
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => The Troubled Teen Industry => Topic started by: Anonymous on October 12, 2007, 01:27:58 PM

Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Anonymous on October 12, 2007, 01:27:58 PM
All 8 Defendants:  Not Guilty.  Acquitted on all charges.
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: ZenAgent on October 12, 2007, 01:31:42 PM
My God.  Is there a link to an article yet?  I can't believe that, how can anyone who saw that tape vote to acquit?
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Deborah on October 12, 2007, 01:55:19 PM
Miller, McKeon, McCarthy, Kildee.... are you paying attention? This jury has set yet another unbelieveable precedent for abuse = treatment/ rehabilitation. ... index.html (

A defense attorney said convicting the guards would be like spitting on troops fighting an unpopular war.

Is he attempting to paint teens as terrorists? What a low blow.

"They have not brought in one witness to say those tactics are illegal. That those wrist bends, those knee strikes are improper," said Robert Sombathy, who represents guard Patrick Garrett.

If jurors found those tactics are wrong, every boot camp in the state would be guilty of child neglect, he said. Florida ended its military boot camp system last year because of the Anderson case.
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Anonymous on October 12, 2007, 02:30:33 PM
If the boot doesn't fit (the bruises on his body), you must acquit???
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: exhausted on October 12, 2007, 02:43:49 PM
No! No no no  no!

how the FUCK did this happen??? I saw them kill him as did you all - what pay off was there?

jesus this is why i dont come here anymore, I am enraged to the point of - it doesn't matter what i'm enraged to doing, thank God I started the support group here before it becomes a trend in the UK

Fucking fucking fucking - no justice for this child, none

Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: exhausted on October 12, 2007, 02:53:38 PM
Quote from: "Deborah"

"They have not brought in one witness to say those tactics are illegal.

Murder by ammonia inhilation is not illegal?[/
If jurors found those tactics are wrong, every boot camp in the state would be guilty of child neglect, he said..
Yer that'd be good stuff
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Anonymous on October 12, 2007, 02:59:33 PM
Jury only "deliberate 2 hours and 11 minutes."  Hell, it took that long to fill out the 8 Verdict forms !!!
That Jury didn't even take the time to reveiw the evidence!
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: exhausted on October 12, 2007, 03:01:36 PM
And you're surprised why?
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Anonymous on October 12, 2007, 03:02:10 PM
Posted on Court TV Discussion Forum:

Judge Overstreet: "I've never seen a verdict come in so quickly and everyone cheering".

He thanks everyone for conducting themselves the way they did, on both sides of the aisle. He thanks them for the respect they've shown the lawyers. He mentions the cameras and the media now.

The media wanted to be here to see each of you and how you react. I'd like them to see you as you are. Members of this community; good people. He asks them to stand and he orders in the jury.

12:22 pm Central
The jurors are seated and hand the verdict form to the bailiff at the request of Judge Overstreet.

Counsel and defendants will rise.

In the matter of the State of Florida VS ((names off the defendant's names))

Not guilty as to the first defendant's name.
Same with the rest, including the nurse.

So say we all dated the 12th of October 2007 Signed P**** ***** ((I will not post her full name here))

The jurors are now being polled separately with full names being called out one by one [/*]
Title: Seen it before
Post by: Covergaard on October 12, 2007, 03:13:10 PM
Such odd verdict we have in Denmark too at our city courts.

According to USAtoday (http:// some of the jurors know the families of guards so completely neutral jurors at the lowest level are impossible to find.

I dont know how your court system handles appeals. In Denmark we operate with three levels and a the lowest - the city court is known for some odd judgments, so they go to one of the two country courts (Eastern and Western) and if the law is not clear enough both parties can apply for access to the supreme court. In the resent year people can go down to a European Court if the matter has something to do with human rights. If a person is wrongful convicted and new evidence support that we also have a special court of appeal.

I can see that the USAtoday are trying to play the race-card. I dont know how I should look at that. I hope that this verdict can be tried at a higher level in your court-system.
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Anonymous on October 12, 2007, 03:19:55 PM
Don't forget - this is Florida.  The same state where in a civil case, a jury awarded Sue Scheff $11.3 million for internet defamation when I read on one of Sue Scheff's blogs, her own attorney apparently offered to settle the case for $35k.
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Nihilanthic on October 12, 2007, 06:55:54 PM
So, they can hit this kid, until he passes out, and dies later, and its not manslaughter?


If I hit someone with some cephalic disorder and he dies from it as an accident, I can be charged and CONVINCED for manslaughter!!!

Oh, and guess whats gonna happen now? It will be complicated and turned into a RACE issue and jesse jackson and Al Sharpton will fucking flap their gums over this and completely fuck it up and obfuscate this with race-centric politics.

GREAT. Well, we got a lot of steps forward on Wednesday, but we got a few of them back on Friday. Still a good week, but I'm pissed.

They only deliberated 90 minutes!!!
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: hanzomon4 on October 12, 2007, 07:05:36 PM
Not surprised, let's hope that the public can see pass the "this is not abuse in boot camp" bullshit.
Title: Re: Seen it before
Post by: Anonymous on October 13, 2007, 11:35:45 AM
Quote from: ""Covergaard""
Such odd verdict we have in Denmark too at our city courts.

According to USAtoday (http:// some of the jurors know the families of guards so completely neutral jurors at the lowest level are impossible to find.

I dont know how your court system handles appeals. In Denmark we operate with three levels and a the lowest - the city court is known for some odd judgments, so they go to one of the two country courts (Eastern and Western) and if the law is not clear enough both parties can apply for access to the supreme court. In the resent year people can go down to a European Court if the matter has something to do with human rights. If a person is wrongful convicted and new evidence support that we also have a special court of appeal.

I can see that the USAtoday are trying to play the race-card. I dont know how I should look at that. I hope that this verdict can be tried at a higher level in your court-system.

One of the best things about our conuntry--you can't be charged with the same crime twice. There will be a federal investigation which may lead to different charges, but not the exact same ones.

The problem here was with the prosecutors, who charged these folks with murder knowing the autopsy was inconclusive on what the cause of death was, but showed for a fact it was not the beating. The best likelihood (according to the autopsy) was suffocation, but med science says it could not have happened strictly because of ammonia capsules. The verdict has to be beyond a shadow of a doubt.

The prosecutors should have gone for charges of aggravated assault or abuse---the only thing proved beyond a doubt by the video. If they had been found guilty, the sentence would have been longer because the child died. The prosecutor's office got greedy and was doing some political grandstanding, certain the emotional issue would override the law. In a place that favors conservatives, they should have known better.
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: ZenAgent on October 13, 2007, 01:44:33 PM
This is from the Knoxville News Sentinel:

8 cleared in boot camp death

Guards, nurse found not guilty in teen's videotaped death

Associated Press
Saturday, October 13, 2007

PANAMA CITY, Fla. — Eight former boot camp workers were acquitted of manslaughter Friday in the death of a 14-year-old boy who was videotaped being punched and kicked. The scene sparked outrage and changes in the juvenile system, but it took jurors just 90 minutes to decide it was not a crime.

Anger over the verdict was obvious outside the courtroom, where bystanders screamed “murdererâ€
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Nihilanthic on October 13, 2007, 02:08:20 PM
Well, Florida's Civil Rights just got pushed back to damn near the Jim Crow era.


Yanno, I really, really hope this causes a veritable shit storm, gets something done for the better, and just maybe reform the prison industry here.

But I'm damn sure people will lose sight of the original problem here and instead make this completely about race and specifically black people, and not everyone fucked up by the program industry, the prison industry, and the asswipes in government responsible for both.

Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: exhausted on October 13, 2007, 02:15:45 PM
Niles you know it's going to become a race issue

it's up to those who can see the real issue to keep (the fact that this is an issue about a load of people killing a child) alive

Do lawyers there argue cases using previous cases? As in, if someone is up for exactly the same crime they#ll argue that someone else got a certain punishment, so therefore we must be fair about it?

If so, go kill a load of people, you too can walk free claiming they had some illness that would killl them anyway  :roll:
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Nihilanthic on October 13, 2007, 02:24:31 PM
Well, clearly being guilty of having teenage hormones = deadinsaneorinjail, so I should go open a program.

I mean, its OKAY right?

I love how we get to take a mile of steps forward on Wednesday and on Friday we lost half of them, AND get to see the race card played to completely fuck this up.

I really wish I could get on TV and say "IT ISN'T JUST BLACK KIDS", but that would make me a "RACISS"

God this country is getting on my nerves.
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: ZenAgent on October 13, 2007, 02:40:17 PM
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
Well, clearly being guilty of having teenage hormones = deadinsaneorinjail, so I should go open a program.

I mean, its OKAY right?

I love how we get to take a mile of steps forward on Wednesday and on Friday we lost half of them, AND get to see the race card played to completely fuck this up.

I really wish I could get on TV and say "IT ISN'T JUST BLACK KIDS", but that would make me a "RACISS"

God this country is getting on my nerves.

Like I said, the focus should stay on Martin Anderson's murder, and the subsequent denial of justice.  I'm not sure of the racial make-up of the jury - it could be racism was a factor in the verdict.

I guess in the end, whatever brings more attention to Martin Anderson's death should be viewed as positive.  Anyone looking at the abuses of the industry will quickly discover programs don't discriminate - they're colorblind when it comes to handing out torture.
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Nihilanthic on October 13, 2007, 02:44:15 PM
Some jurors were family friends of the Guards, for one.

For two, if this becomes PURELY a white vs black issue, then the actual cause of his death, the child torture industry, will basically fall by the wayside, YET AGAIN!
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Joyce Harris on October 13, 2007, 03:01:18 PM
Zen,  Jury Panel:

The 6 final members of the Jury were chozen by which seats they were seated in.
The final Jury Panel was all-white..

The Jury
A 32-year-old business analyst. White male
A 59-year-old landscaping manager. White male
A 73-year-old homemaker. White female
A 56-year-old homemaker. White female
A 61-year-old retired teacher. White female
A 62-year-old librarian. White female
A 28-year-old maintenance worker. White male
A 26-year-old mortgage loan processor. White female
A 51-year-old retired Air Force member. Asian male
A 51-year-old disabled white female
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: ZenAgent on October 13, 2007, 03:30:23 PM
Quote from: ""Joyce Harris""
Zen,  Jury Panel:

The 6 final members of the Jury were chozen by which seats they were seated in.
The final Jury Panel was all-white..

The Jury
A 32-year-old business analyst. White male
A 59-year-old landscaping manager. White male
A 73-year-old homemaker. White female
A 56-year-old homemaker. White female
A 61-year-old retired teacher. White female
A 62-year-old librarian. White female
A 28-year-old maintenance worker. White male
A 26-year-old mortgage loan processor. White female
A 51-year-old retired Air Force member. Asian male
A 51-year-old disabled white female

Ugh...I won't make any rash judgments about the jury, but I can see a possible lack of empathy for Martin Anderson, based on their ages and professions.

I can see something more sinister, too.  Niles, the "race card" has been abused in the past - Michael Jackson played it against his record company for not promoting his album.  The real issue was very simple -  the album was a turd and not worth losing more money on.  It was used as an excuse, and I'm aware of other examples.  No one's looking for an excuse here, just answers to how eight people could kill a young man and have a jury decide they weren't culpable, despite a video of the defendants punching and kicking Martin Anderson.  

It wouldn't take the focus off the industry's abuses, and it could expose another ugly side of programs.  Rumors abound about PV and racism...a quick look at their website's staff page shows the clinicians are Milk of Magnesia pale and pasty, except for one guy, who's of Filipino descent, I think.
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Antigen on October 13, 2007, 03:32:31 PM


Get yer Charles Helms Jr. commemorative tshirt right here! (some proceeds go to feed the Fornits)
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Nihilanthic on October 13, 2007, 04:03:49 PM
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Quote from: ""Joyce Harris""
Zen,  Jury Panel:

The 6 final members of the Jury were chozen by which seats they were seated in.
The final Jury Panel was all-white..

The Jury
A 32-year-old business analyst. White male
A 59-year-old landscaping manager. White male
A 73-year-old homemaker. White female
A 56-year-old homemaker. White female
A 61-year-old retired teacher. White female
A 62-year-old librarian. White female
A 28-year-old maintenance worker. White male
A 26-year-old mortgage loan processor. White female
A 51-year-old retired Air Force member. Asian male
A 51-year-old disabled white female

Ugh...I won't make any rash judgments about the jury, but I can see a possible lack of empathy for Martin Anderson, based on their ages and professions.

I can see something more sinister, too.  Niles, the "race card" has been abused in the past - Michael Jackson played it against his record company for not promoting his album.  The real issue was very simple -  the album was a turd and not worth losing more money on.  It was used as an excuse, and I'm aware of other examples.  No one's looking for an excuse here, just answers to how eight people could kill a young man and have a jury decide they weren't culpable, despite a video of the defendants punching and kicking Martin Anderson.  

It wouldn't take the focus off the industry's abuses, and it could expose another ugly side of programs.  Rumors abound about PV and racism...a quick look at their website's staff page shows the clinicians are Milk of Magnesia pale and pasty, except for one guy, who's of Filipino descent, I think.

I'm still utterly expecting this to turn into a new "Rodney King" and the real issue to be left by the wayside. He would not be dead now if not for the Floridian problem with civil rights and habit of programming juveniles, period!

At the very least the people who DROPPED THE BALL and set themselves up for the race card to be played and supposedly had jurors as family friends of the defendants (is that verified?) need to get fired. And I'm expecting protests and a ton of shit to happen. I hope to god nobody is dumb enough to riot in this state. I do NOT want to see hell break loose.

Regarding this exposing the industry's racism: Do you think the NAACP knows (or cares?) ANYTHING about this shit? Black people aren't as lacking in common sense as much as white people apparently do, look at demographics of program families!

They also seem to have a healthy limit to their blind trust in "the man" which I think white-bread, middle class America could stand to get.
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: ZenAgent on October 13, 2007, 08:24:58 PM
Whitey Bourgeois is always looking for someone to raise his kids for him and fix his screw-ups with meds and straitjackets.  The industry is like an exercise in Eugenics:  your kid is not "normal", he has "problems"... place the kid in a duck farm for behavior modification and all types of ill quackery in hopes of rendering the kid "normal".  The next step after programs would be "euthanizing" kids who are different, and put an end once and for all to the troublesome artists, musicians, writers, and people who question their society.

...And I'm off the subject!  If what you say is true, then there won't be many cases of racism to cite.  End of it there, but we already saw bi-partisan shock and outrage at the stories of death and abuse during the GAO hearing.  Ideological and racial lines of division blur when the issue is protecting children.
Title: Federal Review
Post by: Anonymous on October 13, 2007, 10:34:14 PM
Federal Review of Martin Anderson Boot Camp Case?

Federal Review Looms in Boot Camp Death
By MELISSA NELSON – 6 hours ago

PANAMA CITY, Fla. (AP) — Seven former juvenile boot camp guards and a nurse had barely processed an all-white jury's decision to acquit them in a black teenager's death before federal authorities announced they would review the case.

Since jurors on Friday acquitted them of manslaughter charges, federal prosecutors likely would have to try another tactic, such as seeking an indictment alleging obstruction of justice, legal experts said.

"It's too early to say that the final chapter has been written with respect to the criminal justice system in this case," said Kendall Coffey, a former U.S. attorney in Miami.

Florida civil rights leaders called for federal charges hours after a jury took 90 minutes to exonerate the eight in state court in the death of Martin Lee Anderson, 14.

By Friday evening, officials from the U.S. Department of Justice in Washington and the U.S. Attorney's Office in Tallahassee announced they were reviewing the state's prosecution.

Anderson died Jan. 6, 2006, a day after being hit and kicked by the guards as the nurse watched after he collapsed while running laps. The 30-minute confrontation was videotaped.

The altercation drew protests in the state capital and marked the end of Florida's system of juvenile boot camps.

Defense attorneys argued that the camp workers were using accepted tactics and that the boy died because of a pre-existing medical condition.

Coffey said state prosecutors might have laid a foundation for their federal counterparts to seek an obstruction charge by grilling the eight about inconsistencies and omissions in their written accounts of the last conscious moments of Anderson's life when they testified last week.

But lawyer Bob Sombathy, who represented ex-guard Patrick Garrett, said he doubted a federal prosecution would be successful. Sombathy said the state trial showed the medical findings are on the side of the defendants.

"With a 90-minute verdict after a three-week trial (in the state case), it would be the same result," he said.

Ashley Benedik, defense attorney for nurse Kristin Schmidt, said the federal government might not bring charges.

"To a certain extent there was more at stake for the state, there was more of a public outcry," she said.

At a vigil in the impoverished neighborhood where Anderson grew up, community leaders appealed for calm in the wake of the verdict, which they said was affected by Circuit Judge Michael Overstreet's decision to hold the trial in Panama City, where the boot camp was located.

"This is not the end of it. We can take it to a higher court and I hope it will be taken to a higher court," said Panama City Commissioner Jonathan Wilson.

Laurie Levenson, a professor at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles, said she was not surprised the guards were acquitted by a "hometown jury." Nor would it surprise her if the federal government stepped in, she said.

"This is the very type of case you would expect the Justice Department to take a very close look at, just like the Rodney King case," Levenson said.

King was pulled over for speeding in Los Angeles' eastern San Fernando Valley, where police officers who said he acted menacingly and refused to follow their orders were videotaped kicking him, pummeling him with their nightsticks and shooting him with stun-gun darts.

After a jury acquitted the officers in 1992, riots broke out across Los Angeles and lasted four days, leaving 55 people dead and more than 2,000 injured.

Federal prosecutors in the King case presented new evidence during their trial of the officers, including testimony that the officers had lied and had laughed about the incident, Levenson said.

In the federal trial, two officers were convicted of violating King's civil rights.

Associated Press Writer Brian Skoloff contributed to this report from West Palm Beach.
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: try another castle on October 13, 2007, 11:15:28 PM
The prosecutors should have gone for charges of aggravated assault or abuse---the only thing proved beyond a doubt by the video. If they had been found guilty, the sentence would have been longer because the child died. The prosecutor's office got greedy and was doing some political grandstanding, certain the emotional issue would override the law. In a place that favors conservatives, they should have known better.

Probably the best angle would be that of malpractice/gross negligence. These places offer services in the form of treatment, so  regard it as such. The malpractice angle was used for the KIDS of north jersey case, I believe.
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Nihilanthic on October 13, 2007, 11:41:48 PM
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Whitey Bourgeois is always looking for someone to raise his kids for him and fix his screw-ups with meds and straitjackets.  The industry is like an exercise in Eugenics:  your kid is not "normal", he has "problems"... place the kid in a duck farm for behavior modification and all types of ill quackery in hopes of rendering the kid "normal".  The next step after programs would be "euthanizing" kids who are different, and put an end once and for all to the troublesome artists, musicians, writers, and people who question their society.

...And I'm off the subject!  If what you say is true, then there won't be many cases of racism to cite.  End of it there, but we already saw bi-partisan shock and outrage at the stories of death and abuse during the GAO hearing.  Ideological and racial lines of division blur when the issue is protecting children.


I haven't seen any politicians or any people in the secondary media (radio... and well in that case, heard) speak about that shit yet.

They seem to be avoiding it like the plague, waiting for the other side to commit first.
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: ZenAgent on October 14, 2007, 02:17:44 AM
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Whitey Bourgeois is always looking for someone to raise his kids for him and fix his screw-ups with meds and straitjackets.  The industry is like an exercise in Eugenics:  your kid is not "normal", he has "problems"... place the kid in a duck farm for behavior modification and all types of ill quackery in hopes of rendering the kid "normal".  The next step after programs would be "euthanizing" kids who are different, and put an end once and for all to the troublesome artists, musicians, writers, and people who question their society.

...And I'm off the subject!  If what you say is true, then there won't be many cases of racism to cite.  End of it there, but we already saw bi-partisan shock and outrage at the stories of death and abuse during the GAO hearing.  Ideological and racial lines of division blur when the issue is protecting children.


I haven't seen any politicians or any people in the secondary media (radio... and well in that case, heard) speak about that shit yet.

They seem to be avoiding it like the plague, waiting for the other side to commit first.

Oh yeah, my mother-in-law is a hardcore Republican, pissed that it took a Democrat to bring this mess to answer, but she's growing fond of George Miller.  Party affiliations don't mean shit to a grandmother who's granddaughter was abused, she just wants some ass kicking.  

Um...but I guess she isn't a politician or media.  Give it time.
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: ZenAgent on October 14, 2007, 10:30:10 PM ... 01207.html (

Chairman Miller Statement on Not Guilty Verdicts in Martin Lee Anderson Case

Friday, October 12, 2007

WASHINGTON, DC -- U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-CA), chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee, issued the following statement today after learning that eight employees of the Bay County, Florida, Sheriff’s Office Boot Camp facility were found not guilty in the 2006 death of 14-year-old Martin Lee Anderson:

“When a Florida court sent Martin Lee Anderson to a county-run boot camp in 2006, the court didn’t intend to sentence him to death. But tragically, a death sentence is what Martin Lee Anderson got. The boot camp has since closed and the state of Florida has revised its policies. While these are welcome steps, Anderson’s family deserves every opportunity to see that those involved are held criminally responsible for their actions. That is why I am encouraged that the U.S. Justice Department is reviewing the case to see whether charges of federal criminal civil rights violations are possible.

“Sadly, this type of child abuse has happened before and continues to happen in many states throughout the U.S., because of a lack of sufficient safeguards to prevent it. Earlier this week, investigators for the Government Accountability Office reported that they had found thousands of allegations of child abuse and neglect in residential treatment programs for children, including boot camps and wilderness programs. In many cases where a child died, none of the adults entrusted with the child’s care was ever held responsible.

“Such cases show the urgent need for stronger laws. Congress will act to stop these abuses of children once and for all. In cases involving privately-run facilities, which often lack regulations of any kind, we will establish standards to keep children safe. In cases involving county- or state-run facilities, we will act to strengthen existing standards. We have no mandate more urgent than the health and safety of children.â€
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Che Gookin on October 14, 2007, 10:37:18 PM
:lol:  :lol:

You mean you need a stronger law for murder???

What a god damn political opprotunist. If it wasn't for the fact that this tool could get us national coverage for this issue I'd say bury him out in the woods face down as a favor for the gene pool.

Fucking pols...

