
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => The Troubled Teen Industry => Topic started by: Che Gookin on September 27, 2008, 12:25:14 PM

Title: Stroke Steve aka Brownie Aka Nikki
Post by: Che Gookin on September 27, 2008, 12:25:14 PM
Is it true that he passed away not to long ago?
Title: Re: Stroke Steve aka Brownie Aka Nikki
Post by: Froderik on September 27, 2008, 12:29:56 PM
Yes; natural causes.
Title: Re: Stroke Steve aka Brownie Aka Nikki
Post by: Che Gookin on September 27, 2008, 01:54:56 PM
Rest in peace..
Title: Re: Stroke Steve aka Brownie Aka Nikki
Post by: Anonymous on September 29, 2008, 10:53:57 AM
my condolences to his loved ones
Title: Re: Stroke Steve aka Brownie Aka Nikki
Post by: Deprogrammed on October 01, 2008, 09:59:03 PM
Quote from: "rip"
my condolences to his loved ones

Yep,RIP Steve!
Title: Re: Stroke Steve aka Brownie Aka Nikki
Post by: Froderik on October 01, 2008, 10:55:01 PM
As obnoxious as Steve could be, he did display a sense of humor at times. On one of those message board 'getting-to-know-you' type questionnaires, his reply to the question "What outfit would you like to be buried in?" was "Nude."
(Good thing this wish wasn't honored.)

Another question from that thing was "Would you rather be forgotten about when you die, or remembered but hated?"

Steve's reply was "Remember what a Bastard I was."
Title: Re: Stroke Steve aka Brownie Aka Nikki
Post by: Che Gookin on October 02, 2008, 12:49:11 AM
I thought he was a hoot. Given the physical struggles he was having with his stroke I was and still am amazed he kept his sense of humor.
Title: Re: Stroke Steve aka Brownie Aka Nikki
Post by: shanlea on October 02, 2008, 02:08:44 PM
I'll tell ya this--the serious speech and physical disabilities incurred by his stroke in no way impeded him from his love of  the ladies! That coot! I remember thinking, good thing this guy is somewhat limited or us lady folks would be in a world of trouble!
Title: Re: Stroke Steve aka Brownie Aka Nikki
Post by: Che Gookin on October 02, 2008, 05:35:56 PM
Quote from: "shanlea"
I'll tell ya this--the serious speech and physical disabilities incurred by his stroke in no way impeded him from his love of  the ladies! That coot! I remember thinking, good thing this guy is somewhat limited or us lady folks would be in a world of trouble!

Lol, tell us more.. this sounds like a hell of a story. Where did you meet him?
Title: Re: Stroke Steve aka Brownie Aka Nikki
Post by: Anonymous on October 02, 2008, 08:04:51 PM
It's no story, really.... just a fun party where I met Steve, when I was with my "special friend."  Of course, Steve likes the ladies, and so my "special friend" was not really a deterrence to him!! Whatever, I have to hand it to Brownie. Not much gets in his way!  Anyway, may he RIP surrounded by very accommodating, big bosomed angels.
Title: Re: Stroke Steve aka Brownie Aka Nikki
Post by: Anonymous on October 05, 2008, 04:38:57 AM
Quote from: "shanlea123"
It's no story, really.... just a fun party where I met Steve, when I was with my "special friend."  Of course, Steve likes the ladies, and so my "special friend" was not really a deterrence to him!! Whatever, I have to hand it to Brownie. Not much gets in his way!  Anyway, may he RIP surrounded by very accommodating, big bosomed angels.

So terrible. I am sad i never met him
