
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => Straight, Inc. and Derivatives => Topic started by: Walstib14 on June 01, 2003, 10:29:00 PM

Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Walstib14 on June 01, 2003, 10:29:00 PM
There are two that really stick out.

One ...
Dean Mistreada Springfield and St.Pete
He took a great dislike to me and let me know about it. When ever he ran group I knew that I would get blasted. He simply frightened me because I saw what he did to other people. He seemed to get off on causing people pain. That ego laden little shit got his self esteem from hurting defenseless children.

Jim Sailor Springfield and St. Pete
His utter disregard for peoples feelings and his arrogance. Plain and simple... He lorded over us like we were players in a game where he changed the rules and let us rip each other to shreds for his entertainment.

These creatins can no longer hurt me or any of us any longer. My best revenge is to continue to be the leader of my family along with my wife. Be the best father to my child  and remember that "What ever doesn't kill me makes me stronger."

Mayflower Survivor of Gulag 5515 and Frontage Rd.  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Froderik on June 01, 2003, 11:22:00 PM
Jim Sailor Springfield and St. Pete
His utter disregard for peoples feelings and his arrogance. Plain and simple... He lorded over us like we were players in a game where he changed the rules and let us rip each other to shreds for his entertainment.


I don't know why, but when I posted on that other thread on OpenFreeForAll, I left Jim Sailor off of my "most hated" list. I was going to put him on it, because he's the one who started me over for NO REASON other than "not progressing". The group wanted blood and he willingly gave it to them. Later on when he saw me on a higher phase, he said something encouraging to me, so in my mind then, I had taken him off of my private "shit list." Thanks for your perspective on him. Very descriptive of his ways.

Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: 85 Day Jerk on June 02, 2003, 11:19:00 AM
Starting with Terri Tucker, she was just too damn good-looking to be on staff.  I barely remember anything she might have said, because I was too busy checking her out the whole time she would be leading a rap.  She played quite a lot of games as well, and could turn the group into a wild pirahna feeding frenzy with the snap of her fingers.  She was vain, aloof, opinionated, distant, and fucking gorgeous.  Add that to her general incompetance and you had a chick that had more shit go down on her watch ie; split attempts, fights, chair throwing, Jerks communicating and making plans, guy-girl games and sleeping in group, than any other female staff the entire time I spent at the Milton Roy Building.

Amy Wrong's last name was really Wright, but she was wrong for the job in every way.  She was a Margaret Houlihan bubbling cauldron of self hatred and loathing for anyone or anything that reminded her of herself.  She was famous for pouncing on girls the split second that they arrived in from school.  I remember she jumped on Wendy Weaver one day because her blue jeans were tight.  It did'nt matter that she had probably gained 10 pounds or so sitting in group all damn summer with no excersize, or that she was simply growing out of the damn things.  What set her off were all the 4th and 5th phase guys buy the water fountain paying attention to her, but instead of putting the focus where it needed to be, she chose to rip Wendy to shreds.  Amy always went for the weakest victim to spit her venom at.  Since I was a jerk at the time, I yelled out "What are you gay now?"  and "Hey Dyke, what's it like?"  She layed off her long enough to stand up a bunch of girls to come down on me for my own personal amusement, and when she saw it was'nt working, I was placed in the infamous "Green Room."  

Wanda Minton is proof positive that even God makes mistakes from time to time.  Everything about her sucked.  She was too damn stupid to do her job.  I am sure that other girl staffers had to carry her along.  I never heard once, of any girl I knew in the program say that Wanda was their primary counselor.  Primary counselors are the staff member assigned to your progress.  Primary Counselors have to know how to read and write.  I guess Wanda got by from passing as a Primate Counselor because she looked like that fuckin Orangutan from those Clint Eastwood movies.
If it was negative emotion you wanted, Wanda delivered in spades.  I honestly think that she was incapable of positive thought.  Every mirror in the building that the skank bitch ever looked into had a crack in it.  One of the most memorable things I ever said to her was on the ride in from school with her mother driving.  She was laying into her brother John as usual, and I told her to shut the hell up so I could enjoy the ride.  I told her if I were her brother, she better not take any baths or she might suffer a hair dryer "accident."  As I have said before, staff had her placed in my printing class to keep an eye on me and I think she wound up having a crush on me or some shit.  That was ok, because the bathroom I used to run to to vomit in was just down the hallway.
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Don Smith on June 02, 2003, 11:29:00 AM
I copied and pasted this from another thread.

Cincinnati Straight, Inc.

Worst: There were only two. Dave Momper & Dave Stallings.

