
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => The Troubled Teen Industry => Topic started by: Che Gookin on May 16, 2009, 11:16:54 AM

Title: Proficio
Post by: Che Gookin on May 16, 2009, 11:16:54 AM
Let me tell you all a little story about a shitpit named Change Academy Lake of the Ozarks. It is owned by what appears to be another consortium of Mormon abusers. WWASP it seems isn't the only game in town. In fact if you examine Change Academy you'll see a direct link in staff running right from WWASP to CALO. That will come in a moment..

I present to you Proficio:

http:// Oh talk to me my children and speak to me of the relavence of Island View!
http:// What, the director of this place worked at Provo Canyon once upon a time? Isn't Provo Canyon a WWASP school owned by a bunch of Mormon abusers?

Oh wait it is..

This is what I've been able to decipher so far:

1) Change Academy Lake of the Ozark is owned by what appears to be another cabal of Mormons. They can be compared to the cretins that own and operate WWASP.

2) Early reports indicate that Change Academy utilizes pressure point holds that inflict a great deal of pain upon the residents. A report from inside the wire indicates that a recent pressure point hold went on for nearly an hour.

3) Change Academy Lake of the Ozarks is staffed by former employees of West Ridge Academy, Provo Canyon, and Hidden Lake Academy. For more information on this visit the Calo staff page and examine the biographies of the first three staff members. What is important to remember is that these schools all have reports of abuse.

We all remember Nicole don't we? Is she not the one who was so deeply involved with HLA and the lawsuit? Actually, isn't she the one who sent out that email that blew that Clark (can't remember his last name) released?

Sucks to be you Nicole as you should treat your underlings better. Apparently they don't like being treated like shit by you and your flunky Ken.

I will release the rest of the documents as time allows, but for now the 1st 19 pages of the staff manual is up on the forums. The rest will be posted over the next few days along with some of their suicide interventions.

ALL current and former staff are asked to send me documents to provide a case against CALO. With your help we can drive the likes of Nicole and Ken into some sort of stress tizzy that makes their kool aid addled brains explode.
Title: Re: Proficio
Post by: Che Gookin on May 16, 2009, 12:26:18 PM

Staff Manual and such for CALO
Title: Re: Proficio
Post by: Che Gookin on May 16, 2009, 12:27:15 PM

West Ridge Academy
Title: Re: Proficio
Post by: Che Gookin on May 16, 2009, 12:54:15 PM
Ken Huey, the current administrator of CALO, previously worked at both West Ridge and Provo Canyon. From what I can see West Ridge is not owned by Proficio, but the link is posted to provide more background on Ken Huey's past history.
Title: Re: Proficio
Post by: Che Gookin on May 16, 2009, 01:26:10 PM
Well turns out I am wrong.. There is some sort of connection with West Ridge and Proficio. If you look at proficio's website you'll see a small notice saying, "Proficio Supported by West Ridge Academy".

Now ain't that a thang?

ps.. bottom left hand corner..
Title: Renovo Academy
Post by: Anonymous on May 17, 2009, 01:14:00 PM
Shitpit:  Renovo Boys Academy of Missouri
Catch phrase: "Helping Families and Young Men, before it's too late"

Is this a thinly-veiled homosexual rehab scam or a haven for teen sex offenders with families rich enough to buy them out of Juvenile Justice like that kid who went to PV after raping a prostitute.
Title: Re: Proficio
Post by: FemanonFatal2.0 on May 17, 2009, 09:21:34 PM
WWASP is a fucking Hydra. you cut off one head and another springs up.

I really think the only way to stop this is to have past and present crimes brought against each administrator or offending staff members known to WWASP and have them barred from ever working with children again.

otherwise these people will be able to continue to parade around claiming to be professionals and the only ones who will know the difference will be the victims of their malpractice and cruelty!
Title: Re: Proficio
Post by: Che Gookin on May 18, 2009, 01:20:03 AM
Keep in mind that this company is not an offshoot of WWASP. I'm guessing that there is a certain amount of socializing between various Mormon groups and news gets around about different programs.
Title: Re: Proficio
Post by: Ursus on June 14, 2009, 11:31:27 PM
This may help round out the picture a bit...

-------------- • -------------- • --------------

Breaking News
Posted: Jan 19, 2008

Proficio Management, Inc.
West Jordan, UT

DeLaMare Moves To Proficio (http://

Kimball DeLaMare, LCSW
Vice President
801-349-2655 ( Randy Oakley and his crew have combined classic elements of wilderness therapy with intense, week-long adventures ranging from climbing and rappelling to mountain biking and river running. This is accomplished at an extremely competitive price with extensive live family work during the course of treatment.[/list]
CALO (Change Academy Lake of the Ozarks) - an innovative specialty residential program serving youth who may struggle with issues of emotional regulation, attachment, and trauma ( ( Dr Ken Huey, along with his veteran clinical team, have pioneered a blend of best practice standards, work with golden retrievers, robust water and land adventures, and personalized treatment to help this challenging population.[/list]
Renovo Boys Academy of Missouri - Renovo ( ( is led by Brian Allred, LCSW, who has over ten years of focused work with young men who have a history of sexual problems. Brian and his staff provide proven intervention in a beautiful, home-like setting outside of St. Louis, Missouri. Renovo serves up to twelve youth, some of whom may receive treatment as an alternative to the justice system. All Renovo students benefit from interventions engineered to mitigate problematic behaviors and build positive coping skills.[/list]

I hope to be an additional resource to amplify the good work done in these programs. In the coming months, Proficio looks forward to developing in-home services for youth as a possible alternative to out-of-home placement as well as developing other services while collaborating with many of you to help serve youth and families who may be entrusted to our care.

