
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones => Topic started by: Loli on June 09, 2010, 01:32:27 PM

Title: Article by Rudy Bentz
Post by: Loli on June 09, 2010, 01:32:27 PM ... only-widen (
Title: Re: Article by Rudy Bentz
Post by: Pile of Dead Kids on June 10, 2010, 03:23:37 PM
Holy fuck, somebody actually published that schizophrenic babble?
Title: Our civil split will only widen
Post by: Ursus on June 10, 2010, 03:47:47 PM
Santa Fe New Mexican
Our civil split will only widen (http://
Rudy Bentz, Ed. D.
Posted: Saturday, October 17, 2009 - 10/18/09

We have begun our second civil war. The first volley — a war of words and ideas, of rants and discourse offered by self-proclaimed pundits and posturing politicians, by leaders and lunatics — rattled the air this past summer. It continues and intensifies.

Tea parties more like war parties and sundry town-hall meetings more like barroom brawls offered ample opportunities for the ignorant and the sagacious to mingle and mangle. Men openly carried loaded weapons along with signs declaring that The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

This, according to the rule of law, is their right and a clear notion of the new life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Include here, as well, the new understanding of democracy: all for none, and none for all. In the end, no one owned the tree or the prophesied blood. But the lot of it took direct aim at the Fort Sumter of our day: the White House and the black man who lives there.

So, under the cover of my white skin and laissez-faire education, I will say this: Before the year is out, the volley of words, gestures and banners will become a volley of lead, fire and blood. That forlorn tree to which many boldly and blindly approach, will be nourished, indeed, by squandered innocence, dreams eternally deferred, and birthrights buried forever. That old rugged cross, made from that old glorious blood, is rotting away.

Christ, an early patriot and noteworthy liberator, spilled his life's blood into a chalice of promise. Now, a mandated tyrant — Citizen Christ — offers his blood once again, but in the name of neochristian existentialism. This present tyranny is against the blood of humankind. Mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, neighbors and friends have become imprisoned in the virtual world of cable-vision civility and enraptured by the pious lies preached by Citizen Christ.

American culture is devoid of spirit. There is a primordial knowing of purpose missing in Western worship — a feral spirit. Where, for example, is the spontaneous expression of daily spiritual practice? Where is the untamed reverence for what simply is? The spirit in the contemporary neochristian home is contrived. That primordial soul we once commonly shared surrounded us like blood flowing through the air.

We breathed the scent of sweet sex rising from our innocent flesh and naked spirit copulating into eternity. When satiated, we willingly prayed. We gratefully ate the dirt that surrounded us, took in its color and life and left behind our human offerings — our dung, our semen, our umbilical cords, our bodies — that call spirit to the place like grinding stones milling the sands and seeds and souls, and setting free the dust that settles upon that divine source of place.

As the battles unfold, we find an ancient and angry god, tormented by his irrelevant and fabricated offspring who, in some form or fashion, is left to rescue all from spiritual confusion, chaos and corruption. He, the son of all and the all of nothing, is paradoxically poised to return some day soon and save certain citizenship from sanctified frauds, fabricated spiritualities and counterfeit copies of hope.

A divine duplicity worshipped by a mortal singularity. Lining up on the other side of the field of confrontation are those who pronounce that his mendacious piety, sanctified sedition, credo of intolerance, and a supranational faith-based practice that rejects spiritual depth and diversity on its face is simply unacceptable. Citizen Christ, this national guard declares, is here by aborted.

We, not god, are dead.

Santa Fean Rudy Bentz, Ed. D., an educator for 35 years, continues to teach and develop academic and therapeutic curricula.

