
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => Straight, Inc. and Derivatives => Topic started by: Deprogrammed on August 19, 2007, 11:48:26 PM

Title: fucking program songs aughhhhhhhhh response to attarxy
Post by: Deprogrammed on August 19, 2007, 11:48:26 PM
Little bar of soap.....blowing in the wind......getting STRAIGHT without a doubt as Kids helping Kids marches on!.......pass it on (open meeting)......should I continue?
Title: Re: fucking program songs aughhhhhhhhh response to attaraxy
Post by: Deprogrammed on September 16, 2007, 05:33:12 PM
Quote from: ""Deprogrammed""
Little bar of soap.....blowing in the wind......getting STRAIGHT without a doubt as Kids helping Kids marches on!.......pass it on (open meeting)......should I continue?

I guess attaraxy just vanished huh?
Title: fucking program songs aughhhhhhhhh response to attarxy
Post by: wdtony on September 27, 2007, 02:54:56 AM
Itsy bitsy spider /  harmless arachnid or druggie friend?
Title: fucking program songs aughhhhhhhhh response to attarxy
Post by: Anonymous on October 28, 2007, 08:46:30 PM
rainbow of children (monday night rap song) up up people, lean on me, i'm a little tea pot, any disney song, little red caboose, my dog blue, oh how i hated those songs!!

i remember being so embarrassed when my siblings would come to open meeting, and i would be sitting in the front singing nursury songs, hand motions and everything.
Title: fucking program songs aughhhhhhhhh response to attarxy
Post by: wdtony on October 28, 2007, 10:59:00 PM
Uck!   This little light of mine.............. adel vice...................You've got a friend.................... Vista, does anybody remember vista?

To this day I can't listen to James Taylor. That would be the ultimate program nightmare: James taylor comin after you with a little teapot in one hand and an itsy bitsy arachnid in the other.

Title: fucking program songs aughhhhhhhhh response to attarxy
Post by: Anonymous on October 29, 2007, 10:27:24 PM
vista! that song with the hand clapping, leg slapping thing! does anyone remember how it went...wasn't it like v, fe fi, fe fi fo, vista! or started that way or something... is that the song you're talking about wdtony?
Title: fucking program songs aughhhhhhhhh response to attarxy
Post by: wdtony on October 30, 2007, 02:39:23 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
vista! that song with the hand clapping, leg slapping thing! does anyone remember how it went...wasn't it like v, fe fi, fe fi fo, vista! or started that way or something... is that the song you're talking about wdtony?

Yeah, That's the one. There was a lot of clapping and I don't remember hearing it before the program. That's why it stuck out in my mind. I always wondered where it came from. The group didn't sing it that much from what I remember either. I wonder if the church of synanon made it up or something???
Title: fucking program songs aughhhhhhhhh response to attarxy
Post by: wdtony on October 30, 2007, 03:05:46 AM
I just remembered another one that was weird, "Whatt-atin chew"

Bodo Skedetenat Whattatin Chew!

What about ,"Goin on a lion hunt",  can't go over it...can't go under it.....can't go around it....gotta go through it?


Sippin cider

Title: songs and chants = brainwashing technique.
Post by: wdtony on October 30, 2007, 03:37:18 AM
So I cheated and went online to see if I could find some more. Remember these????

Where have all the flowers gone.
Father Abraham.
Row row row your boat.
This land is your land.
Nobody Likes Me (I think I''ll go eat worms)
Rise & Shine & Give God Your Glory.
Comin' Round the Mountain.
Home on the Range.
Oh Suzanna.
Shortenin' Bread.
Beans and cornbread.
BoomBoom Ain't it Great to be Crazy .
Do your ears hang low.
Found a Peanut.
I wish I were a little bar of soap.
John Jacob Jingleheimerschmidt.
On Top of Spaghetti.
It's a happy day.
Purple People Eater.
This Old Man.
Grand ole flag.
My Country Tis of Thee.
My favorite things.
Swing Low Sweet Chariot.
When The Saint's Go Marchin in.
Let there Be Peace on Earth. (Was this the end of Open meeting song?)
Shaving cream.
Peanuts, ...peanutbutter  jelly.
My Dead Dog Rover.
Gilligan's Island.
Apples and Bananas.
Greasy Grimy Gopher Guts.
Skin sandwich.
There's a hole in the bucket.
I gotta dog, his name is Blue.
When a Hearse Goes By.

