
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones => Topic started by: blownawaytheidahoway on October 24, 2007, 09:52:07 AM

Title: Important! Wierd Happenings at CEDU schools.
Post by: blownawaytheidahoway on October 24, 2007, 09:52:07 AM
Let's list the things that we personally know of that happened at our BCA, CASCADE, CEDU (RS), RMA, and all the other spin off schools that are surprising and "couldn't have happened anywhere else"

The bizarre, the deviant, the rumors that need clarification and unchartered or detailed accounts of the Place. I'll start:
Title: In 1991
Post by: blownawaytheidahoway on October 24, 2007, 10:04:49 AM
I heard something that needs clarification. If possible I'd like to know more details, or at least understand HOW this could happen:
Rumor has it (from a little sister source) that soon after I "GRADUATED" from that special environment a new kid ran away. (I'm afraid this isn't an isolated incident) he was successfully picked up by a logging vehicle with a male inside, presumably driving it, the RMA escapee gets in. The child is raped by the man.

When he returned to RMA (as soon as you think you're out, they pull you back in) he did go through the legal process of bringing criminal charges against the assailant.

RMA "assisted" him in dealing with the obvious emotional fallout from such an occurrence.                        

All of the above is hearsay, and I only heard about it this week. It sounds like a real nightmare and my heart goes out to this boy (in this case) who not only went through this assault (Castle, no pun intended you sicko), but if they suffered from the emotional fallout of dealing with their traumas under the guise of CEDU therapy.

That is one thing I would like to hear more about. If it's true that there were filings made, even though the victim was  a minor at the time, confirmation of the facts can be attained.
Title: SUICIDE memory
Post by: blownawaytheidahoway on October 24, 2007, 10:08:56 AM
In the late summer of 1988, there was a very serious or successful suicide attempt on the RMA campus.  I believe it happened in the "field house". It was covered up, and that kid disappeared. I want to know what really happened. Isn't there a dorm head or an ex staff out there who remembers this incident.

If you have any similar information from more recent years, please feel free to post here.
Title: 1987 or six or so PS
Post by: blownawaytheidahoway on October 24, 2007, 10:15:55 AM
One of my older brothers (rumor has it) refused to see one or both of his parents when they came up for one of the quarterly visits. They flew up and he was mean to them and sent them packing.
The airplane crashed, killing members of his family as they returned to [California, presumably].

Needless to say CEDU in Idaho was ready to take on the surrogate parent role. Did they help him with his emotions because of such a sequence of events? Could they fairly do so, and were they equipped to do so? What a terrible thing to have happen.
Please tell us more about this.
Title: Mushrooms and cow poop
Post by: blownawaytheidahoway on October 24, 2007, 10:19:46 AM
On a lighter note:
Did any of you whackjobs really eat what you thought were psillicibis cubensis or whatever the hell- Magic mushrooms or other drugs while at CEDU or wherever?
In my first year, one friend tried to get me to eat morning glory seeds with him, but I'd never tripped in reality, I wasn't ready for that kind of freakiness yet.
Title: Re: 1987 or six or so PS
Post by: try another castle on October 24, 2007, 11:08:15 AM
Quote from: ""blownawaytheidahoway""
One of my older brothers (rumor has it) refused to see one or both of his parents when they came up for one of the quarterly visits. They flew up and he was mean to them and sent them packing.
The airplane crashed, killing members of his family as they returned to [California, presumably].

Needless to say CEDU in Idaho was ready to take on the surrogate parent role. Did they help him with his emotions because of such a sequence of events? Could they fairly do so, and were they equipped to do so? What a terrible thing to have happen.
Please tell us more about this.

I checked, it was just his dad, maybe stepmom. But his mother is alive.

Penn (http://

That is one thing I would like to hear more about. If it's true that there were filings made, even though the victim was a minor at the time, confirmation of the facts can be attained.