Dave Momper messed with me from day one. Although he was only on third phase when I came into the program. He hated me and I still don't know why.

When I was on fourth phase Dave was a Trainee. He called me in on my day off. It was only AFTER I was a Trainee did I learn Trainees aren't allowed to call someone in on their day off.

When I was on fifth phase Dave was still a Trainee, he took me to the Time Out Room and confronted me convinced that there was something going on with me. He could'nt have picked a worse time to find something bad. I had gotten a raise at work, my Newcomers were working and progessing and everything else in life at the the time was going great. No convincing him of that though. A Junior came in and talked with me and they thought I was lying about something too. Dave came back in the room and continued to confront me. Finally I had to lie to him to get him off my back. I told him that I had thought of copping-out. He said, "That's BS, I never had thoughts of leaving when I was on my progam. What do you think about that?" I looked him dead in the eye and said, "I think you need to get honest." He just sorta stammered and didn't know how to react. He finally let me leave.

Dave Stallings: He talked to me at the fifth phase desk one day after he learned from a co-worker who was by now a 7th Stepper that we had worked with old whiskey barrels. Dave said that my co-worker said he felt powerless and was concerned about how I was dealing with it. I told him the stuff stunk but I wasn't bothered by it otherwise. Dave said, "Well Fred said he felt powerless." I replied, "Well sounds like you need to talk to Fred and leave me alone."
Other than that Dave was an arrogant SOB.

Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Anonymous on June 03, 2003, 06:37:00 AM
She was laying into her brother John as usual,

Hey 85 Day.  Do you know what John is up to today?  I didn't know Wanda had a brother in the program.

Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: 85 Day Jerk on June 03, 2003, 06:44:00 PM
Last I heard, he went into the Air Force the same time as some guys from the Seminole area.  They all went to the same high school.  This would have been around 1982.  John is probably serving a post like Ice Station Zebra, to get away from Wanda, because Orangutans don't like the cold.  Most of my info is more than 20 years old.  I live at ground zero so to speak, and when I do run into someone, talking about Straight is the farthest thing on our minds.  Too many years have gone by, and since we all went through the damn thing from start to finish, we all have found the means necessary to get over the unpleasantness and get on with our lives.
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: gduncan on June 06, 2003, 09:21:00 AM
William Rollins gets my vote as the worst.  He was and probably is still a prick.  I was on 3rd phase going to Seminole H.S and he put me on a refresher because I talked to a girl and because a guy in my gym class gave me a ride from one end of the school to the other.  I was accused of doing drugs and having a guy-girl relationship- neither was true.

Oh yeah, I can't forget Chris Byrd- another egomaniacal prick.    He tried to put me on a 7-step refresher and I refused because I knew that if I went in I wouldn't get out.  I got kicked out of the 7 Step damn thing I ever did!
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Diane B on June 06, 2003, 05:31:00 PM
From Va 85-86 I would say Don Peirson was a total ass. Cheryl mcdonald and Paula profitt both made my life hell to. Cheryl was the staff member who did my intake and of course since it was my first day I did not know the no talking behind backs rule and told the phasers that she was a total bitch (the look on their face was hysterical, She is talking behind backs about staff :eek: ) needless to say I was reported and cheryl came back so I called her a bitch to her face as you can imagine things went downhill from there!


[ This Message was edited by: Diane B on 2003-06-06 14:32 ]
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Mamma Bird on June 27, 2003, 06:35:00 AM
Karla Schupp. Graduate of cincy, staff member at Plymouth. Whose mother was our "teacher" in school rap, and an angel, but christ Karla was evil. The 2 reasons I hate her most:
 1)Once when I was misbehaving and cutting myself a lot, she brought my 5 year old brother into Friday OMR (or Rip Rap as we called it) and told him I had no skin left on my arms, that I'd cut it all off. It surreal to me that someone would fuck with a child this way, but then what is Straight for.He stood there crying, clutching a stuffed animal and saying "I don't want you to die" (he's been briefed on the fact that people either did what they were told in Straight or died).
 2) I was insecure about the size of my chest and my weight so she decided a good "insecurity breaker" was to make a rule specifically for me that I could only wear tight shirts. I can't think of any better way to improve a 13 year old girl's self esteem.

