
General Interest => Open Free for All => Topic started by: Whooter on August 29, 2010, 10:33:07 PM

Title: Whooters' and DJ's trolling hilights
Post by: Whooter on August 29, 2010, 10:33:07 PM
I am hoping by creating this thread that all the fall out, from DJ’s and my guest posts being exposed, can be contained here so that it doesn’t interfere with the open forum and spread into multiple threads causing derailments.

To be fair, since DJ is on Vacation this week,  I will refrain from editing out any evidence of my part in the trolling between the 2 of us.  I have edit control over the “Whooter” account only.  Since psy updated our posts I have edited only 2 posts Those being in the Mark DeGroot trolling battle.  Other than that my posts remain as is.  I have no intention of going back and editing any of my posts anyway.  

I was curious to know who some of the people where that trolled me in the past like Bill Urban, Jake Rios, Pegg Sympsom, Elvis etc. so I went back and looked through some of the old posts.   I have to admit that many of the trolls who I thought were RobertBruce ended up being Dysfunction Junction.  So I owe some apology to Robert, although, I am sure he had his own list of Aliases that he used(uses).  There were so many over the years.   We just wont know unless he ever has his posts strung together.

I will post some of the ones that jump out at me (were funny) and consolidate them here on this thread.  I invite DJ to post some of his favorites also when he returns.  It will be fun to look at the old trolling posts we find.
Title: Re: Whooters' and DJ's trolling hilights
Post by: Whooter on August 29, 2010, 10:36:09 PM
Quote from: "Dysfunction Junction"
Yes, TheWho personally abused me.  And now I'm scarred for life.  He performed several red-flag touches on the area my bathing suit covers.  I tried to turn him in, but ASR wouldn't let me use the phone and told my parents I was a liar.  TheWho molested me.

I always wondered who the person was that kept accusing me.   I thought this one was RobertBruce but I was wrong it was DJ.  Those flame threads were fun! lol

Dysfunction Junction has a lot more threads to edit because he missed this one.  He will be busy the next few weeks cleaning up his past.

Link (http://

Title: Re: Whooters' and DJ's trolling hilights
Post by: Whooter on August 29, 2010, 10:37:43 PM
Quote from: "Dysfunction Junction"
Oh my God.  My wife's sister had her son "placed" by this person into a highly abusive facility.  She ended up getting her son out (which this guy fought along with the program) and suing them.  I had no idea he had this type of history with his own children and his wife.  This is scaring me now.  I'm going to call my sister and aske her if her attorney knows about all of this.

Wow, this brings back memories.  This woman was so upset and kept posting in different threads that her nephew was placed into ASR and was being abused there..  I have to give DJ credit this was a good troll.  I never thought this was Dysfunction Junction.  I really believed this woman and that DJ convinced her that ASR was abusive.

Link (http://

Title: Re: Whooters' and DJ's trolling hilights
Post by: Whooter on August 29, 2010, 10:39:19 PM
Quote from: "Dysfunction Junction"
Quote from: "Guest"
I wonder how Marcus feels now after learning that all four of "his kids" at ASR failed with one ending up dead?  Even though it's a small sample, it tells us that ASR has a 100% failure rate and a 25% death rate.  I think a bigger. less biased sample would make these numbers go even higher (Marcus' subjects were hand-picked by Aspen based on the probablility odf success).  Funny how they picked their sample to prove effectiveness and it proves the exact opposite.  Too bad nobody is allowed to do a clinical trial on ASR.  If it were allowed, there would be no more denying Aspen's utter failure to help any kids.

I agree wholeheartedly.  This industry survives on anecdotes of "success" but they really don't deliver any quantifiable results.  They practice pseudo-therapy and publish quasi-scientific "research" which consists of surveys of cherry-picked samples to claim "success."  In reality, they offer no proof, or even any quantifiable evidence, that programs do any good for any person.  Great post.