You should be able to have access to the Bonner County court house's records department. Most places have them accessible via internet, but I could be wrong. Even if something isn't brought to court, the filings should be available with at least the Sheriff's department.
Title: Important! Wierd Happenings at CEDU schools.
Post by: dishdutyfugitive on October 24, 2007, 11:21:01 AM

the covered up suicide attempt in the field house?
male female? do you know who it might have been?
Title: Records relating to minors
Post by: AuntieEm on October 24, 2007, 03:53:05 PM
Any police or court records relating to minors will be difficult to obtain.  If an attorney is representing the minor child, then he/she (the attorney) can see the records for his/her client. Sometimes you can reach a sympathetic or chatty police officer who will speak in generalities. But especially with minors who are victims (vs. perpetrators) the records are hard to obtain.

Reporters are sometimes better sources for this type of information.

Title: Re: Mushrooms and cow poop
Post by: Psianide on October 24, 2007, 08:13:51 PM
Quote from: ""blownawaytheidahoway""
On a lighter note:
Did any of you whackjobs really eat what you thought were psillicibis cubensis or whatever the hell- Magic mushrooms or other drugs while at CEDU or wherever?
In my first year, one friend tried to get me to eat morning glory seeds with him, but I'd never tripped in reality, I wasn't ready for that kind of freakiness yet.

I knew people who copped for gathering what they thought were psilocybe spp. but so far as I know noone was brave enough to actually eat them. When I was there the most common way of attempting to get wasted was the nalgene homebrew method. People were stealing bakers yeast from the kitchen and using it to ferment ( I don't know what the must was, maybe juice from the breakfast bar?) some sort of brew in thier footlockers.  People also copped to bringing real shit onto campus when I was there.

I never tried any of this, and I'm not sorry I didn't. That place would have turned any intoxication into a paranoid nightmare.
Title: 1994 student suicide at RMA
Post by: mad on October 25, 2007, 09:02:10 AM
The suicide of Jon Avila was fairly well-covered by the press in the Northwest.  I name him here because his name has appeared in several newspaper articles already.  His parents had stayed at RMA for several days after his death and spent considerable time talking with students and staff in an effort to absolve their guilt.  No suit was ever filed. ... uicide.pdf ([/code]
Title: Re: 1994 student suicide at RMA
Post by: try another castle on October 25, 2007, 06:46:04 PM
Quote from: ""mad""
The suicide of Jon Avila was fairly well-covered by the press in the Northwest.  I name him here because his name has appeared in several newspaper articles already.  His parents had stayed at RMA for several days after his death and spent considerable time talking with students and staff in an effort to absolve their guilt.  No suit was ever filed. ... uicide.pdf ([/code]

This wasn't Avila. It happened in 88 or 89. I can't remember which.

We were told it was an attempt, Idaho speculates that there was a possibility it could have been successful.

Due to the fact that the Avila case was made public, I doubt that the attempt was successful, or we would have heard about it.

If it was successful, one possible scenario for the discrepancy would be that this kid was discovered by staff, while John, I believe, was discovered  by another student. No matter how brainwashed the kid, they are still going to talk to their peers about it.

This is merely idle speculation. Occam's Razor tells me that it was an attempt only, but the second scenario could be likely, too, just not as much so.

All I know is, he was in voyageurs, one day I saw him, and the next day he was gone... tried a bunch of pills. (Have no idea where he got them or what they were. Red flag.) Rea makes an announcement before raps, but people already know that he was kicked out for trying to kill himself. As such, Rea doesn't  bother re-hashing what had happened, and starts off his lecture by saying ""We WILL NOT have crazy people at this school!"
Title: Important! Wierd Happenings at CEDU schools.
Post by: dishdutyfugitive on October 25, 2007, 07:03:28 PM
that would have put him very close to my peer group. i don't recall this

I arrived at RMA 2/1/88

castle - do you remember any more details?
Title: Important! Wierd Happenings at CEDU schools.
Post by: try another castle on October 25, 2007, 07:08:05 PM
Quote from: ""dishdutyfugitive""
that would have put him very close to my peer group. i don't recall this

I arrived at RMA 2/1/88

castle - do you remember any more details?

Nope, that's it. He wasn't here very long. Maybe not even a month.
Title: Important! Wierd Happenings at CEDU schools.
Post by: dishdutyfugitive on October 25, 2007, 07:10:22 PM
do you remember that french dude 'basil'?

he was off the hook
Title: Important! Wierd Happenings at CEDU schools.
Post by: try another castle on October 25, 2007, 07:13:52 PM
Quote from: ""dishdutyfugitive""
do you remember that french dude 'basil'?

he was off the hook

I think I remember him, but I don't remember what he looks like. He was a student, right?
Title: Happenings
Post by: Anonymous on October 25, 2007, 07:30:27 PM
Let's see here...

One chick tried to drink laundry detergent and was immediately taken to the hospital and never came back.

I seem to remember them making the same "we will not tolerate crazy people" at House Around the pit. (circa 89)

One chick tried to cut her wrists with a shaving razor. I seem to to remember this more as just seeking attention. I still think they booted her.

One guy starved himself in the dorms for 6 days and refused to come out. (He eventually split)

One guy took a curtain rod (They were solid wood) and went crazy on a couple of kids and staff. They booted his ass for breaking the violence agreement.

MANY MANY people either split, were pulled, or left while I was there.
Peer groups would start with 18-20 people and dwindle down to like 6-8 once they finally graduated or combined with another peer group.
(I'd say that is pretty weird because that is how intolerable the place was)

All I can remember for now....
Title: Important! Wierd Happenings at CEDU schools.
Post by: Anonymous on October 25, 2007, 07:55:34 PM
Speaking as an outsider and reading Fornits, I'm surprised they ALL didn't do something like that.
Title: Important! Wierd Happenings at CEDU schools.
Post by: dishdutyfugitive on October 25, 2007, 11:42:09 PM
basil was a small dark haired student from france. He arrived around 1/1/89.

he lasted a few weeks and went ape shit 24/7. it was good comedy because i think he truly was crazy so he would do things like smoke in the house grab staff members asses. and of course he had a thick french accent which made everything funnier. trying to say rma lingo in his accent...
"uuuuhhh youz no make ze bans wiz me - okay - oh oui, bon"

do you remember darrell jones? he allegedly split and they never told us what happened to him. it's right out of the twilight zone.
Title: Important! Wierd Happenings at CEDU schools.
Post by: try another castle on October 26, 2007, 02:08:01 AM
Quote from: ""dishdutyfugitive""
basil was a small dark haired student from france. He arrived around 1/1/89.

he lasted a few weeks and went ape shit 24/7. it was good comedy because i think he truly was crazy so he would do things like smoke in the house grab staff members asses. and of course he had a thick french accent which made everything funnier. trying to say rma lingo in his accent...
"uuuuhhh youz no make ze bans wiz me - okay - oh oui, bon"

do you remember darrell jones? he allegedly split and they never told us what happened to him. it's right out of the twilight zone.

Wow.. I so totally do not remember Basil. You would think I would have remembered someone like that, and I graduated in Dec of 89 so I was definitely here.

What did Darrell look like? Do you know whose peer group he was in and who some of the other people were?
Title: Dj and others
Post by: blownawaytheidahoway on October 26, 2007, 07:49:53 AM
Darrel was a friend. His birthday is coming up. I wish he would find this forum.
Darrel was pulled for financial reasons, we were told.
Then he returned. It was brief and he disappeared again. I don't know if that was of his own volition or not.
Damn, damn good chess player.
He had a tight afro and dark skin, otherwise his features were handsome and slight.
Title: Important! Wierd Happenings at CEDU schools.
Post by: blownawaytheidahoway on October 26, 2007, 07:53:18 AM
The suicide that castle and I were trying to remember was a boy.

But does anyone else remember a Chris Ca1len? He insisted he was from the planet Zarkon, and refused to admit that it was any kind of game. He didn't last too long, and I believe he split. One of very many stories I would like to hear completed.
Title: YOU witnessed a helicopter accident!
Post by: blownawaytheidahoway on October 26, 2007, 07:58:48 AM
BB and RO were returning from their last home visit by a private aircraft. They were seated in their transportation vehicle when one of the technicians walked into a circulating propellor. There was a bloody mess immediately followed by a fatality.?

I had raps with these students after they returned from the accident. These students would be leaving the school soon, and I wondered if this event they witnessed effected their lives and the flavor of the program for them.