There were a lot of church, christmas and nursery rhyme songs that I didn't have time to look up.

I looked up most of these. As I was looking online I remembered a few too. God, I wonder how many songs we memorized because I know there were a lot more than what is here. I still can't find Vista anywhere.??

Title: Re: songs and chants = brainwashing technique.
Post by: Deprogrammed on October 30, 2007, 11:38:30 PM
Quote from: ""wdtony""
So I cheated and went online to see if I could find some more. Remember these????

Where have all the flowers gone.
Father Abraham.
Row row row your boat.
This land is your land.
Nobody Likes Me (I think I''ll go eat worms)
Rise & Shine & Give God Your Glory.
Comin' Round the Mountain.
Home on the Range.
Oh Suzanna.
Shortenin' Bread.
Beans and cornbread.
BoomBoom Ain't it Great to be Crazy .
Do your ears hang low.
Found a Peanut.
I wish I were a little bar of soap.
John Jacob Jingleheimerschmidt.
On Top of Spaghetti.
It's a happy day.
Purple People Eater.
This Old Man.
Grand ole flag.
My Country Tis of Thee.
My favorite things.
Swing Low Sweet Chariot.
When The Saint's Go Marchin in.
Let there Be Peace on Earth. (Was this the end of Open meeting song?)
Shaving cream.
Peanuts, ...peanutbutter  jelly.
My Dead Dog Rover.
Gilligan's Island.
Apples and Bananas.
Greasy Grimy Gopher Guts.
Skin sandwich.
There's a hole in the bucket.
I gotta dog, his name is Blue.
When a Hearse Goes By.

There were a lot of church, christmas and nursery rhyme songs that I didn't have time to look up.

I looked up most of these. As I was looking online I remembered a few too. God, I wonder how many songs we memorized because I know there were a lot more than what is here. I still can't find Vista anywhere.??


Vi  vi  fi vi vfi vista , nah nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah na na na na na na vista!
I remember that god damn fucking song!
grrrrrrr hate it!
Hate all of them.
Ruined part of my motherhood to not to be able to sing some of those songs to my newborn children b/c those songs exacerbate my ptsd and panic disorder from that fucking place.
Did ye have to list them all?
Title: fucking program songs aughhhhhhhhh response to attarxy
Post by: wdtony on October 31, 2007, 02:15:33 AM

I don't think it will harm your children to not have heard these little songs.

And I didn't put "ALL" of the songs here. I think that would be impossible for me to remember. I have spent so many years trying to forget these damn songs that it is almost counter-productive to try and remember them.

For each program song, there needs to be an anti-program song. Any good song will do.

My example:  Nobody likes me/Everybody wants you.

Somehow I am trying to incorporate twisted sister's "we're not gonna take it" but I don't know where. That was one of my "druggie songs" right before entering the kids hilton.

Title: Re: fucking program songs aughhhhhhhhh response to attarxy
Post by: Anne Bonney on March 07, 2008, 09:10:54 PM
Holy shit, that brought back horrible memories.  Those goddamn, thought-stopping, useless songs.  Along with the reciting of rules, reciting of chain of command, etc.......all thought stopping techniques.  Can't give the kids any time AT ALL to themselves.  Not even inside their own heads.
Title: Re: fucking program songs aughhhhhhhhh response to attarxy
Post by: wdtony on March 09, 2008, 12:54:06 AM
Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
Holy shit, that brought back horrible memories.  Those goddamn, thought-stopping, useless songs.  Along with the reciting of rules, reciting of chain of command, etc.......all thought stopping techniques.  Can't give the kids any time AT ALL to themselves.  Not even inside their own heads.

Excellent point.

I could see how these songs would seem to be of no importance to parents or to the general public. I think it is very important to convey to people without experiences of brainwashing and programs why we have such a problem with adolescents being forced to sing childrens songs repetitively day after day during the thought coercion process.

