
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => Elan School => Topic started by: Marc RosenBlow on November 20, 2003, 03:10:00 AM

Title: A disclaimer for the elan school forum board
Post by: Marc RosenBlow on November 20, 2003, 03:10:00 AM
All stories are fictional here at the elan school forum and can in no way be held liable for slander.This board was designed for people to vent hostility for elan.Then again there is some truth posted here.
Title: A disclaimer for the elan school forum board
Post by: Marty KruDick on November 20, 2003, 03:20:00 AM
Hey Mark,

  Quit fooling around and come give me a back rub.

Who's yer daddy?

 :skull: Martin Kruglik :skull:
Title: A disclaimer for the elan school forum board
Post by: Marc RosenBlow on November 20, 2003, 03:50:00 AM
I'm sorry marty I cant cum to the board right noe, jeffery is fudge packing me at the moment.
Title: A disclaimer for the elan school forum board
Post by: Antigen on November 20, 2003, 03:08:00 PM
You're mistaken. Much of what's posted here is pure fiction. Much of what's posted hear, even some of the more unbelievable stories, are true facts.

I wish people would make a distinction between the two so that the reader can more easily tell the difference. But I'm not going to spin my wheels trying to figure out which is what and then force other people to behave as I'd like.

It is still up to the reader to decide what's likely true and what's not and to verify facts before acting on them. This is a free-for-all, an open bar, often enough an ugly brawl. You don't conduct business in a bar. But you do make new acquaintences and, sometimes, those alliances lead to meaningful action.

If you want to have a serious conversation in these forums, just skip over the bullshit. Simply ignore it, discard it out of hand, and go on with your conversation asif the other stuff were not even there.

The internet interprets censorship as damage and routes around it.
--John Gilmour

Title: A disclaimer for the elan school forum board
Post by: Dee Verry on November 20, 2003, 04:12:00 PM
I came here to say it why not? Some of my hell is so insane it is not beleivable,thats why Joe always said no one would understand our ways)I am not posting cause I can't move on or so angry that I need to come here.I simple want the truth told and Elan is all about secrets and have always got away with all there sick abuse and I have a good heart about all this. I am happy in my life and planning a birthday party for tonight.I want marty and jeff held accountable for all there sick ways.Coming here and getting it out and being valadated made me feel free.You had to be there to understand. This is not new for me I was 13 and wanted to tell then.I wanted to speak out in the 80s.If the sites were up back then Joe would have been in jail with the rest of his junkie friends goofing on dick and making young boys feel like shit.Me? my worth in martys words(A SEPTICAL FOR MENS CUME)I was just approching 14 how was that helpful? I am sorry I fail to see how that helped me.I am not angry today,That littel girl is gone. I hope to help other human beings that is why I come here.Elan is just a small part of the picture.I pray for a domino of all programs like Elan to be a thing of the past. we as a society can build good programs. Everyone needs help at some point in there life and should be treated with respect.