Ha,Ha,Ha  This guy "Bill Urban"  Trolled me for months and I couldnt figure out what his deal was.  It turns out it was DJ.  You can see he captured the name in his next post about 2 posts below in this link.    Thats Funny.

Link (http://

Title: Re: Whooters' and DJ's trolling hilights
Post by: Whooter on August 29, 2010, 10:40:32 PM
Quote from: "Dysfunction Junction"
Well, RobertBruce was indeed right about Whooter.  He's a coward.  

He has a chance to earn some money for a charitable cause, but he's too afraid of big, bad, DJ (a bookworm) to have a fight in the ring for charity.  Whooter is simply a message board bully and a real-life coward.  It's not like anyone would really get hurt and it's for a good cause, but, alas, Whooter is too afraid to step up.  

It tells al ot about his character.  This is why his kids had to go to programs.  Whooter couldn't man up and be a good parent.  He chose the easy way out.

When it comes time to put up or shut up, he runs away.  Why not put your money where your mouth is so DJ can put his fist in your money, little coward?

I think we all knew this is how Whooter would handle confrontation.  Ha, Ha, Ha.

This was DJ posting as "Jake Rios".  I always thought Jake Rios was RobertBruce (sorry Bob).  Jake (DJ) was a busy poster for awhile there and was a survivor.   You can see the name in the thread I captured underneath this one when you click on the link.  Wow DJ really trolled the bejesus out of me.  I thought I had him good a few times when I was trolling him, but he did more posting than I thought.

Link (http://

Title: Re: Whooters' and DJ's trolling hilights
Post by: Whooter on August 29, 2010, 10:44:09 PM
Quote from: "Dysfunction Junction"
Quote from: "Guest"
Oh my God.  My wife's sister had her son "placed" by this person into a highly abusive facility.  She ended up getting her son out (which this guy fought along with the program) and suing them.  I had no idea he had this type of history with his own children and his wife.  This is scaring me now.  I'm going to call my sister and aske her if her attorney knows about all of this.


Keep the sunlight on this vampire.

Link (http://

I like this one.  The guest post he is commenting on is one that he wrote.  When he says "Keep the sunlight on this vampire" he is talking about himself.

I remember that besides my posts this whole thread was mostly guest posts.  I didnt know that they were almost all penned by DJ.   I got trolled good on this thread.

Title: Re: Whooters' and DJ's trolling hilights
Post by: clitoritis on August 29, 2010, 10:49:53 PM
[EDITED Monday, August 30, 2010]
Title: Re: Whooters' and DJ's trolling hilights
Post by: Whooter on August 29, 2010, 10:51:54 PM
This was a big one for me.  I thought this person was Bruce or Ajax13,  but it was DJ who posed as ConcernedParent and fabricated that letter.  Someone else owned the name but DJ pretended to be guest posting as them.   He almost pulled it off but screwed up the date.  The date he made up had the wrong day of the week as I remember.  Maybe that post will surface.  It would be fun to review that sometime.

Quote from: "Whooter"
Quote from: "Guest"
No, I don't.  You PMed me using your TheWho account from fornits to my Concerned Parent account on fornits.  Then you offered your email address to contact you privately to place my son at ASR.  But your email address is John Reuben's email address, too.  That's the facts.  I see you tried to change my quotes though, as you always do.  Are you going to blame it on the "mods" now, too?  Lols.

People should know that you're a convicted criminal with an agenda to fill beds at programs.  You have proved this top be true in your own words.  It's too late to try and take it all back now.  People shouldn't take advice from convicted criminals like you who don't disclose their ties to the TTI industry.

See now that you cant prove anything you just get pissed off.  The bottom line is that you really want me to be this guy and you found some parallels but no smoking gun.  I wasnt in chicago during the time of these meetings and you couldnt even place those other people there.