Copyright © 2009, Woodbury Reports, Inc.
Title: Re: Proficio
Post by: Ursus on June 15, 2009, 01:26:35 AM
Breaking News
Posted: Mar 19, 2008

West Jordan, UT

Aspiro Purchased By Current Management Team (http://

Contact for Proficio:
Paul Watson
[email protected] (http://mailto:[email protected])

March 17, 2008

Proficio Management, Inc. and Aspiro Inc. are pleased to jointly announce the acquisition of Aspiro, Inc. as of Friday, 14 March, 2008 by Aspiro's current leadership team and clinicians. The purchase, in which the entire executive team and all Aspiro clinicians participated, will ensure continued delivery of high quality services to troubled youth and families in an innovative format for years to come.

Proficio formed and founded Aspiro with Randy Oakley in April of 2006. The sale by Proficio to the leadership team of Aspiro allows Proficio to focus on other exciting ventures while enabling the Aspiro Team the flexibility that direct ownership provides to ensure quality, manage growth, and effectively respond to client needs.

According to Randy Oakley, CEO and founder of Aspiro, "Proficio created an employee friendly company and has provided leadership, expertise, and vision. Proficio enabled Aspiro management to conduct Aspiro's business as they saw fit. By managing the accounting, legal, and technology operations during our formative years, we were free to focus on what we did best, and that is creating and operating an amazing new Therapeutic High Adventure model, and changing the lives of kids and families."

Proficio will continue to focus its efforts on helping kids through the ongoing operation of its other, rapidly growing companies including, Change Academy at Lake of the Ozarks (CALO), Renovo and has other programs in various stages of creation.

"Our Primary vision in creating these programs has been, and continues to be, to provide quality services to young people and their families. This, in turn, provides meaningful opportunities for management and career growth for our dedicated employees. We are excited that Aspiro's entire management team and clinical staff are involved in this buyout and that they plan to work together as a unified team for years to come" states Kimball DeLaMare, a Principle of Proficio Management.

Brian Church, Vice President and Director of Business Development at Aspiro indicates that "it is one thing to get the buyout completed - it is quite another to keep your entire team excited and focused through it all. We are looking forward to continuing the growth of Aspiro and fulfilling the dream of its creation."

The transition of ownership will occur in a spirit of cooperation. Students, families and consultants will see no difference in admissions procedures, programming, costs, or location. We look forward to working together to meet the needs of our consultant's, families and Students.

Copyright © 2009, Woodbury Reports, Inc.
Title: Who is Proficio Management?
Post by: Ursus on July 17, 2009, 04:05:09 PM
Who is Proficio Management? (http://

Kenneth R. Allen, CEO
MBA—University of Utah; BS, Civil Engineering — University of Utah; 20 years experience executive management, sales and services; worldwide vice president of channel development for BEA Systems; co-founder and president of Leader Group, Inc., (software and services); key management, sales and engineering positions for Sybase, Hewlett-Packard and Xerox; private investor, business consultant and coach.

Paul D. Watson, President/COO
MBA - Summa Cumme Laude, BSU, Finance, BS, Cumme Laude - WSU, Computer Science. 20 years experience in International business, large technology and communications architecture, applications and systems development. M&A and IPO experience, multiple opportunities as Executive, CFO / CIO for startups as well as $1B+ corporations. Unique blend of investment strategy, finance, technology and operational execution experience. Father of eight children and five grandchildren.

Daniel E. Griffiths, CFO
Master of Accountancy--Brigham Young University; BS in Accounting; active member of the Pronet Council of the Utah Association of Certified Public Accountants; experience as an auditor at two Utah CPA firms; specialized in accounting for public and private for-profit enterprises and non-profit corporations and consulting related to the design and operation of internal controls.

W. Kimball DeLaMare, L.C.S.W., Vice President
As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over twenty years of successful practice working with troubled adolescents and their families, Kimball has helped develop and oversee several treatment programs including group homes, residential treatment centers and community based services. His recent work as a cofounder of a nationally recognized treatment center coupled with his role as the founding Board President of the National Association of Therapeutic Schools and Programs (NATSAP) has allowed him to become well versed in a variety of treatment approaches, administrative strategies and regulatory processes. Mr. DeLaMare's creative programming has been incorporated in several adolescent programs throughout the country.  He currently serves as a member of the Youth Advisory Council for the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organization which helps develop national standards of care for youth care programs.   Kimball is the proud father of three and recently welcomed his first grandchild (cute, chubby-cheeked girl!).
Title: Re: Proficio
Post by: Anonymous on July 17, 2009, 04:23:14 PM
3) Change Academy Lake of the Ozarks is staffed by former employees of West Ridge Academy, Provo Canyon, and Hidden Lake Academy. For more information on this visit the Calo staff page and examine the biographies of the first three staff members. What is important to remember is that these schools all have reports of abuse.

viewtopic.php?f=9&t=27810 (
Title: Re: Proficio
Post by: Ursus on July 17, 2009, 04:24:06 PM
...I thought I recognized this guy from a few West Ridge YouTube clips. In fact, Proficio CEO Kenneth Allen is also the Director of West Ridge Academy. This quite pertinent fact about his work history seems to have been omitted from his Proficio bio (http:// I wonder why...
Title: Re: Proficio
Post by: Anonymous on July 17, 2009, 04:50:08 PM
Can't let those nice parents paying big bucks for CALO's "therapeutic opportunities" think that ... MAYBE, just MAYBE ... the same basic methods used on *their* kids are the same basic methods used on the riff-raff at West Ridge Academy, eh?
Title: Re: Proficio
Post by: Ursus on July 17, 2009, 05:14:27 PM
Lols... Did a little more checking... It appears that Proficio's President/COO Paul Watson and CFO Daniel E. Griffiths are also key players (http:// at West Ridge Academy.

Bottom left hand corner of Proficio's homepage (http://, in big letters (including relevant link):

Proficio is supported by:
West Ridge Academy

This would appear to be the understatement of the century.

See also: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=28003 (
Title: Re: Proficio
Post by: Anonymous on July 18, 2009, 12:36:10 AM
What Your Child May Do

Typically your child will be uncomfortable or in denial as to the reasons he/she is here. He/she may try several types of manipulation to get your attention and to help himself/herself cope. Usually, these are the same manipulative or coping behaviors he/she used with you in the past. It is our goal to change those negative behaviors so your child can function appropriately in society. You may see the following attempts at manipulation:


    * Triangulation/Splitting. Example: Your child gets you alone and tells you about the mean things staff members are saying to him/her.

      This is where your child will try to split one parent against the therapist or the other parent to get his/her way. The child's goal is to dismantle those who are holding him/her accountable for his/her actions. Your child may even say, "Don't tell the therapist because I will get into trouble." The more united we are, the more effective the treatment and program will be.

    * Fear Factor. Example: "All my roommates are drug addicts or gay." "I am not as bad as everyone else here." "The staff beats up the students." "The food isn't nutritious." "The school isn't very good." This is probably the most subtle and commonly used tool. If your child uses this technique, his/her goal is to split us. Your child is playing upon your fears to attempt to change the outcome. Your child wants West Ridge Academy to become the bad guy. If you have concerns, please check them out with your therapist in a way that continues to support the therapy we are doing. Fears are normal but usually based on false evidence. Never let your child see you challenge staff or West Ridge as a whole. Always bring your concerns to us outside of your child's presence.

wtf??  this is posted on the West Ridge website
Title: Re: Proficio
Post by: Anonymous on July 18, 2009, 01:01:23 AM
* Fear Factor. Example: "All my roommates are drug addicts or gay." "I am not as bad as everyone else here." "The staff beats up the students." "The food isn't nutritious." "The school isn't very good." This is probably the most subtle and commonly used tool. If your child uses this technique, his/her goal is to split us. Your child is playing upon your fears to attempt to change the outcome. Your child wants West Ridge Academy to become the bad guy. If you have concerns, please check them out with your therapist in a way that continues to support the therapy we are doing. Fears are normal but usually based on false evidence. Never let your child see you challenge staff or West Ridge as a whole. Always bring your concerns to us outside of your child's presence.

Translation = Homosexuals  are the enemy and evil human beings.  

Senator Buttars  :fuckoff:
Title: Re: Proficio
Post by: Anonymous on July 18, 2009, 09:35:36 AM
Kimball DeLaMare, LCSW
Vice President

       Is this the same Kim DeLaMare associated with Miller Newton and Kids in the 1980's who trained in  New Jersey and then opened the Kids satellite in Utah?
Title: Kimball DeLaMere and KIDS of Greater Salt Lake
Post by: Ursus on July 18, 2009, 11:13:53 AM
Quote from: "interested observer"
Kimball DeLaMare, LCSW
Vice President

       Is this the same Kim DeLaMare associated with Miller Newton and Kids in the 1980's who trained in  New Jersey and then opened the Kids satellite in Utah?

I would say yes. I am still looking for something which actually links KIDS of Salt Lake City and his more recent work within the same document, but haven't found that yet.

DeLaMare claims to have worked with "troubled youth" since 1979. He would appear to be some kind of a "start-up guy": starts up programs, hands over the reigns to someone else, and then goes on to start up more programs. The following are all undeniably interlinked (I'm sure there are quite a few more):

Title: Re. Kimball DeLaMare and KIDS of Greater Salt Lake
Post by: Ursus on July 18, 2009, 01:12:34 PM
Here's an old newspaper article from the Free Lance-Star (vol. 105, no. 263) out of Fredericksburg, Virginia.

Aside from the Kimball DeLaMare issue, there are a couple other items of interest, namely:

least one other Utah program/director familiar with Miller Newton's version of Straight methodology, i.e., Proctor Advocate/Layne Meacham. Newton must have had quite a sideline of training future program directors![/list]

-------------- • -------------- • --------------

WED. Nov. 8, 1989
The Free Lance-Star
'Tough love' may be child abuse (http://
By Mike Carter
Associated Press Writer

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Matt Woolston's five weeks of drug treatment were spent mostly in a windowless room on a blue plastic chair.

"They wouldn't let you lean back. You had to sit forward with your back straight," often for up to 15 hours at a time, six days a week, and "rap" about personal problems, he said. He didn't see the sun for days at a time.

Woolston, 20, was held for 38 days after his parents placed him in KIDS of Greater Salt Lake, a drug and alcohol treatment program. He said he was coerced into going and was rescued only after friends followed a van heading to the "host home" where he was being held and called police.

Woolston's 19-year-old sister, Jennifer, has filed a $6.5 million lawsuit against KIDS, claiming she was held against her will. She says she escaped once by climbing down knotted bedsheets, was returned by her parents and a man with a badge who claimed to be a policeman, and broke an arm and a leg in a second attempt.

Police are investigating allegations of false imprisonment, unlawful detention and assault. The allegations are similar to those that closed KIDS of Southern California and KIDS of El Paso, Texas, earlier this year.

W. Kimball DeLaMare, director of the Utah KIDS, acknowledges that treatment can be severe. But so are the ravages of compulsive behavior, he says.

"We're not in the business to make money. We invite people to come in here. Our motive is to help kids get straight and live successful lives and develop coping skills . . . We want to give kids back to their parents."

