
General Interest => Open Free for All => Topic started by: Nihilanthic on October 16, 2007, 10:34:53 PM

Title: Is it where I am or what I am?
Post by: Nihilanthic on October 16, 2007, 10:34:53 PM
It really feels like I can't win. But then again, my only experience to go by as an adult would be northern Florida.

In TL;DR form, basically, I'm wondering if its where (hicks... geriatrics, and rednecks) or what (Niles) I am that is making it such a pain to get out, get connections, meet people I enjoy being around, and just have a life!

I VERY, VERY rarely meet geeks here. VERY rarely! I VERY rarely met people who think and feel the way I do here. Then again, I'm in the same state that exonerated people who beat a child to death, on film.

 :roll: I sure as hell can make work or business connections, though. *sigh*

I don't want this to be a Florida bitch fest (FARK does a great job of making fun of Florida anyway) but I wonder if I just have to learn to drink tea from an empty cup and make do with the company around me, or if I should just get to a place that would be more likely for me to find people like me.

And of course, there's a chance that everyone hates me as much as I hate everyone else  :rofl:

I dunno. I know in Florida there are a FEW cool people, but I haven't met any of them yet.

GREG, I'm looking at you.
Title: Is it where I am or what I am?
Post by: Anonymous on October 16, 2007, 11:19:22 PM
No, you're right, Niles, north Florida, and especially JAX, really sucks.  Churchgoers, rednecks, and yuppie swine.  Even the limited amount of subversive fun to be had has disappeared, as most hipsters have up and left, correctly realizing that no amount of effort is going to change the ignorance level that exists there.  I'm sure there are some cool places to go and cool people to meet, but by and large, that city is really really vile.  I lived there for a number of years as a kid, and returned to help take care of my mom when she was dying.  I'm still in FL, for the time being anyway, but I'm really happy to not be living in JAX condolences and sympathies to you.  Good luck.
Title: Is it where I am or what I am?
Post by: Che Gookin on October 17, 2007, 03:37:35 AM
Yeah Niles you gotta move farther south to get some reasonable play. Those northern flordia rednecks are about as inbred as it gets. Try making a run down to Ybor city outside of Tampa for a weekend of fun in the sun. Seriously my good man if you can't score in Ybor you've some serious issues that need to be dealt with forthwith!!!

Miami Beach is pretty nice if you have the cash. Kind of expensive but pretty classy.

Now if you could just stop saying nigger and fuck every other word you might be able to mix in with the rest of the world's population. I know I know by excluding those two words you will have halved your vocabulary but consider it a sacrafice well worth making.
Title: Is it where I am or what I am?
Post by: Oz girl on October 17, 2007, 04:34:21 AM
What about south Beach? I loved southbeach
Title: Is it where I am or what I am?
Post by: Botched Programming on October 17, 2007, 02:45:50 PM
I live in "southern" Florida. West Palm Beach Area...... And I've been here for 10 years now, however I am all with you. I do great at surface relationships, such as people I work with etc. However this old hillbillie is way out of my norm.

I have sorta transplanted here ok, but damn..... there is no one around who understands me like people on the forum. I sure ain't going to sit down with people I associate with and tell them how botched my programming is. They just would not understand.... I would probably look up and men with little white jackets would be coming to take me away. (Not that I couldn't use a vacation).

Well..... enough of my ramblin.... only a couple hours and I'll wash the day down with a cold frosty beverage.

Title: HELP!! I'm stuck in Florida and I can't get out!!
Post by: 3xsaSeedling on October 17, 2007, 04:12:29 PM
Remember you are talking about the birthplace of group-mind-control as we've come to know it, in North America.  Living there always felt surreal.

Florida's like a horror scene:  everything looks all nicey-nice on top.  The Keys, Miami, the West coast, Disney, Universal, football, vacations   ::seg::
Then you look closer in the water and see the sharks.  But they're not just in the water and you'd best learn to swim w/them, quick.  Or you're food.

I came north 40 years ago.  Couldn't deal w/the southern mentality anymore.  
The only thing Floridians care less about than 'problem kids' is blacks.

All that being said, there's usually a passel of problems that go with IRL stuff as opposed to virtual   :wink:
Fun?  Stay in Fla. and do weekend 'excursions' (very popular in NewEngland and Carolinas).  Ya know? theKeys or Miami/Fort Lauderdale area for vacation maybe?
Change of life?  West coast. Life and business are both fast  but there's no shadows lurking under the water.  Everybodys out in the sunlight, so to speak
but there's other fish...barracuda, piranha
Title: Re: HELP!! I'm stuck in Florida and I can't get out!!
Post by: Anonymous on October 17, 2007, 04:34:25 PM
Quote from: ""3xsaSeedling""
The only thing Floridians care less about than 'problem kids' is blacks.

Kids don't deserve no goddamn rights, cuz they ain't no better than a bunch of fuckin NIGGERS! If mine ever try to "assert their rights" I'm gonna drag 'em out to the woodshed and tear up their uppity little asses!
Post by: seamus on October 17, 2007, 05:24:19 PM
I  GOT OUT of florida,for good, 15 yrs ago, I lived or spent time in Tallahassee (what a fucking cowtown) Daytona ST augustine,venice,sorry assed sarasota,and Miami,I said fuck it,too many idiots,not all southerners either a lot of assholes from other places wind up there, I had some good times but am much,much better off for leaving....If nothing is keeping you there.........Go
Title: Is it where I am or what I am?
Post by: Nihilanthic on October 17, 2007, 08:18:29 PM
Paid for education when I get my one year residency (which is in about a month) is the only reason I haven't said fuck it, yet.

Well that and not having my own car due to not really needing one yet. Hooray saving money.

I really am about to just fucking say I quit, though. I've been here a year, I left all my friends in NC, and not knowing anyone I've been unable to meet anyone due to not going to college yet!

Being alone REALLY sucks. Knowing this well what isolation and seclusion is helps me get a little perspective, but my god I wouldn't wish this on anyone. It also sucks being around people for work all day but having ZIP chemistry with them!

I can't even score a displaced Cougar with a brain still in her skull that hasn't been drunken into numbness! I guess they're all too busy nailing the navy guys who just came back from a few months stuck in a boat with other guys to have time for some dork working retail


JESUS this sucks.
Title: Is it where I am or what I am?
Post by: Anonymous on October 24, 2007, 02:07:35 PM
It's because you're ugly.. Ha, Ha, Ha...


Title: Is it where I am or what I am?
Post by: Nihilanthic on October 28, 2007, 05:45:51 PM
CCMgirl, seriously.

I've had sooo many people who don't defend programs call me cute why do you think I'd care what you say?  :rofl:

And I'd bet they look better than you!  :wink: