
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => Straight, Inc. and Derivatives => Topic started by: 85 Day Jerk on August 03, 2007, 04:33:10 AM

Title: Beth Update
Post by: 85 Day Jerk on August 03, 2007, 04:33:10 AM
I am taking this as a sign from God not to get too involved with her damn dogs after telling me she found homes for them.  She managed to lose her lighter and now has to take the van to the top of Mt. Pilliar and ride the brakes all the way down until they are hot enough to fire up a joint.
  Without a car, she will never realize her dream of causing a 47 car pile-up at Talledega, but there is still time to make the trials for the Iteneron Dogsled race. Trying to help placate the mentally ill on THEIR terms is like trying to sharpen a lawnmower blade while the fuckin thing is running.  It can't be done, and you are crazy for trying.  With any luck, Mom will move her back home, the fall leaves and shorter days will trigger Seasonal Depression, she'll have a good Labor Day, get into a good therapist take some meds that actually work, and by Halloween, she can come as a normal person.
I for one am sure looking forward to that.
Title: Beth Update
Post by: Antigen on August 03, 2007, 08:21:07 AM
85 days my ass!
Title: Beth Update
Post by: hanzomon4 on August 03, 2007, 08:56:16 AM
Who is Beth and isn't some of that information in your post a bit... personal/private?

Wait!! Does my post now count as an oxymoron? :o
Title: Beth Update
Post by: Anonymous on August 03, 2007, 09:22:45 AM
Wow Bob.  I'm no fan of Beth's but that was completely un-necessary.  

Title: IN 85 dj 's he needs it.
Post by: seamus on August 03, 2007, 12:10:38 PM
I DONT see his post as malisicious,more like a warning,and it contains a little hope for a not so good spot to be in in life.
Title: Beth Update
Post by: Anonymous on August 03, 2007, 12:23:15 PM
Hell, I wouldn't want that kind of personal info about my life plastered all over here.  Especially in context with the other stuff he's posted about her.

just my .02
Title: Beth Update
Post by: Woof-a-Doof on August 03, 2007, 06:40:44 PM
Bob…I don’t read every post, so…I don’t know Beth. I must admit, I ponder as I re-read this post…and please, in all sincerity…are ya on your meds…seeing folks ya need to be seeing? I thought ya pulling up stakes and hauling up to the Appalachia was well…I didn’t really know why ya choose to do so…but ya did and that’s cool. It aint the financial capital of the world, but it is beautiful country…Another thing I was wondering….did ya move up there chasing this Beth? Not knowing who Beth is, or what kind of relation you have with her…well, set that aside…This info you gave given is scandalous. Lets suppose she did get al her shit in one sock and your shit in another sock. Would you really, in your heart feel good about what you have written bout her in this venue…of all venues! OY!

Your last paragraph says everything you need to know about yourself. IMHO

But I am probably most curious about your meds and your people.

In Peace
Title: Beth Update
Post by: RTP2003 on August 04, 2007, 11:12:45 PM
I know Beth about as well as anybody here does, and I gotta say I don't think it's too cool to make light of or fun of her situation.  She has my sympathy, I just know that she has some issues that I can not help her with.  She suffered through Straight possibly more than most; pain is a relative, subjective thing.  I'm not gonna go off on any tirade here against anybody, but I think it really sucks to make light of another survivor's problems.  I think that many of us misplace trust in one another, possibly 'cause we share the common bond of having 'been there'.  Well, we DO have that common bond, but if that is the only bond that we share, then that in and of itself does not make someone trustworthy.  This goes against what was deeply ingrained in us in Straight's weirdo culture of 'transparency', 'honesty', and rampant snitchery and mindfucks.  I think it's a mistake that is commonly made by survivors, trusting one another a bit more than may be appropriate for the situation.  From what I understand, that is a symptom of PTSD, a condition which runs rampant through the ranks of survivors for reasons that are self-evident to those of us that 'were there'.  Now I'm not saying that you can't trust anyone you meet in Survivorland, on the contrary, there are individuals that I really do feel the "deep and implicit trust" that Miller Newton tried to counterfeit each open meeting.....but individuals like that are few and far between, in and out of Survivorland.    