KIDS is the third Utah "tough love" program to be investigated in a year. State officials worry Utah is becoming a mecca for unorthodox treatment centers that prey on desperate parents and use poorly trained "peer counselors."

"The parents want an answer and prevention, even an inoculation for these behaviors," said Wayne Holland, a Division of Youth Corrections investigator who believes Utah's religious and cultural background "tend to allow these non-traditional groups to fill that need."

It isn't unusual for parents to place children in a long-term program, which may take 18 months or more, for smoking cigarettes or having sex. Without proper admitting procedures involving professionals, too often kids who don't really need the treatment end up there, Holland said.

"A lot of times these kinds of programs promise miracles, and when they can't deliver they turn abusive," said Patricia Kreher, director of licensing for the Department of Social Services.

Another group, the Challenger Foundation, is fighting for its license after 17-year-old Elizabeth Zasso claims she was kidnapped into a 63-day wilderness experience aimed at character-building. A judge ruled that her constitutional rights were violated and she filed a $20 million lawsuit. The Garfield County Attorney has filed misdemeanor child abuse and witness-tampering charges.

And Proctor Advocate founder Layne Meacham faces charges he permitted the abuse of a 16-year-old girl by peer counselors. Meacham has testified he based his program partly on the teachings of the founder of KIDS.

KIDS in Utah is the non-profit progeny of KIDS of Bergen County, N.J., the subject of abuse allegations since it opened in 1984. KIDS now operates only in New Jersey, which has no licensing requirements, and Utah.

The three-month-old Utah program's conditional license has been extended to Jan. 31, and the state is awaiting the outcome of Jennifer Woolston's lawsuit and others contemplated by former patients, said Social Services' Ken Stettler.

Jennifer and Matt Woolston were put into KIDS by their parents. Jennifer and her attorney, Mary Corporon, say the reasons for her placement are unknown. Matt was placed into the 18-month program for drug treatment.

Because of the litigation, their mother, Marilyn Woolston, had no other comment but: "We feel real positive about it, and feel that it is very beneficial to the kids. Even Matt would tell you how he benefited."

DeLaMare said patients don't always know what's best and that parents have the right to intervene in a life out of control, even an adult child's. Adult patients sign a contract and can leave on 24 hours' written notice, he said.

# # #
Title: Utah KIDS spin-offs
Post by: Ursus on July 18, 2009, 02:55:09 PM
Quote from: "Ursus"
2.) There was at least one other Utah program/director familiar with Miller Newton's version of Straight methodology, i.e., Proctor Advocate/Layne Meacham. Newton must have had quite a sideline of training future program directors!

The program called "Proctor Advocate" and a similar one called "Yes Families," which were both started by Layne Meacham, are discussed in the following two threads:

viewtopic.php?f=7&t=4756 (
viewtopic.php?f=7&t=28043 (
Title: Re: Proficio
Post by: M_Hilton on July 18, 2009, 03:16:00 PM
Quote from: "Guest"
What Your Child May Do

Typically your child will be uncomfortable or in denial as to the reasons he/she is here. He/she may try several types of manipulation to get your attention and to help himself/herself cope. Usually, these are the same manipulative or coping behaviors he/she used with you in the past. It is our goal to change those negative behaviors so your child can function appropriately in society. You may see the following attempts at manipulation:


    * Triangulation/Splitting. Example: Your child gets you alone and tells you about the mean things staff members are saying to him/her.

      This is where your child will try to split one parent against the therapist or the other parent to get his/her way. The child's goal is to dismantle those who are holding him/her accountable for his/her actions. Your child may even say, "Don't tell the therapist because I will get into trouble." The more united we are, the more effective the treatment and program will be.

    * Fear Factor. Example: "All my roommates are drug addicts or gay." "I am not as bad as everyone else here." "The staff beats up the students." "The food isn't nutritious." "The school isn't very good." This is probably the most subtle and commonly used tool. If your child uses this technique, his/her goal is to split us. Your child is playing upon your fears to attempt to change the outcome. Your child wants West Ridge Academy to become the bad guy. If you have concerns, please check them out with your therapist in a way that continues to support the therapy we are doing. Fears are normal but usually based on false evidence. Never let your child see you challenge staff or West Ridge as a whole. Always bring your concerns to us outside of your child's presence.

wtf??  this is posted on the West Ridge website

devils advocate here for a sec
lets JUST SAY it is as they say
wtf does one if there REALLY IS REAL abuse going on from a rouge staff member?
Title: Re: Proficio
Post by: Anonymous on July 18, 2009, 03:24:21 PM
Abuse from a rogue staff member? They're not worried about that. They're more worried about accurate claims of abuse about staff members doing exactly what they've been told to do.
Title: Re: Current Proficio programs
Post by: Ursus on July 19, 2009, 04:23:23 PM
So... which programs does Proficio currently "manage?"

Strength in Families!
TENEO is an in-home intensive outpatient service that helps families reunite and work together to solve differences, communicate better, and work together as a family to solve life's difficult challenges. (

CALO - Change Academy of the Ozarks
Specialists in Issues of Emotion, Attachment & Trauma
Specialized residential treatment focused on individual student needs and centered on relationships. (

RENOVO Boys Academy of Missouri
Helping Families and Young Men Before it's too Late
Renovo is dedicated to helping young men with varied emotional or behavioral issues and who have struggled with inappropriate sexual behavior. Renovo partners with the legal community and court systems to obtain cooperation in protecting your confidentiality, and your child’s future. (

Aside: The shortened (one-word) name of each of these programs ends in the letter "O." This includes the program that already "graduated" from Proficio's fold, namely Aspiro. Anyone have a clue as to significance, if any?
Title: Re: TENEO, key personnel
Post by: Ursus on July 21, 2009, 02:10:12 AM
Key Personnel in Proficio's current "portfolio":

We've already read aplenty about CALO's key personnel, what about the other two programs?