©2009, The Santa Fe New Mexican and MediaSpan
Title: Re: Article by Rudy Bentz
Post by: Rugby Punk on July 09, 2010, 12:27:22 AM
Maybe a little psychotic, maybe mostly shock value. Not being under his spell anymore gives better perspective that he really was a pathetic,egotistical shell. He spouted this stuff all the time at houses around the pit to get us to rivet our big terrified eyes on his little beady ones. He thrived on the attention. Did he believe what came out of his own mouth?  ...maybe a little, but I think he was pretty much a blowhard and he just liked to hear himself and make solid his cult of personality sphere, again, a very pathetic limited sphere. It's harder to recognize because he's trying to throw in all this literary prose in this letter to get the attention of the 'adults' and not the kids. He wants to be accepted as one of the witty intelligentsia, but he should know that he never will be.
One of our final 'school' projects in a Cedu farce of an English class was to critique pages of this drivel. On the day we turned in our critiques, Rudy revealed that he wrote the short story and respected us as adults to help him critique this great piece of his. Total EGO.
Total S#@T.
Title: Re: Article by Rudy Bentz
Post by: Son Of Serbia on September 21, 2010, 04:05:45 PM
I know this is an old thread - but honestly I still can't believe anyone could take
a sadist like Rudy Bentz seriously, let alone waste space printing what this freak
has to say.

I've heard Rudy explain how he ran over a man and killed him while drunk
driving. I heard Rudy describe in detail how he used to fill a small milk carton with
raw chicken livers, stick his dick in the hole, and then fuck the thing until
the carton fell apart in his hands.  I watched Rudy (then in his 40's) groping 15 year
old girls at Cedu on a daily basis.  I saw Rudy call the entire "houses attention"
(everyone at cedu) and then he proceded to read off a list of adolescent cedu boys
who he "knew" had the smallest dicks.  Rudy Bentz is a bad person (if he even qualifies
as a person), make no mistake about it.

I watched that piece of shit bully, intimidate, demean, and humiliate kids day in and day
out for 18 months. Rudy would stand inches from a kids face, screaming & spitting all
over them.  The man had absolutely no respect for anyone else's personal boundaries.  He
was a self-centered, egotistical, arrogant, know-it-all fuck, and apparantly he felt fully entitled to treat other human beings (notably children) like dumb animals, actually even
worse than that.

One time when we were alone in the library, Rudy actually tried to manhandle me
because I was refusing to report to my "work assignment".  That didn't work out
too well for Rudy, I slammed him into a bookshelf and he backed the fuck off real
quick.  Ultimately, I ended up on a full time for doing that (and some other things
too).  Still, I enjoyed myself - my only regret is that I didn't really cut loose on Rudy
when I had the chance, and beat him into a bloody pulp.  Seriously, I was only 14
at the time - legally not even responsible for my actions, so I doubt they could've
put me in Juvie more than 6 months for that.  And since Rudy attacked me first,
maybe I could've even gotten off. It would've totally been worth it.  Oh well, I
digress on what could've been.

I could go on & on about what a monster Rudy Bentz is.  How he's completely devoid
of character, any sense of decency, and humanity what-so-ever. Rudy's a fucking
psycho and he has no place being near anyone's children.  Thank God at least that
he has no off-spring of his own.  I am comforted by this fact that Rudy's personal
legacy of cruelty ends with him.
Title: Re: Article by Rudy Bentz
Post by: Loli on September 21, 2010, 04:56:54 PM
RB was nice to me because I was a girl. And split before I got to Source - thank you Jesus.  But I remember the stuff you speak of... Still kills me he now resides in Santa Fe.  I lived there for a period and am sentimental toward it. Jill is an artist there.  (But come on Serb, did you mind when she grabbed your ass? Ha!)
Title: Re: Article by Rudy Bentz
Post by: Son Of Serbia on September 22, 2010, 08:50:04 AM
Quote from: "Loli"
Jill is an artist there.  (But come on Serb, did you mind when she grabbed your ass? Ha!)

Truthfully, yes and no.  I do admit that sometimes it turned me on, especially since after months & months & months of no sex - I was happy with anything I could get.  However, I never found Jill  to be particularly attractive - I know there were other guys at Cedu who did,
I guess we all have our own specific standards of beauty.  Also, I felt weird about being fondled by a woman who is older than my own mother.  To some extent I enjoyed Jill grabbing my ass, but to that same extent I was really creeped out by it.
Title: Re: Article by Rudy Bentz
Post by: Loli on September 22, 2010, 03:49:44 PM
Hell, I sure as well would want her to stay away form my son.  But it is a boundary issue for sure, especially in a supposedly "therapeutic" setting.