or clever, dude. At all. Give it a rest.  

Resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die

-- Malachy McCourt


Thats wrong on so many levels.. Morli I knew you were a user and fake friend weeks ago thats why I stopped e mailing you and IMing..

You reached out to me..not the other way I told you 3 fucking times I didnt wanna talk on the phone..

You used me to find steve brooks..

but you know Im not gonna shovel your dirt in public like you did to me

and you know what the fuck Im talking about..

whatever I havent talked to you in weeks..and dont care to..

have your little fucking life and cry to someone else about yyour heroin cravings etc etc yah Im needy

way to be....

and Morli you have alot of problems socially and think its everyone else...

like the other people you complained to me about

and Carmel you dont do shit for the cause...
and frankly are boring and close minded..

have your little survivor board back..

you are just as pathetic as me....only diffrence is IM HONEST and REAL

you hide it...

I wont be coming back for a response either so save are also on Ignore now so..

fuck off fake bitch
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: ehm on March 02, 2004, 12:23:00 PM
On 2004-03-02 08:39:00, Therion wrote:


Thats cool Morli. Im glad you were finally honest with me..

Finally?! Are you kidding? Man, you have selective memory.

Just remember I didnt want to even give my # to you...but you insisted you reached out to me..

You had spoken to Stephen, I wanted to ask you about it in the begining. Stop broadcasting so much personal stuff, Therion. C'mon, I'm sorry what I said wasn't what you wanted to hear, but I was thinking not only of you, but of Kady, and how she must feel about all this.

Thats cool go have your happy life..

Wow. First, let me tell you, I've been though hell to get to the point where I am able say, "I'm happy and content." I've worked hard, just to be honest with myself, about myself, and for the sake of my family, to be less selfish. Don't act as though I was handed my life on a silver platter, life is what you make of it Brad.

Im unstable and going thru alot of shit..

/golf clap cant believe you noticed

I was actually alot better off menatlly before fornits..

Like I said earlier, I understand how hard it is to find these boards, and the information on it. People really do go through some weird stages after finding it. If taking a break sounds like a good idea to you, don't deny yourself some relief.

Ill leave this place to you guys Im not interested in rehashing old stuff..

Good luck guys and ...I hope you all get rich and happy and all that.


Getting mad and leaving isn't a way to figure things out, it's giving up. Don't ever give up.  :smile:

Take care of yourself.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense


Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Anonymous on March 02, 2004, 12:28:00 PM
Do you guys have to keep airing your dirty laundry in public?  You could PM or email each other to your little hearts' content and it wouldn't clutter up the board with this petty bickering.  Personally, I prefer Dr. Fucktard's one liners to the soap operas.
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: ehm on March 02, 2004, 12:29:00 PM
On 2004-03-02 09:10:00, Therion wrote:


On 2004-03-02 06:54:00, starfish wrote:

And it makes it alot worse when your own "friends" and "loved ones" dont give a shit..

I cant even get a returned e mail or answered phone from most of them

Perhaps that's because you are making WAY too big of a dramatic deal out of all of this, and have little respect for privacy. I'm sure you scared Kady away with your flailing neediness, and unchecked anger issues. She has a child you know! You aren't exactly Daddy material at the moment, and have some growing up to do. Take rejection quietly and respectfully, please!


Im sure someday when Im fucking dead they will all weep and talk about how close we were and how they loved me oh so much

What a selfish and pitiful thing to say. Stop feeling so sorry for yourself, and grow up a little! While you are at it, please refrain from spamming up the board with all of your alias names. Pick a name.

This board used to be a place to get support, and share stories as survivors. People who used to post here regularly, never post anymore because of all this STUPID crap. It's been progressively getting worse, and worse. This is my opinion however,  I just don't see any good coming out of it. To the contrary, I do understand people go through different coping phases after finding all this information. Some never grow out of it perhaps.

I'm sorry Therion, but someone needs to tell you. Have some respect for Kady's privacy. You don't even know her. No matter how many hours you've spent talking, she's still a stranger until you MEET her. Take a step back, breathe... The world is not ending.

And last of all - Dr. Fucktard, you just aren't funny, or clever, dude. At all. Give it a rest.  

Resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die

-- Malachy McCourt


Thats wrong on so many levels.. Morli I knew you were a user and fake friend weeks ago thats why I stopped e mailing you and IMing..

You reached out to me..not the other way I told you 3 fucking times I didnt wanna talk on the phone..

You used me to find steve brooks..

but you know Im not gonna shovel your dirt in public like you did to me

and you know what the fuck Im talking about..

whatever I havent talked to you in weeks..and dont care to..

have your little fucking life and cry to someone else about yyour heroin cravings etc etc yah Im needy

way to be....

and Morli you have alot of problems socially and think its everyone else...

like the other people you complained to me about

and Carmel you dont do shit for the cause...

and frankly are boring and close minded..

have your little survivor board back..

you are just as pathetic as me....only diffrence is IM HONEST and REAL

you hide it...

I wont be coming back for a response either so save are also on Ignore now so..

fuck off fake bitch


No, you have some very obvious mental problems, and no self control. It shows in how quickly you resort to cheap shots, insults, and name calling.  


I think animal testing is a terrible idea;  they get all nervous and give the wrong answers.    
-- A Bit of Fry and Laurie

Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: ehm on March 02, 2004, 12:40:00 PM
On 2004-03-02 09:28:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Do you guys have to keep airing your dirty laundry in public?  You could PM or email each other to your little hearts' content and it wouldn't clutter up the board with this petty bickering.  Personally, I prefer Dr. Fucktard's one liners to the soap operas."

My posts were board related, and so were Carmels. So, you're telling him (Therion) the same thing we just did. Sorry, but I think you're a little lost.  :wink:

               The body of
        Benjamin Franklin, printer,
      (Like the cover of an old book,
            Its contents worn out,
    And scripts of it's lettering and gilding)
       Lies Here, food for worms!
     Yet the work itself shall not be lost,
For it will, as he believed, appear once more
                 In a new
         And more beautiful edition,
          Corrected and amended
                By it's Author!

Epitaph for himself.

--Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790

Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: thepatriot on March 02, 2004, 12:40:00 PM
I agree, I am in the office this month, I am usually on the road. Every now and then these past few weeks I check the boards about 3 times day. I just wonder if these babbling idiots have jobs or if they live off the tax payers sit on their asses and think up some of this stupid shit. use the board for what it is meant please...some of us adults could care less about your stupidity......Fucktard....I am sure you thought long and hard on that name....good job
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Therion on March 02, 2004, 12:45:00 PM
Oh and Morli...Carmel are you ladies investigating rehabs and whatnot for the cause?

i didnt think so....I do..