 I realize as a "client" (I prefer the term "prisoner") of Cinncinati, which was by all accounts i've heard much brutaler than Plymouth, she was a victim too and probably brainwashed. I still find it impossible to forgive her.
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: ehm on June 27, 2003, 10:24:00 AM
Goddamn Mammabird!!!!
I am sooooooooo sorry! You just made me want to invent a time machine and go kick some serious ass!!!!! FUCK THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flame:  :flame:  :flame:  :flame:  :flame:
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: mithygato on July 01, 2003, 05:01:00 AM
I agree,

I'd like to join you both and kick some ass. :tup:
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: ehm on July 01, 2003, 08:30:00 PM
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Sam Kinison on April 27, 2006, 02:52:00 AM
I remember you well and you have Wanda pretty well pegged.She was in my intake and they were talking about sex and she talked about how her boyfriend "used" her and I remember thinking "YECCCH!!!".Poor John Copeland,stuck in that house with Wanda,her older sister Nancy,and their battleaxe of a mother,Jean.Hopefully,he's not gay because of it.
I remember after the program how people used to say that they couldn't understand what Mike Murphy saw in Aimee,I responded "That's easy!Don't you know what tits are!!".
Worst Staff of All--------Helen Peterman.
A proverb said that "A Little Bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing".How about not having a clue and thinking you're omniscient.That was Helen.
The damage,albeit unintentional,inflicted by that female is mind-boggling.
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2006, 03:53:00 AM
the worst staff member to hit the building is by far and large....Miller "the newt" Newton.....everyone else is a kiss ass to him...jim sailor was by far the worst regular staff member, but he took his orders from "the newt"!!!!

there was an excutive staff member in boston that was unreal. her name was sylvia koulker.....that bitch with the "help" of Dean "give it to me dry"
Minstretta,ruined my "life"...the "life" i recieved in that was bad enough getting my entire life ruined by str8, but then to get it re- ruined by them, that was unreal....
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Sam Kinison on April 27, 2006, 10:36:00 AM
¨Rusty¨ became a staff member?That´s a laugh.They must have made everybody leave their gonads at the door.
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2006, 12:32:00 PM
So Sam, you knew Mike Sherman?  You actually had a class with him?  Have u seen him in the last 25 years or so?
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2006, 12:44:00 PM
Miller Newton was easily the worst of the worst.

William Rollins was a shithead, too, 'cause he always wanted to suck Newton's cock and figured that emulating him was the best way to go about getting to suck it.  It must have worked, and William must have given him really good head, 'cause he made it up to Group Staff Supervisor.

That disgusting sow, Alice Bowen, who later married William Rollins(proving he is into bestiality) was another horrorshow, and not just in the looks department.

Kevin Lowe was a sadistic, power-crazed egomaniac who seemed to enjoy getting physical with the younger kids.  He was truly another vile specimen of Str8 staff, he probably licked Newton's asshole while William Rollins was deep-throating Miller's dick.
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2006, 10:40:00 PM

Kevin Lowe was a sadistic, power-crazed egomaniac who seemed to enjoy getting physical with the younger kids.  He was truly another vile specimen of Str8 staff, he probably licked Newton's asshole while William Rollins was deep-throating Miller's dick. "

Thats a sick mental image if I do say so.   ::puke::
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2006, 10:42:00 PM
but it probably went on---remember, we must be 'searching and fearless'
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2006, 11:05:00 PM
Miller Newton touched my junk liberally. He strapped me in to his Straightmobile and he

couldn't keep his offensive hands off of me. He was performing many red flag touches. I

couldnt believe what the fuck was going on. I told Miller Newtonthe city would not approve

of a millionaire touching an underage kid for free. Can you believe it? Miller Newton did all this.[/i]He picked me off the street, strapped my arms and legs down in the Straightmobile's passenger seat, and just wouldn't stop fondling my cock'n'balls.

They definately were red flag touches. The goddamn referee he had in the back seat kept on

raising up this red flag every time he touched my junk but did "Dr." Newton care? NO WAY! He

just kept on doing it. I couldn't believe what the fuck was going on, indeed. I pleaded with

Miller Newton but to no avail. I told him the city would not approve of such a wealthy man

touching an underage kid like me (at the time I was 13) without at least compensating me for

the trauma and the use of my body as his own personal plaything.

This got to Miller Newton, worrying about his image. he continued to fondle me, all the while ignoring

the referee's red flags. Then he drove the Straightmobile to my house and ejected the seat I was in! It was amazing. But surprisingly, after I woke up the next morning, my bank account had $150k in it!!! Can you believe it?????????????????????????
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Sam Kinison on April 28, 2006, 01:27:00 AM
In fact it was 25 years ago.We ran into each other at Perkins on Gulf-to-Bay and US 19.We were glad to see each other.I don't remember much else about that evening.
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: whiterabbit on April 28, 2006, 11:38:00 PM
Dr Evil himself, Miller Newton gets my vote. Not only did he invent humiliating punishments and cruel "therapy" he sold them. He branded the madness and took it national. Then, when Straight began to crumble he invented Straight version 2.0 - KIDS and took that nationwide. Nobody in the western hemisphere has directed more child abuse than Virgil Miller Newton aka Father Cassian.

