
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => Straight, Inc. and Derivatives => Topic started by: infanalyst on May 18, 2002, 03:38:00 AM

Title: 16 years ago today I was inducted into HELL!
Post by: infanalyst on May 18, 2002, 03:38:00 AM

I can't believe 16 years ago, May 17, 1986 sitting in a room at 5515 Backlick Road, being beraded by two oldcomers Mike Riddle and Kenny Washington. This day would be a day that would live in infamy. My following 20 months of Hell which followed along with the four escapes (cop-outs), and three succesful returns, without a doubt forever changed my life. I think I was most saddened to learn yet the fate of another good man, Glen Steepleton. I read on this other site that he took his own life on Sept 18, 2000. Glen was someone I always liked and I definitely had my fair share of run-ins with him both during my incarceration and for years after as well. I must say the most unbelievable part of this whole thing is that my Father-in-law took his own life on the EXACT same day as Glen. Both men had good hearts and weren't afraid to give of themselves. My thoughts will be with the Steepleton's tonight as I have learned of this most uynfortunate incident. I am sure many of you who experienced a stay at 5515 Backlick Road, will definitely remember me. Please feel free to e-mail if you'd like to catch up on times gone past.

Thinking of you all,
Brent Lewis
Title: 16 years ago today I was inducted into HELL!
Post by: Powerful Attitude on March 25, 2003, 09:36:00 PM
Is Backlick in St. Pete? If so I was there. Tell me more. A lot of names are familiar but i can't see the faces that go with them.
Title: 16 years ago today I was inducted into HELL!
Post by: Froderik on March 25, 2003, 11:36:00 PM
Backlick Rd was in the state of VA. Fairfax/Springfield to be exact.
I was there from Nov. 82 until
Jan 85. Right before I came in,
alot of people from St. Pete migrated
there in what was known as the mayflower
group. Bill Jory, whose parents knew my
parents and recommended the program to them,
was one of these people. Does this name
ring a bell?
Title: 16 years ago today I was inducted into HELL!
Post by: Anonymous on March 27, 2003, 04:21:00 AM
I don't recognize the name.  I came in 85 so he was probably 7 stepped by then.  When I got there I remember that staff was working on better behavior and seemed to be worried about something. They changed their name that year to run from their lies. The group was about 200 when I got there and Orlando left soon after that. I always felt that those earlier years 82-85 where worse than my days.  Pure Hell that's what I remember that hot ass summer.  A lot of people came from other cities and all the stories seemed to be the same, beat into submission.  Would there be anybody else during 85 that you might remember? I found the address for St. Pete.
Title: 16 years ago today I was inducted into HELL!
Post by: Powerful Attitude on March 27, 2003, 04:23:00 AM
I forgot to login. Is there anyway to edit an anonymous?
Title: 16 years ago today I was inducted into HELL!
Post by: METALGOD8 on March 28, 2003, 04:15:00 PM
Hello, my intake into that 5515 building was exactly 20 years to the day, yesterday, the 27th. Check out the yahoo groups alumni board. There are a couple people there from your "class". No matter how watered down things were in 86, comparatively speaking, they were still BS. The worst part now is that they still exist in many cities throughout our country. If you get a chance, try the yahoo site, and there's more like ( and ( You may end up meeting someone with whom you shared time at GULAG 5515. Peace, MG8  :smokin:
Title: 16 years ago today I was inducted into HELL!
Post by: Diane B on March 28, 2003, 09:40:00 PM
I seem to be right in between metalgod and Brent in time frame, I was 85/86.  Brent I missed you by just a couple of months I ran in March 86.  I am sure we had many of the same staff and know Many of the same people.  It seems like my mind is becoming less foggy every day, more people are coming back to me, more memories too. I think that I had repressed it for so long because I just could not deal with it, now that I have found these sites I am stronger and I can.

Title: 16 years ago today I was inducted into HELL!
Post by: ClayL on March 31, 2003, 08:37:00 AM
On the 12th of this month, it was 21 years ago I went to 2221 Austel Rd.

Title: 16 years ago today I was inducted into HELL!
Post by: Amun-Hutep6228 on April 01, 2003, 10:09:00 PM
Hey Brent!

I remember you! I was at Backlick Rd in 87. My brother Mark was there too. You'd remember us - we were the only black folk there except Immanuel C. and Jeremy and Shiki and her brother (names are coming back as I write!).