I wasn't able to find a single link for any founder or staff info on Renovo's website (http:// outside of the fact that Brian Allred is the contact person (I guess one must be sooper seekret in order to be appropriately discrete), but here is some material on TENEO:

TENEO (http://
"Experts in Problem Prevention and Change Maintenance"
"In Home Solutions for Youth and families"


Chris Madsen, LSAC, and Executive Director - has assisted families in overcoming challenges for over 13 years. Chris began his counseling career at Turn-about Ranch; a working ranch located in remote Escalante, Utah, serving troubled teens from around the nation. After a year of frontier adventure, Chris returned to Salt Lake City to take a management position with Odyssey House, a 32 bed adolescent residential substance abuse treatment facility. Working closely with local and state governmental systems, juvenile justice systems, and community treatment providers has given Chris a unique understanding of how treatment is delivered to families. Chris has worked with thousands of families across the Wasatch Front helping them find appropriate care for their teens and young adults. Serving on a board for New Frontiers for Families allowed Chris to see the effectiveness of in-home services with families living in rural Utah who had limited access to traditional services. Recognizing the advantages of strengthening family systems within the home environment helped motivated Chris to co-found Teneo, providing in-home support to families in our local communities. Chris' passion for this work is rooted in the incredible changes he has witnessed in individuals and families as they discover and utilize their unique strengths. Chris resides in Utah County with his wife and two daughters, ages 12 and 10.

Kimball DeLaMare LCSW, Co-Founder, is a licensed clinical social worker with over twenty five years of successful practice working with troubled adolescents, young adults, and their families. Kimball has helped develop and oversee several treatment programs including group homes, residential treatment centers and community based services. His recent work as a cofounder of a nationally recognized treatment center coupled with his role as the founding Board President of the National Association of Therapeutic Schools and Programs (NATSAP) has allowed him to become well versed in a variety of treatment approaches, administrative strategies and regulatory processes. Mr. DeLaMare's creative programming has been incorporated in several adolescent programs throughout the western states. Kimball is a member of the Joint Commission Youth Advisory Council which helps direct national standards of care and accreditation for outpatient, residential, acute care and outdoor programs serving youth. Kimball is the proud father of two girls and a boy. He recently welcomed his first grandchild (cute, chubby-cheeked girl!).

Not noted in DeLaMare's profile is the following pertinent info: VP of Proficio Management, Inc. (2007), Co-Founder of Aspen Institute for Behavioral Assessment (2006), Co-Founder of Oakley School (1998), Co-Founder of Island View Residential Treatment Center (1994), and Director of KIDS of Greater Salt Lake (1989).
Title: Kimball DeLaMare @ Island View
Post by: Ursus on July 22, 2009, 11:44:56 AM
Here are a few archived versions of Kimball DeLaMare's brief bio from Island View Residential Treatment Facility:

From Jan. 2001 (http://
W. Kimball DeLaMare, L.C.S.W., our clinical director Mr. DeLaMare's creative programming has been used in several adolescent programs throughout the Western States. His expertise includes the treatment and prevention of alcohol and chemical dependency.[/list]

From Jan. 2002 (http://
W. Kimball DeLaMare, L.C.S.W. is a licensed clinical social worker with many years of successful practice in the area of troubled adolescents and their families. He had significant leadership experience as a director of a drug rehabilitation center and head of the clinical treatment team of a psychiatric hospital. He has extensive expertise in behavioral disorders and the treatment and prevention of alcohol and chemical dependency. Mr. DeLaMare's creative programming has been incorporated in several adolescent programs throughout the western states. He has been serving as the President of the Board of a national association of therapeutic programs.[/list]
Title: Re: Kimball DeLaMere and KIDS of Greater Salt Lake
Post by: Ursus on July 22, 2009, 07:03:06 PM
Here's another article which came out around the same time as the one a few posts back (http:// This one's on file at

So... I take it that Miller Newton's expertise is allegedly "medical anthropology," eh?  :D

-------------- • -------------- • --------------

 BYLINE: Duane Stoltzfus, Record Staff Writer
PUBLISHED: October 24, 1989, Tuesday, Page B-1 (16 in.)

A Utah alcohol and drug treatment program launched by the Hackensack-based KIDS Centers of America faces allegations of abuse similar to those leveled at one time against three other affiliated centers.

KIDS of Greater Salt Lake, which began treating children and young adults last summer after staff members were trained in Hackensack, is the target of a $6.5 million lawsuit and a South Salt Lake Police Department investigation.

"Basically, we are seeing the exact same charges as in El Paso and Southern California" said Gary Foster, a South Salt Lake detective, referring to two now-defunct KIDS centers.

Similar charges have been made against KIDS of Bergen County Inc. in Hackensack.

"It seems like they're going from one state to another. It IS an extremely controversial program," Foster said.

Foster said complaints from the center's clients include assault and unlawful detention. He said he passed along the results of the department's investigation to the Salt Lake County Attorney's Office, which will decide whether to file criminal charges against the program: Foster would not elaborate on the investigation's findings.

Jennifer Woolston, a 19-year-old who filed the lawsuit last month, claims she broke an arm and foot when she fell from a second-story roof while trying to escape from the program, according to her lawyer, Mary C. Corporon.

Corporon said Woolston had left weeks earlier and was "kidnapped" on the street Sept. 3 by a group that included her parents and a man who showed her a badge and said she was under arrest. She was returned to the center, remaining there until she tried the rooftop escape Sept. 18, Corporon said.