The Doc wins for his creative punishments, unbelievable audacity and shamelessness in sales, colossal power tripping egomania and the sheer volume of lives affected. But I don't think anyone ENJOYED torture & humiliation more than Wanda Minton. She liked hurting us. Savored it. Studied you while you stood in your piss or cried for water during her infamous exercise raps. She looked you in the eye when she called you a selfish little whore. 85 DJ, I enjoyed your post. She did bear a striking resemblance to an orangutan. But you left out the hawkish nose, predatory sneer and hard little eyes. Remorseless. I remember the way her lip would curl up with disgust & pleasure both whenever she ripped up some little girl. Makes my skin crawl even now.In my nightmares she's half mad queen from Alice in Wonderland screaming "Off with their heads!"and half Wicked Witch of the West shrieking & cackling at vulnerable Dorothy. The cruelty was harsher from her because she liked it so much.

There were others I guess. Kathleen Wynn had a cruel streak and enjoyed herself at my expense more than once and Shawn Arnow was a vicious shrieker. But in my book, no one is even a close second to Wanda.

If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.
Thomas Jefferson

Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: beckyuga on April 29, 2006, 01:05:00 AM
There was a staff member in Atlanta named Steve (?).  He was tall and had blondish hair and a sort of loud nasally voice (or at least to me he did).  I fucking hated him.  He was there around 1982 until whenever...I think he was on staff a long time.

I remember around 1993 or so Abby Orr organized a reunion at  Dave & Buster's and I went with Christine Robbins (who was in law school at GA State at the time).  I remember that guy Steve  and Tracy Sparks and Tammy Myers and Rick (can't remember his last name...begins with L?-He was from Mississippi and was friends with Dean Keenan) were there and they sort of stayed to themselves.  They all looked like they were still in the program.  I think they were still working there on staff or something.  (They started their programs in the 1981 time frame which means they were still involved in it after 10-12 years or so).  I can't remember much about that reunion and who was there -except that it was anticlimactic and basically sucked....but I have the idea in my head for some reason that Tammy Myers and Rick were married and Tracy Sparks and Steve were married.  Not sure if this is right.    
Anyway, that staff guy Steve in Atlanta was a fucking asshole bastard and I fucking bloody well hated him.
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Anonymous on May 01, 2006, 01:03:00 PM
Lisa Duc3ab3lla (sp?)

3 cheers for Karma!

Lesli3 Murd3n

May this soul never find peace
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Anonymous on May 02, 2006, 08:37:00 PM
just wanted to say the 48,000th thing
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Anonymous on May 03, 2006, 10:57:00 AM
Mike Sherman suffocated a newcommer IN GROUP,I was there and I saw it.
Mike Sherman never went to jail because they said it was an "accident".
Mike Sherman,or,his family members WILL pay!
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Sam Kinison on May 03, 2006, 05:57:00 PM
That´s a visual!5´4¨ and 140 lbs Mike Sherman strangling somebody to death.Did Mike have some martial arts training from some secret society?Why don´t you get a life?Mike never strangled any body in group and Mel Sembler did not have Jerry Vancil killed.Stop playing stupid games!If your life is that boring,why don´t you just jump out of a plane without a parachute?That´ll liven things up!!!
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Anonymous on May 04, 2006, 04:22:00 AM
On 2006-05-03 14:57:00, Sam Kinison wrote:

"That´s a visual!5??and 140 lbs Mike Sherman strangling somebody to death.Did Mike have some martial arts training from some secret society?Why don´t you get a life?Mike never strangled any body in group and Mel Sembler did not have Jerry Vancil killed.Stop playing stupid games!If your life is that boring,why don´t you just jump out of a plane without a parachute?That´ll liven things up!!!"