Anyway, I just stumbled on this site and was excited to see people from back then. I don't even think about that place anymore but I am sad to hear so many horror stories coming from you all. I was overage at the time so I didn't get the foul treatment alot of people did. So I am very sorry for all of you that the program was a real nightmare. It's sad hearing all the madness and abuse - there was really no excuse for alot of what went on. Yes Brent it's very sad about Glen S. He "snagged" me on T&R when I was FOS and I'm always grateful for that since it allowed me to go thru the rest of the program honest.

Well now after writing this reply I notice that you wrote almost a year ago so you may not see this for awhile. Anyway, it's good to see someone from the warehouse. No one can understand that crazy experience unless you were there no doubt!

   George L.

Title: 16 years ago today I was inducted into HELL!
Post by: infanalyst on April 02, 2003, 06:30:00 PM
Aloha George!

Can you please send an e-mail to me with your last name? I am sure I will remember who you are, but I just want to confirm. I can understand your hesitation in using it.

Glad to hear you don't think of the warehouse too much any longer. I didn't think about it for a long time, and about a year ago was when everything I "stuffed inside" for so long started to return. Since that time a year ago, lots has changed in my life. After going through a divorce, and then a backstabbing boss at one of my favorite jobs/careers I ever had obtained, I about went through a mental breakdown.

Rather than let these things get the best of me, I instead decided to sell everything, pack my bags and move to Maui! Now I have been here for 9 months, and I have loved every last minute of it. I am preparing to head over to the Big Island in a week or so, and will be returning to school there to complete my Bachelor's degree. Also, doing a good amount of photography which is going well, and will be obtaining my real estate license here real soon to begin selling real estate in Hawaii.

Life is too short for me to be thinking about all of the issues I had to face in $traight and after $traight. I feel deeply sorry for all that we had to endure there and hope our experiences and lessons learned there will help improve the outcome for our future generations' children. I know many of us are hopeful and determined to see that abuse against troubled children is NOT used any longer as a method of treatment.

Treatment does not equal abuse. Many of us that were there back then and those which are still in other abusive rehab facilities have had our lives changed PERMANENTLY as a result of these cult-like organizations. Most of us have been able to overcome the emotional trauma experienced there, however for some their pain and trauma was so great that they require constant medications to function. Others decided to end their pain and suffering in their own ways. Our thoughts and memories of them are all that we have left.

Hopefully, those of us who have been fortunate enough to discover this site and other sites like this have begun to learn the cause of some of their pain. Others, are finally able to reaffirm that they are not alone. There are thousands of us who have probably been in these "camps". However, I still think we are only in the infancy of beginning to see more and more people like George finding this site and others. Maybe one day there will be a memorial dedicated for all of those fallen victims of the "War on Drugs: A War Against Ourselves", for as George so clearly stated "No one can understand that crazy experience unless you were there no doubt!"

Title: 16 years ago today I was inducted into HELL!
Post by: Tampa survivor on April 03, 2003, 06:36:00 PM
Yo my Atlanta man...I was there that day..PO Folks chicken, Peggy Oliver leading raps and your bewildered look...
Bill H
Title: 16 years ago today I was inducted into HELL!
Post by: Mung on April 16, 2003, 09:15:00 PM
Ya i was not long after you Brent. Wow 16 yrs lata... back then a day seemed like eternity in my blue chair. :scared:

George ! Wassup- It's me Matt, you still have that guitar I sold ya? How's Mark and Chuckie doin?

On another sad note, John W. also apparently took his life. He was a good friend when I got out of straight and I hadn't heard from him in a long time, till I recently found this out.

[ This Message was edited by: Mung on 2003-04-16 18:24 ]
Title: 16 years ago today I was inducted into HELL!
Post by: CERIN on May 01, 2003, 12:48:00 AM
I find it absolutely amazing that other people still keep track of those dates.  I went into the Life program on Jan 25, 1988 and finished on May 5, 1989.  I will never forget those dates even if I live to be 100.  I never talk about the program to anyone.  Mainly because I figure that other people won't understand.  I still have nightmares about being trapped in rooms while I am sleeping and it has been 15 years.  I am sorry that others went through that same kind of crap but it is kinda reassuring to know that I am not alone.
Title: 16 years ago today I was inducted into HELL!
Post by: ehm on May 01, 2003, 10:21:00 AM
Welcome. Life? I had not heard of that before. Funny how it never leaves you  isn't it? Actually not funny at all. I woke up thinking about my life right after Straight this morning. It only seems like the blink of an eye sometimes. A year and a half after, I was so lost. Homeless and sad. Really sad. I had long panic riddled crying spells so frequently that I actually thought I was going insane. I had no real relationship with any member of my family. I really was on my own. It is hard to explain to someone how a 19 year old girl can become homeless. So for years I either didn't talk about my family at all or made shit up. I had to lie about High school. I hadn't had any consistent school since 12.

