
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => News Items => Topic started by: BigJoshuaP on January 20, 2004, 02:18:00 AM

Title: So? Hows it going for yall?
Post by: BigJoshuaP on January 20, 2004, 02:18:00 AM
I have posted here before, years ago or omething maybe a year ago.
Im curious as to how those of you who are the primary advocates of this site/board
are doing? Are you working? going to school? Whats going on? I know most of you, or know OF most of you.

the reason I am posting is not to be confrontational or influencial, simply to find out three things;

1.) Are the majority of you clean and/or sober?
2.) Do you have the credibility in place to refute any of AARC's work?
3.) Given your position with respect to effective treatment facilities, how would you go about treating drug and alcohol dependancy?

Furthermore, this post was simply spawned from Monday night boredom, and has absolutley no hidden intentions behind it.
Also, if your response is of a hostile nature, I am sure it would suggest to those influenced by this page that your agenda is weak and unsupported.

AND: If you can give me a good enough reason to hate aarc and start using after 7.5 years and drinking again, I will hop off of this 'bandwagon" I am on, and join all of you in
the realms of your existance.
Title: So? Hows it going for yall?
Post by: sweet_grl_with_a_bad_atti on October 31, 2004, 01:10:00 AM
lol josh wuts up havent seen u in a long fuckin time