
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => Straight, Inc. and Derivatives => Topic started by: gduncan on June 30, 2003, 02:20:00 PM

Title: When do parents tell?
Post by: gduncan on June 30, 2003, 02:20:00 PM
How many of you are parents? And how many of you have told your kids about your days in Straight?  What was their reaction?  Was it a hard decision to tell them?  At what age did you tell them?  If you haven?t told them why not?  I?m asking because I have 2 sons, the oldest is 6, and although I have a few years before I broach the subject I am curious how others have handled it.
Title: When do parents tell?
Post by: Don Smith on June 30, 2003, 03:57:00 PM
I'm a step parent.  I think they were 10 & 8 when I told them.  I even let them know about KHK just a 20 minute drive away.

I didn't go into a lot of detail.  Just enough to let them know it was a long term place where I wasn't allowed to see my family or friends until I earned the priviledge.  

They know enough to know where I stand on drug use.

Title: When do parents tell?
Post by: METALGOD8 on June 30, 2003, 04:58:00 PM
I was 39 when I told my kids, all 6 of them. We had discovered Wes's site and this one and it was only a matter of time before the kids saw the webpages popping up on the computers. One up for a midnite relief trip wondered why I was making wickedly styled heart logo drawings at 3AM while I couldnt sleep. Before then, I figured they didn't really need to know unless they asked how I met mommy. I suppose you could wait, totally ignore the subject, or come right out and tell them. I wouldn't worry too much either way. Our kids are much more aware of what constitutes abusive behavior now, kind of keeps me in check, you know... :smokin:
Title: When do parents tell?
Post by: ehm on June 30, 2003, 05:01:00 PM
I told my daughter about 5 months ago. She doesn't quite understand I'm sure. She's 12 though...

I'll remind her again when she's 13. :roll:

"Just be glad you aren't in Straight... blah, blah, blah!!!"
Title: When do parents tell?
Post by: kpickle39 on June 30, 2003, 08:09:00 PM
My son is 22.  I told him about 2+ years ago.  Actually, he was pretty sympathetic and was pissed at some of the stuff that I told him that happened to me personally.   I didn't say anything for many years, but like Bill, once I found Wes's site, it all came flooding back.
Title: When do parents tell?
Post by: Antigen on June 30, 2003, 08:21:00 PM
I've never kept anything from my kids. I never talked or thought much about this till a few years ago when Brother Jeb! took over the governor's office in Florida and promised a million dollars worth of 'juvenile rehab' for the state.

So then, like looking under the bed for boogie men, I had to make sure there was nothing to my paranoic fears about the Bushes and Reagans and Straight... Sadly, there was and is. I think I liked it better when the world was more-or-less OK and only I was a little paranoid.

We homeschool our kids and work from home. So we don't have to go to any particular effort to keep up to speed on what the kids are up to or to 'send a message' to let them know where we stand on anything. We're pretty much in eachother's faces by default, except when we're off doing seperate things.

I suppose my kids have just about always known something about the Program.

Boundary, n.  In political geography, an imaginary line between two nations, separating the imaginary rights of one from the imaginary rights of another.
-- Ambrose Bierce,  The Devil's Dictionary

Title: When do parents tell?
Post by: hedwigfan on June 30, 2003, 08:49:00 PM
I have 13 year old twin boys. When I found this site almost a year ago, I was intent on telling them about Straight. However, after much deliberation, I decided that I will tell them if there comes a time when this information would be helpful to them somehow. For me, it's important to have some boundaries in terms of self-disclosure and not to burden them as they head into adolescence. Right now, in their lives and in mine, the time is not right. Good luck with your kids. Kris