
General Interest => Open Free for All => Topic started by: Anonymous on October 14, 2008, 09:31:57 AM

Title: ~ Legal Advice ~
Post by: Anonymous on October 14, 2008, 09:31:57 AM

I'm hoping there are some lawyers here who can give me some advice. In August I took a part time job 1099, not W2. I was paid for the first two weeks. I was not paid for the second two weeks and I saw there was no money in the account to pay me and I was getting put off when I asked about it, so I quit. However, the woman I worked for (who's company is an LLC) still owes me $1000. Two checks supposedly got lost in the mail and one bounced. I got one partial payment that did clear. I keep calling and emailing but I am told she does not have the money and I'll get it as she has it (although doing the books I saw her spending lots of money on trips to Martha's Vineyard, yoga classes, massages, lots and lots of money on clothing, ect.). I also saw she has lots of judgments against her (for big big amounts) which are not paid. If I take this to small claims court what can I sue for. Is it just the amount owed or can I legally add on late fees, collection costs (I've spend about ten hours calling and writing emails so far). I know if I do go to small claims court she will sit on the problem until the court case and even if I win, I might not get paid. Since I worked for the LLC and not for her as an individual I don't think I can legally get her arrested (I do know if it were an individual I could get a warrant for an arrest if someone doesn't pay a judgment.) How do I put as much pressure as possible on this women without crossing any lines? I know she has several silent partners. Can I legally call them and demand my money? Any and all help will be very much appreciated!
Title: Re: ~ Legal Advice ~
Post by: Che Gookin on October 14, 2008, 09:24:13 PM
I'd jump ship and cut my losses to be honest. If you think about it she already owes money to several people and isn't paying. What makes you think she'll pay you a single dime?

Try talking to her nicely a few more times and then take it to small claims and turn it over to a collection agency for them to sort it out.