Kk thx....shut the fuck up and drive thru la~~~

you are both insane and tring so hard not to show it..

I see thru you though
I'm numb and unfeeling
So I just burn and stare at the ceiling
I'm here, but so far away
I see your mouth movin' but can't hear what you say
And I don't think I give a fuck anyway

[ This Message was edited by: Therion on 2004-03-02 09:46 ]
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: thepatriot on March 02, 2004, 12:49:00 PM
What is up with the song lyrics anyway??? don't tell me your the idiot in the bar that yells feebird every set the band plays right?
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Therion on March 02, 2004, 01:01:00 PM
Morli you are such a good phaser still arent you...

You havent changed a tad since straight..

You are pathetic and sick and a fucking liar..
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Anonymous on March 02, 2004, 01:05:00 PM
Dr. Fuctard & Therion, if they are not they same person, are some of the most pathetic useless motherfuckers to ever walk the face of the earth  :exclaim:  :flame:
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 02, 2004, 01:15:00 PM
Hey pussy...Why did you chicken out last night? Little cocksucker..  :rofl:
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: ehm on March 02, 2004, 01:16:00 PM
On 2004-03-02 10:01:00, Therion wrote:

"Morli you are such a good phaser still arent you...

You havent changed a tad since straight..

You are pathetic and sick and a fucking liar..


I thought you weren't coming back to respond. Do you have Turrets?


I'm sorry that everything you don't like hearing triggers abandonment issues in you, but spare me, okay? I never lied to you, and hardly know you. Get a better grip on reality.

In all actuality, we are strangers. Check yourself, little man, and stop verbally abusing me, and attacking me.


Q. I simply ask, why is PUNISHMENT the solution with regards to the narrow group of behaviors which encompass illegal drug use....?

A.Pharmaceutical Business, both legal and illegal, run by the same people either way, money coming to the middle from both ends.  Bush.
Bill Gallagher

Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 02, 2004, 01:25:00 PM
Perhaps that's because you are making WAY too big of a dramatic deal out of all of this, and have little respect for privacy. I'm sure you scared Kady away with your flailing neediness, and unchecked anger issues. She has a child you know! You aren't exactly Daddy material at the moment, and have some growing up to do. Take rejection quietly and respectfully, please!

Don't YOU seem to know it all.  :idea:
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 02, 2004, 01:30:00 PM
You had spoken to Stephen, I wanted to ask you about it in the begining. Stop broadcasting so much personal stuff, Therion. C'mon, I'm sorry what I said wasn't what you wanted to hear, but I was thinking not only of you, but of Kady, and how she must feel about all this.

*You're* telling *him* not to broadcast personal shit, Miss know-it-all? Tsk-tsk, and another tsk. Get the whip out Therion. I think some punishment is in order..  :rofl:
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 02, 2004, 01:31:00 PM
Do you guys have to keep airing your dirty laundry in public? You could PM or email each other to your little hearts' content and it wouldn't clutter up the board with this petty bickering. Personally, I prefer Dr. Fucktard's one liners to the soap operas.

Why thank you, anon. That was sweet.  ::kiss::
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 02, 2004, 01:39:00 PM
Fucktard....I am sure you thought long and hard on that name....good job

Thepatriot...HA, what an asshole.

You think you're hot shit with that name?  :rofl:
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Anonymous on March 02, 2004, 01:42:00 PM
On 2004-03-02 10:39:00, Dr Fucktard wrote:

 dingleberry muncher!!  :rofl:"

 :lol:  :lol:
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: ehm on March 02, 2004, 01:42:00 PM
On 2004-03-02 10:30:00, Dr Fucktard wrote:

You had spoken to Stephen, I wanted to ask you about it in the begining. Stop broadcasting so much personal stuff, Therion. C'mon, I'm sorry what I said wasn't what you wanted to hear, but I was thinking not only of you, but of Kady, and how she must feel about all this.

*You're* telling *him* not to broadcast personal shit, Miss know-it-all? Tsk-tsk, and another tsk. Get the whip out Therion. I think some punishment is in order..  :rofl:"

I was in Dallas straight with Stephen. Hadn't spoken to him in thirteen years... Board/straight related...  :roll:

You can lead a camel to water but you can't make it stink (any more than it already does)
-- Job

Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Anonymous on March 02, 2004, 01:47:00 PM
On 2004-03-02 10:30:00, Dr Fucktard wrote:

You had spoken to Stephen, I wanted to ask you about it in the begining. Stop broadcasting so much personal stuff, Therion. C'mon, I'm sorry what I said wasn't what you wanted to hear, but I was thinking not only of you, but of Kady, and how she must feel about all this.

*You're* telling *him* not to broadcast personal shit, Miss know-it-all? Tsk-tsk, and another tsk. Get the whip out Therion. I think some punishment is in order..  :rofl:"

For those that are not yet aware, this is a troll.  As he says, "I live as long as you give me life."   :grin:
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 02, 2004, 01:49:00 PM
I was in Dallas straight with Stephen. Hadn't spoken to him in thirteen years... Board/straight related...
OOOOPS! You missed the point...

Perhaps that's because you are making WAY too big of a dramatic deal out of all of this, and have little respect for privacy. I'm sure you scared Kady away with your flailing neediness, and unchecked anger issues. She has a child you know! You aren't exactly Daddy material at the moment, and have some growing up to do. Take rejection quietly and respectfully, please!

Don't YOU seem to know it all?

*You're* telling *him* not to broadcast personal shit?
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: RTP2003 on March 02, 2004, 01:49:00 PM
Thank you for that profound insight, Anon.
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Carmel on March 02, 2004, 02:00:00 PM
Thanks Therion for proving my point..."stomp stomp pout pout, I am leaving."  

Look man, call me closed minded...I just dont like to read over and over about shit eating and name calling.  I opened my mind to that crap when I was 12 years old.  Consider my mind full of it.  (Yeah, you are allowed to run with that one!)  

There isnt any reason why we cant argue like we are all growed up, ya know?  Morli and I used to be at each others we get along fine....just because someone doesnt want to be as hardcore as you doesnt make them anything other than plain ole disagreeable.  Not a pussy or a whore or a faggot or a bitch or a shit sucking cum licker.  The truth is that none of us really KNOW each other at all...not in a way that merits such harsh backlash when we dont meet each others expectations.