Look everyone that has a login name also has an email address.  I give psy permission to check my email address and compare it to the one you posted.  Its not mine.  Like you said it belongs to this Reuben guy.  Plus John Reuben wouldnt be signing his emails as  "TheWho" from his place of business to prospective parents who inquire.  Think about it.  Someone has been pulling your leg.

Link (http://

Title: Re: Whooters' and DJ's trolling hilights
Post by: Whooter on August 30, 2010, 10:35:02 AM
Quote from: "Dysfunction Junction"
Man, TheWho is really pushing the gay slurs, but also letting us know he fantasies of being gay.  He seems very conflicted over his sexuality.  On one hand he deameans the idea of homosexuality and on the other he puts out there his desire for anal sex with people (and dogs) and to lick boys' bottoms.  How very weird.  No wonder his kid was so screwed up and his wife left him flat!

Link (http://

My intention was to keep this thread light and show the fun side of people trolling each other, but, I dont particularly find this funny, but will post it because I wanted to say that I always thought that all the disgusting posts were from RobertBruce.  I dont know why but it has become clear that DJ has a penchant for this type of post.  There are many of them throughout the database.  Some of these just appear in the middle of a conversation.  This one continues to the next post.  This alias was "John T." if I remember correctly (who I thought was RobertBruce)

Title: Re: Whooters' and DJ's trolling hilights
Post by: RobertBruce on September 02, 2010, 07:01:49 PM
Quote from: "Whooter"
I am hoping by creating this thread that all the fall out, from DJ’s and my guest posts being exposed, can be contained here so that it doesn’t interfere with the open forum and spread into multiple threads causing derailments.

To be fair, since DJ is on Vacation this week,  I will refrain from editing out any evidence of my part in the trolling between the 2 of us.  I have edit control over the “Whooter” account only.  Since psy updated our posts I have edited only 2 posts Those being in the Mark DeGroot trolling battle.  Other than that my posts remain as is.  I have no intention of going back and editing any of my posts anyway.  

I was curious to know who some of the people where that trolled me in the past like Bill Urban, Jake Rios, Pegg Sympsom, Elvis etc. so I went back and looked through some of the old posts.   I have to admit that many of the trolls who I thought were RobertBruce ended up being Dysfunction Junction.  So I owe some apology to Robert, although, I am sure he had his own list of Aliases that he used(uses).  There were so many over the years.   We just wont know unless he ever has his posts strung together.

I will post some of the ones that jump out at me (were funny) and consolidate them here on this thread.  I invite DJ to post some of his favorites also when he returns.  It will be fun to look at the old trolling posts we find.

Interestingly enough you also assumed that DJ and I were the same person. Let's see if you can handle admitting you were wrong.....again. As for your claim that I troll you under other names I still have nothing to hide. As I've always said Psy is welcome to link up all my post. I only wish I could see your face when you watch as you find none of the people you believe to me aren't.
Title: Re: Whooters' and DJ's trolling hilights
Post by: RobertBruce on September 02, 2010, 07:07:15 PM
My total number of posts is as of right 3617. Let's see what happens.
Title: Re: Whooters' and DJ's trolling hilights
Post by: Whooter on September 02, 2010, 07:24:21 PM
Quote from: "RobertBruce"
Quote from: "Whooter"
I am hoping by creating this thread that all the fall out, from DJ’s and my guest posts being exposed, can be contained here so that it doesn’t interfere with the open forum and spread into multiple threads causing derailments.

To be fair, since DJ is on Vacation this week,  I will refrain from editing out any evidence of my part in the trolling between the 2 of us.  I have edit control over the “Whooter” account only.  Since psy updated our posts I have edited only 2 posts Those being in the Mark DeGroot trolling battle.  Other than that my posts remain as is.  I have no intention of going back and editing any of my posts anyway.  