Does anyone talk to these RMA graduates?   Does anyone else remember this event?
Title: Important! Wierd Happenings at CEDU schools.
Post by: dishdutyfugitive on October 26, 2007, 09:51:11 AM

if you were on your challenge when basil arrived you could have missed him.

BB was in my peer group. her father flew up in his plane (i think he's a pilot - not commercial). they had their visit. When he returned to the airport and was in his plane about to taxi a technician got fileted in his propeller. Very tragic for the technician and father but I think it's a stretch to tie this into cedu and BB. On the other hand the kid who refused to see his parents on a parent visit and those parents died in a plane crash on the way home. That is definitely fucked up shit. If I were that kid I'd first feel guilty and responsible and then after time I'd hold RMA completely responsible.
BB is a full on yogi. There was  a NYC yoga school webpage that had her bio on it but i don't know if it's still there.

I remember Chris from Zarkon. That was a game. Everyone knows that there's only earth and Kapax, hoth (very chilly) and of course alderon but that's long gone.
Title: Important! Wierd Happenings at CEDU schools.
Post by: try another castle on October 26, 2007, 09:55:50 AM
if you were on your challenge when basil arrived you could have missed him.

I went on my wilderness challenge sometime in late summer/early fall of 1988. Peer group 26. We went to the Owyhee desert.
Title: Important! Wierd Happenings at CEDU schools.
Post by: dishdutyfugitive on October 26, 2007, 09:59:40 AM
i do remember it being warm when he was there so. late summer/fall is probably when he arrived in 88.
Title: Dish details
Post by: blownawaytheidahoway on October 26, 2007, 05:23:07 PM
I was in raps with BB and RO both, and I KNOW they were upset and saw it all.
I heard them and saw them describe it.
They were affected at that time.
Title: Important! Wierd Happenings at CEDU schools.
Post by: dishdutyfugitive on October 26, 2007, 08:18:25 PM
If you were in the rap and remember it then I'll have to agree that your description of the events is acurate. My recolleciton on that was average but I don't have crystal clear memories of it.
Title: Re: Dish details
Post by: Anonymous on October 27, 2007, 07:56:16 AM
Quote from: ""blownawaytheidahoway""
I was in raps with BB and RO both, and I KNOW they were upset and saw it all.
I heard them and saw them describe it.
They were affected at that time.

Lori Rist rap in the New Horizon's  "headquarters"  in Emerson.
Title: Important! Wierd Happenings at CEDU schools.
Post by: try another castle on October 27, 2007, 06:44:41 PM
I just now finally figured out the initials. Why the fuck do I not remember these things? They were fairly significant, don't you think? Especially since BB was one of my unofficial little sisters.
Title: Important! Wierd Happenings at CEDU schools.
Post by: Anonymous on October 27, 2007, 06:51:59 PM
If I were the kid at RMA whose parents got splattered like so much raw hamburger eating a 300+ mph crash into solid ground, I would have laughed and laughed because they would have fucking deserved it.
Title: Important! Wierd Happenings at CEDU schools.
Post by: dishdutyfugitive on October 27, 2007, 07:26:16 PM
what was significant?
Title: Important! Wierd Happenings at CEDU schools.
Post by: try another castle on October 27, 2007, 07:36:04 PM
Quote from: ""dishdutyfugitive""
what was significant?

Those types of life altering events... such as witnessing someone get fileted in an airplane propeller. I would think that I would have remembered that happening to someone who I was relatively close to at the time. But I didn't. I still don't remember it.
Title: Important! Wierd Happenings at CEDU schools.
Post by: dishdutyfugitive on October 27, 2007, 07:48:46 PM
I see.

1 of the reasons you probably don't remember it is because in the RMA world, that tragic event needed to be swept under the carpet.

I mean seriously, Caroline and crew couldn't use that issue against BB.  BB needed to talk about 'real' issues that caroline could get her fangs and talons around. Real issues like fighting your slut thinking and fighting your drug thinking and bullshit like that. hell they probably asked her in raps if the tragic event provoked her thinking.
Title: Re: In 1991
Post by: justme on November 12, 2007, 05:35:29 PM
Quote from: ""blownawaytheidahoway""
I heard something that needs clarification. If possible I'd like to know more details, or at least understand HOW this could happen:
Rumor has it (from a little sister source) that soon after I "GRADUATED" from that special environment a new kid ran away. (I'm afraid this isn't an isolated incident) he was successfully picked up by a logging vehicle with a male inside, presumably driving it, the RMA escapee gets in. The child is raped by the man.