Underneath it all, the fact is is that this place is under scrutiny by people who do not understand who we are or why we are the way we are, ya dig?  I may not be pounding the pavement with a bullhorn Therion...but I am at the very LEAST trying to help out whoever is out there wanting to learn about why we post here to begin with.  

It is undeniable fact that since you began posting so excessively, not even other survivors...people who have been around here for years, will come around and post anymore.  Im sorry, but wouldnt it make sense that if people who were in Straight cant hack the verbal violence around here....well, that people trying to find out about us on the outside would be twice as repelled?

Just put it into perspective man.  I am not saying you cant be angry, im saying to for lack of a better phrase "take a little responsibility".  If you want to make friends and get support...thats here for you too.  But setting people on fire every other minute if they rub you wrong isnt the way.  I dont like how you post sometimes...but I still dont tell you not to post, i still dont even try to argue with you, and I certainly havent called you any stupid names.
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: thepatriot on March 02, 2004, 02:07:00 PM
I am with you Carmel, Therion needs to get a life a job or something...give it a rest already.
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: thepatriot on March 02, 2004, 02:21:00 PM
Wonderful reply  and with so much, how old were you again?
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: thepatriot on March 02, 2004, 02:24:00 PM
Hey Fucktard, I am sure you are a wonderful guy outside of this forum but you really need to lighten up buddy. Have a good day
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: thepatriot on March 02, 2004, 02:27:00 PM
But then again Fucktard with a average of 30 + messages a day I sure you don't have a life outside of this forum. :lol:
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: ehm on March 02, 2004, 03:18:00 PM
On 2004-03-02 10:49:00, Dr Fucktard wrote:

I was in Dallas straight with Stephen. Hadn't spoken to him in thirteen years... Board/straight related...

OOOOPS! You missed the point...

Perhaps that's because you are making WAY too big of a dramatic deal out of all of this, and have little respect for privacy. I'm sure you scared Kady away with your flailing neediness, and unchecked anger issues. She has a child you know! You aren't exactly Daddy material at the moment, and have some growing up to do. Take rejection quietly and respectfully, please!

Don't YOU seem to know it all?

*You're* telling *him* not to broadcast personal shit?

No, you missed my point.

I'm telling him that constantly bringing her up, followed by a bunch of gibberish --  "They'll all be sorry when I'm dead..." crap, is tired, and not the way an adult deals with rejection. I'm bluntly saying stop blaming the world, and take a look in the mirror. Pretty much the same thing as Carmel, and thepatriot.

The fact that he's been persistently posting about the matter could be construed as harassment by some.

Grow up, both of you...

A dictatorship would be a heck of a lot easier, there's no question
about it.
--GW Büsh, Business Week, July 30, 2001

Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Anonymous on March 02, 2004, 03:45:00 PM
I may be a little slow here, but are therion and kaydee still a thing?
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Anonymous on March 02, 2004, 03:55:00 PM
apparently not.
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 02, 2004, 07:44:00 PM
Hey Fucktard, I am sure you are a wonderful guy outside of this forum but you really need to lighten up buddy. Have a good day

What goes around comes around, buttfuck..  :lol:
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 02, 2004, 07:45:00 PM
The fact that he's been persistently posting about the matter could be construed as harassment by some.

Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Anonymous on March 02, 2004, 08:07:00 PM
is a "chili dog", or do you prefer to be referred to as a "peanut butter stick"?  Sit down, you're started over; back on the front row for you!!  Fucktard, what a childish pen name.
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Anonymous on March 02, 2004, 10:34:00 PM
Fucktard is a pathetic retard  :exclaim:

 :rofl:           :idea:
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 02, 2004, 10:41:00 PM
I know...annonny-mouse is such a better name, isn't it?  :wink:
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 03, 2004, 11:08:00 AM
Fucktard is a pathetic retard

That's so funny I forgot to laugh...  :em:
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Therion on March 03, 2004, 11:16:00 AM
 Never thought before, a life could be so strange, but it is
And I guess my one a day, became ten or twelve or more, and more
But I've got a gift, it's something called my friends or love
With them and I combined, I'll beat an early end

[ This Message was edited by: Therion on 2004-03-18 08:56 ]
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 03, 2004, 11:18:00 AM
Glad to see you standing up for yourself again, Therion...
I was beginning to tire of doing it for you..
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Therion on March 03, 2004, 11:28:00 AM
 Never thought before, a life could be so strange, but it is
And I guess my one a day, became ten or twelve or more, and more
But I've got a gift, it's something called my friends or love
With them and I combined, I'll beat an early end

[ This Message was edited by: Therion on 2004-03-18 08:57 ]
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 03, 2004, 11:31:00 AM
Ouch!!!    :rofl:
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: ehm on March 03, 2004, 12:57:00 PM
Everything I said was from my gut, and honestly what I think. I'm sorry it wasn't what you wanted to hear, but it was after reading damn near every post you've posted, and judging by how quickly you turned on Kady the first time. Suspicious, desperate, and untrusting. A dangerous mixture. Or how about how quickly you jumped the gun about Kelly? Calling her a "using bitch" and ?a whore?  the day she was having surgery? I really can?t count know how many times I listened to you rail on her. (I?m sorry Kady and Kelly, that is the last time I?ll use your names, sorry.)

I started becoming appalled at you, but I bit my tongue. Then you sent me that e-mail with that disgusting scat picture in it! Now, that actually shocked me, and pissed me off, you know it did, I told you it did. Totally disrespectful to me as a women, but you actually thought it was okay to send. Unbelievable, and you are 30?

It obviously hurts you that I don't agree with what you do sometimes. It shows in how you're lashing out at me. Sorry, but badmouthing women isn?t something I can tolerate out of anyone, especially a man.  Although you?re really more like a boy...

Now, I knew that you wouldn't agree with my decision to go to church, because you can't understand it, but I clearly stated why we were going. You are so selfish in your choice of words and actions, yet you don't even realize it. How dare you name call me on this message board! What are you, a teenager still? It really highlights what jackasses you BOTH are. Not to mention defines you, as trash.

There's no need for me to defend myself on this board. I've been posting for over a year now, and those that know me, know me. You've been here for less than three months, and look at how angry you've become with THREE different women on this board, already! Not to mention the constant others. Maybe you should think about those issues I was talking about. Besides, you knew I was the kind of girl, that always speaks my mind.  :wink:

Why don?t you just leave it at that, okay Brad? Furthering this would only perpetuate more negative, and I think there?s been enough already.

Take care.

Our Constitution is in actual operation; everything appears to promise that it will last; but in this world nothing is certain but death and taxes.
Ben Franklin Letter to M. Leroy, 1789.

Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 03, 2004, 01:04:00 PM
Sorry, but badmouthing women isn?t something I can tolerate out of anyone, especially a man.

Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 03, 2004, 01:07:00 PM
judging by how quickly you turned on Kady the first time. Suspicious, desperate, and untrusting. A dangerous mixture.

He never did this! When did this happen?
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 03, 2004, 01:11:00 PM
Oh and Morli...You said more about Karen than I did....ralking about her son...she never brought that up on here before and didnt want to...

You hit the nail on the head, Therion!

Marriage definitely seems to have gotten the better of all of the sudden it's time for everyone to "get it together and move on."  :roll:

Remember what it was like to have no one, morli?
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: ehm on March 03, 2004, 02:14:00 PM
On 2004-03-03 10:07:00, Dr Fucktard wrote:

judging by how quickly you turned on Kady the first time. Suspicious, desperate, and untrusting. A dangerous mixture.

He never did this! When did this happen? "

It wasn't done on the board.  :roll:

The fact is the fact, the program is evil, and every attempt to make
chicken salad out of chicken shit has resulted in a Chicken shit
sandwich, No pickle on the side could ever change that.


Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 03, 2004, 02:17:00 PM
Then why didn't you continue to keep this shit the FUCK OFF OF THE BOARD, then?  ::argue::

A typical bitch!  :lol:
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: ehm on March 03, 2004, 02:36:00 PM
On 2004-03-03 11:17:00, Dr Fucktard wrote:

"Then why didn't you continue to keep this shit the FUCK OFF OF THE BOARD, then?  :grin:

That was my original suggestion to him. Besides, you're one to talk about what's appropriate to put on the boards. :roll:

Good day.

Men seldom, or rather never for a length of time, and deliberately, rebel against anything that does not deserve rebelling against.

--Thomas Carlyle

Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Anonymous on March 03, 2004, 02:49:00 PM
On 2004-03-02 10:05:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Dr. Fuctard & Therion, if they are not they same person, are some of the most pathetic useless motherfuckers to ever walk the face of the earth  :exclaim:  :flame:   "
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: kaydeejaded on March 03, 2004, 02:57:00 PM

Boundary, n.  In political geography, an imaginary line between two nations, separating the imaginary rights of one from the imaginary rights of another.
-- Ambrose Bierce,  The Devil's Dictionary

[ This Message was edited by: kaydeejaded on 2004-03-10 20:42 ]
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 03, 2004, 03:22:00 PM
Double ouch!!!

Way to tell it, Kaydee!

Morli, you're a bitch hiding behind your self righteous behavior as a means to put people down.
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: ehm on March 03, 2004, 03:45:00 PM
On 2004-03-03 11:57:00, kaydeejaded wrote:

"You want to go there lets go

Trash you called Brad trash

you who would call someone needy and then procede to stomp all over their feelings.

I never stomped, and I don't delight in calling him out for being pitiful. People don't realize how selfish and wrong it is to say, "When I'm gone you'll all be sorry" when trying to get attention! I've done it, it was pathetic. However, I've already said I was sorry several times, and said I knew it came across harshly.

thats beyond trash that is souless and unfeeling thats a sociopath.

No, it's called being blunt and honest. It's called speaking my opinion. I have been here as a friend to Brad, ever since he got here. We haven't always seen eye to eye on certain things, but I have respected that, yet as soon as my family has a crisis, and I mention going to church, suddenly, I'm not his friend anymore. That's not unconditional friendship, or compassionate either! It's closed-minded, and judgmental!

you seem to delight in making people miserable and talking about them behind their backs, all you seem to do is put people down.

Couldn't be further from the truth. I understand you taking the biased opinion on this one, however.

If you see someone as needy and sad why in the hell would any person try and make them feel worse unless they are sick or evil.

I was never trying to make him feel worse, I was telling him to stop blaming the world!!!!! (There's a big difference.)

Who would do that? Why would you do that. Brad is so kind and sweet.

Brad has two different sides, which conflict constantly. It shows every other post he makes. Blaming everyone else is just an excuse to stay stuck. I will speak my mind.

You are just mean, what the hell is a matter with you Morli? Do you delight in making other people miserable or something.

No, I'm really not. Not at all.

I have thick skin, shit bounces off me. Say what you want but what human has so little compassion for another person like that.

He called you a name that is nothing compared to the utter lack of human caring and decency you have shown him. He was your friend and you turned on him. In public no less. And you liked it. How sick is that. And He still keeps your secrets even though hurt and angry

You sure are putting a lot of words in my mouth. I didn't turn on him, I gave him my honest opinion. I'm sorry it hurt his feelings so much.  

see the difference Morli between a person with a soul and without

I'd say grow up but there is more wrong with you then that

Is that your professional opinion?  :???:  

Janis, Jimi, Gery, Timothy... Did you HAVE to get so close to the edge to get a really good view?
-- Anonymous

Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 03, 2004, 04:04:00 PM
In Today's Episode:

We find out that Therion and Kaydee are back in luv! Yay!  ::rainbow::  ::rocker::

Morli gets her comeuppance for ragging on Therion.  :rofl:
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Anonymous on March 03, 2004, 04:10:00 PM
On 2004-03-03 13:04:00, Dr Fucktard wrote:

"In Today's Episode:

We find out that Therion and Kaydee are back in luv! Yay!  ::rainbow::  ::rocker::

How delightful! Is she going to move in with him and his parents, or is he going to move in with her, and hers?  

:wstupid:  ::ftard::
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 03, 2004, 04:14:00 PM
How delightful! Is she going to move in with him and his parents, or is he going to move in with her, and hers?

Well, I'm going to have to admit, that's a good zinger.  :smokin:
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Anonymous on March 03, 2004, 04:26:00 PM
"you who would call someone needy and then procede to stomp all over their feelings.

thats beyond trash that is souless and unfeeling thats a sociopath."

Actually that is not a sociopath, you see a sociopath would never get involved with this kind of nonsense it wouldn't interest them in the least.  The same way you don't interest me with your pseudo tough half logical psychological talk.

