
General Interest => Open Free for All => Topic started by: SUCK IT on July 26, 2010, 03:19:15 PM

Title: Parents seeking advice on fornits: DON'T!
Post by: SUCK IT on July 26, 2010, 03:19:15 PM
From time to time dramas ruffle up fornits and then suddenly the threads in which drama happened fall by the wayside and things return to normal. New posters never find these drama filled threads resulting in real life damage to people, and naively ask the "advocates" here for advice, and then end up learning the hard way they should of never posted on this forum.

Take for example this thread: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=30744&start=0 (

It starts out innocent enough on July 2nd 2010. A 15 year old girl finds out she might be sent to a treatment center, and is naturally nervous and scared. The facility isn't mentioned once on this forum or in any way associated with abuse. But what do facts matter? The fornits extremists pounce, with such lovely advice as...

Pile of Dead Kids
 Your parents could send "escorts" to drag you at the middle of the night; there are a number of defenses here, but the best bet is to carry a knife and start stabbing something. (A girl protecting herself against a couple of large men? I doubt the cops will prosecute). One kid handcuffed himself to the bed and left the key in his mouth.

Well it didn't take long for the bad advice, this is from the first post! Here a fornits poster ramps up the scare tactics, saying you will most assuredly be abused and your best bet is to attempt to murder the people who might escort you to treatment. Great advice!

Then comes more advice from another poster...

If you get 'escorted', crash the vehicle. Grab the wheel and stomp the throttle and don't let him touch the brake. Make every attempt to over power them or get them in an awkward situation, such as coming on to them or play the desperate/slutty/whatever card. Programs are a living fucking hell and frankly mutilation and prison time is preferable, as would be giving road-head before crashing the vehicle.

According to this "child advocate" you should attempt to kill yourself and the driver and any other vehicle unlucky enough to be near you and attempt to crash the vehicle! Go ahead and attempt to give oral sex to the driver if it helps! Because jail is better than a treatment program with no history or record of abuse. Such great advice! Why didn't I think of that?  :eek:

Another poster offers their wisdom...

Dysfunction Junction
Understood. And thank you. Please understand that when you go on a "tour" of these places, you don't leave. I'd advise disappearing for a while before that "tour" happens. If you go, you're not coming back. That much we all know here.

Is your family of means? That is, do they have a lot of money? If not, you could potentially break the stranglehold financially. If your mom keeps taking off from work and still never getting you to go with her, she might need to give in because she can't afford to sustain the struggle financially. If she has money, this will be tougher.

Run away from home! OR better yet, act up so much that you bankrupt your own family. More great advice from fornits!!

But wait, Pile of Dead Kids has even more advice...

Pile of Dead Kids
If you're worried about making him
(the girls father) violent, make him violent. Hopefully he'll leave bruises. And then you can call the cops on *him*. That'll put this whole business to an abrupt halt.

(Dear Morgan's Dad: Yes. We do give advice like that. Do you have any fucking idea what exactly you are getting into here?)

Try to get your own father to beat you up and leave bruises. Why didn't I think of that? Such brilliant advice again from fornits. In no way does this diminish the credibility of the abuse claims here though, right?... right??!!

Page 6 of that thread Pile of Dead Kids gets serious! He offers the parents an ultimatum...

Pile of Dead Kids 03 Jul 2010, 21:52
Morgan's Mom, Morgan's Dad, here's what I want you to do. Give your daughter a nice, big hug, and tell her truthfully that she is not going to end up in some hellhole under the "care" of some stranger. And Morgan? They're your parents. At least pretend to respect them until you're 18.

Got it? Are we settled, yet? Or is this going to get ugly and into territory nobody on Fornits (well, except maybe Whooter) wants to see you get to.

Get ugly? What could this poster mean by that? Is that some sort of veiled threat? Well I'll guess we are about to find out about a week later, right?

Page 9 - Some poster called SUCK IT comes along and offers some advice...

Here is some advice based on reality. Don't run away from home.  Don't make the mistake that people here on fornits want to help you, or will ever follow through with the help that they offer, they are completely full of shit. The people here will help you destroy your life to win an argument, don't give them that chance.

What?! Poppycock! Dismiss this troll from the forum! Be-Gone with your troll like self !!

Did it work? Did fornits illustrious advice sway the parents from sending their child to treatment?

15 yr old girl
the Academy is still an option.

It didn't work, looks like fornits is going to have to work harder to convince these parents.

As expected here comes the great advice...

Pile of Dead Kids
Use a small blade, and make sure it's sharp. Don't extend your arm too far when you stab; this makes grabbing or blocking it too easy. Instead keep it close to your body, rushing in like you're about to give the "escort" a fast hug, while keeping your *other* arm in front so they can grab that instead. Only at the very end do you deliver the hit, putting your whole body into it, preferably upwards under the ribcage, and then twist the blade as hard as you can. This is called the "prison yard rush" method and is incredibly difficult to stop.

(Yes, I did just tell you how to stab someone. It's the same advice I'd give when anyone's trying to hurt you- rapist, serial killer, someone trying to you send you to a shithole, whatever.)

Murder your escort or whoever tries to take you to a treatment program. What great advice! Why aren't these parents listening to this great wisdom from fornits posters? Its befuddling!!!

----- notice not a peep about these posts by fornits regulars. they dont say "shut up pile thats bad advice" nothing. Well other than SUCK IT who repeatedly points out the stupidity of the advice.  --------

a few days pass......

15 yr old girl
Well, it's official.
Just as an update, I'll post it.
My parents have decided on the Academy.