I was curious to know who some of the people where that trolled me in the past like Bill Urban, Jake Rios, Pegg Sympsom, Elvis etc. so I went back and looked through some of the old posts.   I have to admit that many of the trolls who I thought were RobertBruce ended up being Dysfunction Junction.  So I owe some apology to Robert, although, I am sure he had his own list of Aliases that he used(uses).  There were so many over the years.   We just wont know unless he ever has his posts strung together.

I will post some of the ones that jump out at me (were funny) and consolidate them here on this thread.  I invite DJ to post some of his favorites also when he returns.  It will be fun to look at the old trolling posts we find.

Interestingly enough you also assumed that DJ and I were the same person. Let's see if you can handle admitting you were wrong.....again. As for your claim that I troll you under other names I still have nothing to hide. As I've always said Psy is welcome to link up all my post. I only wish I could see your face when you watch as you find none of the people you believe to me aren't.

Yeah, I thought you were many of the aliases that turned out to be DJ too.  You guys always seemed to start posting around the same time......That was so funny, especially Jake Rios and DJ being "Concerned Parent".  I thought for sure you wrote that not DJ or Ajax13.  I think DJ was surprised too.  He thought I was SUCK IT, Queff, and many others, but it turned out he was wrong too.  The funniest was when DJ pretended to be Mark McGroot and then I posted as him too.  DJ was so pissed off that day.

It was fun looking back on all the flame wars we had though, Bruce.  I am sure DJ has some links to some not so flattering posts of mine too that he will share when he gets back.

Title: Re: Whooters' and DJ's trolling hilights
Post by: RobertBruce on September 02, 2010, 07:42:39 PM
Yes, I find you being wrong about everything hilarious too. What else are you willing to cop to? You have plently of material to pull from.
Title: Re: Whooters' and DJ's trolling hilights
Post by: Whooter on September 02, 2010, 09:51:00 PM
Quote from: "RobertBruce"
Yes, I find you being wrong about everything hilarious too. What else are you willing to cop to? You have plently of material to pull from.

You did your share of trolling Bruce, in fact you did more than DJ or I did on each other.... just look at TheWho thread  you posted 545 times just in that thread alone ( that's just counting the posts you logged in for) and that was started to keep the flame wars in one place.  It was a trash heap.. a fun trash heap, but a trash heap just the same.

Title: Re: Whooters' and DJ's trolling hilights
Post by: Whooter on September 03, 2010, 03:16:10 PM
DJ, all those times you were calling me scum and trying to make me look bad because I was thrown in jail for protesting and the whole time you had a record.  Huge double standard, DJ.  

Quote from: "Dysfunction Junction"
I personally would advise never to tell.  Nothing good can come from it.  Only REAL possibility is getting terminated on the spot.

DEFINITELY don't tell, even when asked.

The laws are all fucked up, yes.  I ended up getting hit with 1-3 in NYS system for my first and only pop - no sale involved.  However, I was CHARGED with A Class felony which carries 25-life in NY.  

If I weren't a great dealer making lots of money, I could never have come up with the shoebox full of cash required for my lawyer's $25,000 retainer and $1000/court day fees and the subsequent dropping of the A, B, and C Class felonies for which I was charged.

I call it "Capital Punishment."  If you have capital, you don't get punished...

Link (http://

Title: Re: Whooters' and DJ's trolling hilights
Post by: Whooter on September 03, 2010, 05:42:39 PM
Link to where TheWho admits he is john Reuben (http://

Quote from: "TheWho"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"
John must be too busy enSlavingTeens right now to answer.

Yes, he takes gubmint dollars (your tax dollars) and uses them to imprison youths privately at various quack-holes.

Why is that a crime? They use tax dollars for far worse things than imprisoning youths.  At least they are kept safe here.  Imagine if they were shipped overseas with private funding where people hate Americans.  You would see abuse on a whole new level. All my work stays within the confines of the US borders... no 2nd rate programs.


Here Whooter confirms his son went to his wife’s funeral. (http://

Quote from: "TheWho"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"
John, why do you send kids to places like HLA where your own child was prevented from visiting his dying mom and not allowed to go to the funeral either?  Why should anyone trust you?  Please explain yourself.