"You want to go there lets go"

Please the overcompensating going on here is reaching astounding new highs. First we are subjected to the rantings of the clearly mentally insane, now you with the obviously bloated ego.  Please people I know Straight was and is difficult to get over for so many varied personal reasons.  I do however wish you all freedom from the demons that drug us here.
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 03, 2004, 04:27:00 PM
First we are subjected to the rantings of the clearly mentally insane
:silly:  :silly:  :rofl:  :tup:
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Anonymous on March 03, 2004, 04:34:00 PM
On 2004-03-03 13:27:00, Dr Fucktard wrote:

First we are subjected to the rantings of the clearly mentally insane
:silly:  :silly:  :rofl:  :tup:

I thought they were talking about Therion
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Anonymous on March 03, 2004, 04:38:00 PM
On 2004-03-03 13:34:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2004-03-03 13:27:00, Dr Fucktard wrote:

First we are subjected to the rantings of the clearly mentally insane
:silly:  :silly:  :rofl:  :tup:


I thought they were talking about Therion"

me too.
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 03, 2004, 04:40:00 PM
Fools! It doesn't matter who he/she was talking about! It was funny!
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Anonymous on March 03, 2004, 05:10:00 PM
On 2004-03-01 22:37:00, Euronymous_ wrote:

"Fret not children of Therion..alas he is gone..

But I saw him...sitting aloft a great Mountain in Israel

The Master Therion is well in retreat and Masturbating with the War Goddess..

He gave me these words to bring to the children of Fornits..he carved them upon my chest with a great rusted syrings..At Which time he vomited upon a rock ....when the bile cleared I saw a blazing Image of The Bee Gees....

Until the return of Master Therion, He commands

thee to sing Staurday Night which time Mel Gibon and all Christians shall be abjucated before the triumvirate

Listen to the ground:

there is movement all around.

There is something goin' down

and I can feel it.

On the waves of the air,

there is dancin' out there.

If it's somethin' we can share,

we can steal it.

And that sweet city woman,

She moves through the light,

Controlling my mind and my soul.

When you reach out for me

Yeah, and the feelin' is bright,

Then I get night fever, night fever.

We know how to do it.

Gimme that night fever, night fever.

We know how to show it.

Here I am,

Prayin' for this moment to last,

Livin' on the music so fine,

Borne on the wind,

Makin' it mine.

Night fever, night fever.

We know how to do it.

Gimme that night fever, night fever.

We know how to show it.

In the heat of our love,

Don't need no help for us to make it.

Gimme just enough to take us to the mornin'.

I got fire in my mind.

I got higher in my walkin'.

And I'm glowin' in the dark;

I give you warnin'.

And that sweet city woman,

She moves through the light,

Controlling my mind and my soul.

When you reach out for me

Yeah, and the feelin' is bright,

Then I get night fever, night fever.

We know how to do it.

Gimme that night fever, night fever.

We know how to show it.

Here I am,

Prayin' for this moment to last,

Livin' on the music so fine,

Borne on the wind,

Makin' it mine.

Night fever, night fever.

We know how to do it.

Gimme that night fever, night fever.

We know how to show it.


I pray to dying cover me in snow.

Im dying, I hope you're dying too

[ This Message was edited by: Euronymous_ on 2004-03-01 22:37 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Euronymous_ on 2004-03-01 22:39 ]"

therion, get some help, some real help!
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: kaydeejaded on March 03, 2004, 06:52:00 PM

May your days be joyfully challenging and your words artfully true
-- Ginger Warbis SMA, `00

[ This Message was edited by: kaydeejaded on 2004-03-10 20:43 ]
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Anonymous on March 03, 2004, 07:03:00 PM
ya know, I'm sorry, but what do you want us to do with someone who continuously posts here saying he's going to kill himself, no he's not, yes he is, no he's not.  I feel for the guy BELIEVE me, but DAMN.  It even started to sound a little attention-freaky to me too.  People posted to him civilly and asked what's wrong, is he OK and on and on.  Most of the time it was met with 'I'm so alone, everyone leaves me, been a junky all my life' etc.  After a while, I think we all just kind of go, OK dude, let's get a grip here. I don't mean to be cruel at all, I really don't, I understand more than you know but at SOME point you gotta take responsibility for your own life instead of blaming everyone else.
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: kaydeejaded on March 03, 2004, 07:13:00 PM

The most important thing in the programming language is the name. A language will not succeed without a good name. I have recently invented a very good name and now I am looking for a suitable language.  
-- D. E. Knuth, 1967

[ This Message was edited by: kaydeejaded on 2004-03-10 20:44 ]
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Cleopatra2U on March 03, 2004, 07:14:00 PM
On 2004-03-03 16:03:00, Anonymous wrote:

"at SOME point you gotta take responsibility for your own life instead of blaming everyone else."

This is good advice for many.
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Anonymous on March 03, 2004, 07:18:00 PM
most of us tried to ignore it.  others of us PMed him and tried to give support, nothing seemed to help and sorry, but it's kinda hard to ignore as many posts as he puts up.
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Anonymous on March 03, 2004, 07:19:00 PM
just to add, there WERE a few of us that DID respond to him civilly and we did NOT put him down.
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: ehm on March 03, 2004, 09:27:00 PM
On 2004-03-03 16:13:00, kaydeejaded wrote:

"How about if you are so much more together and stable either leave it alone or ignore it or go on your merry way.

Instead you degrade him what does that say about you?

that you are worse.

He degrades himself with his posts. I've told him before to stop blaming everyone else, and stop making excuses. IN PRIVATE. As he already admitted, he decided I wasn't his friend anymore. Besides, the message of my posts were, Stop being so immature, and take a little responsibility for your own life. The same thing EVERYONE else is saying. Hearing how the world has wronged him every other day becomes redundant. Make a decision to change things, and change them! Wallowing in self pity is just not a quality I think is admirable or healthy to practice.

Who is really worse the one who posts that or the one who makes fun or berates the person who posts that type of thing really?

Why do you feel the need to keep repeating the same thing?

God damn! Don't ever take a job in any of the helping fields any of you.

Um, okay... :roll:

At least he was open about how he was feeling. And not afraid to look less then perfect all the time putting on some big fucking show.

I mentioned numerous times that I've been where he is, and that I know what a struggle simply finding these boards can be. There's no performance going on here, except the one you're giving us buy constantly needing to stick up for your boyfriend.

So what do you do act like you are right in group fucked up haircut and all of that. Assholes no compassion, not a bit of compassion. If I heard someone say that shit even if I thought they were looking for attention I would never say the things any of you said.

I took him seriously the first time he started mockingly talking about suicide, and he responded with saying he was just "talking shit" and not to take him so literally. He also noted that he understood what a selfish act suicide was. Why was it heartless to remind him of this again? What he is doing can be easily construed as, "Crying wolf." Happiness is not an achievement, it's something you work hard for, and strive towards daily. Why do both of you try to discredit the reality I have worked for?