When he returned to RMA (as soon as you think you're out, they pull you back in) he did go through the legal process of bringing criminal charges against the assailant.

RMA "assisted" him in dealing with the obvious emotional fallout from such an occurrence.                        

All of the above is hearsay, and I only heard about it this week. It sounds like a real nightmare and my heart goes out to this boy (in this case) who not only went through this assault (Castle, no pun intended you sicko), but if they suffered from the emotional fallout of dealing with their traumas under the guise of CEDU therapy.

That is one thing I would like to hear more about. If it's true that there were filings made, even though the victim was  a minor at the time, confirmation of the facts can be attained.

Yes, I recall that incident.  I can't remember his name but I will never forget the look on his face during his first rap back. I remember how dstroyed he looked, how broken, especially given that he rape was a major source of discussion, both in and out of the raps. I always wondered why RMA insisted on subjecting him to further shame. He had absolutely no one to protect him or comfort him.  There was no additional therapy other the raps where the mentally abused him further in an effort to teach the rest of us what could happen should we ever decide to leave. The boy in question was torned down and built back up in the RMA was truly disgusting. I don't really remember anyone saying that there was an investigation.
Title: Important! Wierd Happenings at CEDU schools.
Post by: Anonymous on November 17, 2007, 03:17:55 PM
basil was a small dark haired student from france. He arrived around 1/1/89.
he lasted a few weeks and went ape shit 24/7. it was good comedy because i think he truly was crazy so he would do things like smoke in the house grab staff members asses. and of course he had a thick french accent which made everything funnier. trying to say rma lingo in his accent...
"uuuuhhh youz no make ze bans wiz me - okay - oh oui, bon"

Hello everyone,
I just discovered this site today. I came across "Blownawaytheidahoway" and was thrown into some sort of post tramatic stress flashback....I remember Basil...Didn't he try to save banana peels under his bed to dry them out and try to smoke them to get high???
I only remember bits and pieces of my time there...must pull out my old note books...I don't remember the years, or my PG#....
I DO remember that Caroline had it out for me... :flame: she was/is a sick twisted psycho bitch....not that it bothers me much....
Title: Important! Wierd Happenings at CEDU schools.
Post by: Anonymous on November 17, 2007, 03:18:29 PM
basil was a small dark haired student from france. He arrived around 1/1/89.
he lasted a few weeks and went ape shit 24/7. it was good comedy because i think he truly was crazy so he would do things like smoke in the house grab staff members asses. and of course he had a thick french accent which made everything funnier. trying to say rma lingo in his accent...
"uuuuhhh youz no make ze bans wiz me - okay - oh oui, bon"

Hello everyone,
I just discovered this site today. I came across "Blownawaytheidahoway" and was thrown into some sort of post tramatic stress flashback....I remember Basil...Didn't he try to save banana peels under his bed to dry them out and try to smoke them to get high???
I only remember bits and pieces of my time there...must pull out my old note books...I don't remember the years, or my PG#....
I DO remember that Caroline had it out for me... :flame: she was/is a sick twisted psycho bitch....not that it bothers me much....
Title: Important! Wierd Happenings at CEDU schools.
Post by: dishdutyfugitive on November 17, 2007, 03:45:53 PM
Yes Basil did do that.
Title: Important! Wierd Happenings at CEDU schools.
Post by: Anonymous on November 17, 2007, 06:13:25 PM
Quote from: ""try another castle""
Quote from: ""dishdutyfugitive""
what was significant?

Those types of life altering events... such as witnessing someone get fileted in an airplane propeller. I would think that I would have remembered that happening to someone who I was relatively close to at the time. But I didn't. I still don't remember it.

you couldn't remember it, becuase you were gone...see?
Title: Important! Wierd Happenings at CEDU schools.
Post by: Anonymous on November 18, 2007, 05:25:37 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""try another castle""
Quote from: ""dishdutyfugitive""
what was significant?