They make me sick every god damn one of them.
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Che Gookin on October 14, 2007, 10:39:36 PM
but.. not as sick as that god damn tits worthless jury in florida. They should have enforced the full god damn measure of the law and tossed everyone of their asses in jail for man slaughter.
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: 3xsaSeedling on October 15, 2007, 12:07:33 AM
I was watching this last week.
I am not surprised.
less[/i] about than 'problem kids' is blacks.  Slavery comes to mind.
There is a mentality shift when you go south.  There's no depth.
Being from 'the north' makes it a little more obvious to me.
The law may have integrated them, but the south didn't have to like it.  As a culture, they don't act like they liked it.
I left Florida in 1976.  I've never been sorry.  Geographical cures CAN be the best   ::seg::
Up north, people have more depth.  
For me?  Life is untouchable.  Do not fold, spindle or mutilate.  There should be laws to specifically protect that sacred right to live your life without being interfered with regardless of sex, race or age.  That would be in the  Bill of Rights? maybe (prob'ly where I got the speech from?  :wink: )?
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: hanzomon4 on October 15, 2007, 12:18:11 AM
Speaking of the right to life, I've seen Federal Civil Rights Cases brought against cops for killing people for violating that right. In the case I'm thinking about it was the only way the case could be tried without invoking Double Jeopardy. Being that these Assholes were cops, or Gov officials, Deprivation of Civil Rights under Color of Law may come into play.
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Che Gookin on October 15, 2007, 06:38:19 AM
civil rights my hairy left nut.. this is flat out murder.

whatever it takes though to put these shitheels behind bars though is good by me.

To damn bad the state of florida cocked this one up so horridly.
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: AtomicAnt on October 15, 2007, 07:56:41 AM
What strikes me as obvious legal issues:

The defense of we were 'following procedures.' This defense was deemed unsupportable after WWII when it was used by SS Guards at concentration camps. Even following military orders was never valid as an excuse for war crimes; or any crime for that matter.

The defense of the pre-existing medical condition. Once again, I know of no precedence where this is valid. If someone mugs a man with a heart problem and he dies of a heart attack, it is still murder. The mugger cannot say, "I didn't know he was going to die." As a facility that cares for children, they are negligent for not having safeguards in place for this very kind of eventuality.

Although it is a shame that race is clouding the teen abuse issue, I honestly believe race was an issue. The jury was all white. In Florida "respect for law and order" is a euphemism for 'white supremacy' and a military attitude toward dissent.

Finally, Florida has one of the most corrupt and insane judicial systems in the USA. Florida is listed as human rights violator by both Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International. They have by far the most incarcerated children of any State (except California) and Florida has by far the most children serving time as adults in adult prisons. It is truly frightening how much the home of Straight Inc hates kids.
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: exhausted on October 15, 2007, 08:29:35 AM

1) Okay if they were "following procedures" that means it is procedure to kick and beat someone who is in a state of collapse - as clearly shown on the recording, is that not an admission that their procedures flount the law?
If a kid needs restraint for his safety or those around him, fair enough, and I am NOT taking the type of restraint that means 10 burly men/women crushing a kid to death

2) I have seen and can provide recordings of police officers who have been fired, suspended whatever for using excessive force which although wrong & totally out of control, has in no way put someone in danger of death, yet they were still punished as they should be.

3) Your law differs to ours I think - from a true case in the UK - a man attacks another man in a road rage incident, attacked man is beaten to an unrecognisable pulp, however it is determined attacked man dies of a heart attack, not the beating, so is it not obvious the deceased had a heart attack because a much younger man was pounding the life out of him? No, the deceased had a heart problem that he could have died from at any given time, so attacker walks free, why does he walk free? because the prosecution didn't look into the possibility of this outcome and went for manslaughter charges, no assault, road rage, battery, intent to harm charges were put in place, therefore he was never tried for them and won't be, so until the next time....  :roll:
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Deborah on October 15, 2007, 09:17:04 AM
As I said on pg 1
Miller, McKeon, McCarthy, Kildee.... are you paying attention? This jury has set yet another unbelieveable precedent for

abuse = treatment/ rehabilitation.
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Anne Bonney on October 15, 2007, 11:49:11 AM
I've been sick over this all weekend.  This is the kind of shit that makes me want to chuck everything and move to some island somewhere.  WTF is wrong with people?  

I give up.  Its on tape this time and still no one gives a fuck.

 :flame:  :flame:  ::noway::  :cry:
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: felice on October 15, 2007, 12:03:44 PM
Here is what Congressman Miller had to say:

Press Releases
 Chairman Miller Statement on Not Guilty Verdicts in Martin Lee Anderson Case  
 Friday, October 12, 2007
 WASHINGTON, DC -- U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-CA), chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee, issued the following statement today after learning that eight employees of the Bay County, Florida, Sheriff’s Office Boot Camp facility were found not guilty in the 2006 death of 14-year-old Martin Lee Anderson:

“When a Florida court sent Martin Lee Anderson to a county-run boot camp in 2006, the court didn’t intend to sentence him to death. But tragically, a death sentence is what Martin Lee Anderson got. The boot camp has since closed and the state of Florida has revised its policies. While these are welcome steps, Anderson’s family deserves every opportunity to see that those involved are held criminally responsible for their actions. That is why I am encouraged that the U.S. Justice Department is reviewing the case to see whether charges of federal criminal civil rights violations are possible.

“Sadly, this type of child abuse has happened before and continues to happen in many states throughout the U.S., because of a lack of sufficient safeguards to prevent it. Earlier this week, investigators for the Government Accountability Office reported that they had found thousands of allegations of child abuse and neglect in residential treatment programs for children, including boot camps and wilderness programs. In many cases where a child died, none of the adults entrusted with the child’s care was ever held responsible.

“Such cases show the urgent need for stronger laws. Congress will act to stop these abuses of children once and for all. In cases involving privately-run facilities, which often lack regulations of any kind, we will establish standards to keep children safe. In cases involving county- or state-run facilities, we will act to strengthen existing standards. We have no mandate more urgent than the health and safety of children.â€
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Nihilanthic on October 15, 2007, 12:57:44 PM
Quote from: ""Anne Bonney""
I've been sick over this all weekend.  This is the kind of shit that makes me want to chuck everything and move to some island somewhere.  WTF is wrong with people?  

I give up.  Its on tape this time and still no one gives a fuck.

 :flame:  :flame:  ::noway::  :cry:

Cultural and mental sickness, Anne Bonney.

Well, it seems democracy ultimately leads to mob rule! There IS justification that people either are too stupid to lead others, and those who know better should...

... or government should simply protect individuals from other individuals and let them decide for themselves.

This case, and the way that flor-i-duh is so clearly fucked up is the biggest justification for Libertarianism I've ever seen first hand. Period. That or anarchy. It seems anytime influential institutions or social groups are allowed to grow and get more power and influence this seems to inevitably happen.

Orwell couldn't have stated it better in 1984 if he outright said that the LEO wannabes and the corrupt LEO's themselves are "the party" outright!

And, of course, I completely expect the NAACP to completely fuck this issue up, black jack it and eliminate the context, and make this about "the man" and ignore every other kid fucked up or killed by this shit.

Whelp, I guess it comes down to if you want to stick around and put up with these people and hope through trickle-down-generational education people eventually wake up from this, or get out. Personally, I'd rather help from a good safe distance.

Either way - what do we do? We can't counter cultural indoctrination and hatred for children or other races, can we? Sure we can get through to educated, enlightened, or simply non-twisted people, but how do we deal with the masses of asses who perpetuate this and believe in what they do?

It would seem the only thing that would have any "teeth" would be protecting the rights of these children, on the federal level, and then preparing for a lot of state-side-bitching about it. Sure, what we're doing is slowly gaining ground and spreading, but beating around the bush gets us nowhere.
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Anonymous on October 15, 2007, 04:59:37 PM
Quote from: ""try another castle""
The prosecutors should have gone for charges of aggravated assault or abuse---the only thing proved beyond a doubt by the video. If they had been found guilty, the sentence would have been longer because the child died. The prosecutor's office got greedy and was doing some political grandstanding, certain the emotional issue would override the law. In a place that favors conservatives, they should have known better.

Probably the best angle would be that of malpractice/gross negligence. These places offer services in the form of treatment, so  regard it as such. The malpractice angle was used for the KIDS of north jersey case, I believe.

I believe that malpractice/gross negligence are more often used in civil cases---not to be ruled out here, but not applicable to a criminal trial. And malpractice would apply to the facility more than it would to the individuals involved in the assault.
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Anonymous on October 15, 2007, 08:27:21 PM
Quote from: ""Anne Bonney""
I've been sick over this all weekend.  This is the kind of shit that makes me want to chuck everything and move to some island somewhere.  WTF is wrong with people?  

I give up.  Its on tape this time and still no one gives a fuck.

 :flame:  :flame:  ::noway::  :cry:
That's not true, we give a fuck, the jury didn't

Hope you's feel better soon

Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: TheWho on October 15, 2007, 10:55:29 PM
Hey TSW, Do you know this guy? (http://;_ylt=Aq7zKX6Hq9TehHbwrcm1pJQE1vAI)  The face on your avatar kinda looks a little like him...... Do you work with this guy?  

"The man, whose face initially was disguised behind a digitalized swirl, is now thought to be on the run in Thailand, Interpol said. He is said to be an English teacher at a school in South Korea.

The man was allegedly shown sexually abusing 12 young Vietnamese and Cambodian boys, apparently ranging in age from 6 to early teens, in about 200 photographs posted on the Internet. "
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Anonymous on October 15, 2007, 11:23:00 PM
Quote from: ""Sal Paradise""
Investigative Due Diligence

The XXXXXXXX Investigative Due Diligence (IDD) practice helps counsel, investors and financial institutions to identify and avoid risks by exposing the hidden elements of prospective transactions and relationships. Our multi-disciplinary team of investigative professionals discover, verify and analyze information to alert you to potential risks and advise on their mitigation.

Comprehensive Background Checks

Investigative Due Diligence is an essential service for companies concerned about the unknown dimensions of a potential acquisition, investment, partner, client or other commercial relationship. Through a comprehensive process of in-depth background checks, interviews and detailed analyses, we surface information for personnel decisions, strategic negotiations and disclosures in potential transactions.

Corporations engaged in mergers and acquisitions, strategic alliances and significant vendor or customer relationships can benefit from the awareness that IDD provides for transaction teams, investment banks, private equity firms, hedge funds, institutional investors and their legal counsel.

Types of Risks Identified by IDD:

    * Undisclosed related-party transactions
    * Misrepresentations or omissions
    * Unreported financial difficulties
    * Allegations of illegal or unethical business practices
    * Troubled transactional history
    * Undisclosed legal proceedings
    * Questionable associations or relationships
    * Criminal or regulatory actions
    * Trade with controversial entities or embargoed countries
    * Deficient director independence or corporate governance
    * Financial reporting issues
Forensic accounting

Another firm:

Specific examples of services that we can provide include:

• Damage calculations, such as compiling exposure levels from fraudulent billing allegations
• Assisting in the drafting, implementations and reporting requirements of Corporate Integrity Agreements
• Assisting in settlement negotiations with government agencies or payers
• Investigation of "hotline" reports
    - Initial investigation of patient abuse issues
    - Investigation of reports of mismanagement of programs or subsidiaries
    - Initial investigation of reports of Human Resource issues/violations
• Defense of false claim allegations
• Billing compliance reviews
• Reviews of recruitment procedures, and other business process reviews related to anti-kickback violations
• HIPAA compliance reviews

Accountants playing private dicks.  Forensic accounting/IDD is a bottom-feeder's gig, and it's a troubled program's wet dream.  To what extent will they go to protect clients? And why is an accountant investigating "hotline" reports?  What info do they have access to?  How many or these guys are scurrying around under the boards of the industry, especially now?
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: TheWho on October 15, 2007, 11:38:21 PM

Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Deborah on October 16, 2007, 12:13:32 AM
So you thought you'd throw it into the Martin Lee Anderson thread to derail the discussion?
Why don't you be considerate and move it to it's own thread or Open Free for All.
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Anonymous on October 16, 2007, 12:35:09 AM
Disclaimer: Not trying to discredit you or anything. They already have the guys name and passport #, just thought it was an uncanny coincidence

What the hell does that mean, "uncanny coincidence?"
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Anonymous on October 16, 2007, 01:09:18 AM
Sure hope this alleged pedo like adult size males because it sounds like if he's proven guilty as charged, he will be spending a lot of time around grown men, confined to a prison with a lot of big dickheads who typically don't like being around perverts who sexually abuse children.  Isolation would be better than being put into the general population but then again, there is something to be said for perverted justice.
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Anonymous on October 16, 2007, 01:32:16 AM

Department of Justice Reviewing Evidence Concerning Florida Boot Camp Death of Martin Anderson
Author: U.S. Department of Justice
Published on Oct 13, 2007, 08:28

U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Florida Gregory Robert Miller and Acting Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division Rena Comisac announced today that the Department of Justice is reviewing evidence concerning the death of 14-year-old Martin Anderson following his collapse at a Bay County, Fla., boot camp for juvenile offenders on n. January 5, 2006. The Civil Rights Division and the U.S. Attorney's Office have been actively monitoring the state's prosecution of the boot camp personnel, which concluded this week.

The Civil Rights Division and the U.S. Attorney's Office will conduct a thorough and independent review of all of the evidence, including the state trial transcripts, and take appropriate action if the evidence indicates a prosecutable violation of federal criminal civil rights statutes. This is an on-going criminal investigation; therefore, the Department can make no further comment on this case at this time.

© Copyright 2007
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Che Gookin on October 16, 2007, 03:02:53 AM
Lawds... ANother kiddie fiddler hiding out in Asia??? Who would of thunk it???

I'm so dearly surprised.


sickest collection of wierdos in the world can be found in Asia. Sad part is the parents sell the kids into it about half the time and the other half they are stolen right out of their village.

Most mind boggling thing about it is most dudes could shack up with a 20 something year old drop dead hot native girl every single night and not bang the same one more than once a month.

yet the wierdos still go after kids.

No clue who the person in the avatar is I copied it from someone else off another website. But yeah they do sorta look a like.
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Deborah on October 16, 2007, 07:22:23 AM
Guards, nurse acquitted of manslaughter in boot camp case
PANAMA CITY, Florida -- An all-white jury found all defendants not guilty in the death of Martin Lee Anderson after 90 minutes of deliberations.

Anderson's mother, Gina Jones, stormed out the courtroom after the final verdict was read.

"I can't see my son no more, but everybody sees their family!" Jones shouted.

Six jurors cleared the seven former Bay County juvenile boot camp drill instructors and a camp nurse not responsible for the 14-year-old boy's death. They were seen on a video kicking, kneeing and punching the boy, but the defense proved he died from a benign blood disorder, sickle-cell trait, not by the guards' actions.

The case has been racially charged since five of the defendants were white, two black and one Asian.

"You kill a dog and go to jail, you kill a little black boy and nothing happens," said Ben Crump, attorney for Anderson's parents.

Jurors in the case were escorted out by sheriff deputies as they entered their vehicles, and were given escorts by deputies driving patrol cars.

A number of defense attorneys appeared on Court TV following the verdict, and Bay County Circuit Judge Michael Overstreet, who presided over the case, watched from a chair in the courtroom on a television, sometimes laughing at the commentary.

The three Hillsborough County prosecutors who tried the case left immediately after the verdict.

Defense attorneys were more than happy to give media interviews.

Hoot Crawford, who represented Henry McFadden Jr., said the prosecution's witnesses hurt their own case.

"Two experts having conflicting testimony," Crawford said. "Their witnesses killed them."

The prosecution had one medical examiner testify Anderson died from suffocation, while another disagreed and said the boy died from lack of oxygen.