I will post a link below that may shed some light on the relationship between songs being used as a tool to deliberately distract an individual from independent thought: (

Brainwashing is real and being used in programs. It is implemented using a wide array of psychological tactics in the first phase of the program. This is the reason for the "transformation" of the child by second phase and the reason victims support the program after the initial mind-altering phase. If you research destructive mind control cults, a similar behavior occurs. I am speaking from my personal experience corroborated with recent evidence of identical methods being applied within KHK.

First phase is brainwashing phase.

The disease concept is an elaborate hoax.

The success rate put forth by KHK/PFC is scientifically incorrect, severely flawed and laughable.

KHK/PFC presents the appearance of an improving child but actually is psychologically destroying part of the child's mind.

If you are considering entering your child into KHK/PFC, please re-consider. If you have placed your child in KHK/PFC, please pull them now. This is good advice, so do research on brainwashing and cults and demand that KHK/PFC be transparent with their methods and models. Ask questions, lots of questions! They can lie very well, so you must demand to see the truth for yourself and be allowed to communicate with your child at any time and know exactly what foster home they are in at any time.

If a parent is disallowed to communicate with their child at any time in their treatment, especially in the beginning, this is a warning sign and should not be overlooked. This should never be a rule or a form of treatment and is too easily utilized as an effective tool in brainwashing.

If you have been in the program and support it, I have no doubt that all of this will seem silly to you. It took me about 3 years to de-program myself from the brainwashing and I gave rave reviews of KHK for a few years after 7-stepping. I supported it because I was brainwashed and believed everything that was programmed into my brain. Please do not take the term "brainwashed" to mean stupid or anything derogatory. This term is used to convey a state of mind in which the program cleverly places upon us. It took a very long time to research and find what had been done to me, so I am prepared to be patient with all of those who support this program. I believe it is a matter of time before many of you will realize the unfortunate truth.

Hang in there everyone,

Title: Those fucking songs.
Post by: wdtony on October 19, 2008, 12:53:35 AM
I saw another one online. I don't know how I forgot it. It was called "friends" or "friends are friends forever" or something like that.

We sang that damn song all of the time. I can't imagine how executive staff couldn't know that forcing these songs on us all day every day would mentally cripple us.

Title: Re: fucking program songs aughhhhhhhhh response to attarxy
Post by: Anonymous on October 19, 2008, 01:05:20 AM
That goddamn "Youve got a friend" song  makes me want to go on a 6 state killing spree,starting with fucking james taylor and ms pete a pair of fucking wallys they are,wanking tossers.....
Title: It's Me
Post by: Froderik on October 19, 2008, 10:21:45 AM
I read a song parody on here 6 years ago
(posted by an exceptionally creative ex-'misbehaver'):

It's me, it's me, oh lord..
Standing with my meat up straight..
Title: Re: fucking program songs aughhhhhhhhh response to attarxy
Post by: Woof-a-Doof on October 19, 2008, 12:53:32 PM
Anne and wb I believe are close to the truth, the words "thought stopping" resonated like a tuning fork...the nerve had been struck. Gawd forbid we had time to have an actual, original thought. Original thought was, is a threat. But to whom and for what reason? Aside from the obvious, the money, the coruption, the abuse...put that to one side momentarily. Who was threatened by free flowing, spontanious an individual and collectively as a "group"? Who had the most at risk? Who had this fear and was so able to not only subject one group of people but to spread, convey this form of control.

The words..."Lets have a song!"...or my favorite, usually saved for post-confrontation or most any group upheval..."Who has a song?"...It is as if singing some pathetic song whilst droaning out the words would ultimately would make everything "Ok". Didn't we just see, hear, somehow witness someone getting thier arm broke, teeth smashed in, publicly humilated or some other atrocity....and now we sing a  song and it's all better. Recall if staff didnt approve of the song, they dictated which one they wanted, as to steer the "group" into a particular direction. And they say Straight Inc. was not about brain washing.