I really hope Beth is able to resolve whatever issues she is dealing with, and I am sorry to hear of her recent misfortunes with her van and living situation.  I don't think it's cool to make light of her, or any survivor in her condition.   Just because I can not help her with her problems doesn't mean I think it's cool to make fun of her, I think it's kind of mean.  Kicking her when she's down is really cruel.  Coming from someone she knows and trusted, however naive and misplaced that trust was, just goes to show how careful you need to be when you place any kind of trust in anyone.  The simple fact that they are also a Straight survivor is not in and of itself sufficient reason for bestowing this trust.  This seems like an obvious statement to make, but I think it is something survivors need to keep in mind, because of the tendencies some of us have, to place inappropriate trust in each other, a common symptom of PTSD, I'm told by people who read case studies about that type of thing.

So anyway, give the Beth-bashing a rest, will you guys?  As a personal favor to me?  The poor girl's got enough to worry about as it is, there's no need to be mean to her, and it really isn't that funny at all.
Title: I Speak From Experience
Post by: 85 Day Jerk on August 06, 2007, 01:55:42 AM
For starters, to get up close and personal with the mentally ill takes a great deal of sacrifice.  They will suck your punk rockers from 7pm until 5am, before my therapist consumed 43 beers, 3 rum and cokes, ran from northshore beach to the end of The Pier and back, bought a fresh twelve pack at 8am, drank seven of those and slept for 1 1/2 hours before my dad came and drove me a brand new treatment facility that basically changed my very night while on the unit, unmedicated, and under observation by the staff so I would not harm myself or others.  I was completely out of air conditioning so I could sleep.  It was complete and total coincidence that we were brought together that way, and therefore Beth is no big deal to me, but yeah, she's a real handful for anyone outside the mental health arena.

This aint no peace out, groovy man, don't harsh my buzz kind of   dust encrusted vehicle acting like you mean you will loan her your fucking car cuz its such a Cool Man Cool thing to do and will help your Karma or some shit?  Yeah, it will be real cool getting it out of impound, what else is money for, ya know?

As far as Anonymity goes, that fucking rule was made by our GODDAMN OPPRESSORS, so I am REAL fucking leary when I hear people whine about shit said in this forum breaking someones anonymity.
Title: Beth Update
Post by: Botched Programming on August 06, 2007, 09:31:11 AM
85 Day Jerk.... I just felt the need to chime in make a statement... I personally do not know either of you, however I am picking up on your hurt. I seem to think maybe, just maybe you had some expectations on Beth that she could not meet.

I too know what it like to have feelings for a flighty little "Hippy Chick" that is unable to deal with her own life..... Not to mention unable to settle down and share it with anyone else on an intimate level.

I guess what I am really saying is to be grateful for the time she gave you.... Wish her health and happiness ( just what you would want for your self ).

After being in "Straight," we are all damaged goods and we have to keep that in mind when we deal with each other. I know it is hard to accept this stuff especially when we have our own hopes and dreams.... But this is no fantasy world where we will live happily ever after.

Again this is the opinion of someone who is damaged goods, so just take it for what it is worth.
Title: Beth Update
Post by: Froderik on August 06, 2007, 09:56:48 AM
Quote from: ""Botched Programming""
After being in "Straight," we are all damaged goods and we have to keep that in mind when we deal with each other. I know it is hard to accept this stuff especially when we have our own hopes and dreams.... But this is no fantasy world where we will live happily ever after.

Right on, Botched.
Title: Beth Update
Post by: Carmel on August 06, 2007, 09:58:09 AM
Ok, so I have limited dealings with this lady, Beth....strictly exchanges on this forum....and to be honest, I have no opinion about the idea of posting personal garbage about one another on this forum.  Not only do we post enough about ourselves to fill an airplane hanger, its pretty much a given that if you hang around long enough someone is going to stir up your dirty laundry.  I expect it, and frankly...if it mattered to me so much...I wouldnt visit the forums.

