
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones => Topic started by: Antibody? on November 18, 2003, 02:14:00 PM

Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: Antibody? on November 18, 2003, 02:14:00 PM
Here is what they do from the newspaper (
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: Anonymous on November 18, 2003, 10:00:00 PM
This is the school where Barbara Walters and Roseanne Barr Arnold enrolled their troubled teens?  I am shocked.
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: Antibody? on November 19, 2003, 02:13:00 PM
Yes, that is reported and many other celebrities, and nationally known corparate exectives and CEOs I can't name them because of prof confidentiality - I treated some of them.
Look At

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If you are a member of the wealthy elite and a staunch Republican into CONTROL CEDU is perfect. You can create that Preppie, Yuppie Snob, you always wanted in your new narcissistic CEDU convert kid. For you Mormons, CEDU is right up their alley too. Your Brainwashed kid will really believe they can be a GOD Just like the Staff at Boulder Creek Academy. Todd and BILL (Mormon Gods),and Larry and Lateresa are already Gods. --- Right Kids?
But not Jim Puitt [email protected] of State Residential Facilities Licensing, nor Sandpoint Health and welfare child protection, Nor Rob Gregory who is in charge of The Department of Health and Welfare, Nor Govenor Kempthorpe, Nor the State Attorney General will talk to the kids with gripes about the program privately because it might hurt Idaho's economy and they have let too many kids die and suffer already in the riots and hangings etc to avoid lawsuits. Any lawyers out there? - I'll Talk
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: Anonymous on November 25, 2003, 03:50:00 AM
Hello...  I apologizing for posting anyonomously.  I didn't care to register.  My name is Jon Pulliam and I just came home from BCA in August after an 8 month vacation there.  I am in the process of creating a website that speaks out against the metal abuse and hurtful things that go on up at the CEDU schools.  I would however, like to say that I truly loved Todd (DeGraff).  If that is who you are talking about.  He cared.  He was insightful and caring, and he did not, unlinke Bill, force his strong Mormom beliefs upon me.  He didn't check religion at the door because he applied his beliefs in the way he lived his life, but he ran both my Truth and my Brothers and he was one of the men that truly helped me in Idaho.

Jon Pulliam
[email protected]
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: Anonymous on February 22, 2004, 03:06:00 AM
Todd Degraff was a controlling power loving bastard, just like his bitch, Bill Brown.
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: Anonymous on February 22, 2004, 03:38:00 AM
Hey is Todd DeGraff related to Gayle DeGraff?
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: Anonymous on February 23, 2004, 11:38:00 AM
On 2004-02-22 00:38:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Hey is Todd DeGraff related to Gayle DeGraff?"

If someone knows, please answer the question.  Thanks!
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: The Butcher on February 23, 2004, 11:42:00 AM
Todd *became* Gayle.. :rofl:
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: Anonymous on February 23, 2004, 03:12:00 PM
With all due respect John, Todd D, looks cute and can fake love - like most mormon gods. However, he has a very dark side. Todd was into power.

Todd's wife told many of us that Todd controlled her like a god and even abused her. He was a tyrant at the school and a tyrant at home. He pubically lambasted kids and shamed them publically for mastrubation, he screamed, he yelled, to control and induce fear and intimidation.

He has no college education yet calls himself a counselor. He is unquelified to run workshops, he has no concept of ethics, child rights, empathy or compassion. In my professional opinnion he is mentally ill

The same can be said for Bill B. This fellow is Passive-Aggressive beyond clinical. And, he uses mental torture and mind games to drive kids to crack up. He is responsible for more hospitalizations, inclusing his own, than any staff I have ever met. This Guy like Todd and La Teresa and many others is fake and sadistic.

As for Lateresa, I have never seen a more entrenched narcissistic false self. La exudes such obvious inauthenticity, fake crying, fake feelings, fake love, and icky, smelly, scummy, rotting false concern. Her presentation,itchy with bugs in it, false. Her values, greedy, two-faced, avoident and sociopathic. And, she is just what CEDU wants.

They have one good Director. Lori at NWA. She's creative, kind, real, ultra-intelligent, ethical with education, great critical thinking skills and NO BS. - I bet they fire her. She is exactly what they don't want.