Yeah right  :blabla:

Title: Re: fucking program songs aughhhhhhhhh response to attarxy
Post by: Dr Fucktard on October 19, 2008, 02:08:19 PM
Quote from: "some druggie"
And they say Straight Inc. was not about brain washing.
I daresay your addled druggie brain NEEDED a good washing!
Title: Re: fucking program songs aughhhhhhhhh response to attarxy
Post by: wdtony on October 19, 2008, 11:14:30 PM
Quote from: "Woof-a-Doof"
Anne and wb I believe are close to the truth, the words "thought stopping" resonated like a tuning fork...the nerve had been struck. Gawd forbid we had time to have an actual, original thought. Original thought was, is a threat. But to whom and for what reason? Aside from the obvious, the money, the coruption, the abuse...put that to one side momentarily. Who was threatened by free flowing, spontanious an individual and collectively as a "group"? Who had the most at risk? Who had this fear and was so able to not only subject one group of people but to spread, convey this form of control.

The words..."Lets have a song!"...or my favorite, usually saved for post-confrontation or most any group upheval..."Who has a song?"...It is as if singing some pathetic song whilst droaning out the words would ultimately would make everything "Ok". Didn't we just see, hear, somehow witness someone getting thier arm broke, teeth smashed in, publicly humilated or some other atrocity....and now we sing a  song and it's all better. Recall if staff didnt approve of the song, they dictated which one they wanted, as to steer the "group" into a particular direction. And they say Straight Inc. was not about brain washing.

Yeah right  :blabla:


Yeah!  I thought about that too. When staff would select specific songs, I wonder if there was a trained response. I mean, I am sure there probably was, everything in there was a trained response, whether we spoke of it or not. I think the songs were to keep us from thinking but also to keep our subconscious busy. Music and song may have more to do with the part of the mind that gets muddled with brainwashing. Music can be very powerful, I mean it makes girls cry and guys want to go to war and vice-versa. The concept of using songs to crush a person (especially when they are songs that would humiliate any healthy teenager) shouldn't be that foreign.

I also read that in GITMO, music is used to torture the inmates. The guards play rap or rock repeatedly because this music is hated and represents something unhealthy to these people. I think it might put good parts of the thought area of the brain to sleep. I saw a report on a guy who was in GITMO and got released and his eyes looked just like a phaser's. Call it the T-n-R shine or whatever, he had been washed for sure. That stare that can look through walls.

I bet staff also called on people for a song as a way to show approval of how someone was working their program or being honest. You know, whoever was confronting the most or sharing the most.

"And friends are friends forever and the lord's the lord of them" blah blah blah... "A lifetime's not too live as friends" That's the one I was talking about.   Makes me want to rip my own toes off and stick em in my ears!

It's funny that I wrote that because I actually had to dig two in-grown toenails out with my fingernails on first phase because they were infected and I couldn't get medical treatment. Man, that hurt like hell! Is it me or did foster homes always smell like foot powder????? I smelled some the other day and man, it took me back. Almost as bad as when I get a wiff of that cleaner we used to use to clean the bathrooms, that is a very distinct smell indeed. The program building smelled like that and every once in a while throughout the years, I would walk into a store and "wammo", that cleaner smell would take me back and I would zone-out like I was doing something wrong.

Sorry I went off topic, memories come back fast and I gotta jot em down.
Title: Re: fucking program songs aughhhhhhhhh response to attarxy
Post by: Ursus on October 19, 2008, 11:48:50 PM
Quote from: "wdtony"
I could see how these songs would seem to be of no importance to parents or to the general public. I think it is very important to convey to people without experiences of brainwashing and programs why we have such a problem with adolescents being forced to sing childrens songs repetitively day after day during the thought coercion process.

I will post a link below that may shed some light on the relationship between songs being used as a tool to deliberately distract an individual from independent thought: (

<snip snip>

If you have been in the program and support it, I have no doubt that all of this will seem silly to you. It took me about 3 years to de-program myself from the brainwashing and I gave rave reviews of KHK for a few years after 7-stepping. I supported it because I was brainwashed and believed everything that was programmed into my brain. Please do not take the term "brainwashed" to mean stupid or anything derogatory. This term is used to convey a state of mind in which the program cleverly places upon us. It took a very long time to research and find what had been done to me, so I am prepared to be patient with all of those who support this program. I believe it is a matter of time before many of you will realize the unfortunate truth...