Lawmakers react to verdict
The not-guilty verdicts came just as Florida's Legislature was concluding its budget-cutting special session.

House Speaker Marco Rubio, however, said he had not followed the trial closely and was reluctant to pass judgment.

"The Martin Lee Anderson is a tragic episode in Florida's history. It's an understatement to say it's not one of our proudest moments," said Rubio, R-West Miami and the first Cuban-American to be elected Florida House Speaker.

However, Rubio said, "I'm not a member of that jury, I don't know the evidence. I, quite frankly, didn't follow the trial at that level of detail. I can tell you what I saw in that videotape is not something anyone's proud of around here."

Reaction from Florida's black legislators was swift, and angry.

"It is a sad day in the state of Florida. Martin Lee Anderson did not receive justice, and I am livid," said Sen. Frederica Wilson, D-Miami Gardens.

She called on the U.S. Justice Department to immediately intervene, and investigate how Bay County handled the trial, including the selection of an all-white jury.

"We will not stop until we see justice," she said. "President Bush needs to make sure there is a thorough investigation. Even Martin Lee's parents had to leave Panama City because of harassment."

Wilson said the trial was conducted in an atmosphere of racism. "I'm surprised they didn't have nooses outside the courthouse," she said. "This is the Florida of yesterday."

Some of them called on African Americans throughout the United States to boycott Bay County and its tourist-driven economy.

"We need to look at making Bay County off-limits," said Rep. Frank Peterman, D-St. Petersburg. "I would encourage African Americans to not go there -- don't patronize anything there."

The call for a civil rights investigation was echoed by Rep. Joe Gibbons, R-Pembroke Park. "The federal government should get involved," he said.

Others remained stunned by the verdict itself.

"I expected some charges ...not for them to just walk away," said Rep. Betty Reed, D-Tampa.

Sen. Al Lawson, D-Tallahassee and a veteran member of the black caucus, said his feelings were mixed.

It's unlikely the guards went to work intending to harm an inmate, he said. At the same time, the jury was also probably confused by conflicting medical evidence.

"I didn't think you could get a conviction in Bay County and I was correct," he said. "I don't know whether justice was served."

Students protest
Some students walked out of classes at Florida A&M University and Florida State University today to protest the not-guilty verdict.

"I just got several phone calls. Please let everyone know that we are not organizing this, these people walked out on their own. The kids are just mad," said Vanessa Baden, an organizer for the Student Coalition for Justice.

Baden said she received several phone calls from angry students shortly after the verdict was announced and was told they planned a spontaneous march on the Capitol. Their calls were followed by calls from Capitol Police asking if a protest was planned, Baden said.

By 2:15 p.m., the Capitol Courtyard was empty of protesters.

Baden said the verdict was devastating and called for a federal investigation.

"We are going to pursue federal charges, we are going to work with the NAACP," she said. "It's very difficult to comprehend how the jury could come back with a verdict in 90 minutes. Nevertheless, we can't say we didn't expect this."

Baden said the verdict will only stiffen her resolve.

"Justice has not been served," she said. "One day, we are going to be able to tell our kids that a black life is just as worthy as a white life."

Stephen D. Price, Paige St. John and Jim Ash, Florida Capital Bureau
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Anne Bonney on October 16, 2007, 10:37:43 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Anne Bonney""
I've been sick over this all weekend.  This is the kind of shit that makes me want to chuck everything and move to some island somewhere.  WTF is wrong with people?  

I give up.  Its on tape this time and still no one gives a fuck.

 :flame:  :flame:  ::noway::  :cry:
That's not true, we give a fuck, the jury didn't

Hope you's feel better soon


I know, I know.  WE care but so far, that doesn't seem  to matter much.  I'm fine, just a little discouraged.  It happens.  Who knows?  Maybe the verdict itself will cause an uproar.  Hell, even the attorneys in my building are freaked out about it and that's saying something.
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Anonymous on October 16, 2007, 12:10:57 PM
"We need to look at making Bay County off-limits," said Rep. Frank Peterman, D-St. Petersburg. "I would encourage African Americans to not go there -- don't patronize anything there."

*looks into a vacation in Bay County, or possibly staying there for the whole winter*
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Nihilanthic on October 16, 2007, 12:51:46 PM
"Two experts having conflicting testimony," Crawford said. "Their witnesses killed them."

The prosecution had one medical examiner testify Anderson died from suffocation, while another disagreed and said the boy died from lack of oxygen.


That still doesn't beat...

They were seen on a video kicking, kneeing and punching the boy, but the defense proved he died from a benign blood disorder, sickle-cell trait, not by the guards' actions.

Wow. O-K.

And now we watch as this segues into a race issue.
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: exhausted on October 16, 2007, 01:54:12 PM
Quote from: ""Anne Bonney""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Anne Bonney""
I've been sick over this all weekend.  This is the kind of shit that makes me want to chuck everything and move to some island somewhere.  WTF is wrong with people?  

I give up.  Its on tape this time and still no one gives a fuck.

 :flame:  :flame:  ::noway::  :cry:
That's not true, we give a fuck, the jury didn't

Hope you's feel better soon


I know, I know.  WE care but so far, that doesn't seem  to matter much.  I'm fine, just a little discouraged.  It happens.  Who knows?  Maybe the verdict itself will cause an uproar.  Hell, even the attorneys in my building are freaked out about it and that's saying something.
Exactly why it is so important that this does not become a race issue.

It's a child murder issue, if you go home and do this to your kid, you are going to spend a long time inside for it, or the death penalty in some states. Don't bother going down the discipline route or the trying to control your child's unruly behaviour route because that route does not work for you, you are not exempt unlike these proffessionals'
Which brings me to the whacky law and the fact they send kids to these places because us parents aren't allowed to discipline them, if we did beat our kids, they'd be too scared to behave in a way that ends them up in a program.

So yes there needs to be an uproar, which leads me onto .......

Another thing to be wary of concentrating too much on is what MLA died of, we know this kid died - be it from sickle cell, suffocation or a good beating, or maybe a combination, the focus has to remain on the fact that he was beaten, kicked and punched, had ammonia shoved up his nostrils, even if he survived that, the fact still remains that those animals did that to him as we watched in horror, the evidence is there, they really did do it, and they got away with it, the world needs to concentrate on that fact.
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Nihilanthic on October 16, 2007, 04:24:26 PM
Exhausted, that is my point.

But all this is going to turn into is the cop-supporters putting on their dissent-squashing act, a uproar from the black community, and every other kid fucked up by the state of Florida in this iteration of captive, institutional torture will be forgotten  :roll:
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: hanzomon4 on October 16, 2007, 04:44:02 PM
Lord exhausted, I think folks who were beat as kids would disagree with you. Substituting one kind of abuse for another is not Progress..
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Froderik on October 16, 2007, 06:17:46 PM
What the hell are we talking about?
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: exhausted on October 16, 2007, 06:47:24 PM
Quote from: ""hanzomon4""
Lord exhausted, I think folks who were beat as kids would disagree with you. Substituting one kind of abuse for another is not Progress..
Yes I can see why it came across that way, it's not exactly what I meant .. I was more thinking along the lines of disciplined children are generally more well behaved (not true in all cases, including mine!) I am more getting at the point that we have become so PC when it comes to kids and their chidren's rights charter crap that it's no wonder many are going off the rails, they just don't know where they stand, everything is abuse as far as kids are concerned nowadays, if you knew how many times mine said in one day "you can't do that! I'm going to get you done!" m...kay, wanna use the phone  :roll:  My point is that chidren need, thrive and are generally happier when they have limits and boundaries, parents are too scared to look at them the wrong way nowadays because they live under constant threat of being fined or having them taken away etc

In reply to Niles, i hear you, this is why I am so filled with anger in this particular case, because I too, fear this is the way it's going to go, ... a child was murdered on camera, and his assailants got away with it, this is not about a black kid being beaten, it's not about what he did to aggrevate the situation, it is about the murder of a child, a defensless child who could be mine, yours, the lady down the street's, that is what we somehow have to keep fresh in people's minds - how to go about it? Who knows? Flyers? Posters? Getting other kids to talk to the media constantly about their treatment there? Whatever it takes, it is vital the reality of what happened is kept alive, make sure THAT drowns out the hoo har of racist cops kill black kid, the world is shocked, how shocked would they be to learn this is not an isolated incident, that's really what needs to be worked on to make sure those who have suffered the same fate are remembered & more importantly to raise awareness to a level that no program would dare let it happen again

I'm a great beliver in things happening for a reason and I firmly believe this child's lfe was taken in order to wake the world up to what's really happening.
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Nihilanthic on October 16, 2007, 08:49:21 PM
I personally believe if there was a higher power that could effect the world it would just stop it, not kill another kid.