This is critical, a criminal organization needs criminals - ethical people are threatening. They always get rid of the good ones, -- Cowboy Bob, Mark R, Roy P, Jenny, Doug Kim Brown ad infinitum. This is because a cult does not get outside information. And all there is inside is criminals. That is the why of the Racketeering, Child Abuse and False Billing lawsuits.
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: Anonymous on February 23, 2004, 04:35:00 PM
Check out the bio for Gayle DeGraff.  Says all her kids (but one) went through wilderness programs.  Just wondering if she is related in any way to this Todd person. Also, do any of you recognize the names of the programs she has worked with in the past? (
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: Anonymous on February 23, 2004, 10:10:00 PM
Besides Todd Degraff and Bill Brown, another moron was Marc Trivelpiece.
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: Anonymous on February 25, 2004, 07:09:00 PM
Oh Another jreat one was Jack Clearman. They made his life a living hell, but he stayed for the kids
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: Anonymous on February 25, 2004, 07:12:00 PM
I didn't know Marc T was a mormon - but he sure acted like one. Almighty, All-knowing, Total idiot. He had a 9 mm Glock. I feared he would crack up and come to work with it. Watch - sooner of later they will drive someone postal
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: Roy on February 25, 2004, 07:20:00 PM
The Spokesman Review must have gotten a kick-back. They did a feature on Boulder Creek Featuring Todd Wondrum and how the hell hole changed his life (160 K to spend two years growing up at Cedu) Most people change.

I need a kid to tell the Idaho and Washington  Spokesman Review the truth. Anyone want to write an article saying what BCA RMA NWA or CEDU High Or Asscent is really like?
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: Roy on February 25, 2004, 07:27:00 PM
HA HA no, but he could have several wives and he could be keeping Gayle up in "them there hills," And remember, he lives in North Idaho - Hell, A wife could be a sister with one arm, a bull whip and a bottle of Gin. "Todd get yer ass up her and screw me some more kids." Ha ha ha ha
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: Roy on February 25, 2004, 07:38:00 PM
Mark Travelpeice,
Wow -- he waas like a man right out of San Quenton, Lompoc or Bonners Ferry. A less friendly fellow I never met. Big, Dumb abd Angey as Hell; he would make a good ed-consultant.
I can just hear him.

"Yep (spit) that there kid awy and give em a  whoppin." "Is that there tankquil Baay still arand?" "Shit (spit) "Id send em out there, but it aint cold enough. Send em to BCA. We had us a fine way a drivin em nuts by makin em sit there fer a month writin all the shit about how fuked up they was (spit)."
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: Roy on February 25, 2004, 08:05:00 PM
Speaking of morons;  did you ever meet Larry S. He was the old WWASP director from Montana sent to fix BCA. He lost practically all the business they had at BCA, and pissed all kinds of parents and staff off.

He says "I saved BCA?   :silly:

How about your cohort Lateresa. here she is  :silly:

 La says " Like, you Guys, like know - Boo hoo hoot that, hey guys, you know guys, that the  therapists like, just don't understand what we do."

You stupid fuck La. If you went into a room full of sociopathic, sadistic, mentally retarded "counselors" with Aspbergers syndrome, riding white horses by dragging kids into hell.  Would you "understand what the fuck they were doing." Yeah, you would say they were doing therapy ;;; right!!!! Why don't you go back to the San Fernando Valley. Maybe you would blend in with the valley girls and not stand out and show, so obviously what an idiot you are.
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: Anonymous on February 25, 2004, 09:20:00 PM
Jim Hooper, that guy was a powerloving moron hick freak man.  Another one was Beth, that stupid bootcamp bitch.  Ariel was also a bitch.
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: Anonymous on February 26, 2004, 08:28:00 PM
Beth From Hell yeah,
How about the blond histrionic personality What was her name? You know, the nut woman who was always crying and throwing tantrums like a child. About 28-30 - left and came back Blond ????????????
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: Froderik on February 26, 2004, 10:17:00 PM
Roy - Man! Your posts are cracking me up. I wasn't in any of these programs, I was in a place called Straight Inc. for a couple of years (back in the early 80's.) "Never see past their colon.." Good stuff!  :rofl: Take it easy..
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: Anonymous on February 27, 2004, 12:56:00 AM
You are killing me, too!  I haven't laughed this hard since the post about the Mass *Big Fart* Lawsuit over there on the Teen Help forum. Keep chargin' there, Roy. These Idaho folks sound like they spent way too much time in Colorado City, Arizona, if ya catch my meaning, here.

Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: Roy on March 01, 2004, 05:03:00 PM
Ariel, She was the one that would cry all the time. Too bad they found Cowboy Bob, he could have slapped some sense into her. Norm's Gun would have been good. No, Maybe just a couple of whacks from Norm's black cowboy hat and a lick from those boots - I loved Norm. Ariel went through too many of those emotionally charged marathon workshops (propheets) where you put some asshole's picture on a pillow and pound the shit out of it with a tennis racket. She was supposed to put her mother on the pillow like all the other kids. They were actually putting the facilitator's picture on it like Todd, and BILL and all the other assholes and cunts like Lateresa. They would come and hug you as you cried because it was such a relief to beat the shit out of those " mormon fucks from Idaho" I tried putting  Larry S. on it. "I had 100 affairs" whack. "I don't care about ethics" whack "You can never trust a kid" whack whack whack whack whack crash, shatter punch, kick..... "get him down" "call doctor Ulrich" " tell him to bring 5000mg of Seriquil. 2 hours later. "Damn, that was a good Propheet. "I like learned, like so much man" and "La like you were just so awsome' "like I couldn't have........" Fuck thes Seriquil sure has me fucked up" Aw hell, God bless ............ shit......... whatever man"  :scared:  :silly:  :cry2:  :oops:  :cry:  :???:
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: Anonymous on March 01, 2004, 06:35:00 PM
Hey,  I heard that LaTresa was demoted to assistant director. HA HA HA.  She is all the things you say about her.   (This is coming from an employee, not a student.)  Not only is she a fake, but she is very mean spirited and she's a user.  That is a user of people and a user of drugs.  You ever wonder why she can never make it to work on time and why she looks like hell when she finally gets there?  She is up all night high on drugs.  When is someone going to wake up and smell the marijuana?

You know why La's pet students are always the biggest, meanest, controlling boys on campus?  Because that's what she is.  She is the most combative person I have ever known.  There is no doubt in my mind that it was Latresa who set the tone at NWA which caused the riot.  She is a sick individual.
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: iceman on May 04, 2004, 03:57:00 PM
i left rma in december of 03.  i know the kids there used to read this stuff nad if they do i was the kid who got kicked out for fucking whitney m.  in gardenhouse.  anyway i was menatlly totured at rma fo almost a year. i refused to give in and was hated by most of the staff.  im trying to find others hwo went to rma recently.
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: Anonymous on May 05, 2004, 09:19:00 PM
Are any of the kids buying into the program any more?  How many model upper school student are there at BCA or RMA?  I know there are always those who fake it, but you know the ones who really become CEDU.  Are there any left?
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: Antibody? on May 13, 2004, 02:47:00 PM
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: Anonymous on May 28, 2004, 03:16:00 PM
A bit crude in your message, but you are correct in your assessment. RMA is a money-maker for the Wasserman (not sure that is spelled correctly) family, nothing more. In its origins, RMA/CEDU might have been something actually useful, but now it is simply a business proposition, thus the reason they expel any really difficult students.

I actually saw the whole program through, though many of my friends did not. Indeed, I was always surprised they never threw me out, instead serving two full-times, and more work details than my entire group combined. Then again, being a ward of the state, and having juvie to look forward to instead, RMA might have been the better alternative. Like I said, they do not accept the really difficult students like me anymore - too much trouble for the money (the expectancy-value theory of economics).