I do know that 85 has a point on dealing with someone with her type of issues on a personal level, and I find it 100% acceptable to give an honest warning about the possibility of being taken advantage of by someone under these influences.  I am currently dealing with a situation not at all unlike what 85 describes he went through....and it very simply isnt enough to just wish someone love and hope and respect their hardship.  These people can and WILL eat you alive if you give them an inch into your life.  Its okay and nice and pretty to have sympathy and empathy from afar....but its no playing matter to let someone like this into your life.  Its my opinion that if anyone wants to feel bad for Beth, they should have her camping at their place for a week or so, and then re-evaluate.  

Of course she has illness, and needs support and a kind ear....but i dont think thats something anyone around here is really qualified to provide...not really, and thats okay...its just honest.  

My father in law is a watered down version of Beth, and i just went through two years of thinking that if i could just help him out, he'd get better....and he got nothing but worse...on my dime.  Now, i am having to expell him from my life in a manner inconsitent with my values.....but there is no oither choice.  Some people will suck you dry and spit you out, then turn and say it was you who did them dirty.  Its a gross feeling...really gross.

Ive seen beths posts around here, and I dont honestly think there is anything 85 has posted about her that she woudlnt post herself if it could support her illness....thats sad, but its my two centas.
Title: Beth Update
Post by: hanzomon4 on August 06, 2007, 10:47:01 AM
What is her illness, is she sick mentally or physically? Whatever is wrong goodluck to all involved.
Title: Beth Update
Post by: Anonymous on August 06, 2007, 10:48:13 AM
I think it was more the intent behind his post that people were reacting to.  I don't believe for a minute that this was just a simple warning to others.  (If I'm wrong, my bad.  If he was really concerned with warning people, he wouldn't have had so much fun with the post) He loves to read his own written word and looks for any chance to come off with some clever retort.  This was his excuse, this Beth Update thread that he started.  Agreed Beth is a pain in the ass but I just didn't see any reason to post what he did in the manner that he did.  

But, that's just MHO.  I ain't out for his blood, I just thought it was kind of tacky.
Title: Beth Update
Post by: Carmel on August 06, 2007, 06:29:25 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
I think it was more the intent behind his post that people were reacting to.  I don't believe for a minute that this was just a simple warning to others.  (If I'm wrong, my bad.  If he was really concerned with warning people, he wouldn't have had so much fun with the post) He loves to read his own written word and looks for any chance to come off with some clever retort.  This was his excuse, this Beth Update thread that he started.  Agreed Beth is a pain in the ass but I just didn't see any reason to post what he did in the manner that he did.  

But, that's just MHO.  I ain't out for his blood, I just thought it was kind of tacky.

Could doubt.  But from my estimation she has a habit of contacting people personally from the forum and attempting to garner favors or housing/shelter etc. from them pretty agressively.  [/b]
Title: Beth Update
Post by: Anonymous on August 11, 2007, 09:20:08 AM
Thanks for sharing, Carmel. I've been in touch with the subject of this thread, who is really actually not comfortable with her name and rumors about her life getting posted here, not that she expects that to change any 7-schlepping scumbag habits. On the other hand, if people don't get that Bob is an extraordinary fictionalizer, and they take what he writes for facts, she can't be bothered to care. She also says thanks for all the free mental evaluations, and for her edification if folks could please post their official certifications from Miller Newton's University of Red Eye Diagnostics. If they could also post their transcripts, she thinks it would be of interest to more than just her to see their grades in Newton's most famous courses, like "How to Break a Spirit by Breaking a Bone", and "Rip Out the Rebel by the Hair."