We're in the hundreds. People don't give a fuck.

We need to find a way to do so. Pissing them off and making the way to fix being pissed off to fix this is probably the only means I can think of.
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: exhausted on October 16, 2007, 09:27:21 PM
Well, where's the difference?

Kidnap, child abuse and neglect and eventualy murder

So why the different verdict?  :evil:

MIAMI -- A judge sentenced a man to death Monday, nearly nine years after he left a 5-year-old girl to be eaten alive by alligators in the Everglades and tried to kill her mother.

Harrel Franklin Braddy, 58, attacked Shandelle Maycock and daughter Quatisha after he was released early from prison in another case for good behavior. He was convicted in July of first-degree murder, attempted murder, kidnapping, attempted escape and other charges.

Judge Leonard E. Glick also sentenced Braddy to three consecutive life terms on the kidnapping and burglary with an assault charges. He also got 30 years in prison on the attempted murder of Shandelle, 15 years on child neglect causing great bodily harm and five years on attempted escape.

Prosecutors said Braddy tossed Maycock in the trunk of his car in 1998 and drove her to a remote sugarcane field, choked her to unconsciousness and left her to die. She never saw her child again. (
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: hanzomon4 on October 17, 2007, 12:24:59 AM
Well, I don't want to derail the thread so I'll just comment this once about children rights and such. I think that it's great that kids in the UK do have rights. Hopefully they won't suffer the high rates of child abuse that kids in the states do. I can't find a copy of the UK's law but I assume that it has something to do with the UN charter. I think the problem comes in when these laws are used to prosecute parents instead of teaching them alt ways of disciplining their kids. I haven't seen what in the UN charter stops a parent from raising their kid. It protects the child from abuse but not discipline. It's been proven, at least in the south, that high rates of child abuse coincide with high rates of youth crime. So I don't think less protection is the way to go, more sane enforcement? absolutely....
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Che Gookin on October 17, 2007, 04:08:46 AM
lols.. UK laws.. har..
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Rachael on October 17, 2007, 10:53:23 AM
Quote from: ""exhausted""
Quote from: ""hanzomon4""
Lord exhausted, I think folks who were beat as kids would disagree with you. Substituting one kind of abuse for another is not Progress..
Yes I can see why it came across that way, it's not exactly what I meant .. I was more thinking along the lines of disciplined children are generally more well behaved (not true in all cases, including mine!) I am more getting at the point that we have become so PC when it comes to kids and their chidren's rights charter crap that it's no wonder many are going off the rails, they just don't know where they stand, everything is abuse as far as kids are concerned nowadays, if you knew how many times mine said in one day "you can't do that! I'm going to get you done!" m...kay, wanna use the phone  :roll:  My point is that chidren need, thrive and are generally happier when they have limits and boundaries, parents are too scared to look at them the wrong way nowadays because they live under constant threat of being fined or having them taken away etc

Honestly Exhausted, sometimes you scare me. The vast majority of parents who end up patronizing the "troubled teen industry" do not have a problem with be too lenient with their kids. Almost every single parent I've come across has precisely the opposite problem. We are talking about parents who pay huge amounts of money to have their children locked up, denied all basic rights, and physically, sexually and psychologically abused for offenses as minor as smoking pot a few times, having "pre-marital sex", being gay, practicing an alternate religion, or slacking off a bit in school.

These are the same parents who in many cases will defend the people who kill or terribly abuse their own flesh and blood. The problem with these people is not a lack of ability to further control and subject their children to misery. These people need to learn patience, compassion and empathy - not more effective ways to discipline their kids.
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Anonymous on October 17, 2007, 11:03:29 AM
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Anonymous on October 17, 2007, 11:21:46 AM
Quote from: ""Rachael""
Quote from: ""exhausted""
Quote from: ""hanzomon4""
Lord exhausted, I think folks who were beat as kids would disagree with you. Substituting one kind of abuse for another is not Progress..
Yes I can see why it came across that way, it's not exactly what I meant .. I was more thinking along the lines of disciplined children are generally more well behaved (not true in all cases, including mine!) I am more getting at the point that we have become so PC when it comes to kids and their chidren's rights charter crap that it's no wonder many are going off the rails, they just don't know where they stand, everything is abuse as far as kids are concerned nowadays, if you knew how many times mine said in one day "you can't do that! I'm going to get you done!" m...kay, wanna use the phone  :roll:  My point is that chidren need, thrive and are generally happier when they have limits and boundaries, parents are too scared to look at them the wrong way nowadays because they live under constant threat of being fined or having them taken away etc

Honestly Exhausted, sometimes you scare me. The vast majority of parents who end up patronizing the "troubled teen industry" do not have a problem with be too lenient with their kids. Almost every single parent I've come across has precisely the opposite problem. We are talking about parents who pay huge amounts of money to have their children locked up, denied all basic rights, and physically, sexually and psychologically abused for offenses as minor as smoking pot a few times, having "pre-marital sex", being gay, practicing an alternate religion, or slacking off a bit in school.

These are the same parents who in many cases will defend the people who kill or terribly abuse their own flesh and blood. The problem with these people is not a lack of ability to further control and subject their children to misery. These people need to learn patience, compassion and empathy - not more effective ways to discipline their kids.
Well you obviously haven't read my postys very thoroughly nor do you know me as a person or a parent, if you did you would undersatnd that we are on the same side

Although kids do need discipline, the one's without it are usually extremely unhappy and crave for boundaries and rules

Yer I know what the teen industry is about, I've done a lot of research on it, but hey, if you'd read my posts you'd know that already - hence why my own child hasn't ended up in a program

This is exactly why i stopped posting at Fornits, there's always someone ready to twist words and manipulate others into being a dunce or a bad person, I wonder how many actually care about having a go at others rather than sorting out the problem of abusive programs, cos a hell of alot of energy goes into one and not the other

As for me scaring you, what a ridiculous thing to say! It scares you that i feel kids are becoming more and more anti social because no one has any rights apart from them in society (not true once in program I know)

Don't let a bit of common sense boundaries for kids scare you, channel that fear into the abuse that goes on in programs, that's what you're here for right?

Exhausted, just realised not logged in
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: try another castle on October 17, 2007, 11:34:30 AM

When I first saw that, I totally thought it was Toni Basil.
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Anonymous on October 17, 2007, 12:01:10 PM

Why?  Why do you guys do that?  I mean really.  What are you, fucking 12?

 :roll:  :roll:  :roll:
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Anonymous on October 17, 2007, 12:11:45 PM
Why? Why do you guys do that? I mean really. What are you, fucking 12?

BECAUSE, fucking anon scum!!! ::both::

And I'm fucking 12... year olds!!! ::bwahaha:: ::fu::  ::fuckoff::
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Anonymous on October 17, 2007, 12:20:24 PM
Look, I'm not offended.  Just amazed at such a dire need for attention.  Reminds me of my kids when they were in about 5th or 6th grade.