The despair of knowing you have no rights. Getting arrested has always triggered panic attacks in me. I have been arrested for traffic tickets, vagrancy, 'wahooing' beer, (That's when you run out of the store, with something stolen yelling, "WaaaHooo!" at the top of your lungs) That was a real swell life lesson, how to wahoo. I owe that one to my good ol' friend Joel. What else... well no felonies at least!. I spent ten days in jail for the wahooing of the beer. They pulled us over after making a clean get-away? I ran from the car into a creek. I was wearing a pink sundress which got very muddy. Those cops looked for me for almost 2 hours. They finally stopped me crossing a highway. I was so disappointed that I didn?t get away that I kicked the cop arresting me. Ooops!  I was 19. One arrest is not that bad when you consider having to steal food and gas daily.  Sometimes we?d wahoo gas. What dumb-asses we were.  My Daddy the MD would have been so proud.

The stupidest thing I ever witnessed was when Darren, and this other guy Joey, (I stayed in the car) entered a Catholic Church one weekend night and came running out with  priest's robes, challises, offering wafers and wine! We drove around eating offerings like chips and later played quarters with the Holy challises. Joey, the driver, when arriving at Gladys's house took off all of his clothes and put on a priest's robe and ran around yelling/singing drunkenly. Joey was the one that was responsible for all the trouble, and eventually got arrested for it.  He was such an idiot. He ended up marrying a girl that was in Dallas Straight after me.
Title: 16 years ago today I was inducted into HELL!
Post by: Amun-Hutep6228 on May 01, 2003, 10:13:00 PM
Hey Matt & Brent! Glad to hear from you both, that you're still out there... and you're in Maryland Matt no doubt! How's your moms? Tell her I said Hi. What's been going on in your life? I still have that guitar - I've had other guitars but that one is still in the basement. Mark and Chuck are doing allright - we're all here in Baltimore these days. Y'all can contact me thru email - (

though I look nothing the same as then. I just saw your current photo on your yahoo profile and I would not have recognized you. Matt, we definitely have to get together sometime... so hit me back.

Title: 16 years ago today I was inducted into HELL!
Post by: METALGOD8 on May 01, 2003, 10:58:00 PM
I was reading your posts about guitars and they rang a bell. Oh, the memory of staff telling my parents I would have to part with my Gibson Les Paul due to the fact that it was a "druggie stash". Apparently I had played it once or a hundred times while high, before the program. There was a 7th stepper named Matt who bought this guitar from me. Anyway is this the same Matt? His last name started with an M. I was in Springfield on first phase in 1983.
More currently, there are a couple survivors and me who jam every other tuesday, let me know if you feel like doing something like that.
MG8 :smokin:
Title: 16 years ago today I was inducted into HELL!
Post by: Mung on August 14, 2003, 11:09:00 AM ... ador.shtml ( ::rocker:: [ This Message was edited by: Mung on 2004-10-10 09:17 ]
Title: 16 years ago today I was inducted into HELL!
Post by: Froderik on August 14, 2003, 11:55:00 AM
My guitar remained safe in the hands of one of my "druggie" friends (a 6'5" dood with a shaved head) thru-out my phases. My rents tried to snag it from him, but they didn't get it. He gave it back to me when I got out.  :grin:
It was a '72 SG with an ebony fingerboard. Sweet.

I live in Balto, I'm currently the guitar player (and occasional singer) of Captain Chesapeake. Me and Bill (MG8, the survivor above) have jammed a couple of times.  :tup: That mofo can come up with a RIFF! Back in 1985 when I was out of str8, I was in a band called Reptile House. We were kind of a big deal locally. Big fish in a small pond. we toured the US. We opened for the Dead Kennedys and the Butthole Surfers. The singer of that band became the singer of Lungfish, who I roadied for on their American tours.

Some Lungfish links: ( (
Title: 16 years ago today I was inducted into HELL!
Post by: rolmil on August 21, 2003, 05:36:00 PM
My name is Roland Miller, I was in a blue chair in Springfield VA, from 11-89 to 5-90. The only reason I made 2nd phase and was able to cop out was Glen Steepleton. He knew I was a guitarist. The night before I went home and never came back Glen pulled me into the carpeted room and asked me to show him how to play "wanted dead or alive" by Bon Jovi on his acoustic guitar, definitely not a regularly allowed activity for a newcomer. I've always suspected that he was the one who was responsible for me making 2nd phase, as there were major doubts in the group as to my honesty (the group was right). It sucks that he's gone, how sad. What are you gonna do?
Title: 16 years ago today I was inducted into HELL!
Post by: Anonymous on August 22, 2003, 08:57:00 PM
You were in the LIFE program in Osprey, Fl?
Did you remember Helen Peterman or anyone else?
I often wonder why there is not a Message Board for the LIFE program, don't you?
Title: 16 years ago today I was inducted into HELL!
Post by: Anonymous on August 26, 2003, 01:21:00 AM

Title: 16 years ago today I was inducted into HELL!
Post by: scorpio on September 03, 2003, 08:10:00 PM
I am so sorry for your aguish.  But I read what you said and I will remember it.  Find yourself and be good to the world.