That pure insight site appears to have undergone reorganization. I believe the new (correct) link is this one:

A Brainwashing Song Reveals the Chinese Communist Party's Mental Torture of Its Dissidents, by Zhou Zheng ([/list]
Title: Re: fucking program songs aughhhhhhhhh response to attarxy
Post by: Ursus on October 19, 2008, 11:59:35 PM
Personally, I think a great deal of the incentive to having us sing was to put everyone into the frame of mind of being one with the group. In fact, I think that this is at the heart of what this whole industry is all about: creating good group participants (dutiful citizens in a malleable society).
Title: Re: fucking program songs aughhhhhhhhh response to attarxy
Post by: Woof-a-Doof on October 21, 2008, 06:36:31 AM
Quote from: "Ursus"
Personally, I think a great deal of the incentive to having us sing was to put everyone into the frame of mind of being one with the group. In fact, I think that this is at the heart of what this whole industry is all about: creating good group participants (dutiful citizens in a malleable society).

With out being, or even attempting to be sarcastic....Well Yeah!!!!

From the begining the entire object or goal was to create a "new society". The dreams of cretins in charge was to create a society, not unlike the Junior Chamber of Commerce....Young Republicans....the 4H Club...or a buncha little brown shirts of Hitlers Youth Corp. (ironic is it not....Semblers, whom are jewish, attepting to  create such a society)

Yes, they wanted us to be one with the group, it did not matter whether we approved or disapproved with the "group" , "program" as a whole or not. At the ages of 9-18 as individuals we sought out our independence as human beings. We looked and expounded on what made us diferent from others...what made us unique from the crowd. But this had to be stiffeled (sp) was a threat and could not be tolerated...hence the hair cuts (not parted down the middle) and a host of other inane rules and regulations.

Shortly after Mel Sembler came back on board and Miller Newton arrived on the scene what was once called "GRADUATION" almost over night was then called "7th Stepped" which of course entittled one to be a member of the "7th Step Society"
What was once a utopian dream for Helen Peterman, Jim Hartz, Mel/Betty Sembler, Laura Morgan and the entire BOD of the time was in reality a dystopian reality...Is, was, and always will be. Any fear based modality is doomed to have dreadfull conscequences(sp)...The facts speak for themselves.

Of course I speak to those who have no clue...but for the most of us, it may sound like I am preaching to the choir.

OBTW....speaking of mantras and songs to reinforce mind control, brain washing, coercion....Any one recall the entire group screaming at the top of our lungs..."STRAIGHT IS GREAT...STRAIGHT IS GREAT... STRAIGHT IS GREAT" for 10-15 even 20 minutes at a time. What a buncha bullshit!
 :bs:  :bs:  :bs:  :bs:  :bs:  :bs: :bs:  :bs:  :bs:  :bs:  :bs:  :bs:  :bs:  :bs:  :bs:  :bs:  :bs:  :bs:  :bs:  :bs:  :bs:  :bs:  :bs:

Much Healing!
In Peace!
Title: Re: fucking program songs aughhhhhhhhh response to attarxy
Post by: wdtony on October 21, 2008, 11:56:59 PM
@ Woof:  Do you remember when the term  "graduates" was changed to "7th-steppers" and do you know why? Also when it changed were you being forced to follow the 12 steps or 7 steps. In KHK the 7 steps turned back into the 12 steps sometime between 1989 and 1992. I have the Basics list from both years. Recently I found out PFC/KHK Milford has changed the term from 7th-Stepper to "graduate" so I guess we're going back in time to when STRAIGHT was young. They are trying to distance themselves from their own past.

@Ursus: Thanks for the link update. I can't say why they made us put so much time into the songs but I hope to have a concrete answer one of these days. I can see many reasons to have us singing childrens songs all day and night from the standpoint of brainwashing tactics and since I believe the brainwashing was the point of the abuse, I can assume the group mentality would fit neatly into that idea. Cults do it all of the time.
Title: Re: fucking program songs aughhhhhhhhh response to attarxy
Post by: Ursus on October 22, 2008, 12:20:50 AM
There are areas of the brain involved in emotion-laden memories which are more directly or, should I say, most easily accessed by music or smells.

Ever notice that they don't use some esoteric piece of classical music that you might not ever hear again? Nah... they use music that is popular in the day, and that you will be most likely to hear again and again after you leave, each time rehashing and reinforcing the program's teachings once again.