Pile of Dead Kids
Alternatively you can take Niles' advice on the first page of this thread.

Or you could do what you can to end up in jail instead, which is a better place.

Better act fast, 15 year old girl, go murder someone and put yourself in jail!! because thats better than a treatment center with no history of abuse, right??

--- still not a peep from any  of the anti program posters about how bad this advice is. the silence is deafening ----

The scare tactics continue for a couple more days with posters like dysfunction trying to scare the 15 yr old girl with what to expect in treatment. Basically "YOU WILL BE ABUSED" "YOUR EDUCATION WILL BE WORTHLESS" type of statements, even though there is no history of it at the program that was being discussed.  Whooter steps in with some common sense, the debate rages on!

Yeah, about how Morgan is going to get screwed royally by a program which will set her back academically, fuck her up emotionally, destroy the relationship with her parents, and put her through intense stress and abuse for its duration.

Building up the irony... building it up ... .more and more...

Then on July 12th 2010, 10 days after a 15 year old originally came here for advice about being sent to treatment someone posts this....

Nihilanthic (

Who could have done such a thing?

I edited the link so it doesn't work out of respect for the family, but in the original post I quoted it linked to an entire web page dedicated to humiliating and exposing this family on a site filled with pornographic images. Their pictures with captions ridiculing them, address, phone numbers, emails, full names, employment information, facebook accounts, myspace accounts, youtube accounts, blogs and other information were posted about them. This is the internet, so when people google these family members name it will bring up this webpage, forever. The worst type of slander possible is posted on that webpage about this family, its disgusting.

How did the people who posted their most intimate details get this information? Had they been compiling information about this poor family since they first arrived, or was it since the first veiled threats began a week prior? Was it worth it, a family asking for advice on this forum thinking it was for people who "wanted to help kids", to be humiliated and threatened like this?

This is sadly typical of fornits. This will be forgotten, the threads will disappear and people might even be naive and gullible enough to take the advice of people like Pile of Dead Kids, Nihilanthic and Dysfunctional Junction seriously when they arrive. This thread is a reminder that some advice and actions are so despicable that you lose your credibility forever. No parent should ever take this site as a place offering help in any way, and they are in danger of this same fate if they do.
Title: Re: Parents seeking advice on fornits: DON'T!
Post by: jaredsmom on July 26, 2010, 03:50:17 PM
Suck It, you are right.  That thread is despicable.   The debates (for lack of better word) here are amusing, but not a reliable source of information for parents or teens considering treatment.
Title: Re: Parents seeking advice on fornits: DON'T!
Post by: T-Rex on July 26, 2010, 05:27:39 PM
Thanks Suck-IT and jaredsmom, I was just astonished by the reckless way in which some of the posters were responding. They can't be parents and if they are, what is this saying. I read a post by the poster Pile of Dead Kids, where he was congratulating the gentleman who shot his parents.
I am not naive, to just accept the marketing brochures the Programs offer on the internet. So please stop talking to us (parents) like were ignorant and are just catching up. By the time I got here (fornits) a month ago I had been studying and investigating Programs for about a year and a half.
I would just like to be involved in more constructive conversations.
Title: Re: Parents seeking advice on fornits: DON'T!
Post by: Oscar on July 26, 2010, 06:45:17 PM
What did take place was uncalled for. It was really sad because it did properly convince the parents to throw the future of their daugher away. One of volunteers researched the place and among the alumnis they complain that they were not prepared for a another career than a housewife. The girl had plans for her future and this school does not support them. She would have been better suited in a normal boarding school.

More about residential treatment in general. Here in Denmark we are in the middle of what is going to be a massive move away from using residential programs to wrap-around solutions in the local communities.

Never before has the social services removed so many children from residential programs as they have done this year. There was a lot of protests from the people running these facilities, but all their warnings turned out to be without reason. The local communities can deal with these children if they accept that they need to step up and secure that the community is safe. It means that they need to be observant and take part in what is going on. The number of Night owls (http:// have never been greater.

Residential treatment is expensive. It is social unfair because it often leaves the poor with no options but juvenile detention. It demands a huge amount of aftercare if it shall be efficient - aftercare which is often neglected because there was no overall plan from the very start - it was done out of panic. All too often we can read about cases in our newspapers where the youth ends up with no support because it was an administrative decision to place the child in residential settings and it becomes an administrative decision to kick the child out on the streets once a new case worker takes over the then adult young person.

We have publicly made a statement (http:// where we denounced the attacks on the parents. We have decided to spread out our activities and to other message boards. We will still be updating the wiki here but it will only be a minor part of our activities which will be seen here.
Title: Re: Parents seeking advice on fornits: DON'T!
Post by: Dr. Acula on July 26, 2010, 07:11:22 PM
Title: Re: Parents seeking advice on fornits: DON'T!
Post by: SUCK IT on July 26, 2010, 08:02:00 PM
Does anyone know how the people who posted the webpage about this family got the information in the first place?

Everyone should think what type of person is going to spend the amount of time and effort it takes to research the large amount of personal information published on the webpage. It must of taken days to find that information, however that was done, and then reposted onto a webpage like that. It contained a lot personal information and pictures and I think everyone on fornits who values their own privacy should ask how that information was retrieved. Did people behind the scenes on fornits with personal information help them?

People should ask questions when people's personal information is compromised like this. It makes this seem like a website full of hackers, all the more reason for families to seek information elsewhere, namely from professional consultants or people who been through treatment and their parents.