P.S. A note for Carmel - please understand that monies are low, client/subject thanks you again for your professional opinions posted here but client/subject is still concerned about the bill from a few months ago so hopes you are offering your services gratis.
Title: Beth Update
Post by: Anonymous on August 11, 2007, 10:42:54 AM
7-schlepping scumbags are dangerous individuals and will abuse you any chance they get. Watch your back or they will rake it with their fresh-sharpened claws. I HATE them and hope this person learn her lesson and stay away from them! That includes SHERMAN, Ginger Assadi 7-schlepper terrorist, JerkoffBob (DUH!) whos' girlfend in Florida was none other than Betty Sembler, and to ADD to the list this Eichelberg person showing here what a 7-schlepping scumbag HE IS TOO! STAY AWAY! RED ALERT! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

Title: Beth Update
Post by: Froderik on August 11, 2007, 10:49:36 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
7-schlepping scumbags are dangerous individuals and will abuse you any chance they get. Watch your back or they will rake it with their fresh-sharpened claws. I HATE them and hope this person learn her lesson and stay away from them! That includes SHERMAN, Ginger Assadi 7-schlepper terrorist, JerkoffBob (DUH!) whos' girlfend in Florida was none other than Betty Sembler, and to ADD to the list this Eichelberg person showing here what a 7-schlepping scumbag HE IS TOO! STAY AWAY! RED ALERT! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!


Thanks for the warnings! :rofl:
Title: Beth Update
Post by: Anonymous on August 11, 2007, 11:36:57 AM
I don't know why you guys continue to give this girl what she wants... it only feeds the BS.  How about: No attention?
Title: Beth Update
Post by: Froderik on August 11, 2007, 11:38:25 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
I don't know why you guys continue to give this girl what she wants... it only feeds the BS.  How about: No attention?

I don't think it's her posting right you?
Title: Beth Update
Post by: Anonymous on August 11, 2007, 12:11:16 PM
That is irrelevant. The point is, let it go.
Title: Beth Update
Post by: Withdraw on August 11, 2007, 04:19:38 PM
I see not much has changed in the world of Fornits   :wink:
Title: Beth Update
Post by: Anonymous on August 12, 2007, 06:40:02 PM
Quote from: ""Withdraw""
I see not much has changed in the world of Fornits   :wink:

What did you expect?  That one morning everyone woke up sane, undamaged, and healthy?
Title: Beth Update
Post by: Anonymous on August 12, 2007, 07:44:16 PM
Nope.... but what about just acting like a grown up?
Title: I Is An Engriss Teachur
Post by: 85 Day Jerk on August 12, 2007, 11:32:57 PM
I is an Engriss Teachur.  I smoke TBPITW each and every morning before I get on my bicycle and pedal to school.  I lost my license for driving drunk and high on TBPITW and sold my car so I could take up crack smoking and achieve even greater results in life.  I is teaching yur chillrens how to read, write and speech Engriss so they can better articulate their customers order in their lucrative fast food careers.  All my chillrens get a passing grade because I don't ever want to harsh someones buzz.  I be grading on a curve that lets even the stoopidist dummass get by cuz popularity is so ever much more important than integrity.