As for the use of (young) children's songs, my theory is that they want to regress everyone to a more innocent, and hence also more malleable state or mindset. But I really don't actually have a clue, having never spent time on that side of the equation (staff). Maybe it is some fruitcake theory espoused by Gestalt therapy, who knows...
Title: Re: fucking program songs aughhhhhhhhh response to attarxy
Post by: Woof-a-Doof on October 24, 2008, 12:23:48 PM
Quote from: "wdtony"
@ Woof:  Do you remember when the term  "graduates" was changed to "7th-steppers" and do you know why? Also when it changed were you being forced to follow the 12 steps or 7 steps. In KHK the 7 steps turned back into the 12 steps sometime between 1989 and 1992. I have the Basics list from both years. Recently I found out PFC/KHK Milford has changed the term from 7th-Stepper to "graduate" so I guess we're going back in time to when STRAIGHT was young. They are trying to distance themselves from their own past.

Yes, I remember.

Why? Original thought, long ago was to have a society of adolescents. Not unlike Junior Achievenment, Junior Optimist, Junnior Economic League, Straight Inc had always dreamed of creating a society.

A man by the name of George Ross was introduced to the COC "Chain of Command". He was equal to Helen Peterman, perhaps a wee bit above...because at the time he was only one in the "therapeutic" part of Straight Inc. with an education beyound a community colledge level. George Ross was Class A wierdo...strange as the come. Shortly after George's arrival,  Miller Newton entered the COC...but now, Clearly now above Helen Peterman in the COC. Mel Sembler returns to the scene on the BOD, Board of Directors.

I am not sure if this society was originally Mel Semblers idea or if he firmly supported the idea. But right about that time it was announced that no longer would Straight have "graduates" but creat "New 7th Steppers". Which immediate created a "7th Step Society".

It remains unclear to me what exactly the "society" was for...rather, what the goal was. Ok, create a society of adolescent automotons...and do what??? As if we were to be the real Stepford Children...

We were called "7th Steppers". Straight only practiced 7 steps. The 12 steps were AA's, and only one was allowed to attend AA when I was there....Forget his name, but he was booted out of the marines and placed in Straight Inc.

It's interesting to me that you would see them as distancing themselves from thier past...and yet returning to the orginal term "Graduate"...Same whore....just a very old dress. But seriously, history repeats itself. It also further indicates there are no original ideas in the "treatment" realm. The wheel rolls like that and the grind goes on. And in the end thier attempts at creating a society continue...Simply now it's a "Graduate Society". A Secrete Society hidden in plain view...some how different from the rest of society.

The "society" concept is not my idea. Nor can I prove absolutely it was on the agenda of Straight Inc. But after holding the dots in my hands for years and finally connecting them...along with conversations with my father, I will bet my last dough nut creating a Society was a significant part of the grand scheme of Straight Inc.

And hence all the hub-bub ofer the Graduate/7th Stepper...I still call myself a "Graduate", but I was released as a 7th Stepper. My release was on the cusp of all this taking place. Being a Graduate meant to me , closure. It finally ended. But as a 7th Stepper...potentually it could have lasted much much longer than it did. The 7th Stepper meetings were a nighmare for me. Straight was becoming wierdor and wierdor by the day....Even as 7th Steppers or Graduates..."The Program" still maintained its foot hold in to the brain...constanly living in fear, looking over the shoulder.....afraid of being started over.

Of course, "The Program" still has it's talons in me, no longer do I fear being started over....but often live with the chagrin of it never ending.

Much Healing
Title: Fuck the DFAF
Post by: Froderik on October 24, 2008, 12:34:03 PM
Quote from: "Woof-a-Doof"
Same whore....just a very old dress.
Well said!
Title: Re: fucking program songs aughhhhhhhhh response to attarxy
Post by: wdtony on October 24, 2008, 05:28:54 PM
Thanks Woof, That helps a lot. I didn't realize that Straight didn't use the 12 steps. I only got put in there in 86 so all I ever knew was the 7th-stepper term.