Cant afford the money to hire the airplane.
Are you saying that a person that weighs 140lbs is not capable of suffocating a small child to death?
Why would that require "martial arts training from some secret society"?
7 Stepping is a kind of secret society.
I suppose that if YOU did not see it,then nobody could have.
Of course,Wes Fager convientiently left THAT info about Mike Sherman out of his website,probably to leave more room for info about dildos.
I bet you,and Wes Fager,and his dildos get along together real fine.
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Sam Kinison on May 04, 2006, 05:25:00 PM
I never met Mr.Fager and I really don´t have any intentions.I have information that sheds light on many of his allegations during his investigation,quasi-witchhunt.If you are as bright as you want people to think you are,leave sexual innuendo out of your postings.You´re showing everybody your true capacities.
My defending Mike Sherman comes not from intimacies but from knowing first hand what violence is.I knew Mike well enough to say that he was probably one of the least violent people I knew.For the record,if I was a ¨nazi¨,the only people I would put in the camps would be professional victims and vindictive idiots like yourself.Please consider skydiving without a chute.Might be the most decent thing you´ve ever done!
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Anonymous on May 04, 2006, 11:31:00 PM
do you know what violence is? it doesn't sound like you have participated...
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Anonymous on May 04, 2006, 11:33:00 PM
your post sounds whiny and like "i wanted to be violent but haven't been"
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Anonymous on May 04, 2006, 11:50:00 PM
and i would be happy to pack your chute next time you dive..........................................................................................................................if you ever have
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Sam Kinison on May 05, 2006, 05:45:00 AM
I'm not going to enter a genital swinging contest with anybody,especially with somebody who obviously has more practice swinging his than I do!This forum is not the place for it,Cowboy!Here's to bigger man!Cheers!!!!!
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Anonymous on May 06, 2006, 01:32:00 AM
Chris Sco@@ins was a plain asshole.  I found out later he was not very smart either. :evil:
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Anonymous on May 06, 2006, 10:56:00 AM
why did he turn out not to be smart?
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Anonymous on May 06, 2006, 08:47:00 PM
poetic justice I would like to believe.  But he may have been born that way.
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Anonymous on May 06, 2006, 10:41:00 PM
Who was the worst staff and why?......

Your momma has staff!
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: 85 Day Jerk on May 07, 2006, 05:36:00 PM
I just now remember, once Miller Newton got a stranglehold on the program, there really were no strong client/victim/potential staff trainees left at all.  Think back and remember Woof and Sam, if you can.  Liz marries Steve Gay, baby next,*poof* gone.  Marie Ward becomes assist manager for my wicked stepmother, most of competent staff moved to Sarasota Program and all they had left were damn impressionable children, ie, Carrie Loufner, William Rollins, Cathy Winn, them Sarasota chicks who's dad was a Fish Peddler, and people that I don't even know because I was so damn glad to be away from that place.  Oh yeah, the only chick that had any gusto at all was Jeri Ann Spencer and all that I can remember is that she tried REAL HARD to sneak me in through the back door by going to Newton's Church By The Sea.  She occasionally went to services with me at Indian Rocks Baptist Church during my brief "born again" kick in the spring, summer and fall of 1980.  She was also on staff as well.  I don't think she was one of the bad ones, but by Feb of 1981 I was working 12 hour shifts at GTE Directories so that was that.  I seriously doubt that staff was using her as a spy because Jerri never asked me about other people or anything.  I think she was just simply trapped in an insane life and enjoyed my company.

The last time I saw her was in 1986.  I was in Tyrone Mall with a 16 year old girl that I had just taught how to drive and she had just got her license.  We were there to celebrate and were walking around killing time till the movie opened.
I spotted Jerri out of the crowd from like a hundred yards away.  She was wearing an Air Force Uniform and looked pretty damn good.  I got her attention and waved and we met up and talked.  She thought the girl was my wife, and we made introductions.  We never brought up Straight, but it was definately on our minds and we cut through the small talk.  Jerri was just there on leave for Thanksgiving.  I think she said she was stationed in Texas.  I never saw her again...........Michelle either (the 16 year old)
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Sam Kinison on May 08, 2006, 06:18:00 AM
Liz came back after Miller left.Scotty,her father joined staff in St.Pete and Liz was exec staff as well.Dave McAdams was exec staff as well.This was,I believe,in 1987.I ran into John Legge then,although he and Mary Collett were no longer an item.Jeff Coakley told me Liz and Steve called it quits five years ago,which saddens me because I liked them both.Thinking about worst staff makes me think of Mike McCann.I don't know if he ever left trainee(don't know if he qualifies for this string).He was just too nice a person to be a very effective staff member.Another interesting choice for staff office was Marci Moore.Never went through Straight.Never went through the Seed.Never went to college.Her qualifications were having a brother who went through the Seed.She was on Senior Staff when I was on Day 1.
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Anonymous on May 08, 2006, 07:13:00 AM

On 2006-05-04 14:25:00, Sam Kinison wrote:

"I never met Mr.Fager and I really don´t have any intentions.I have information that sheds light on many of his allegations during his investigation,quasi-witchhunt.If you are as bright as you want people to think you are,leave sexual innuendo out of your postings.