Fucking have at it.

Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Anonymous on October 17, 2007, 12:47:50 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Look, I'm not offended.  Just amazed at such a dire need for attention.  Reminds me of my kids when they were in about 5th or 6th grade.

Attention? Give me a fucking break. If I wanted "attention" I'd fucking log in, now wouldn't I? Piss up a fucking rope and stfu.  :roll:
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Anonymous on October 17, 2007, 12:52:01 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Attention? Give me a fucking break. If I wanted "attention" I'd fucking log in, now wouldn't I? Piss up a fucking rope and stfu.  :roll:

Mmm hmm.  Right.  

Ooo, lets do a GIS for pics that will piss people off.  Wheeeeeeeeee.  I'm a big boy now.
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Anonymous on October 17, 2007, 01:01:33 PM
Get a fucking life and give up on trying to police these forums, because it ain't gonna happen.  :roll:

Do you really think your pissing and moaning is going to do anything but make people post more bullshit like this?
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Anonymous on October 17, 2007, 01:05:38 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Get a fucking life and give up on trying to police these forums, because it ain't gonna happen.  :roll:

Do you really think your pissing and moaning is going to do anything but make people post more bullshit like this?

I'm not trying to make anyone do anything.  Just expressing an opinion.  Is that no longer allowed?
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Anonymous on October 17, 2007, 01:11:18 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
I'm not trying to make anyone do anything.  Just expressing an opinion.  Is that no longer allowed?

I'm not offended, express all the opinions you want.  :rofl:
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: hanzomon4 on October 17, 2007, 01:37:08 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Look, I'm not offended.  Just amazed at such a dire need for attention.  Reminds me of my kids when they were in about 5th or 6th grade.

Fucking have at it.


I just fucking adblocked those mofos. I don't see why they would want to ruin a thread, and with bad porn to boot. If you are going to post smut make it good smut, K?
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Anonymous on October 17, 2007, 02:47:59 PM
Quote from: ""hanzomon4""
I don't see why they would want to ruin a thread, and with bad porn to boot. If you are going to post smut make it good smut, K?

Will do... and, I don't see how it "ruins a thread." I'd say some of the stupid-ass posts on here come closer to ruining the thread than a picture of some hot bitch suckin' a black ding-dong does...just my .02.
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: 3xsaSeedling on October 17, 2007, 03:07:25 PM
Quote from: ""hanzomon4""

I just fucking adblocked those mofos. I don't see why they would want to ruin a thread, and with bad porn to boot. If you are going to post smut make it good smut, K?

Share? idiot?!!  What's adblock...please   ::seg::

...and 'the ding-dong' has nothing to do w/these topics now, does it?  So take your ding-dong and your 12-yr-old opinion and keep sharing  ::bangin::
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Anonymous on October 17, 2007, 03:24:24 PM
Quote from: ""3xsaSeedling""
...and 'the ding-dong' has nothing to do w/these topics now, does it?  So take your ding-dong and your 12-yr-old opinion and keep sharing  ::bangin::

Thanks, I will!  :rofl:

Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Anonymous on October 17, 2007, 03:36:10 PM
Let's see if the dumbfuck morons debating childish and/or offensive /img links can keep their fucking fat mouths shut for five minutes... I doubt it!
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Anonymous on October 17, 2007, 03:51:30 PM
It's not offensive you dolt.  Its moronic.
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Anonymous on October 17, 2007, 03:59:00 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Let's see if the dumbfuck morons debating childish and/or offensive /img links can keep their fucking fat mouths shut for five minutes... I doubt it!

..nope!  :rofl:  :rofl:
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: 3xsaSeedling on October 17, 2007, 04:32:39 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Let's see if the dumbfuck morons debating childish and/or offensive /img links can keep their fucking fat mouths shut for five minutes... I doubt it!'s actually been more than 5 minutes.
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Anonymous on October 17, 2007, 04:42:29 PM
Shall we shag now or shag later, baby????
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Anonymous on October 17, 2007, 05:16:12 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""
I'm not trying to make anyone do anything.  Just expressing an opinion.  Is that no longer allowed?
I'm not offended, express all the opinions you want.  :rofl:

 :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  ::roflmao::  ::bwahaha::  ::bwahaha2::  :nworthy:
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: hanzomon4 on October 17, 2007, 07:42:36 PM
Quote from: ""3xsaSeedling""
Quote from: ""hanzomon4""

I just fucking adblocked those mofos. I don't see why they would want to ruin a thread, and with bad porn to boot. If you are going to post smut make it good smut, K?

Share? idiot?!!  What's adblock...please   ::seg::

...and 'the ding-dong' has nothing to do w/these topics now, does it?  So take your ding-dong and your 12-yr-old opinion and keep sharing  ::bangin::

Adblock (http:// is an extension for the firefox web browser (http:// that allows you to right click any image and banish it from your web browsing experience.
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: psy on October 18, 2007, 08:26:26 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
This is exactly why i stopped posting at Fornits, there's always someone ready to twist words and manipulate others into being a dunce or a bad person

Exhausted.  Maybe that's some guests but it most certainly isn't Rachael (it goes both ways).  Most of what you describe, in the way I see it, comes down mostly to misunderstanding.
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Anonymous on October 18, 2007, 09:49:35 AM
Quote from: ""psy""
Quote from: ""Guest""
This is exactly why i stopped posting at Fornits, there's always someone ready to twist words and manipulate others into being a dunce or a bad person

Exhausted.  Maybe that's some guests but it most certainly isn't Rachael (it goes both ways).  Most of what you describe, in the way I see it, comes down mostly to misunderstanding.

Exhausted stopped posting? When? :rofl:

Suck it up, Exhausted.  :roll:
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Anonymous on October 18, 2007, 09:52:02 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""
I'm not trying to make anyone do anything.  Just expressing an opinion.  Is that no longer allowed?
I'm not offended, express all the opinions you want.  :rofl:
:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  ::roflmao::  ::bwahaha::  ::bwahaha2::  :nworthy:

The trouble with a lot of people on this site is they take themselves way too seriously... Opinions are like assholes....
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Anonymous on October 18, 2007, 09:58:54 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
The trouble with a lot of people on this site is they take themselves way too seriously... .

Stupid cunts,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..........................................
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: hanzomon4 on October 18, 2007, 11:28:27 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""
The trouble with a lot of people on this site is they take themselves way too seriously... .
Stupid cunts,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..........................................

 :o  :o :o  :o  
::jawdrop::  ::jawdrop::  ::jawdrop::  ::jawdrop:: :flame:  :flame:  :flame:  :flame:

"Now you've done it!!! You've.... forced me to use it!"

free would kick your ass
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: Anonymous on October 18, 2007, 04:10:22 PM
...except for peeps like you, hanzo (you don't seem to take yourself too seriously.)
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: try another castle on October 18, 2007, 07:34:19 PM
There is nothing funny about abuse.

Haha, I'm joking. Oh, please. Abuse can be hilarious. Especially if it happens to yourself. Twisted histories encourages twisted humor. Sometimes I honestly don't know whether to laugh or cry.
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: 3xsaSeedling on October 18, 2007, 08:51:31 PM
thank you Hanz   8-)
Title: Martin Anderson Boot Camp Verdict: NOT GUILTY
Post by: psy on October 19, 2007, 12:06:40 AM
Quote from: ""try another castle""
There is nothing funny about abuse.

Haha, I'm joking. Oh, please. Abuse can be hilarious. Especially if it happens to yourself. Twisted histories encourages twisted humor. Sometimes I honestly don't know whether to laugh or cry.

Yeah.  And I thought I had a sick sense of humor before program.