I would really like to hear this answer.

It says it right here.  And many other places.

I did read that one.  But how do we know he wasnt allowed to attend the funeral?

Max went to the funeral, no need to worry.  They are just trying to make programs look bad.  Keep in mind you are on fornits.

How would Whooter know this?  Unless, of course, as he previously admitted, he is the kid’s dad.

Here Whooter, posting anonymously until his posts were linked, accuses Ajax13 of being a porn-watching child abuser. (http://

Quote from: "TheWho"
Quote from: "ajax13"
JD, like I said, there's nobody else here but the people trying to communicate about AARC, and you and a couple of AARColytes who have something to hide.  Fornits has been useful for the exchange of information, but it's not vital.  The Fifth Estate didn't find out about AARC because of Fornits.  ISACCorp has been looking at them for years, and the former AARC clients who were subjected to quackery and violations of their rights in AARC are less afraid of AARC than they were in years past.  Dangerous freaks like the former AARC staffer who has been harassing women on Fornits for years are coming to the attention of the authorities, and the list of former clients who have killed themselves, or committed violent crimes is growing and drawing attention.  I don't have any questions for Dean Vause.  He's got a twenty year history of falsely selling himself as a mental health professional and expert in treating adolescent "addiction".  I am not interested in hearing what he has to say.  AARC's position gets shakier every day, JD, but your son doesn't get any less dead.  Pick up that phone and call the live one.

Thank you for updating us.  Of course you have no facts as usual to back up what you say and that is why I am here to point these problems out.  
anyone can come on here and say "So and so has been pretending to be a doctor for 20 years!!" , "His wife is overweight".  The president of Honda motor corp could have weight issues but that doesnt relect on the quality of the automobiles... but you don see that.  He may not even have a drivers license.  You just dont know how to debate the issues with relevant facts.  As long as AARC is effectively treating people and they have an 85% success rate who cares how much people weigh or what their degree is in.

Now go spend some time with your kid.  Turn off the porn and  let him have a normal childhood for a change.  If  you read to him he may forget how you abuse him.

And JD, if you are listening, go call your son.

Here Whooter says Ajax13 is molesting his won son. (http://  Whooter is obviously a sick freak doing a lot of projection.

Quote from: "TheWho"
Quote from: "ajax13"
JD, since you killed your son, you can't have contact with him at all, moderated or not.  Your mania, stupidity, ignorance and laziness seem to be in an epic battle for dominance.  Who will win JD?  Will your next post be shameful because it's rooted in stupidity, ignorance, laziness or your inability to think rationally when your compulsions are driving you?

why are you obsessed with this JD guy?  It isnt going to help you keep your son or erase what you do to him each night.  We both know that yet you keep throwing personal attacks at other people hoping the pain will go away.

You are sick Ajax13.  Stop molesting and abusing your son.  Just because this poster proved you wrong is no reason to take it out on your own family.  Its only a forum.  Leave your kid in peace.

here Whooter invalidates all who were abused at RTC’s. (http://

Quote from: "TheWho"
Quote from: ""Guest""
How would you know what a parent thinks, Who? You threw your daughter away to ASR, so you don't have the right to call yourself that anymore, and your continued use of the word is a heavy insult to the real parents reading this forum.

Kinda like the rest of you calling yourself survivors.  Surviving what?  A cush stay at RTC?  Its an insult to people who actually survived something.

Family member Harvard Fellow and EdCon??

Quote from: "TheWho"
Quote from: ""dishdutyfugitive""
You seem to have an explanation for everything.
Hey, not very nice
What is ASR?

Academy at Swift River

Suws is a short wildneress program right?
Did your daughter graduate?