You know what is right and wrong.
Title: 16 years ago today I was inducted into HELL!
Post by: Anonymous on September 04, 2003, 10:29:00 AM
Hi, I was in the osprey Life Program!!Oh yes i remember Mrs. Pete. She hated me so bad!! She kicked me out of there. And told my parents to send me to Mississippi The Bethel Childrens Home. It was bethel hell!!What year was you in the Life program? I believe i was there in part of 81 and 82. Please write me at [email protected]
                      Thank you,
Title: 16 years ago today I was inducted into HELL!
Post by: Anonymous on September 04, 2003, 10:35:00 AM
On 2003-08-22 17:57:00, Anonymous wrote:


You were in the LIFE program in Osprey, Fl?

Did you remember Helen Peterman or anyone else?

I often wonder why there is not a Message Board for the LIFE program, don't you?"
Hi this isn't cerin, but i was in the life program in osprey. yes i remember mrs.pete
What year was you in there? i was in there i believe part of 81 nd 82. please email me at [email protected] thanks alot Tammy
Title: 16 years ago today I was inducted into HELL!
Post by: infanalyst on November 15, 2003, 09:32:00 AM
Hey Kip!

I remember your name. I still sometimes have a hard time remembering faces from there. That's actually kind of funny, because now I have no problem remembering faces and seem to forget names... go figure! I don't recognize the name George Hruneni though. I haven't talked with anyone for quite awhile on these boards. I guess my time in Hawaii has helped me to forget some of the things which happened to me during my life on the mainland. I used to talk to Matt Simmons and Chris Beckman, and would love to hear if there were more people out there from 5515 Backlick who remember doing time in Hell! I hope we can locate more survivors...

Title: 16 years ago today I was inducted into HELL!
Post by: infanalyst on May 22, 2005, 11:59:00 AM
Resurrecting this post from the dead...

Title: 16 years ago today I was inducted into HELL!
Post by: Anonymous on October 09, 2005, 05:15:00 PM
Kip, get the fuck outta here this is George :wave: I take it this blog was about "Straight Inc" or other likewise scams for profit.  I live in Scottsdale, Arizona currently if you would like to message/communicate my email is [email protected]  Interesting to come across you in cyberspace.
Title: 16 years ago today I was inducted into HELL!
Post by: Anonymous on October 09, 2005, 07:54:00 PM
My name is George Hruneni and I was in $traight between '84-'87.  I also went to James Robinson High School.  Between the two I knew almost 1/2 dozen of these dead young people.  All who know, know that a tortured life/childhood of sometime was a pre-req.  To be exploited for profit and "Ronnie fuckin' Reagan" is abominable.  I happen to be surfing the web today when all of a sudden I come across all these sites regarding this issue, I'm trippin' out but not really surprised. ASAP when I got out turned 18 joined the Army never looked back to the DC area as I'm actually a Cali boy by birth.  I currently live in Scottsdale, Az. and email geezinbox@hotmail or yahoo.  I'm a vet and on disability and if I could would love to help further this cause.  Peace and Love to all  ::rainbow:: Sincerely, George
Title: 16 years ago today I was inducted into HELL!
Post by: Anonymous on October 09, 2005, 08:00:00 PM
You can't do shit here, mate. and a word to the wise - if you ARE a veteran of some military or w/e you know the deal. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Here on this forum you will only find people who are also on disability and you will find people who have not ever gotten beyond Straight, most of which have grown fat and can't work an honest days work at a Real job. If you say what they want you to say or do it the way they say then you'll make friends. Rest assured each and every person here will at some point ask you for personal information that is ONLY your choice to give. If you are wise you will not tell your real name or your information here b/c there are child abusers and those who would advocate Straight who do NOT wish you well. All real survivors and those abused at Straight Inc. been asked personal and private information that was used or extracted in some strange manner of pretend befriending. Watch what you say and what you write, and especially be careful of emails and private messages, protests where pictures are taken at nearby child abusers homes or museums and other, meetings and the like where you will be asked to write down your personal information showing that you had attended. Be careful as always.
Title: 16 years ago today I was inducted into HELL!
Post by: Anonymous on October 09, 2005, 08:11:00 PM
point taken.  I'm not pretentious got nothing to hide and otherwise don't give a fuck :smile: Peace
Title: 16 years ago today I was inducted into HELL!
Post by: Anonymous on October 09, 2005, 10:24:00 PM
You's kin't do shit here, mate. and some wo'd t'de wise - if ya' ARE some veteran uh some military o' w/e ya' know de deal. Keep yo' homeys close and yo' enemies closer. Ah be baaad... Here on dis fo'um ya' gots'ta only find sucka's who is also on disability and ya' gots'ta find sucka's who gots not eva' gotsten beyond Straight, most uh which gots grown fat and kin't wo'k an honest days wo'k at some Real job. If ya' say whut dey wants' ya' t'say o' do it da damn way dey say den ya''ll make homeys. Rest assho' mand each and every sucka' here gots'ta at some point ax' ya' fo' sucka'al info'mashun dat be ONLY yo' choice t'give. If ya' is wise ya' gots'ta not tell yo' real dojigger o' yo' info'mashun here b/c dere is child abusers and dose who would advocate Straight who do NOT wish ya' well. All real survivo's and dose abused at Straight Inc. been ax'ed sucka'al and private info'mashun dat wuz used o' 'estracted in some funky manna' of pretend behomeyin'. Watch whut ya' say and whut ya' scribble, and especially be careful uh emails and private messages, protests where pictures is snatchn at nearby child abusers cribs o' museums and oder, meetin's and da damn likes where ya' gots'ta be ax'ed t'scribble waaay down yo' sucka'al info'mashun showin' dat ya' had attended. Be careful as always.
Title: George Anthony Hruneni
Post by: yayogod on August 10, 2010, 02:26:23 PM
GEORGE ANTHONY HRUNENI Predator working @ Marriott's Ridge HS in Sykesville, MD (

