
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones => Topic started by: blownawaytheidahoway on December 03, 2014, 07:28:33 AM

Title: Friends of CEDU
Post by: blownawaytheidahoway on December 03, 2014, 07:28:33 AM
Here is something I saved from a while back. I have redacted two names.

Closed Group Closed Group- [Statement in 2012] (I think its been this long since this was written, but I had to respond. I take personally when people expunge my words from the record- especially in responding to the very subject they asked for public input.)

Welcome! [LIE ONE]The Friends of CEDU Group is open to persons that either attended, [LIE # TWO] supported or was employed by the School. One of the group's functions is to aide in the locating of old friends associated with the school. In addition, it provides and opportunity to share historic photos, memorable events and our own personal experiences.[The LIE that makes me respond]

Let's preserve the CEDU's legacy we know to be true. (Oh my! Look at that- even with spell check he can't use punctuation or stay true to the very last one of two redundant statement he made. WE CANNOT “share our own personal experiences” in the forum. Memorable events!!! Only “friends” can respond? I resent that.)

If you didn't have a positive school experience this isn't the right group for you. Please use good judgment and discretion when you post. (Busted for lying again- the inference that the author has good judgment and discretion, but you may not)

Thank you. (Meaningless)

The Friends of CEDU (Oooh. This is gonna get good)

GROUP RULES: (Excuse me, isn't this a place to share “our personal experiences” [about CEDU Skools] on the fucking internet?)

Welcome, first a reminder that this is a closed group. (Even though you said it was “open to people that went to CEDU” I hate shitbag liars. Also “closed” because the group's self appointed leader is either a hypocrite or a coward.)

A. Confidentiality and Privacy: Members agree to keeping everything in the group confidential and exclusive to the group. We want to preserve your safety and privacy. Plus, many of us have made agreements pertaining to CEDU which already address this matter. (Sounds like FEAR is running the decision making of the writer of the “Group Rules.” I bet you're the biggest “badrapper” on the planet. You insisting that you're “preserving safety” is patronizing to adults at a minimum, and kind of uh- CULTY. I hate hypocrites. Also what drives your fear of being discovered? I wonder what you did that is so very bad? You would probably be fired from working with at risk children, or anything if responsible employers found out what YOU ARE, indeed an APOLOGIST, for. What about your CEDU education are you apologetic for? Whoops, if you criticize CEDU, you're “false beliefs” will crumble and all your PERSONAL self lies decay into dust.)

B. New Members: If you wish to join the group please send Dxxx MxKxxxxx or Mxxx Mcxxxxxx a request and introduce yourself. For those that would like to add former staff members or students please ask them to contact Mxxx or Dxxx. ( Layers of approval and proof of “citizenship” in your “open group”. The need to vet possible detractors of your fraudulent and abusive saviors. Yikes. Have you no spine?)

C. Censorship: Ideally, there will be no censorship, however, if there are any comments posted that are offensive, slanderous or deemed inappropriate they will be deleted. (You deem comments inappropriate that contradict your opinions. The first thing you did when I posted a very fair and non- judgmental, lightly opinionated post- was delete it. That's you making enemies. “I take your friendship and I place it in my heart.”)

D. Lets all use good judgment with what we share. (Doesn't sound like honest “sharing” anymore, does it? More lies from the self titled “Friends of CEDU”)

E. Issues with other group members: Whether past or present, Please keep these matters private and we suggest that you work to resolve any differences outside of the group. Since we started this has never been an issue. (Because you deleted my posts. Coward. You: Author of this document that betrays your worship of FRAUD and...wait for it: ABUSE. YES, ABUSER, at some point, you were! And I'm calling you out publicly, as you say it isn't abusive to be made aware of your shortcomings.)

F. RMA and Cascade: Thank you for your interest. All former associates of any related CEDU school are encouraged to join us. (More lies. Seeing a trend of FEAR and DENIAL here?)

G. No posting of any of the anti-CEDU rhetoric will be tolerated, we have all seen it and we are not going to invest any more energy on it. Any postings that fit this criteria will be removed and the member will receive one warning. (You didn't give me a warning, and I reassert that I did not even post anything contentious at the time to burst your little bubble- please post my original post to your group. The deletion of my account blownawaytheidahoway and my post was almost immediate. Have some honor, lying coward sheep.)

H. No peddling or soliciting. (I just finished writing a trilogy about CEDU schools that, because of it's HONESTY, is going to broadcast the tactics used in CEDU schools for the express purposes of coercive behavior modification.

So, keep me in mind over in your forum,[which page I cannot any longer find] because...
The harder the truth to tell, the truer the friend that tell it.
(Well, according to your "science"! I'll never be disappointed if you don't listen, remember? I'm doing this for me. Eventually, if I say it enough, you might even hear the truth. That was taught in lower school, c'mone you know this!)
Title: Re: Friends of CEDU
Post by: blownawaytheidahoway on December 07, 2014, 08:46:03 AM
I thought this was a private message I replied to. Please purge. thank you.