Who would? Probably only a bunch of fucked up people from Straight. Sick in the head indeed. I am baffled at the coldness of you all.

Really "get some help Therion"

Is that how you were treated now you want to give it back?
Well, apparently name calling and false accusations is how you are choosing to, "give it back." We are all entitled to our own opinions, Kady.

You feel better now don't have to kick your dog or slap your wives tonight?

Try making sense!

Boundary, n.  In political geography, an imaginary line between two nations, separating the imaginary rights of one from the imaginary rights of another.
-- Ambrose Bierce,  The Devil's Dictionary

Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 03, 2004, 09:48:00 PM
Make a decision to change things, and change them!

Good girl! I see that you remember your 2nd step.
I think I'll bump you up a phase, Morli. ::puke::
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 03, 2004, 09:52:00 PM
Happiness is not an achievement, it's something you work hard for, and strive towards daily.

If you don't know why this quote doesn't make sense, you're a dumbass.  :lol:
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: kaydeejaded on March 03, 2004, 09:55:00 PM
I believe that human beings arrive on this Earth wanting to know absolutely everything, and the best thing we can do as parents is to get out of the way -- just be there to let them know what opportunities are there
-- Dorothy Werner, media liaison for the National Homeschool Association

[ This Message was edited by: kaydeejaded on 2004-03-10 20:51 ]

[ This Message was edited by: kaydeejaded on 2004-03-10 20:52 ]
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr. Miller Newton on March 03, 2004, 10:00:00 PM
Please leave morli alone. She's working her program.  :grin:
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Therion on March 03, 2004, 10:02:00 PM
Neener Neener!!!!Hahahaha

We swallow the spit,
Steal acceptance lend denial,
Telling me that my life is free and boundless,
Then I'm forced to stay between the lines,
They construct death to demolish life,
Plant the seeds to harvest loss,
Found empty truth is full of lies,

We're hoping for despair,
Starvation's gluttony,
Subtle chaotic peace,
War divided unity,
Pro life, pro choice,
Blinded insight,
Left wing, right wing,
Black, white,
Leaders following,

I am everything I am nothing,

Stop fuckin' with me, I'm the accused I'm not the enemy
You're so confused no way you could enlighten me,
No freedom trapped in slavery, deceitful honesty mother fuckin' human
not a machine

Lay your hands upon me,
In search for answers inviting,
Constant struggle inside me,
Guide me through this nothing that's everything

I am everything I am nothing

I'm numb and unfeeling
So I just burn and stare at the ceiling
I'm here, but so far away
I see your mouth movin' but can't hear what you say
And I don't think I give a fuck anyway

[ This Message was edited by: Therion on 2004-03-03 19:05 ]
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Therion on March 03, 2004, 10:15:00 PM
On 2004-03-03 09:57:00, starfish wrote:

"Everything I said was from my gut, and honestly what I think. I'm sorry it wasn't what you wanted to hea

Our Constitution is in actual operation; everything appears to promise that it will last; but in this world nothing is certain but death and taxes.
Ben Franklin Letter to M. Leroy, 1789.


Hey Morli you asked for the scat Pics...

Just like all the Pics you sent me...of you..

Oh you cant see your face but hey the Tattoos are there..
Yes naked pics of Morli she sent AFter the scat Pics and I never said that about Kelly..If you deny it Ill fucking e mail them to everyone we know and they can decide if its you..

I was mad at Kelly for 2 days like a month ago..
And she knows I was mad and it wasnt during her surgery..

I think you are just jealous that I see thru your fake life..
Your hubby you cheat on.
Your daughter you are shit mom too
Secretly wanting to fuck steve brooks
I know alot about morli and Im coming out with the dirt..
 And I have the pics and the archived texts to do it..

Keep on Bitch...

I have alot less to lose than you , honey buns..

 Never thought before, a life could be so strange, but it is
And I guess my one a day, became ten or twelve or more, and more
But I've got a gift, it's something called my friends or love
With them and I combined, I'll beat an early end

[ This Message was edited by: Therion on 2004-03-18 09:00 ]
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Therion on March 03, 2004, 10:19:00 PM
We talked about the scat pic Morli "Tubgirl" you laughed and wanted to see it..
And I e mailed it to you and even put a warnng so shut the fuck up..

I'm numb and unfeeling
So I just burn and stare at the ceiling
I'm here, but so far away
I see your mouth movin' but can't hear what you say
And I don't think I give a fuck anyway

[ This Message was edited by: Therion on 2004-03-03 19:21 ]
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: ehm on March 03, 2004, 10:21:00 PM
On 2004-03-03 18:52:00, Dr Fucktard wrote:

Happiness is not an achievement, it's something you work hard for, and strive towards daily.

If you don't know why this quote doesn't make sense, you're a dumbass.  :lol: "

It means you choose your own reality, EVERYDAY, and that happiness isn't something that one day just happens. You work for it, and life is hard. Always has been, always will be.

Again, calling someone "program" who you disagree with, is just a shallow, cheap shot, and holds no legitimacy.

Sticks and stones!

Freedom has a thousand charms to show, That slaves, howe'er contented, never know.
William Cowper, a British Christian poet & hymn writer (18th century)

Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 03, 2004, 10:22:00 PM
Wow! Now wasn't THIS an unforseen development.  :eek:

Folks, only time will tell how this one will unfold..

Therion has pulled out all the stops!!!
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Therion on March 03, 2004, 10:23:00 PM
On 2004-03-02 11:00:00, Carmel wrote:

"Thanks Therion for proving my point..."stomp stomp pout pout, I am leaving."  

Look man, call me closed minded...I just dont like to read over and over about shit eating and name calling.  I opened my mind to that crap when I was 12 years old.  Consider my mind full of it.  (Yeah, you are allowed to run with that one!)  

There isnt any reason why we cant argue like we are all growed up, ya know?  Morli and I used to be at each others we get along fine....just because someone doesnt want to be as hardcore as you doesnt make them anything other than plain ole disagreeable.  Not a pussy or a whore or a faggot or a bitch or a shit sucking cum licker.  The truth is that none of us really KNOW each other at all...not in a way that merits such harsh backlash when we dont meet each others expectations.

Underneath it all, the fact is is that this place is under scrutiny by people who do not understand who we are or why we are the way we are, ya dig?  I may not be pounding the pavement with a bullhorn Therion...but I am at the very LEAST trying to help out whoever is out there wanting to learn about why we post here to begin with.  

It is undeniable fact that since you began posting so excessively, not even other survivors...people who have been around here for years, will come around and post anymore.  Im sorry, but wouldnt it make sense that if people who were in Straight cant hack the verbal violence around here....well, that people trying to find out about us on the outside would be twice as repelled?