Has she ever shared her negative experiences with you in detail?
Well, we have spoken about it quite a bit and she shares her experiences with me.  I ask a lot of questions especially after what I have read about here on fornits.  I ask her about counselors that she liked and ones she didn’t and why.  Has she ever seen anyone severely punished or had food withheld, put into restraints or placed in isolation, forced to disrobe in front of the other students etc. and she looks at me like I have two heads.  ASR wasn’t anything even close to what people on here talk about.  She enjoys talking about and wonders how some of her friends would have turned out if they had gone there also.

Did you use an educational consultant?
No, I have a family member who specializes in child psychology and children’s issues, is a fellow at Harvard University and he recommended ASR.

Have you made a list of good schools?
No I haven’t
What do you think differentiates the good from the bad?
Wow, I am really not qualified to speak technically about the differences.  But I would say the model the school employs.  If the school is taking a clinical approach, is listening to the feedback from the graduates and parents and are willing to adjust their rules and make changes based on parental feedback and to continuously evolve then this would be a school I would want to send my child to and would recommend to others.
I would not recommend a school who had guards who beat the kids, placed kids in restraints, forced them to walk around naked, with held food etc.  I would not consider these at all for anyone.  These schools are a good candidate for regulation.


In this installment Whooter is back to accusing Ajax13 of sexually abusing his own child. (http://  Keep it classy, Whooter.

Quote from: "Whooter"
If your point is to just post laws, well, thats easy.  There are thousands of them.  I didnt see where the law you posted was written for AARC.  The one posted pertains to people like yourself who abuse their kids sexually.  At least mine has some credibility.

As Whooter continues to lose the argument, he continues to post over and over that Ajax13 sexually abuses his own child, even “QFTing” himself saying it, all anonymously, of course.

Here Whooter is posing as an Aspen Ranch “graduate” (http:// and telling people not to tell him he’s lying.  Well, I guess that makes it believable then?  Fail, Whooter.  Fail.

Quote from: "Whooter"
I just recently left Aspen Ranch (during the July parent week), graduating as a Rider. I was there for over 16 months! The substance abuse counselor was my primary therapist! I had a lot of problems going there, personal as well as a fucked up family. I've now ben home for 3 months and am doing great. I haven't relapsed or really even considered it.

Aspen was a great place! We didn't get pizza from the local place once a week, but we did get it on parent week and for special occasions. The food wasn't great but it was certainly bearable (and I'm picky!). The staff was AWESOME (most anyways), they were very caring and devoted. There have been MANY changes in staff and rules in the past 6 months there as well, so check it out! Sure I had my rough times, everyone does! I would defenitely recommend it if you're kids having a rough time, but be sure to check it out before to see if you think your kid would be a good fit.

And to whoever posted about seeing kids doing pull-ups with a man with a radio....he was the personal trainer! I was in Personal Training for over a year there and it helped a lot! I've never heard a complaint about PT, kids can sign up for an extra fee through a past navy seal who really pushes you hard! And there's a LONG waiting list.

Thanks, and please no one tell me I'm lying....when I left I was 2nd in seniority out of everyone there at the time! And to those parents who have kids there now...I wouldn't doubt if I knew them!

And a bit later in the thread Whooter poses as a parent with a kid at Aspen Ranch while singing its praises. (http://

Quote from: "Whooter"
the important thing is the place has...without a single doubt...saved our daughter's life. TO sum up some of the other things: She's graduating from high school a year EARLY, and home-district had her do testing (plus she had a great SAT score) so it's no fluke, and she gets a DUAL diploma from Utah and our home state. She's happy, healthy - recently had another home visit that was totally without issues. She has direction in her life, and although she will have on going therapy for some time due to the trauma that triggered her particular problems, she understands it and is dealing with it from a healthy perspective.

A side benefit is she already has a part-time job (while she goes to college) working for a horse trainer...which is good, because the downside (if you can call it that) is she/we are in the process of buying a horse! But, since she's no looking into equine-related veterinary medicine, that's really a benefit.

