
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => The Seed Discussion Forum => Topic started by: vancouver on August 26, 2009, 06:50:33 PM

Title: LYBBI -- why don't you come clean?
Post by: vancouver on August 26, 2009, 06:50:33 PM
and tell everybody that your contact info is dated -- that you and the hubby split -- that you aren't "2honeybears" anymore -- prob couldn't stand ea other any longer -- that you moved out of the house -- that the house is up for sale -- that your life is over as you knew it -- and that you might actually have to work for a living -- fess up -- don't you get tired of lying low and hiding out all the time?
Title: Re: LYBBI -- why don't you come clean?
Post by: Antigen on August 27, 2009, 12:03:29 AM
My guess? Cause she's only now just starting to figure it all out. And she's older than me and been entirely invested for comin on 4 decades now. I can't imagine. I don't envy her a bit.
Title: Re: LYBBI -- why don't you come clean?
Post by: Anonymous on August 27, 2009, 07:03:01 AM
that contact info. is current.

regardless if the house is being sold.

i called her on the phone, and she freaked out!

fear is a great thing...


The voice on the answering machine was changed immediately. I mean quicker than a seedling can shout - I FUCKING HATE YOU BARFER!
Title: Re: LYBBI -- why don't you come clean?
Post by: Anonymous on August 27, 2009, 12:50:48 PM
How do you know its for sale ? I couldn't find anything on it...

By the way Stack your a Dick...& a small one at that...  Quit stalking little women.  Oh Yeah your a big tough guy while in Japan.   Sayonara asshole.  Leave her alone & at least pick on a woman your own size.
Title: Re: LYBBI -- why don't you come clean?
Post by: Anonymous on August 27, 2009, 03:23:32 PM
stalks himself…again.
Title: Re: LYBBI -- why don't you come clean?
Post by: susan on August 27, 2009, 05:25:05 PM
Quote from: "Guest"
How do you know its for sale ? I couldn't find anything on it...

By the way Stack your a Dick...& a small one at that...  Quit stalking little women.  Oh Yeah your a big tough guy while in Japan.   Sayonara asshole.  Leave her alone & at least pick on a woman your own size.
                                         Yea, let me pick at her ugly ass for awhile. I think it is grand that all know her stupid situation. What goes around comes around, her turn is my turn. I hope she finds a nice ramp near a1a, I will throw her a bone every now and then. Could not happen to a better soul. ahahahahahhhahah, the wicked witch is dead!   Any one need a Captain, hee hee.  :bump:  :flip:  :rose:
Title: Re: LYBBI -- why don't you come clean?
Post by: Antigen on August 28, 2009, 01:00:44 AM
Libbi, I know you were only 16 when they got you. And you bought in hook, line and sinker for most of the time this life gave you. I don't really blame you any more or less than I have feare you. But I have feared you a LOT! You don't even know!

When I was a little kid, I went along cause, by definition, whatever happens to and around a little kid is 'normal'. When I approached adolescence, I started to get an inkling and was scared to death. I didn't understand just what had happened to my older sibs and all of their friends and my parents but I was damned sure certain that I didn't want it to happen to me! When I reached adolescence and was actually depressed and hostile, I feared for my mental life every fucking Friday passing all those Norfolk Island pines on SR 84 headed toward the Seed building. Every single Friday I was scared shitless that this time when you looked into my eyes and assessed my clothes, this time you would tell my bat-shit crazy mother what she was longing to hear--that I was finally a "druggie in need of treatment" and she wouldn't have to bother taking me home.

And I wasn't even on your front row. I was only a younger sib, the chiclet, sitting on the parents' side.

I have a suggestion for you. Next time one of your benefactors calls out of the blue don't freak out and worry about what they may want from (or to do to) you. Just apologize. Even if you haven't quite figured out what you have to apologize for, just try it. You know you draw more flies  with honey than vinegar and you might just get some insight besides if you just try.

All the best,
Title: Re: LYBBI -- why don't you come clean?
Post by: Anonymous on August 28, 2009, 01:32:37 AM
i thought she was 18.
Title: Re: LYBBI -- why don't you come clean?
Post by: Antigen on August 28, 2009, 02:20:39 AM
Not as I recall
Title: Re: LYBBI -- why don't you come clean?
Post by: Anonymous on August 28, 2009, 05:54:22 AM
Revenge is foolish, because it attempts to address the past. Justice is different because it addresses the present  and the future.
Title: Re: LYBBI -- why don't you come clean?
Post by: Anonymous on August 28, 2009, 08:39:50 AM
libby, or lybbie, whatever the fucking current trend is for stupid name spelling -- was an egotistical asshole that saw an opportunity to jump in and suck up as much as she could. part of that was sucking barfer's dick.

and nobody seems to grasp how really sick that is, that she was "adopted" by barfer, who was married, and fucking him!!!


she definitely stole my sister's clothes. that is a fact. what kind of asshole steals from kids?

oh, that's right libbee!!! that kind of asshole.

uh, nazi's. they stole from kids. put 'em in gulag camps too!

she's lucky i live half a world away from her.

i'd shit on her front porch daily if i lived within 100 miles of her.

fuck that bitch. she deserves as much sympathy as eva braun.


antigen -- my younger sister was in the same situation you were in. she greatly feared the seed and was dragged their all the time with my - definitely insane mother, as the time.

she was 11, but our cousin was "incarcerated" at the seed and she was only 9!

my little sister, was used by the seed for slave labor, and made hundreds of peanut butter sandwiches, and to this day HATES, even the smell of peanut butter.

i personally would love to wrap libbee and barfer in peanut butter, and fiberglass insulation, and coat her fucking head in cheap putrid grape jelly.

and let that so. fl. sun bake her until she was covered in sun blisters.

i'd break the fucking blisters, and let her soak up some more sun! about a months worth! at least!!!

i'd then wad up fucking cheap shit white bread, soak it in purple koolaid, let 'em sun dry, and spend several days bombarding them with it.

i'd love to see, both of their flesh filled up with gaping cuts, and bruises.

a few kicks, and a few hundred pool cue beatings would add a nice touch to it.

and i don't mean maybee.

fuck the bitch.

she lives in fear.

and i know that for certain.

maybe i'll post the several emails i have sent her.

picking on an old woman?



i'd push her down 20 flights of stairs, after her hip replacement surgery! and i mean IMMEDIATELY after.
Title: Re: LYBBI -- why don't you come clean?
Post by: Anonymous on August 28, 2009, 09:15:05 AM
Ditto, lol :roflmao:
Title: Re: LYBBI -- why don't you come clean?
Post by: Anonymous on August 28, 2009, 11:41:49 AM
Quote from: "Antigen"
Not as I recall
                                                                 How many years did she stay on in that shit hole, seems she loved it till up to now. lol
Title: Re: LYBBI -- why don't you come clean?
Post by: Anonymous on August 28, 2009, 12:35:36 PM
is it libby libby libby who's disable able abled.
Title: Re: LYBBI -- why don't you come clean?
Post by: Anonymous on August 28, 2009, 01:00:00 PM