The Utah program is modeled after the Hackensack center, adopting a therapy method that includes marathon "rap" sessions.

Peer pressure is important in the KIDS approach, which was fashioned by Miller Newton medical anthropologist and author who is president and clinical director of the nonprofit KIDS Centers of America.

"What they're dealing with out there is total, nonsense," said Newton, who has been advising Utah staff. "It's so outlandish. In court these allegations will be destroyed."

For example, Newton said, Woolston should have signed a form asking to leave the program, which has been in operation for three months. He said Woolston would not have been held against her will.

W. Kimball DeLaMare, director of the Utah program, worked for six months earlier this year at the KIDS Center in Hackensack, Newton said. DeLaMare did not return phone messages left at his office.

Two other affiliated centers closed this year: KIDS of El Paso County and KIDS of Southern California.

The Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse revoked KIDS of El Paso County's license last year, charging that teenagers in the program were at times mistreated and poorly supervised. The program appealed, and this summer had its license conditionally reinstated for a year. Then the program went bankrupt, Newton said.

In California, state officials this year had said the program was drawing complaints while operating without a required license.

Meanwhile, KIDS of Bergen County Inc. is seeking a license from the New Jersey Department of Health.

The license would subject KIDS to state monitoring and unannounced inspections, according to Charlotte Kitler, the Health Department's director of legal services.

Earlier this year, the Bergen County Prosecutor's Office said it found "excessive use of force," strip-searches, solitary confinement, and administrative shortcomings in KIDS Centers' pilot program.

NOTICE: Copyright 1989 Bergen Record Corp.
Title: Re: Proficio
Post by: Che Gookin on July 26, 2009, 11:20:15 PM
That's disconcerting to say the least... very disconcerting..
Title: Kimball DeLaMare
Post by: Ursus on July 27, 2009, 12:34:43 AM
I think it's pretty safe to say we can update Kimball DeLaMare's program-related experience as follows:

In addition, here's a snippet repeated from DeLaMare's current bio (http:// on the Proficio website:

Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organization which helps develop national standards of care for youth care programs."[/list]

Does anyone else find it a wee bit disturbing that a former protégé of Miller Newton and former Director of a KIDS franchise, a Straight, Inc. spin-off, is serving in an advisory capacity for JCAHO?

Title: Re: Proficio
Post by: Che Gookin on July 27, 2009, 04:46:56 AM
Around now it should be made clear to everyone that JCAHO is apparently about as useful as man titties on a 800 pound obese male. I think we can see part of the reason with having this fellah Kimball around.
Title: Re: Proficio
Post by: Anonymous on September 08, 2009, 12:34:08 AM
Ursus have you ever helped a family, or are you still just harboring your teenage resentments towards all the care takers you have had.  Also could you possibly be borderline (Axis II cluster B).  You likely self harm yourself, were very promiscuous and were simply out of control and obviously now out of mind.

We are watching your site and you are a little cavalier in believing you have all this high powered attorney support.  You are going to need it and we anticipate very extensive discovery in a lible action against you.  We can then get the truth out and dig you out of the hole you are hiding in and have all the parents in need see what a sick individual you are.  Are you overweight and on any current psych med?  I would think that you could benefit from some good DBT sessions for your borderline personality disorder and maybe you could go on tour and give all the families your option, which is to let the youth use drugs, have sex and hate your parents.

Attorney's helping families
Title: Re: Proficio
Post by: Che Gookin on September 08, 2009, 12:41:49 AM
I know I'd benefit from some serious time on the couch. You have any shrinks that are single, blonde, and a C- cup?
Title: Re: Proficio
Post by: Inculcated on September 08, 2009, 12:59:39 AM
Quote from: "Attorney's helping families"
Ursus have you ever helped a family, or are you still just harboring your teenage resentments towards all the care takers you have had.  Also could you possibly be borderline (Axis II cluster B).  You likely self harm yourself, were very promiscuous and were simply out of control and obviously now out of mind.

We are watching your site and you are a little cavalier in believing you have all this high powered attorney support.  You are going to need it and we anticipate very extensive discovery in a lible action against you.  We can then get the truth out and dig you out of the hole you are hiding in and have all the parents in need see what a sick individual you are.  Are you overweight and on any current psych med?  I would think that you could benefit from some good DBT sessions for your borderline personality disorder and maybe you could go on tour and give all the families your option, which is to let the youth use drugs, have sex and hate your parents.

Attorney's helping families
Ah, if you’re the troll I think you are…well, how the hell are you? I’ve really needed a laugh.
You’re taking an interest in the Bear’s sex life…hmmm?
Love the imperious “we”, nice touch.
Troll on.
Title: Re: Proficio
Post by: Ursus on September 08, 2009, 01:12:24 AM
Quote from: "Attorney's helping families"
Ursus have you ever helped a family, or are you still just harboring your teenage resentments towards all the care takers you have had.  Also could you possibly be borderline (Axis II cluster B).  You likely self harm yourself, were very promiscuous and were simply out of control and obviously now out of mind.

We are watching your site and you are a little cavalier in believing you have all this high powered attorney support.  You are going to need it and we anticipate very extensive discovery in a lible action against you.  We can then get the truth out and dig you out of the hole you are hiding in and have all the parents in need see what a sick individual you are.  Are you overweight and on any current psych med?  I would think that you could benefit from some good DBT sessions for your borderline personality disorder and maybe you could go on tour and give all the families your option, which is to let the youth use drugs, have sex and hate your parents.

Attorney's helping families
:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  You be flattering me a bit there, bro! In fact, it sounds to me like you have pahlenty more experience along said lines than I could ever imagine!