I'm truly sorry a lot of you just do not understand the program, but it seems you're just going off the slanted "Brat Camp" stories, and piling on based on crap posted by people with NO facts, who've never been there, and have never spoken to a student or parent who has.

And after he’s called out by another poster he bashes them for calling his phony story “fictitious” which it was, 100% ficticious. (http://

Quote from: "Whooter"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "John David Reuben"
the important thing is the place has...without a single doubt...saved our daughter's life. TO sum up some of the other things: She's graduating from high school a year EARLY, and home-district had her do testing (plus she had a great SAT score) so it's no fluke, and she gets a DUAL diploma from Utah and our home state. She's happy, healthy - recently had another home visit that was totally without issues. She has direction in her life, and although she will have on going therapy for some time due to the trauma that triggered her particular problems, she understands it and is dealing with it from a healthy perspective.

A side benefit is she already has a part-time job (while she goes to college) working for a horse trainer...which is good, because the downside (if you can call it that) is she/we are in the process of buying a horse! But, since she's no looking into equine-related veterinary medicine, that's really a benefit.

I'm truly sorry a lot of you just do not understand the program, but it seems you're just going off the slanted "Brat Camp" stories, and piling on based on crap posted by people with NO facts, who've never been there, and have never spoken to a student or parent who has.

John Reuben keep your fictitious "accounts" coming.

So fornits has finally reached the point where parents and survivors stories which are not negative are just tossed aside as fictitious.   "Lets tighten things up and only allow the battered few thru the door!!!"  Ha,Ha,Ha  Finally got you to admit it...... its a good first step.

And he goes on further to suggest 99% of survivor stories are fictitious, right after he’s caught phonying up a “success story.” (http:// You can’t make it up, folks.

Quote from: "Whooter"
Quote from: "Latches"

It is a good first step that you're finally able to acknowledge those who were battered. The next would be for you to comprehend that that number is far more than a few.
Helpful to that end would be you’re considering the various kinds of injuries caused to children in programs.

Not all are as physical violence. Assaults like rape and battery do happen in programs, as well as imposed stress positions, prolonged physically exhausting exertions (death marches for some) and inadequate or even no proper medical care.
In addition to these injurious violations of children the damages accrued from dehumanizing humiliations and infliction of emotional abuse and destructive thought reform tactics are very real, very pervasive in the TTI, and completely unnecessary to extending guidance to children.

99% of those accounts are fictitious.  We all know that the kids are helped at these places.... kids here post to blow off steam, its healthy for them but dont rely on the accuracy of the posts.

Here Whooter admits he sent a son, not a daughter, to a wilderness program. (http://

Quote from: "Whooter"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"
Speaking of wilderness programs and sex, it happens all the time... at least when I was there it did. Its not like they handed out condoms so I wouldn't be surprised if some of the girls go home from wilderness with a whole new set of issues brewing inside them. I never saw a wild tribe like orgy until I was in wilderness, and don't think the staff don't join in. Parents have no idea what happens out there, it was insane.

Thanks guest,I knew it wasnt as bad as people were saying here.  The kids do have fun on these trips, I kind of thought that.

Your welcome, my son really liked it and would like to become a counselor some day which has motivated him to study harder.

Whooter admits starting a program referral business while responding to the name “John.” (http://

Quote from: "Whooter"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "John D. Reuben"
"In 2004, when I found out Michael had drug problems, I founded Saving Teens in Crisis Collaborative to help disadvantaged youths participate in programs too expensive for them."

John, when you discovered Mike had a drug problem, instead of founding STICC to help other kids, you should have supported your son by getting him medically-based treatment for his drug problem.  Why would anyone faced with this situation start a business instead of focusing on their own child's problem?  Don't you see that your refusal to get directly involved in Mike's life is what drove him to drugs in the first place?  Then your solution to this was to have him locked up instead of put into scientifically proven therapy?