As far as the society thing, I seem to remember someone writing about the SEED and speaking about "homo-superior" which is what someone in that program envisioned the graduates as being. They are sociopaths so it makes sense to want a secret legion of programmed followers who think they are the master race. Sounds like another time in history.
Title: Re: fucking program songs aughhhhhhhhh response to attarxy
Post by: Anonymous on October 25, 2008, 01:44:18 AM
Woof 7 stepped about the time andy mc Donald came in,george ross(PHDeD) left there after> That sack o shit miller newtron came along all about the same time.When your ass is on your phases you cant really keep notes.Dr Ross was an ass at best,did some mock rape thing with a girl or so i recall from memory;but did not actually see.He admitted once in group,that as a councellor ,PRE -straight he "used"( which I would equate with FUCKED) a female client,he then left str8 to start KHK .ol georgie also worked for DR Maxie Maultsby the wrighter of that goddamn "HELP YOURSELF TO HAPPINESS" book.This is where the "beloved" Rational Ralph caracter comes from.( and rationalralph touched my junk and Im sueing bitches) <a joke ,really. so then the spawn of satan Dime store  Doctor Reverend Father Asshat Virgil Miller Newton came into the picture.He was an IDIOT from day one.I later became a trainee,destined to be a sarasota staff yayhoo,but I bailed over some stuff I saw under newton during an intake and some Time out room shenanigans about the same time. I could take no more.I booked,thats all.Str8 was only 7 steps.Pathway is the same shit but 12 step.They talk a good game,but are no different,I dont protest,I infultrate.I am gonna write my own thing shortly. I was also involved with the L.I.F.E.program briefly on its early days.I watched a whore evolve into a mutant whore. Im sort of ashamed of it.But I got some unpopular shit to say.And when I am ready Ill say it all. Not trying to offend Che or Psy or our Lovely hostess
but Im gonna spout some shit,my own way in my own way,in my own time,fairly soon. I LL make sure fornits gets a full on copy at exactly the same time.I always thought it unfortunate that audio was not "printable" here.
   Lets just say this:Straight became Life which became a dead end  called GT,str8 also became pathway,they say different.I m working on proof.Proof positive.

KhK is another str8 spin off,George Ross= same shit+ rbt (7 steps and "rational behavior therapy")    If some asshat wants to contest this well,step on up,Im waiting.
Title: Re: fucking program songs aughhhhhhhhh response to attarxy
Post by: wdtony on October 25, 2008, 02:31:46 AM
Yeah, in KHK we had something called RSA (rational self analysis). I heard it was used in STRAIGHT too. I think we weren't allowed to do an RSA until 3rd or 4th phase.
Title: Re: fucking program songs aughhhhhhhhh response to attarxy
Post by: Froderik on October 25, 2008, 09:02:51 AM
Quote from: "Ghost O seamus"
so then the spawn of satan Dime store  Doctor Reverend Father Asshat Virgil Miller Newton came into the picture.He was an IDIOT from day one.
:D  :D  :ftard: ::unhappy::  :D ::evil::
Title: Re: fucking program songs aughhhhhhhhh response to attarxy
Post by: Anonymous on October 26, 2008, 05:11:31 PM
A few years ago it seemed like KHK was using 7th stepper and graduate interchangeably.   A staff member told me the reason we were called 7 steppers was because the program used to use only 7 steps, that they combined the 12 steps down to 7 or something.  No mention of straight, just thats how the program used to do it.  The worst part about the stupid kids songs was having to sing them at the beginning of open meeting with all the stupid hand gestures and everything in front of all the parents and siblings.  It was even more embarrassing when my own siblings were present, how degrading.  I think they used popular songs so that every time we hear them its a kick back to the program, could lead to guilt trips, and back to the cult.  who knows, but I hate all those fucking songs now.

One reason my parents put me into KHK was because it allowed kids to stay on medication.  I was on a few at the time of my intake, and was promptly removed from all of them despite what my parents were told.  Later the psychiatrist there put me on something different that didn't help at all.  I swear almost every kid was on large amounts of seroquel and wellbutrin which makes you super groggy.  These meds were given after 10 minute or less consultation.  Are these still the drugs of choice of KHK/PFC?  Seems like having kids being ridiculously sleepy in group would make their minds more malleable to fit into the program cookie cutters.