Uh,I said that Fager's website is full of links to other websites that sell dildos.Take a look for yourself (
If you are as bright as you want people to think you are,leave avaiation innuendo out of your postings.
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Sam Kinison on May 08, 2006, 11:33:00 AM
Are you stalking me?I´m flattered!I have a cyberstalker of a very own!An anonymous one at that!Lucky me!As far as innuendo goes,let´s take a direct route,GET A LIFE YOU LOSER!!!!!!
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Anonymous on May 09, 2006, 11:04:00 AM
On 2006-05-08 08:33:00, Sam Kinison wrote:

"Are you stalking me?I´m flattered!I have a cyberstalker of a very own!An anonymous one at that!Lucky me!As far as innuendo goes,let´s take a direct route,GET A LIFE YOU LOSER!!!!!!"

Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Anonymous on May 09, 2006, 11:04:00 AM
On 2006-05-03 07:57:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Mike Sherman suffocated a newcommer IN GROUP,I was there and I saw it.

Mike Sherman never went to jail because they said it was an "accident".

Mike Sherman,or,his family members WILL pay!"
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Anonymous on May 09, 2006, 05:41:00 PM
this man was a total fag - anyone remember the lisp???  and the perm????
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Anonymous on May 10, 2006, 09:16:00 AM
i dont know if he was gay or just like a falsely chipper little asexual elf of some kind......with human size dentures
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Anonymous on May 10, 2006, 12:16:00 PM
On 2006-05-07 14:36:00, 85 Day Jerk wrote:

"I just now remember, once Miller Newton got a stranglehold on the program, there really were no strong client/victim/potential staff trainees left at all.  

Could you explain this?  I'm not sure I understand what you mean.
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: FredZ on May 10, 2006, 05:04:00 PM
:flame: Dean Mistreada - I have to agree.  Not that it's all that relevant, but didn't he turn out to be gay?  I think (if we're talking about the same person) he was in my home when I escaped.

 :flame: Jim Sailor - Again, he's high on my list. Hopefully Jim is either rotting in jail or keeping warm down below. A true sadist.  But that assumes a just world.

What happened to these shits anyway?
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: FredZ on May 10, 2006, 05:09:00 PM
Do people recall when William Rollins and Alice Bowen got married and then came into group in St. Pete to gloat ... oh god what an odd couple. Like Kermit the Frog and Ms. Piggy.  I don't want to knock on Alice's weight or anything, but she was such a 'super bitch' and was just a bit too high on her horse.
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Woof-a-Doof on May 10, 2006, 06:54:00 PM
85DJ..."Think back and remember Woof and Sam, if you can. Liz marries Steve Gay, baby next,*poof* gone."

Hmmm...Yeah I can remember Liz & Steve getting married. However I was long gone to the navy by the time a baby came into the picture (which I didn't know)

SK..."Liz came back after Miller left. Scotty,her father joined staff in St.Pete and Liz was exec staff as well.Dave McAdams was exec staff as well.This was, I believe,in 1987."

I never knew Dave Mc as staff really. I was his oldcomer a long time. I new him as a pretty cool person. He enjoyed fucking with peoples minds. FOr instance he had a way of talking to someone and then slowly lowering the volume of his voice. He did it very subtly and seldom really got caught at it. He was a major doodler. His MI's were always covered in I guess what would be called "tribal" today. They were actually very cool. Shit, I can still rember them.

SK..."Thinking about worst staff makes me think of Mike McCann."

He was a person I never felt "close" to...didn't like him...I hate repeating myself, and of course as 85DJ mentioned earlier...he couldnt hear shit.

On the side...He was never staff but I thought of a guy today...Brian Wal*ler. Wasn't a pretty picture in my minds eye all day. All I could envision was him leaning over in group...and his big ole crooked nose draining strings of snot 10 inches long. And his black greasy hair...oh man...all those plaid shirts....HELP ME get this image out of my mind!

Another Non-Staff, I rembered today was Debby Lam*(p)bert from tampa. Wow, I don't regret her memory...good kisser.

Fred Z... "Do people recall when William Rollins and Alice Bowen got married and then came into group in St. Pete to gloat ... oh god what an odd couple."