Just put it into perspective man.  I am not saying you cant be angry, im saying to for lack of a better phrase "take a little responsibility".  If you want to make friends and get support...thats here for you too.  But setting people on fire every other minute if they rub you wrong isnt the way.  I dont like how you post sometimes...but I still dont tell you not to post, i still dont even try to argue with you, and I certainly havent called you any stupid names.  


Hi Carmel, Love ya Carmel..

I do not want friends nor support from you or anyone else on here...gave up on that..
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 03, 2004, 10:23:00 PM
We talked about the scat pic Morli "Tubgirl" you laughed and wanted to see it..
And I e mailed it to you and even put a warnng so shut the fuck up..

What say you, Morli?
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Therion on March 03, 2004, 10:26:00 PM
Therion shakes his ass in the face of danger..

We are sitting on a landmine folks and Im fixing to get up
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: kaydeejaded on March 03, 2004, 10:28:00 PM

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense


[ This Message was edited by: kaydeejaded on 2004-03-10 20:52 ]
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Therion on March 03, 2004, 10:31:00 PM
Yes Morli said she has sent these pics of her to others on the net and Steve Brooks in jail but I was the only straight person to get them..

Arent I special..

Guess morli wasnt too disgusted with me..

But if Morli just backs off with the personal attacks we can forget this matter entirely..

Save your marriage and name while you can

You know Ill destroy you in a heartbeat lil girl
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Therion on March 03, 2004, 10:37:00 PM
 Never thought before, a life could be so strange, but it is
And I guess my one a day, became ten or twelve or more, and more
But I've got a gift, it's something called my friends or love
With them and I combined, I'll beat an early end

[ This Message was edited by: Therion on 2004-03-18 09:45 ]
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Therion on March 03, 2004, 10:40:00 PM

Come on Bitch!
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Therion on March 03, 2004, 10:42:00 PM
I'm numb and unfeeling
So I just burn and stare at the ceiling
I'm here, but so far away
I see your mouth movin' but can't hear what you say
And I don't think I give a fuck anyway

[ This Message was edited by: Therion on 2004-03-03 19:43 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Therion on 2004-03-18 09:46 ]
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 03, 2004, 10:46:00 PM
Well folks - we seem to have reached a plateau.

The ball couldn't be more in Morli's court right now..  :cool:
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Opiod_Morphina on March 03, 2004, 10:51:00 PM
[ This Message was edited by: Morli's_Porn_Agent on 2004-03-19 10:46 ]
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: kaydeejaded on March 03, 2004, 10:51:00 PM

I told all four that there are going to be some times where we don't
agree with each other, but that's OK. If this were a dictatorship, it
would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator.
--GW Büsh,, December 18, 2000

[ This Message was edited by: kaydeejaded on 2004-03-10 20:53 ]
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Opiod_Morphina on March 03, 2004, 10:53:00 PM
[ This Message was edited by: Morli's_Porn_Agent on 2004-03-19 10:43 ]
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 03, 2004, 10:53:00 PM
Good question, Kaydee. I have wondered that too.  :eek:
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Opiod_Morphina on March 03, 2004, 10:57:00 PM
[ This Message was edited by: Morli's_Porn_Agent on 2004-03-19 10:43 ]
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Opiod_Morphina on March 03, 2004, 10:57:00 PM
[ This Message was edited by: Therion on 2004-03-18 09:56 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Morli's_Porn_Agent on 2004-03-18 09:56 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Morli's_Porn_Agent on 2004-03-19 10:44 ]
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: kaydeejaded on March 03, 2004, 10:58:00 PM

He, who has nothing, and who himself belongs to another, must be defended by him, whose property he is, and needs no arms. But he, who thinks he is his own master, and has what he can call his own, ought to have arms to defend himself, and what he possesses; else he lives precariously, and at discretion.
James Burgh 1774

[ This Message was edited by: kaydeejaded on 2004-03-03 20:00 ]
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Opiod_Morphina on March 03, 2004, 11:30:00 PM
[ This Message was edited by: Morli's_Porn_Agent on 2004-03-19 10:45 ]
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 03, 2004, 11:36:00 PM
Ouch!!  ::hehehmm::
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Anonymous on March 04, 2004, 01:08:00 AM
oh please, you guys take your fucking soap opera to the PMs.  Dr. Fucktard is a Goddamn GENIUS compared to you guys.
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 04, 2004, 10:56:00 AM
Thank you, thank you very much..  :cool:
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Anonymous on March 04, 2004, 11:20:00 AM
She's disappeared...

Where's Morli today?
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Anonymous on March 04, 2004, 11:22:00 AM
OK slow down for the naive among us, what is a scat picture.  I know I am opeing up the door for some interesting conversation, but can someone as tactful as possible explain that to me?
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 04, 2004, 12:23:00 PM
We're not talking about jazz vocables here...

We're talking about coprophilia. Sex play involving shit.   ::puke::
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Anonymous on March 04, 2004, 12:57:00 PM
Oh all are some sick bastards. (Thanks for the definition DR. F, I looked up the definition and you all make me sick.  Kadee or whatever your name is you are actually defending and openly expressing feelings for a man with scat pictures?  Therion you think candy is worse than shit?  Sex involving shit is really sick.  Granted it must take a genius to shove candy in their orifices.  But shit?  You guys ARE some junkie whores.  WOW!! Straight must have really fucked you guys up.
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Anonymous on March 04, 2004, 01:45:00 PM
Kady and Therion, shittin' in a tree, S-H-I-T-T-I-N-G!!!  ::puke:: ::puke::

Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Anonymous on March 04, 2004, 02:15:00 PM
On 2004-03-04 10:45:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Kady and Therion, shittin' in a tree, S-H-I-T-T-I-N-G!!!  ::puke:: ::puke::



**hands kady and therion 2 rolls of toilet paper**

you guys should invest in a love toilet... :rofl:
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Anonymous on March 04, 2004, 02:35:00 PM
i love your magazine. please post T & K scat sesion photos.  Also, show a 3way with that junkie Therion nailing that trash skank kaydee while DR Fucktard looks on from a closet and jacks off.  Maybe that ho with the lollipop can come in and join them.

thank you for putting out such a fine publication and also for your efforts on freedom of speech. Hustler is my favorite book.

