
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => News Items => Topic started by: Anonymous on September 14, 2007, 12:04:46 PM

Title: FOR REAL?
Post by: Anonymous on September 14, 2007, 12:04:46 PM
You guys are all losers.  What is this accomplishing.  Fighting over a treatment centre that, regardless of your propoganda and dysfunction is helping addicts and families.  If one persone recovers and is saved from their affliction, isn't that a celebration?  

The guest has a point.  Get your signs made up and go rally somewhere that people can see you and be heard if you have such a passion.  

But get some lives, all of you.  This is retarded.
Title: FOR REAL?
Post by: Anonymous on September 14, 2007, 12:10:00 PM
You know you're right?  But it's priceless.  It's like the underground of the oppressed.  Though someone should call the cops.  There seems to be some life threats in a thread down below....
Title: Re: FOR REAL?
Post by: Anne Bonney on September 14, 2007, 12:12:19 PM
Quote from: ""Found this by accident""
You guys are all losers.

:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

Try something different.  That line's getting old.

What is this accomplishing.

Telling the truth.

Fighting over a treatment centre that, regardless of your propoganda and dysfunction is helping addicts and families.

Prove it.  Long term, independent studies.  Not anecdotal evidence.

If one persone recovers and is saved from their affliction, isn't that a celebration?  

What "affliction" do these kids have?  They certainly can't be diagnosed as 'addicts'.

If one person is saved from going through the mindrape of these places, my job is done.  My job has been done a couple of dozen or more times so far.

The guest has a point.  Get your signs made up and go rally somewhere that people can see you and be heard if you have such a passion.  

We do.  Why do you think otherwise?

But get some lives, all of you.  This is retarded.

Gotta throw in a parting shot, huh?  Why do you assume we have no lives?

You people are SOOOOOOO predicable.  Please, get some new material  You're starting to bore me.
Title: FOR REAL?
Post by: Anonymous on September 14, 2007, 12:19:57 PM
Why do we assume you have no lives?

All about Anne Bonney (ALIAS OF COURSE)  

Mid Life Crisis Poster Joined:  28 Apr 2006
Total posts:  1171
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The guest has a point. Get your signs made up and go rally somewhere that people can see you and be heard if you have such a passion.  

Why do we think otherwise?

Where are your rallies?  Where do you show your face and speak 'your truth' other than the wayward web?

Why the cowardly secret approach like a blog site?  Just answer me that, please and I'll stop asking.
Title: FOR REAL?
Post by: ajax13 on September 14, 2007, 12:47:22 PM
Someone should call the cops.  A vulgar little con artist has been stealing money and abusing children in Calgary now for fifteen years.
Title: FOR REAL?
Post by: Anne Bonney on September 14, 2007, 12:48:54 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Where are your rallies?  Where do you show your face and speak 'your truth' other than the wayward web?

Why the cowardly secret approach like a blog site?  Just answer me that, please and I'll stop asking.

The only 'rallies' I've been to have been regarding Straight.  I don't live anywhere near Canada and I'm not out to 'close' anything.  It would make me happy if they'd all burn up in flames, but I hold no illusions that I"LL make that happen.  

I just tell the truth.  That's it.

How am I cowardly?  Because I don't use my real name?  Shit, you can't even use a fictitious one.  Why not register here?

I had Miller Newton and some of his cronies harassing me for speaking out about what he did to me, personally, so I don't use my real name.  What's your excuse?