Yeah...two odd people equal an odd bout a doubt it. It amazes me to know William/Bill/Rusty could ever be taken remotely serious as a staff member. Knowing him to be a wuss from day one, same with Jim Sailor...seeing him sitting on front row seems like yesterday. He was nothing...NOTHING. Alice Bowen, same thing....She was actually on staff? For real? Personally, I always had a thing for Rusty's sister! She had the coolest eyes..After we graduated/7Stepped (whatever) I got the nerve to look deep into them and I noticed a mark, a dot really, right in the iris of one of her eyes...I asked about it and she said that it was from childhood when Rusty poked a pencil in her eye.

I will have to give this thread some more thought...
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Sam Kinison on May 10, 2006, 08:37:00 PM
Hey Woof,where do you  think Dave McA developed such skill?He was my newcomer for a couple of months before you got him,that big bastard!Brian Waller,poor guy had an IQ of maybe 70,definitely had a lot of deformities and never even seen a joint,let alone smoke one.I remember his first day,all crooked over,eyes bulging out never saying a word away from the mike for his first month.Poor bastard,they convinced him he was a huffer because he got a rush from his nebulizer.Stronger than he looked,though,saw him do five one-armed pushups in a row.
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Anonymous on May 11, 2006, 01:23:00 AM
the worst staff is the worst you can retroactively think of. get busy!
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Anonymous on May 11, 2006, 01:26:00 AM
anybody that listened to staff should be questioned also....epecially as i heard of another straight suicide tonight
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Anonymous on May 11, 2006, 01:27:00 AM
greg northrup......for you springfield voyeurs. friend of mine.
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Anonymous on May 11, 2006, 01:34:00 AM
this guy was so sub-serious about life. i am so mad that i found out he is dead. laughing helps a lot. ha ha ......................................................................................................
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Anonymous on May 11, 2006, 01:36:00 AM
from a non straight friend passing by....that i respect even if you do not.
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Anonymous on May 11, 2006, 04:31:00 AM
absolutly no doubt about that....everytime i see an old episode of "in living color" where jim carrey is "vera demilo" and whinnie's like a horse
i think of alice ......william rollins didn't have a "prize hen" he had a "prize heffer".....i used to want to ask him if he needed his eyes checked out because he wore glasses......good lord i remember them getting married and "gloating" about it too.....i almost laughed when i looked at a friend in group...all i could do was look the other way....hippie
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: starry-eyed pirate on May 11, 2006, 10:07:00 PM
Greg Northrup killed himself ??  What is the source of this information ??
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Anonymous on May 12, 2006, 08:48:00 AM
went to high school with him and saw a mutual friend yesterday who told me.
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Anonymous on May 12, 2006, 10:46:00 AM
and also dale neville killed himself, which i never see in the lists of straight associated deaths. does anyone remember him?
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: starry-eyed pirate on May 12, 2006, 08:20:00 PM
Yeah, He was a friend of mine during and after $tr8 for a while.  He killed himself too!?!?  So, you're sayin' that Dale Neville and Greg Northrup both killed themselves and I'm just hearing about it now ?  When did this happen ??  When did Dale kill himself ??  What happened to him ??
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Anonymous on May 13, 2006, 05:36:00 AM
yep, that is what i am saying.  ::puke:: it makes me sick to think about it. i wonder why these people are not on the lists? how many more are not out there?????????????????
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Anonymous on May 13, 2006, 07:36:00 AM
On 2006-05-13 02:36:00, Anonymous wrote:

"yep, that is what i am saying.  ::puke:: it makes me sick to think about it. i wonder why these people are not on the lists? how many more are not out there?????????????????"

Unfortunately, probably a lot.  There are people finding this list every day.  I'm sure there are people out there that have information that is not widely known.  Is there anyone that keeps the lists up any more?
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Anonymous on May 13, 2006, 09:36:00 AM
On 2006-05-11 01:31:00, stillahippie564 wrote:

"absolutly no doubt about that....everytime i see an old episode of "in living color" where jim carrey is "vera demilo" and whinnie's like a horse

i think of alice ......william rollins didn't have a "prize hen" he had a "prize heffer".....i used to want to ask him if he needed his eyes checked out because he wore glasses......good lord i remember them getting married and "gloating" about it too.....i almost laughed when i looked at a friend in group...all i could do was look the other way....hippie"

Yes, the fact that he married Alice Bowen is proof that William Rollins enjoys bestiality.

I hope she gave him genital warts, herpes, syphilis, and AIDS.

Kevin Lowe was another abusive asshole, as was Steve Meade.

Roger Amundsen was yet another abusive prick that made it on to staff.