GEORGE ANTHONY HRUNENI is my father who horrifically abused and tortured me from ages 3-13 when I finally took his car and left for good surviving on the streets of the DC Metro area.

School Officials and local authorities are aware of this but statute of limitations precludes them from taking action. This information is confidential in his personnel file but it is my life and the public has a right to the truth when children are involved.

He's been able to keep his job because, my mother DONNA GUZZONE who abandoned me in the situation when I was 3 years old, refused to answer calls and letters from the school district pursuant to an investigation into child abuse committed by GEORGE ANTHONY HRUNENI.

Why do you think she didn't want to answer any questions? Why is GEORGE ANTHONY HRUNENI not required to take a polygraph/psych eval? He would fail miserably. One has to wonder how many more GEORGE ANTHONY HRUNENI's are lurking in your school system?

It has taken 3 decades of my life to confront and deal with violent, unimaginable child abuse committed by GEORGE ANTHONY HRUNENI. This deviant creep does not belong in a school or around anybodys kids! He's also been divorced 5 times! He's a con.

Marriott's Ridge HS
12100 Woodford Drive
Marriottsville, MD 21104-1454
(410) 313-5568 (

and demand that this perp be removed from the school and his position as an uncertified teachers assistant for Special Education children.

FACT: 5 women have divorced GEORGE ANTHONY HRUNENI.

FACT: GEORGE ANTHONY HRUNENI's only child, me, had to escape a childhood of horrific abuse by living on the street as a child.

FACT: This information is neatly tucked away in GEORGE ANTHONY HRUNENI's personnel file.

FACT: Howard County Public School System thinks that if you can get away with child abuse long enough, you too can work in a Howard County Public School like GEORGE ANTHONY HRUNENI.

We as a society allow the victims of child abuse a life sentence while the law does nothing hiding behind a "statute of limitations".

This low life is a fraud!!!

Sincerely George G. Hruneni ( ( ( ( ( ... de-loudoun (

7407 Village Rd. Apt #11
Sykesville, Md. 21784-7461

5782 E. 14th Ave.
Apache Junction, Az. 85219

Email us at: ... er_to.html ( ( ( (
Title: Re: 16 years ago today I was inducted into HELL!
Post by: Pile of Dead Kids on August 10, 2010, 10:00:05 PM
That is some top-rate doxing, of your own father no less (MASSIVE ownage if that's true), but why'd you post it on this thread?
Title: Re: 16 years ago today I was inducted into HELL!
Post by: Nihilanthic on August 10, 2010, 11:40:44 PM