
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => The Troubled Teen Industry => Topic started by: Anonymous on September 18, 2007, 02:26:22 AM

Title: Regarding CRA
Post by: Anonymous on September 18, 2007, 02:26:22 AM
Do NOT send your son to CRA.

I have PERSONALLY GONE THROUGH THE PROGRAM... If you need proof, I can furnish it. It was HELL, absolute HELL.

They consistently use manipulation, lies, exaggeration, and have even been known for physical abuse. Not to mention they DO NOT GIVE A DAMN about the students. Please, do not send your son there. If you get him back, you will get him back in a worse position then he was already in.
Title: Are we talking about Coral Reef Academy
Post by: Covergaard on September 18, 2007, 02:53:40 AM
I made this work yesterday and wrote with a survivor in Florida yesterday. (

He is currently describing his stay at Second Nature in his blog, but he will include his later stay at CRA when he is ready. I am watching his blog and will include it either when I make a page on Second Nature or when he has something about CRA.

What another tread (See the link section) already have researched is that they use corporal punishment in some cases. It does not look good regarding the upcoming program called Manuia Plantation (http://, because one of the persons behind this program claims to be educated at CRA.

I would like to include further facts about CRA on the Fornits Wiki page, so other parents can know up front what kind of punishment they are sending their sons to Samoa for.
Title: Re: Regarding CRA
Post by: Anonymous on September 19, 2007, 09:45:32 PM
Quote from: ""CMcGeorge""
Do NOT send your son to CRA.

I have PERSONALLY GONE THROUGH THE PROGRAM... If you need proof, I can furnish it. It was HELL, absolute HELL.

They consistently use manipulation, lies, exaggeration, and have even been known for physical abuse. Not to mention they DO NOT GIVE A DAMN about the students. Please, do not send your son there. If you get him back, you will get him back in a worse position then he was already in.

sadly this is fairly typical of your average teen care facility these days. hopefully some wise parents will heed your call.
Title: Regarding CRA
Post by: Oz girl on September 20, 2007, 03:19:18 AM
What ca you tell us about you time there?