However, Miller Newton and his flea-bitten, shit-stained-on-the-lips consort, Ruth Ann Newton were by far the worst staff.  I heard that a guerrilla court made up of their victims has tried them in absentia and sentenced them to death.  I hope it happens, in a slow, torturous manner.
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Anonymous on May 15, 2006, 09:34:00 AM
Brian Dodd was the worst staffer by far!
Title: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Troubled Turd on May 15, 2006, 09:55:00 AM
On 2006-05-15 06:34:00, Anonymous wrote:

Brian Dodd was the worst staffer by far!
Title: Re: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Anonymous on February 07, 2009, 12:25:14 AM
hands down, its william rollins.....

i think he should be beaten.....


and I thank my...'higher power' that i have finally found him via this web site....

william, u should watch your back.
Title: Re: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: Sam Kinison on March 25, 2009, 11:12:55 AM
Possibly Chris Burns.What a great guy!We should have all followed his example.It turns out that while on Second Phase(after his startover),he started partying again.Manage to keep it to himself all the way to junior staff.Really a great person when he took off his Straight mask and hopefully didn't suffer too much while pleasing his parents with his facade.Hope things are going well for him now.
Title: Re: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: evan j rodgers on March 30, 2010, 07:34:18 PM
Glen Steepleton  was a total duface of a staff member.I'm sorry he killed himself and I dont hate the guy but he had no
business whatsoever counseling people {ofcourse unqualified dufaces were the norm there} He had me "Called In" to group
when I was nearing the end of fifth phase>Why?He said I was "putting off Positive" because I was enthusiastic in group,
he thought I said "Love you" too loud. I saw it as being my job to be enthusiastic and to help lower phasesers,I thought thats what fifth phasors were supposed to do-and he busts me for having a good attitude.So there I was "called in", missing
school and days off for having a caring and enthusiasic attitude.When I asked to be "uncalled In" Glen said "Fine, your
uncalled in,Im tired of trying to help you, Evan.Take your days off!I give you five days and youll be back on drugs!" So I went
back to school, took my days off, come back to group and they blow me away for taking my days off after Glen the all mighty said I was on my way "back to drugs"in 5 days.So then I'm called in again and sat in group and every day Glen got
there he would mess with me- all because I was trying to be enthusisasitic and trying to help other phasors in my own somewhat brainwashed way.When he saw that I wasnt 100 percent under his spell and not buying his bullshit he couldent
handle it.So he was getting paid to harass me.He actually told me that he would have me started over but that executive
staff would not let him. I have worked in construction, the nightclub and bathouse industry and done alot of food service and
I've had to deal with bosses who were totally unreasonable, but never in my professional life have I had to deal with
total dufaces like Glen Steepleton.I can laugh at it now, laugh at how stupid Straight was and how it was another planet,  but it is not funny that so many, such as Glen have killed themselves and its not funny that so many are too depressed
to laugh. In that place you tried to do "right" and get in trouble, do "wrong" and get in trouble and people were getting
paid for hurting people. Springfield staff in the mid to late 80's were totally a bad joke. Sorry for rambling but when I think
back on how WEIRD it was I get to rambling, I mean that place was weirder than any acid trip and I've had plenty.
Thank you for letting me express this some 20 years later. I'm not "walking wounded" Im just amazed at the weirdness.
Love, Evan J Rodgers
Title: Re: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: shaggys on April 15, 2010, 04:00:12 PM
The question of who was worst staff seems to be dependent upon each persons individual experience. I know people who hate certain staff who i feel indifferent about completely. Remember how clickish straight could be? Staff had their favs and they had their whipping boys, just depended on the individual. It would seem like inner-staff rivalries could get played out at the phasers expense. ie One staff member doesn't like another so he tries to manufacture BS against that staffers little favorites in group. The petty BS like that affected so many peoples lives in such hurtful ways. Endless movie plots could come from the multitude of games being played out at those buildings.
Title: Re: Who was the worst staff and why?
Post by: kruckshank on May 18, 2010, 06:17:37 AM
I'm not sure I can qualify ~worst, so I don't mean to get off topic a little. The most `bizzare had to've been one Letha Yost....little woman , big hair, loud voice  both gravelly and ultra-shrill at once (somehow pleasing and terrifying at the same time) someone was in for it when she stood up to the podium. If i were to make an unqualified pop psychology assesment of her I'd have to say it was a case of the truly traumatised passing on the same to anyone else she could.
As for the Worst Staff it would be whomever blindsided me............never saw it coming.