
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => The Troubled Teen Industry => Topic started by: Reddit TroubledTeens on December 01, 2011, 12:34:03 PM

Title: Troubled teen industry radio show Sat night, 12/3 at 8pm EST
Post by: Reddit TroubledTeens on December 01, 2011, 12:34:03 PM
Kevin Allan, who has hosted two shows about the troubled teen industry, is dedicating another show to survivors and the cause. Guests this weekend include an all-star line up: Ginger McNulty, Bill Boyles, Jodi Helm-Hobbs, Marcus Morton Chatfield V, Susan Hawthorne Lawrence, Lee Goldman and many survivors who will call in to share their stories. Listen Saturday 8 EST @ (
Title: Re: Troubled teen industry radio show Sat night, 12/3 at 8pm
Post by: cmack on December 01, 2011, 03:05:04 PM
Thanks for posting.
Title: Re: Troubled teen industry radio show Sat night, 12/3 at 8pm
Post by: Reddit TroubledTeens on December 03, 2011, 11:44:44 AM
The host, Kevin Allan, made this video to promote the show: (

The number to call in is 347-688-2902, normally they don't take calls from blocked numbers but because of the sensitive nature of the show, they will tonight. There is also a chat room on that anyone can join, anonymously if you like.
Title: .
Post by: cum guzzler on December 05, 2011, 01:42:19 PM
Title: Re: Troubled teen industry radio show Sat night, 12/3 at 8pm
Post by: cmack on December 05, 2011, 04:18:44 PM

Did you listen to it?

What were the high and low points?
Title: .
Post by: cum guzzler on December 05, 2011, 06:01:24 PM
Title: Re: Troubled teen industry radio show Sat night, 12/3 at 8pm
Post by: none-ya on December 05, 2011, 09:30:00 PM
What's the deal? you have to buy a membership to hear an archived show?
Title: Re: Troubled teen industry radio show Sat night, 12/3 at 8pm
Post by: Reddit TroubledTeens on December 08, 2011, 12:33:07 PM
Kevin M. Allan has made the recording of Saturday's Revolution Radio show available, thank you to everyone who called in on 12/3! ( <--Whups! There was a technical issue, the show cuts off at 39:00. Kevin is working on it, I will post a new link when ready. In the meantime, you can download the mp3 here: (

They've made an exception for us so we don't have to pay for the archives, but it takes a few days for Kevin to get the files ready. We won't be able to access the show from the archives on the site, though.
Title: Re: Troubled teen industry radio show Sat night, 12/3 at 8pm
Post by: none-ya on December 09, 2011, 01:31:32 PM
What a royal clusterfuck. Seems that this topic needs to be addressed by PROFESSIONAL media.These bumbling wanna' bees make it so hard to listen to that nobody on the outside of this issue is going to pay any attention.And that's what we need. No more "preaching to the chior",the chior is already on board.Main street America needs to hear this stuff,but I'm afraid they won't be listining here.
Title: Re: Troubled teen industry radio show Sat night, 12/3 at 8pm
Post by: Reddit TroubledTeens on December 09, 2011, 02:26:30 PM
I thought a lot of people made good points. The show had been meticulously planned but it did get derailed, unfortunately. I think it was super kind of Kevin to give survivors the show, next time it might be best if he hosted it. There were also a lot of tech difficulties, like 15 min before the show, the website decided to switch servers. That's why you hear phones ringing and stuff. All in all, I was glad the word got out and I enjoyed it.
Title: Re: Troubled teen industry radio show Sat night, 12/3 at 8pm
Post by: none-ya on December 09, 2011, 03:43:40 PM
Please don't misunderstand me(dbl.negitve?) I'm happy at least some people are talking about it. What happened to Anderson Cooper? I thought he was on board with the cause.It seems that mainstream media is afraid of this for any number of reasons. Until they come around it's all just like bigfoot,loch ness,and area 51. Has anyone ever contacted coast to coast radio? Art Bell or George Noory? They're on in the middle of the night,but at least you don't need the internet to hear them.(it's there too),but they're on in just about every market.
If it was pitched right............
Title: Re: Troubled teen industry radio show Sat night, 12/3 at 8pm
Post by: Reddit TroubledTeens on December 14, 2011, 09:42:13 PM
That's cool, none-ya, glad you clarified. Ya, I'd like to see big media pay attention to this, I don't get why they don't. The media I've contacted has ignored me. gets more visitors per month than the NY Times or Fox News, I'm hoping by continuing to talk there we will get more attention.
Title: Re: Troubled teen industry radio show Sat night, 12/3 at 8pm
Post by: Reddit TroubledTeens on December 14, 2011, 09:43:12 PM
Kevin Allan, the host, has fixed the YouTube video for anyone who wants to listen to the show there: (