When I was a teenager, my folks puts me in this drug Rehamiliatin Program called Straight.  I unlaced both my shoes during open meeting and made a noose with the laces and when my Parental Units stood me up, I stood up I stood on the chair and commenced to strangulating the shit out of myself cuz I tied the free end to the chair frame.  Since I was using mostly my powerfulest leg muscles, the asshole phaser boys could not pull me down and it took 5 of them to tip me over.  By then my face wuz beet red and my Momma had done shit herself into a new dress.  By then everybody knew I wuz too fuckin crazy for Straight, and damn sure was'nt cut out to ever graduate, so they made my parents pull me and that is what makes me such a fuckin success story today.
Title: Beth Update
Post by: webcrawler on August 21, 2007, 02:47:43 PM
Quote from: ""RTP2003""
I know Beth about as well as anybody here does, and I gotta say I don't think it's too cool to make light of or fun of her situation.  She has my sympathy, I just know that she has some issues that I can not help her with.  She suffered through Straight possibly more than most; pain is a relative, subjective thing.  I'm not gonna go off on any tirade here against anybody, but I think it really sucks to make light of another survivor's problems.  I think that many of us misplace trust in one another, possibly 'cause we share the common bond of having 'been there'.  Well, we DO have that common bond, but if that is the only bond that we share, then that in and of itself does not make someone trustworthy.  This goes against what was deeply ingrained in us in Straight's weirdo culture of 'transparency', 'honesty', and rampant snitchery and mindfucks.  I think it's a mistake that is commonly made by survivors, trusting one another a bit more than may be appropriate for the situation.  From what I understand, that is a symptom of PTSD, a condition which runs rampant through the ranks of survivors for reasons that are self-evident to those of us that 'were there'.  Now I'm not saying that you can't trust anyone you meet in Survivorland, on the contrary, there are individuals that I really do feel the "deep and implicit trust" that Miller Newton tried to counterfeit each open meeting.....but individuals like that are few and far between, in and out of Survivorland.    

I really hope Beth is able to resolve whatever issues she is dealing with, and I am sorry to hear of her recent misfortunes with her van and living situation.  I don't think it's cool to make light of her, or any survivor in her condition.   Just because I can not help her with her problems doesn't mean I think it's cool to make fun of her, I think it's kind of mean.  Kicking her when she's down is really cruel.  Coming from someone she knows and trusted, however naive and misplaced that trust was, just goes to show how careful you need to be when you place any kind of trust in anyone.  The simple fact that they are also a Straight survivor is not in and of itself sufficient reason for bestowing this trust.  This seems like an obvious statement to make, but I think it is something survivors need to keep in mind, because of the tendencies some of us have, to place inappropriate trust in each other, a common symptom of PTSD, I'm told by people who read case studies about that type of thing.

So anyway, give the Beth-bashing a rest, will you guys?  As a personal favor to me?  The poor girl's got enough to worry about as it is, there's no need to be mean to her, and it really isn't that funny at all.

Thank you for the post on not just B's behalf, but everyone elses too. Personally, I don't much care for her but I wish her no harm. When I found this place I was foolish enough to believe because we were all there I could somehow find the care and understanding I needed.

Some people I became cool with and others burned me. Lesson learned. I have to stop blindly trusting people and just flat out not trusting people. I think I'm not the only one here who continues to struggle finding a balance.

In all fairness though, she has said and done a lot of BS to people here. Yes, I understand she is "sick", but aren't most of us here to one degree or another? So I can't really be too mad about someone that has been burned by her treating her how she treated him / her.

It's posts like the one started in this thread, hers, the guy who threatens to kill everyone, and vicious attacks from others that just made me stop coming here more than once or twice a year. For those that have thicker skin than me more power to them. Just because it's the internet doesn't mean attacks aren't hurtful.
Title: Pardon me...
Post by: Anonymous on August 29, 2007, 12:58:21 PM
One of my hitchhikers seems to have escaped from the basement. If you see him will you send him back?
Title: Re: Pardon me...
Post by: BROWNIE on August 29, 2007, 03:25:27 PM
Quote from: Ginger Assadi
One of my hitchhikers seems to have escaped from the basement. If you see him will you send him back?


Survivor says 'thanks' with dignity and grace. A Victim enjoys a good
 laugh. A Survivor LOVES one.

Title: Re: Pardon me...
Post by: Anonymous on August 31, 2007, 11:22:47 AM
Quote from: ""Ginger Assadi""
One of my hitchhikers seems to have escaped fro
m the basement. If you see him will you send him back?
Whats next?A lecture on the 1st amendment?
Title: Re: Pardon me...
Post by: Anonymous on October 08, 2007, 02:28:09 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Ginger Assadi""
One of my hitchhikers seems to have escaped fro
m the basement. If you see him will you send him back?
Whats next?A lecture on the 1st amendment?