I hope you manage to get your group together. I shall monitor this board, which I only happened upon in a moment of midnight boredom, but am glad I did.
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: Hell on Wheels on May 29, 2004, 06:15:00 PM
Yeah right......I never saw one kid kicked out except Chris Garrett who walked in the summit. Every really tough kid was moved down the road to shittier places. Mostly mental hospitals or lockdown facilities. Or NWA. We had a few ward of state kids there when I was there, not too many, one kid on a wasserman scholarship. But yeah, for the kids that faced Juvie in large states like Cali, RMA/BCA was probably more fun. I talked to my friend who was sent to Provo Canyon lockdown, and he said Provo was a cakewalk, no mental abuse :smile: but for the bars, it would have been fun. But I really didn't want to get used to a new school system, after a year at CEDU, you either get along and go along, completely buy in, or get the fat boot to Ascent. I chose to get along and go along. Skating, or jailing it as staff called it. Three hots and a cot.
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: Anonymous on June 16, 2004, 07:34:00 PM
My boyfriend at the time, when i went to RMA in 2000/2001, was kicked out a week after his summit, and 3 weeks before getting his diploma. now he is on drugs, has not graduated, and lives with his parents. he was really stoaked on going to college, and getting his life together after 30 months of being there, but just kind of broke down after. He hated the program, hated the school, and hated the summit. all he wanted was to finish school. i wish i could get in touch with him, but it has been to long.  :sad:
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: Anonymous on June 16, 2004, 11:28:00 PM
I went to CEDU-RS but I've been reading about la Teresa and she sounds like the worst of the bunch. Please tell me she got canned! How do you drive your school to riot and not get canned? I mean,it's bad business (we already know they don't care about the kids.)
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2004, 10:32:00 AM
What makes you think Doug Kim Brown is all that?
Running over and over into a wall until your nose is broken? That's who I want giving my kid self help skills.  He told me about this personal experience several times. He was head dude at RMA and was personally responsible for continuing the cycle everyone is so goddamn upset about. I don't think he's all that. In fact, I have sort of Fight Club dreams about going head to head with him. I always thought he was an asshole. He was mean to a lot of kids. Like Me.Period.
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2004, 01:59:00 PM
LaTeresa has all the dirty secrets of the schools to blackmail them with. That is why they keep her. She has no college education at all, is a doper, an adulterer, and was a driver for health and welfare. She claims (lies) and says she was a CPS worker. She was and "aide" driver - receptionist at CPS). She is now power hungry, agressive and fake. If CEDU (BCA) fired her, she would bake them like cookies, so she stays, totmenting kids, playing fake games, tormenting,  brainwashing kids and staff and laughing all the way to the bank. She has blackmailed staff duing her "dirty deeds done dirt cheap" forever.
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2004, 02:03:00 PM
Doug Kim Brown was CEDU and not much of a humanitarian. He could be abusive, but next to LaTeresa he looked like Ghandi and a scholar
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: Anonymous on July 11, 2004, 02:06:00 PM
They kick kids out right before graduation all the time - they have all the money and don't care about the kid. If they cared, they wouuld do discharge planning - they fake it.
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: NivekOgre on July 11, 2004, 02:27:00 PM
It's not only that, they want to bias their stats too. They can still get their money but they don't graduate anyone that they think might relapse. That way they tell everyone they have some 80% success rate. Why more rigorous regulations aren't applied to this industry I don't know.
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: blownawaytheidahoway on July 11, 2004, 03:34:00 PM
I think you may be touching on a very serious point though. This is what I want to know. Going back to 1970 how many people have stayed in touch with RMA every couple of years for positive reasons. Not just going back once or twice for a fix of nostalgia, but working with your tools and keeping up the jargon and NEEDING it. Becuase that seems to be the way it "works" I thought about teaching courses and counselling for years. I am a certified women's crisis counselor and have worked in a variety of voluteer atmospheres, as well as with terminal AIDS patients, but I snapped outta the idea of working with kids like I had been when I realized it was for the wrong reason. I have been unhappily filled with hate ever since. So. there is more to elaborate on and I hate being that short but it seems to me that most everyone who went is running like hell. There is a common reason why, but it is hard to identify and articulate about. I'm chippin' away though. any comments welcome.
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: NivekOgre on July 11, 2004, 03:48:00 PM
Check out this post I made on another forum: ... forum=32&0 (

I am older now and work for a Pharmaceutical company - I think the way the FDA deals with these companys would make sense for these "schools"
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: Anonymous on July 17, 2004, 12:59:00 PM
Click on the teen liberty News Articles and look for Spokesman Review Articles. It tells the whole story about past rapes, hanging, suicide, escorts abuse, and you need to bring the local newspaper up to date with your stories. They will protect your identity from the cedu cult. (

or search "Idaho Spolesman Review" - A Newspaper in Spokane Washington and Coeur d'Alene Idaho
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: Anonymous on July 21, 2004, 10:23:00 PM
I read those articles. What a Mess at BCA
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: Anonymous on July 22, 2004, 10:31:00 AM
Which one did Dan Earle found, RMA or BCA?
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: Anonymous on January 26, 2005, 12:03:00 AM
Gan Earle didn't found anything except the art of seducing CEDU students once they became staff while he was married.

Dan was an arrogant asshole who treated people like only the greatest achievers were good enough for him.
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: Anonymous on January 30, 2005, 04:43:00 PM
just get your kid out of there
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: Anonymous on February 03, 2005, 04:20:00 PM
It is [email protected]
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: Roy on February 03, 2005, 04:23:00 PM
It's the thing man
Title: CEDU Rocky Mountain Academy + Boulder Creek Acad
Post by: Anonymous on December 31, 2005, 02:50:00 AM
i go to echo springs he'sa jerk