
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => The Troubled Teen Industry => Topic started by: SUCK IT on May 24, 2010, 02:22:23 PM

Title: Is it right to wish people to die a painful cancer death?
Post by: SUCK IT on May 24, 2010, 02:22:23 PM
Is it appropriate for someone to wish for people to die of cancer because they have differing opinions on where to treat troubled youth?
What does it say about the person who makes these morbid wishes upon people they do not know?

Quote from: "psy"
Quote from: "Oscar"
And how is Mr. Kay doing? He must back in the States right now dealing with the little thing he has in his stomach.

Please let it be inoperable terminal cancer.

Quote from: "psy"
As for TheWho... I hope he gets cancer, or something very very painful ( i do, truly feel that way ) for all the harm he has done, is doign, and will unfortunately continue to do elsewhere, but he will not do it here anymore and have an easy time of it.

Quote from: "psy"

Go fuck yourself Sue.  Did you not watch that video?  You can't just leave.  I've explained why a hundred times before.  Go push your shit somewhere else.  I truly hope you die in a very, very painful manner.  Cancer, preferably.

Quote from: "Psy"
You seem to have been around here a while to remember the cancer comments (which I did make and do not regret or retract)

What do you think? Is this appropriate behavior for someone who wishes to remain credible in this debate?[/size]
Title: Re: appropriate to wish for people to die a painful cancer d
Post by: alcoholics anonymous on May 24, 2010, 02:24:52 PM
Kill Kill Kill  :suicide:
Title: Re: Is it right to wish people to die a painful cancer death
Post by: Anne Bonney on May 24, 2010, 02:40:28 PM
Is it right to wish people to die a painful cancer death?

Depends on who we're talking about.
Title: Re: Is it right to wish people to die a painful cancer death
Post by: alcoholics anonymous on May 24, 2010, 02:47:35 PM
Danny Bennison?  He did work at ELAN and torture children.
Title: Re: Is it right to wish people to die a painful cancer death
Post by: psy on May 24, 2010, 03:40:58 PM
I think it's perfectly reasonable to wish a person who has hurt and continues to hurt children a painful death.  It's not up to me to make sure such things happen but if you believe in a god or karma or even random chance...  Ken Kay certainly deserves what he's got.  He's defended sexual relations between minors and programs staff.  He's described duct tape as an appropriate punishment.  His organization has run some of the most horrifying programs in the world.  If he's not held accountable by the law, I certainly hope god, if there is a god, makes him suffer for what he has done. That's all I'll say on this.
Title: Re: Is it right to wish people to die a painful cancer death
Post by: SUCK IT on May 24, 2010, 03:53:31 PM
Quote from: "psy"
I think it's perfectly reasonable to wish a person who has hurt and continues to hurt children a painful death.  It's not up to me to make sure such things happen but if you believe in a god or karma or even random chance...  Ken Kay certainly deserves what he's got.  He's defended sexual relations between minors and programs staff.  He's described duct tape as an appropriate punishment.  His organization has run some of the most horrifying programs in the world.  If he's not held accountable by the law, I certainly hope god, if there is a god, makes him suffer for what he has done. That's all I'll say on this.

What about Whooter? What has he done, exactly, to deserve this wish of a painful death sentence? Or the other person you wished a painful cancer death on, what exactly did they do, that in your judgement, would deserve them a painful death sentence?
Title: Re: Is it right to wish people to die a painful cancer death
Post by: alcoholics anonymous on May 24, 2010, 04:05:00 PM
What about Whooter? What has he done, exactly, to deserve this wish of a painful death sentence? Or the other person you wished a painful cancer death on, what exactly did they do, that in your judgement, would deserve them a painful death sentence?

You punks back off Whootie god dammit!  Him and I go way back in the day sippin on crazy horse.
Title: Re: Is it right to wish people to die a painful cancer death
Post by: Anne Bonney on May 24, 2010, 04:22:56 PM
Unless some magical powers have been bestowed upon us recently, a wish is not the same as a death sentence.

And some people deserve death.  Priests and other kiddie diddlers who raped little ones for years and years, for instance.  Miller Newton, for another.
Title: elowell.. too funny
Post by: try another castle on May 25, 2010, 06:25:36 AM
Is it right to wish people to die a painful cancer death?

Is this a serious question? Or just rabble rousing and general, whiny butthurt?

I'm curious, what country do you live in where it's wrong to have thoughts? Whatever country that is, you'd better get off the intertubes quick before they find you and throw you in that concrete lock-box with all of the other Bad People.

If someone wishes that a huge pointy mallard crushes me to death and then gives me teh AIDS, even though he's already crushed me and it shouldn't matter, then that's their fucking right. If they want to say so on some fucktarded forum, fine. If I have a problem with it, tough titties, it's not my wish. I have my own hypothetical genie, so I can just wish that the duck misses me, apologizes profusely for almost killing me, and then he buys me rocky road ice cream. He can still give me AIDS though.

Butthurt = sworn enemy of free speech and lulz.