Come dig me outta that "hole I'm hiding in" and gimme some "good DBT sessions!" You paying? Or are you the therapist? Or just the diagnostician?!   :D
Title: Re: Proficio
Post by: Anonymous on September 08, 2009, 01:25:10 AM
Ursus we would like to offer you some help for your venereal warts you received from Psy.  We were all suprised to learn this because you are probably zitty and fat and Psy is of course gay.  But anyhow if it will help Benchmark has a new DBT program which can help Ursus' Borderline Personality Disorder and her cutting and can help Psy's Narcissistic hytrionic hate mongering resentment problems.

Please let us know

Parent to Help hostile and resentful former clients.
Title: Re: Proficio
Post by: Ursus on September 08, 2009, 01:32:30 AM
Quote from: "Help for Former Conduct Disorders"
Ursus we would like to offer you some help for your venereal warts you received from Psy.  We were all suprised to learn this because you are probably zitty and fat and Psy is of course gay.  But anyhow if it will help Benchmark has a new DBT program which can help Ursus' Borderline Personality Disorder and her cutting and can help Psy's Narcissistic hytrionic hate mongering resentment problems.

Please let us know

Parent to Help hostile and resentful former clients.

Lol, I hope for your sake that you're not falling off the wagon tonight, 'cuz it sure as hell sounds like it!  :D

But, while yer at it, I could use another post or two 'cuz these belly laughs are sure helping my digestion along, and I've been kinda constipated lately, know what I mean?

Title: Re: Proficio
Post by: Anonymous on September 08, 2009, 01:33:04 AM
Help for Former Conduct Disorders wrote:

Ursus we would like to offer you some help for your venereal warts you received from Psy. We were all suprised to learn this because you are probably zitty and fat and Psy is of course gay. But anyhow if it will help Benchmark has a new DBT program which can help Ursus' Borderline Personality Disorder and her cutting and can help Psy's Narcissistic hytrionic hate mongering resentment problems.

Please let us know

Parent to Help hostile and resentful former clients.

What does Help for Former Conduct Disorders do before sex?  Puts the diaper back on.
Title: Re: Proficio
Post by: Anonymous on September 08, 2009, 02:48:39 AM
Quote from: "Help for Former Conduct Disorders do before sex?"
Help for Former Conduct Disorders wrote:

Ursus we would like to offer you some help for your venereal warts you received from Psy. We were all suprised to learn this because you are probably zitty and fat and Psy is of course gay. But anyhow if it will help Benchmark has a new DBT program which can help Ursus' Borderline Personality Disorder and her cutting and can help Psy's Narcissistic hytrionic hate mongering resentment problems.

Please let us know

Parent to Help hostile and resentful former clients.

What does Help for Former Conduct Disorders do before sex?  Puts the diaper back on.
Title: Re: Proficio
Post by: eric on August 31, 2010, 12:35:58 PM
It looks like West Ridge Academy's gay-curing program Renovo was shut down earlier this year. Home Page (http://

Don't worry, though, there is still plenty of IcyHot at West Ridge to stifle those gay urges.
Title: Re: Proficio
Post by: Che Gookin on August 31, 2010, 08:12:24 PM
Very very nice.

Though how do they use icy hot to stifle gay urges at West Ridge? I can sort of imagine, I'm not sure I even want to know either, but none the less....
Title: nothing
Post by: Eliscu2 on August 31, 2010, 08:34:51 PM
Title: nothing
Post by: Eliscu2 on August 31, 2010, 08:53:06 PM
Post by: DannyB II on September 01, 2010, 12:52:18 AM
Quote from: "Eliscu2"
Quote from: "Che Gookin"
Very very nice.

Though how do they use icy hot to stifle gay urges at West Ridge? I can sort of imagine, I'm not sure I even want to know either, but none the less....

  wit, da Bears......coming to your zadio soon.
Title: nothing
Post by: Eliscu2 on September 01, 2010, 10:27:47 AM
Title: Re: Proficio
Post by: eric on September 02, 2010, 01:41:39 PM
Quote from: "Che Gookin"
Very very nice.

Though how do they use icy hot to stifle gay urges at West Ridge? I can sort of imagine, I'm not sure I even want to know either, but none the less....

Kind of like this... ( ... when you're feeling gay... apply directly to the wiener...
Title: Re: Proficio
Post by: Che Gookin on September 02, 2010, 08:28:59 PM
Sounds... stimulating...

Title: Re: Proficio
Post by: Botched Programming on September 02, 2010, 08:54:47 PM
Quote from: "eric"
Quote from: "Che Gookin"
Very very nice.

Though how do they use icy hot to stifle gay urges at West Ridge? I can sort of imagine, I'm not sure I even want to know either, but none the less....

Kind of like this... ( ... when you're feeling gay... apply directly to the wiener...

I think it would be more like this version....    :rofl: (
Title: Re: Proficio
Post by: Che Gookin on September 02, 2010, 09:28:10 PM
Post by: DannyB II on September 03, 2010, 12:01:28 AM
Quote from: "Eliscu2"
Quote from: "DannyB II"
Quote from: "Eliscu2"
Quote from: "Che Gookin"
Very very nice.

Though how do they use icy hot to stifle gay urges at West Ridge? I can sort of imagine, I'm not sure I even want to know either, but none the less....

  wit, da Bears......coming to your zadio soon.


Yeeeeaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh, baerk at the maroooooooonnnnnnn duuuuuuuuuuuuudessssssssssssss, OOooooooooohhhhhh, I'm sorry, why am I here.
Title: Re: Proficio
Post by: Ursus on March 16, 2011, 12:35:07 PM
Quote from: "Che Gookin"
:rofl:  :rofl: So much for that apple cart!
Title: Kimball DeLaMare - update
Post by: Ursus on March 16, 2011, 01:55:17 PM
An update re. some recent changes in Kimball DeLaMare's employment specs:

Apparently, he's no longer specifically with Proficio...

That said, it's really hard to know, at least half the time, where one organization ends and another begins, given all the name changes, personnel rearrangements, etc. which, in the final analysis, are not really changes so much as they are metamorphoses of convenience and opportunity.

'Nuff said.

For about a year, DeLaMare and Jared Balmer have been in partnership in what looks to be a consultancy firm of sorts called Achieve Education Systems. Here is what remains of their website, no longer in existence and not even to be found on Web Archive, the following having been copied from a Google cache (http:// which will also soon expire:

-------------- • -------------- • --------------

This is Google's cache of ( It is a snapshot of the page as it appeared on Feb 24, 2011 06:55:05 GMT. The current page could have changed in the meantime...

[Achieve Education Systems logo]

Achieve Education Systems (AES) provides solutions to treatment providers serving young people and their families.  From virtual educational curricula to online family coursework and program consultation, AES is able to help programs more efficiently deliver expanded services.

AES was founded by Jared Balmer, PhD and Kimball DeLaMare, LCSW who have been associated in a variety of ventures over the past twenty-five years, including the development of several nationally prominent treatment programs, leadership in national associations, and the creation of many innovations that have been incorporated into therapeutic settings across the country.

Look for further development of this website in the coming weeks.

Achieve Education Systems    •    PO Box 540824, North Salt Lake, Utah 84054    •    Ph. 801-951-6115
Title: Kimball DeLaMare - LinkedIn profile (1st one)
Post by: Ursus on March 18, 2011, 09:31:17 PM
DeLaMare appears to have at least two profiles on LinkedIn. The one copied below notes both Achieve Consulting Group LLC as well as Achieve Education Systems Inc. Clearly, he's chosen to leave a lot of relevant material out:

-------------- • -------------- • --------------

Kimball  DeLaMare (http://

Consultant and Program Developer associated with: BestNotes, FamilyIQ, Proficio Management, and Teneo

Greater Salt Lake City Area | Hospital & Health Care

Executive Manager at Achieve Consulting Group LLC
Past • Executive Manager at Achieve Educational systems Inc
Education • University of Utah, Grad. School of Social Work
Connections · 105 connections
Company Website (http://
• Company Website (http://[/list][/list]

Kimball DeLaMare's Experience

Executive Manager
Achieve Consulting Group LLC

Hospital & Health Care industry
December 2009 – Present (1 year 4 months)

Achieve Consulting Group provides development support for BestNotes, FamilyIQ, Proficio,, and others in the treatment community. Jared Balmer, PhD is also associated with ACG

Executive Manager
Achieve Educational systems Inc

Privately Held; E-Learning industry
2010 – 2010 (less than a year)

Kimball DeLaMare's Education

University of Utah, Grad. School of Social Work
MSW, Psychology, Social Work
1980 – 1982

Kimball DeLaMare's Additional Information

Company Website (http://
• Company Website (http://[/list]
Groups and Associations:
Honors and Awards:

LinkedIn Corporation © 2011
Title: BestNotes Launches Treatment Planning Library...
Post by: Ursus on March 18, 2011, 09:36:59 PM
In October of last year, Balmer and DeLaMare, via Achieve Consulting Group, collaborated with BestNotes, an electronic based treatment plan management company. From Struggling Teens:

-------------- • -------------- • --------------

Breaking News
Posted: Oct 28, 2010 09:40

Twin Falls, ID

BestNotes Launches Treatment Planning Library Optimizing Workflow (http://

Nathan Olsen
866-543-6646 (

October 24, 2010

Nathan Olsen, President of BestNotes, is pleased to announce the general release of a comprehensive Treatment Plan Library to the BestNotes electronic management product line. "With the addition of this comprehensive treatment plan library, BestNotes has taken a significant step in further establishing its place as a leader in the industry," said Olsen.

In collaboration with Jared Balmer, Ph.D. and Kimball DeLaMare, L.C.S.W. of Achieve Consulting Group, BestNotes has produced a treatment planning system containing an extensive library of goals, objectives, and interventions for use in the treatment of individuals in outpatient, group, and out-of home settings. With inclusion of the full DSM, licensed for distribution from the APA, the library meets the highest standards of regulatory and accrediting bodies throughout the U.S. Programs that do not base treatment planning on DSM diagnostic criteria are able to utilize the BestNotes treatment-planning library by "Problem Area" allowing equal effectiveness in goal and objective formulation.

BestNotes provides multidisciplinary treatment planning with allied treatment focus on medical and educational concerns. Workflow is optimized as data captured in the treatment plan is transferred to progress notes, treatment plan reviews and discharge summaries - a tremendous time saver.

BestNotes is a web-based HIPAA compliant electronic health record system, designed specifically for behavioral health programs and therapeutic schools. Features include an integrated online application system, marketing and admissions management, advanced clinical documentation system, academic grade book, scheduling, communication tools and reports.

Copyright ©2010, Woodbury Reports, Inc.
Title: Re: Proficio
Post by: treatmentkid on January 27, 2014, 01:06:28 AM
As a past CALO student, I can tell you from experience and research that CALO has links to not only West Ridge Academy and Provo Canyon, but also to Hidden Lake Academy/Ridge Creek School, all residential treatment facilities that have faced abuse allegations. While reading about West Ridge, Provo Canyon, and Hidden Lake, I noticed many similarities between things that went on there, and things that happened at CALO.