Also, please do not show anymore pictures of Negros in your book. They are ugly and live off my tax money.
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: kaydeejaded on March 04, 2004, 05:37:00 PM

If triangles had a God, He'd have three sides.
--Old Yiddish proverb

[ This Message was edited by: kaydeejaded on 2004-03-10 20:54 ]
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Antigen on March 04, 2004, 05:48:00 PM
On 2004-03-03 19:51:00, kaydeejaded wrote:

"Why doesn't fornits have a photos section????

Cause that would just make it too easy for flooders, spammers and other miscreants to take all my time deleting viri, trojans, kiddie porn and beasiality images from my server. If you want to include an image in these forums, just do this:

If the personal freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution inhibit the
government's ability to govern the people, we should look to limit those guarantees.

--President Bill Clinton

Ginger Warbis ~ Antigen
American drug war P.O.W.
Seed sibling `71 - `80
Straight South (Sarasota, FL)
   10/80 - 10/82
Anonymity Anonymous

[ This Message was edited by: Antigen on 2004-03-04 15:05 ]
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Anonymous on March 04, 2004, 06:17:00 PM
All these 30ish year old impotent "weenie-boys" know how to do is degrade women.  What losers.

Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Anonymous on March 04, 2004, 06:28:00 PM
all these trashy skanks eat it right up, perpetuating the cycle.
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Anonymous on March 04, 2004, 06:41:00 PM
No, the loser, impotent weenie-boys are the real skanks.  Full of shit, too.  

Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Anonymous on March 04, 2004, 08:30:00 PM
On 2004-03-04 14:37:00, kaydeejaded wrote:

"I don't think so anon.

and Negros...what backwoods area are you from?? Keep it in your trailer please.

If triangles had a God, He'd have three sides.
--Old Yiddish proverb


Hey Kaydee, did it hurt when you had yourself surgically implanted up Theroin?s asshole, and sewn to his anal wall, so you could be closer to his shit all the time? Therboy, what 'bout you, dude?
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Anonymous on March 04, 2004, 08:45:00 PM
Thank you for the respose to my letter.  I will be happy to let you use my trailer for your photo shoot.  I have a couch that incorrigable junkie Therion can nod out on while that skank kaydee breeds another welfare check with him and that lollipop girl can play with herself while that felon Dr. Fucktard beats it in the kitchen.

Thank you for not putting negros in your last issue.
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr. Miller Newton on March 04, 2004, 08:45:00 PM
Actually, them colored folks ain't ALL bad, no they're not. And neither are their women. Now take Mr. Toy, for instance. Every now and then he'd oblige me by letting me have a little poke in his backside. (That was all it took, for me.)

This was almost always after we'd snorted a lot of coke and had several shots of bourbon..
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr. Fuckedhard on March 04, 2004, 09:02:00 PM
On 2004-03-04 17:30:00, Anonymous wrote:


Hey Kaydee, did it hurt when you had yourself surgically implanted up Theroin?s asshole, and sewn to his anal wall, so you could be closer to his shit all the time? Therboy, what 'bout you, dude?


I spit beer across my desk reading this :nworthy:
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Anonymous on March 04, 2004, 10:17:00 PM
On 2004-03-04 18:02:00, Dr. Fuckedhard wrote:

On 2004-03-04 17:30:00, Anonymous wrote:


Hey Kaydee, did it hurt when you had yourself surgically implanted up Theroin?s asshole, and sewn to his anal wall, so you could be closer to his shit all the time? Therboy, what 'bout you, dude?


I spit beer across my desk reading this :nworthy: "

DAMN!!!!!!!  Me too!!!  What the fuck happened in here????  Guess I missed a couple of episodes, huh??
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Anonymous on March 04, 2004, 10:19:00 PM
shit, what'd I fuck up?
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr. Miller Newton on March 04, 2004, 10:24:00 PM
I'll bet you're high, aren't you?!?
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Anonymous on March 04, 2004, 10:41:00 PM
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr. Fucktard on March 05, 2004, 01:03:00 AM
Has gotten you to another fucked up episode I see.  If you had just used your steps,steps which I so graciously provided, and your five criteria, you wouldn't be nearly  as fucked up as you are.

Look at you idiots. Childishly giggling at moronic antics unworthy of grade school graduates. This is an example of the progressive nature of the disease of drug use.  Your chemical dependency, and rejection of your therapy, has left you with an immature level of ment al development.

And this continued posting by that asshole claiming to be me must cease.  How original--I'll make a username one character removed from his--how long did it take you to think up that one, you brain damaged, pot-smoking zombie?  You think this is just some little prank, some inside joke that you and your druggie buddies can enjoy in between bong hits of cheap mexican weed, but it's a serious disruption of what could be a continuation of an interupted therapeutic process.  A lot of these people are trying to get straight, finally, now that they have seen the truth of my teaching and have started to realize how good they had it at Straight.  You disgusting druggie scum don't deserve my attention, but you're going to get it--in the form of TOUGH LOVE! Love ya, group.
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 09, 2004, 09:58:00 PM
On 2004-03-03 19:57:00, Morli's_Porn_Agent wrote:

"Honeymoon Pics are $$$$$"

I hope none of these pics involve the tubgirl..  :lol:
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 20, 2004, 12:33:00 PM
Bumpity-bump! :smokin:
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Antigen on March 20, 2004, 01:39:00 PM
On 2004-03-04 19:19:00, Anonymous wrote:

"shit, what'd I fuck up?"

You copied Fucktard's error. One too many start quotes or one too few endquotes.

I really have to dig into the code and fix that. But, alas, Bill wrote it and every time I fuck w/ his code, freaky things happen. Job security, I suppose. But I'm thinking more and more about upping his life insurance. No WAY I could handle his accounts if I had to.

When a man you like switches from what he said a year ago, or four years ago, he is a broad-minded person who has courage enough to change his mind with changing conditions. When a man you don't like does it, he is a liar who has broken his promise.
-- FRANKLIN P.ADAMS (1861-1960).

Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Therion on March 20, 2004, 01:53:00 PM
Ok now you are fucking with me...FUcktard and I KNOW who you are...
 I asked that this thread be left dead...

If you wanna cross the Therion/Fucktard boundries ....go ahead...
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Dr Fucktard on March 20, 2004, 02:03:00 PM
Sorry, Therion. But this doesn't concern you. And I'll leave this thread alone now.
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Therion on March 20, 2004, 02:06:00 PM
Its cool its just that this thread is a big personal problem between me and 2 others thats resolved so I just didnt want it revisited...

No problem dude-
Title: It Would Seem..
Post by: Anonymous on April 13, 2004, 01:43:00 AM
shut up pussy,you haven't killed yorself yet?That SUCKS!