John, is this one of the "STICCy results that last a lifetime"?  I guess it is if "lifetime" means "22 years."

This marketing spin makes me nauseous.  We're talking about HUMAN BEINGS here, John.  I know the conscienceless, like yourself, see children as commodities, but this is WAY out of line.  You disgust me, sir.

Of course you are nauseous.  That is because you are weak and lack foresight like most people. See the problem is you miss the bigger picture.  You think small and think problems can be solved by hugging people.  People and kids dont need hugs they need solutions, they need to know someone is in control and can make them feel safe.  Most parents jump in and try to save their child by getting involved in their lives.  But the truth is it is too late at this point to save them by this approach because they have traveled too far down the path.  The parents should have been more involved all along.  So instead of taking the road everyone else was taking another option was to start a business around the problem.  This way you not only get help for your child but you find you are able to raise money for other kids to be placed and after the smoke settles 2 things occur:

1.   It doesn’t cost a dime for treatment and
2.    You can actually reverse the flow and have a few coins end up back in your pocket to boot.

You need to always keep a level head and look for opportunity when others are panicking.  This is key and is the Hallmark of successful people.  Whenever something is going terribly bad try to think about how you can profit by it and turn it around into something good.  I have always been a firm believer that there exists a silver lining in every situation.  It is our jobs to find it and utilize it or someone else will.

As far as trying to find something scientifically proven, that is hogwash.  By the time any good set of studies are completed the treatment is outdated and people have moved on to something more "leading edge".  Hell they still cant figure out how bees fly but that doesnt prevent us from enjoying the honey.
Title: Re: Whooters' and DJ's trolling hilights
Post by: RobertBruce on September 03, 2010, 07:26:57 PM
Quote from: "Whooter"
Link to where TheWho admits he is john Reuben (http://

Quote from: "TheWho"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"
John must be too busy enSlavingTeens right now to answer.

Yes, he takes gubmint dollars (your tax dollars) and uses them to imprison youths privately at various quack-holes.

Why is that a crime? They use tax dollars for far worse things than imprisoning youths.  At least they are kept safe here.  Imagine if they were shipped overseas with private funding where people hate Americans.  You would see abuse on a whole new level. All my work stays within the confines of the US borders... no 2nd rate programs.


Here Whooter confirms his son went to his wife’s funeral. (http://
Title: Re: Whooters' and DJ's trolling hilights
Post by: psy on September 03, 2010, 07:29:03 PM
Any of you mind if I move this thread to the drama box?  Unless you really need an audience, I don't think more than three people on this forum really want to hear this stuff, and it's easy for you three to "opt in".
Title: Re: Whooters' and DJ's trolling hilights
Post by: RobertBruce on September 03, 2010, 07:33:07 PM
Move away. He's already buried himself, anytime he tries claim credibility we can easily cite any of these gems.
Title: Re: Whooters' and DJ's trolling hilights
Post by: Whooter on September 03, 2010, 07:44:26 PM
Quote from: "psy"
Any of you mind if I move this thread to the drama box?  Unless you really need an audience, I don't think more than three people on this forum really want to hear this stuff, and it's easy for you three to "opt in".

I am not sure what that is but I agree it would be nice to have one place, one thread, to hash it all out vs disrupting the forum.

Title: Re: Whooters' and DJ's trolling hilights
Post by: Whooter on September 03, 2010, 07:51:14 PM
Quote from: "Whooter"
Quote from: "psy"
Any of you mind if I move this thread to the drama box?  Unless you really need an audience, I don't think more than three people on this forum really want to hear this stuff, and it's easy for you three to "opt in".

I am not sure what that is but I agree it would be nice to have one place, one thread, to hash it all out vs disrupting the forum.


I just checked out the Drama Box and it looks fine to me if  everyone else wants to move it to one spot.  It probably makes more sense.

Title: Re: Whooters' and DJ's trolling hilights
Post by: psy on September 03, 2010, 08:30:25 PM