Those types of life altering events... such as witnessing someone get fileted in an airplane propeller. I would think that I would have remembered that happening to someone who I was relatively close to at the time. But I didn't. I still don't remember it.

you couldn't remember it, becuase you were gone...see?

i would guess you dont remember it for the same reason that i had forgotten that i was molested until it got eeeked out of me at cedu, and the same reason i forgot about cedu until now...

denial.  its the brains system of protecting you from the trauma of your own life so you dont break down.  when you are ready or need to process that information, it will come to the surface of your concious mind naturally.  you won't be able to put it back come that day, but if that day never comes, so be it, i wish i could be functional and not remember cedu but i can't, so once you can't be functional and be in denial too, you'll come out of denial.
Title: Important! Wierd Happenings at CEDU schools.
Post by: Anonymous on November 18, 2007, 05:29:50 PM
fighting my slut thinking.... thanks for that one.

fuck this place does bring on the flashbacks though.
Title: Important! Wierd Happenings at CEDU schools.
Post by: try another castle on November 18, 2007, 09:55:02 PM
Oy, flashbacks. Normally this forum just helps me remember, sometimes successfully, sometimes not. But as for flashbacks in public, those suck.

Sometimes the most ridiculous things can trigger me, I swear. I got triggered one time because a burlesque dancer got too close to me while I was watching my friend's band play at a club. Reminded me of smoosh piles with your peer group after the "big" exercise in a propheet. And that smell of sweat mixed with tears. God that was freaky. Especially since there was no smell to trigger that flashback at all, and the situation could be as far removed from that experience as you could imagine. It was the closeness and feeling like I was on the "hot seat", i.e. attention was  being directed at me. That's what freaked me out.

Fortunately, double shots of tequila help *tremendously*.
Title: Important! Wierd Happenings at CEDU schools.
Post by: Anonymous on December 01, 2007, 11:24:58 AM
I remember a couple of staff that said that they purposefully gave other people venereal diseases that they knew they had.

Just woke up, had to find this thread.

Your dick as a weapon, man, they were sick "counselors".

And hearing about while standing perfectly still in a freezing circle for five hours was "therapeutic", right?
Title: Re: In 1991
Post by: stina on December 18, 2007, 06:19:19 PM
Quote from: ""justme""
Quote from: ""blownawaytheidahoway""
I heard something that needs clarification. If possible I'd like to know more details, or at least understand HOW this could happen:
Rumor has it (from a little sister source) that soon after I "GRADUATED" from that special environment a new kid ran away. (I'm afraid this isn't an isolated incident) he was successfully picked up by a logging vehicle with a male inside, presumably driving it, the RMA escapee gets in. The child is raped by the man.

When he returned to RMA (as soon as you think you're out, they pull you back in) he did go through the legal process of bringing criminal charges against the assailant.

RMA "assisted" him in dealing with the obvious emotional fallout from such an occurrence.                        

All of the above is hearsay, and I only heard about it this week. It sounds like a real nightmare and my heart goes out to this boy (in this case) who not only went through this assault (Castle, no pun intended you sicko), but if they suffered from the emotional fallout of dealing with their traumas under the guise of CEDU therapy.

That is one thing I would like to hear more about. If it's true that there were filings made, even though the victim was  a minor at the time, confirmation of the facts can be attained.

Yes, I recall that incident.  I can't remember his name but I will never forget the look on his face during his first rap back. I remember how dstroyed he looked, how broken, especially given that he rape was a major source of discussion, both in and out of the raps. I always wondered why RMA insisted on subjecting him to further shame. He had absolutely no one to protect him or comfort him.  There was no additional therapy other the raps where the mentally abused him further in an effort to teach the rest of us what could happen should we ever decide to leave. The boy in question was torned down and built back up in the RMA was truly disgusting. I don't really remember anyone saying that there was an investigation.

I remember this quite clearly as I had just gotten to RMA and my first rap involved him running his shit about it as he was to go to court and testify the next day. It was really fucking scary and sad, and that's pretty much the reason I never split.