
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => Straight, Inc. and Derivatives => Topic started by: ajax13 on September 11, 2011, 05:02:43 PM

Title: AARC Sets up in the Ol' T Formation
Post by: ajax13 on September 11, 2011, 05:02:43 PM
"On July 23, 1990, the Douglas County grand jury declared that the allegations regarding King’s pedophile ring were a “carefully crafted hoax” that was “scripted by a person or persons with considerable knowledge of people and institutions of Omaha....” " (

One of the principle pillars of All About Receiving Cash's current suit against Christine Lunn is the notion that she is the mastermind of a cabal of liars who set out to ruin the good name of AARC in pursuit of financial gain.  In furthrance of this conspiracy theory, AARC attempted to use evidence provided by Detective David Rock of the Calgary Police Service.
Detective Rock interviewed Christine Lunn about her claims of sexual abuse in a host home while a client in AARC.  Rock dismissed the complaint partially on the ground that he didn't know if Oldcomers were in a position of authority over Newcomers, and indicated no interest in acquiring that information.  During the interview Lunn states in clear terms that she knows that she cannot file a suit against AARC due to the length of time lapsed since the events took place.  This did not dissuade Rock however, and the intrepid flatfoot provided AARC with a statement to the effect that Lunn had only made the complaint in order to facillitate a lawsuit against AARC.  Rock also investigated the complaint of Rachael O'Neil, and another complaint by a woman who states that she was sexually abused by Tom Gilbert while she was still a minor and residing with long-time AARC staffer Marty Heeg.  Rock dismissed that complaint on the grounds that an adult AARC staff member was not breaking any laws by engaging in frottage with a minor former client.
During one of the multiple discoveries conducted by AARC counsel as part of the suit against Lunn, a piece of e-mail correspondence between Rock and Dean Vause accidentally came to light.  Rock is on a first-name basis with Vause, and the document is headed "update'.  AARC claims that no other correspondence between the two men exists.  
We will never hear Detective Rock's version of events as he died in early 2010.
The notion that one could besmirch AARC's name when it's real background as a branch of the disgraced Kids is revealed seems preposterous.  Although AARC has gone to great lengths to pretend that it is a different entity from Kids, this is simply not true, and as such AARC is party to the same reputation as Kids.